The Whole World Is Afraid Of Japan Now

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we are all impressed by japanese post-war success thanks to america's military protection umbrella but it's no longer the choice north korea's nuclear ambitions and china's increasingly aggressive activities with more than 3 000 active aircraft create pressures on japanese defenses so it's the right time to show off the country's full military potential and present the world's best sixth generation fighter that would outperform the u.s f-35 and keep china's air force at bay japan has already demonstrated very advanced capabilities in many relevant fields of research and development including world-leading composite material and radar technologies the country was the first to deploy a fighter with an acer radar the f2 and the first to deploy an air-to-air missile guided by such radars something the united states and russia both have yet to achieve and recently japan unveiled a f-35 the fx is planned to be a generation ahead of the f-35 and a solid rival for chinese and russian stealth fighters while the core design including airframe and engine has already been finalized right around the time that the f2 jet is due to be phased out billion dollars while the overall fx program is expected to cost japan another 45 billion dollars additionally japan signed a contract with lockheed martin valued at around 23 billion dollars for purchasing around 200 f-35s it remains to be seen if japan's defense sector can juggle two costly procurements simultaneously but there's still a few central questions like for what does japan need an expensive fx fighter fleet and additional two squadrons of imported f-35s for and what characteristics will make the ethics the best of all sixth generation fighters let's start with the last as we know japan has produced a number of american fighters under licensed domestically notably including the f4e phantom the f-15 eagle the f-16 fighting falcon and heavily modified form as the mitsubishi f2 and f-35a lightning tube [Music] all of these aircraft are currently in service in the country's air force and all except the f-35 have significant modifications which distinguish them from the american originals despite its formidable technological base japan notably has not put in indigenous fighter design for air-to-air combat into production since world war ii meaning the upcoming sixth generation jet will be its first for decades japan has sought a high-end sixth generation fighter with capabilities for air-to-air combat exceeding the f-35 chinese j-20 russian su-27 fighters [Music] the country initially planned to buy the american f-22 raptor for such a role but an export ban followed by termination of production in the first term of the obama administration effectively ended hopes for a meaningful upgrade missing out on the f-22 japan began to develop an indigenous fifth generation plane with several notable differences compared to the us fighter including challenging engine xf 91 and 3d vector trusting that resembles more of russia's su-57 the project seems to be on its way up until 2016 when the x-2 shin-shin prototype from mitsubishi heavy industries carried out its maiden flight since then however not much has been said about the program some say that shinshin x2 could be related to the fx program mounted display and a radar that can double as a microwave weapon to fry enemy missiles it'll be designed to exchange sensor data with japanese and us forces and have a capacity for at least six internally stowed weapons including air-to-ground and anti-ship missiles though air-to-air will be its primary mission additional measures intended to make the fx stealthier include electromagnetic wave absorbers metamaterial application and using ionized gas or plasma stealth to reduce radar cross-section to decrease weight the fx will get heat shields and integrated bonded structure made of composite materials enabling aircraft to fly out to substantial ranges to allow flexible basing from central japanese islands each fx jet will be capable of controlling up to three loyal wingmen style drones using a shared basic design since carrying missile mules both the drones could improve the fx's offensive capability while greatly reducing the manned jet's exposure to enemy attacks however japan isn't going entirely solo on its domestic stealth fighter tokyo confirmed that manufacturers lockheed martin and northrop grumman would be its primary international partners japan said the u.s companies were selected because it has considerable experience developing fifth generation fighters the f-22 and f-35 compared with the other two candidates bae systems and boeing the former almost will involve consultation on the radar-absorbent materials developed by lockheed martin and other techniques used by the firm to reduce the radar cross-section of its f-22 and f-35 fighters japan also hopes to pick the brains of northrop grumman particularly regarding sensor and networked warfare technologies which are prominent in grumman's super hornet jets e2d advanced hawkeye airborne early warning and control planes and the f-35 distributed aperture system multi-sensor mitsubishi electric will focus on mission systems and electronic warfare capabilities particularly self-defense jamming japan has also researched high-speed data link tech called integrated fire control for fighters that could allow japanese and possibly u.s fighters to pull together their sensor and missile targeting capabilities enhancing the accuracy of beyond visual range missiles meanwhile ihi corporation has been testing the jets xf-91 low bypass turbofan engine since 2018. these incorporate exotic materials to reduce size and increase heat tolerance to 1800 degrees celsius the xf-91 produces up to 12 us tons of thrust or up to 16.5 tons with afterburners slightly less than the f-119 engines on an f-22 raptor however the xf-91s are slimmer and each generates 180 kilowatts of energy cumulatively more than any u.s fighter japan has also been testing thrust vectoring nozzles for the xf-91 which could allow extremely tight maneuvers besides the u.s f-22 and russian su-30 and su-35 jets feature thrust vectoring and china has been testing thrust vectoring engines on its j-10 and j-20 fighters electronics manufacturers toshiba and the fujitsu group will take the lead in developing the fx's gallium nitrate acer radar which can also be powered up for use as a microwave weapon against incoming missiles the radar will be supplemented by an infrared sensor and electromagnetic sensor in esm subaru will develop fx landing systems though better known as an automobile manufacturer subaru's aerospace division builds wings and landing gear components for the boeing 777 airliner so japanese fx will definitely be one of the most powerful sixth generation fighter jets but it's interesting that while building a new fighter japan is buying from lockheed martin two squadrons of f-35b stealth jump jets and f-35a to be clear japan has lots of outlying bases on islands which would be awfully exposed if china attacked the f-35bs will not only fly from the japanese navy's new light aircraft carriers but they can also fly from small island airstrips helping to extend japan's air power across the east china sea all the way to the edge of taiwan's airspace the single-engine f-35b features a novel propulsion system that combines a swiveling engine nozzle with a downward blasting lift fan together this gear allows the 18-ton fighter to take off after a short takeoff run of fewer than 500 feet that's why so many countries that operate small aircraft carriers lacking catapults are acquiring the f-35b for shipboard use but the same short takeoff capability also is helpful on land an f-35b in theory could operate from short runways on far-flung islands the f-35bs will fly from the japan maritime self-defense force's two 814-foot long light carriers the zumo and kaga when not at sea the jump jets could disperse across small airstrips in the okinawa and sakashima island groups however the f-35 is a complex maintenance intensive machine and its island airfields would require substantial manpower and support equipment so the new fighter jet will be awaited for such defense missions too that's all the time we have for today's video please give this video a like if you learned something new and make sure you subscribe so you never miss another video from military news see you next time you
Channel: Military News
Views: 3,681,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fighter jet, japanese, military news, future technology, new technology, 6th generation fighter jets, japan military, japan air self-defense force, us military power, japan air force, stealth fighter jet, mitsubishi x-2 shinshin, japanese f 3 fighter jet, japan defense, 5th generation fighter aircraft, Japan Testing, new weapon, japanese military
Id: 2ISkBDU0G74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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