The Wheel Decides Your Ability, Then Choose Your Starter!

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we're baking random starters to build a team but first have to spin a will to learn what ability they'll have once we each have six Pokemon with their random abilities we're gonna battle each other subscribe if you enjoy spin that whale baby come on what's my first ability bring it home oh oh that's really good no so I'm gonna run to the left oh baby oh no what do I do here you do the worst option that's what you do the not mythical kinda goes hard for like his move pool you know what I might be crazy here I'm gonna go with the middle actually I'm gonna go with this guy all right Vlog it is my turn to go let's do this we'll be back in 2009 of YouTube people are doing Vlogs spin the wheel baby what we getting oh baby you can say I'm gonna be quite fat thick fat it's ice and fire types right I'm going to the right baby and this is one of my favorite freaking Pokemon it's in the at least the top 15. it's up there I'm looking negro hey what's up bro there's two of me wow that's so unique and crazy would you like my new camera no because I don't want to see films of you here we go adaptability guts myself oh baby so it's not like anything to boost any attacks or moves but this could be so good to making sure I get a KO oh oh I know exactly who I'm going to I'm going with the left as long as you get certain typings this is going to be a menace I feel so sorry for you well um I have a really good first Pokemon with pick fat so you're not gonna beat them so it's my turn to spin my wheel bro okay this whole list is cracked but I just got contrary yes please you get trash Pokemon you don't get anything that can help you with this I don't know if this mod gets anything for that but he gets a lot of moves so on the left here because the one the left uh is already a really good mod and it's one of your favorites this is it this is the moment we've been waiting for baby oh oh another cheeky one it starts with a P it's prankster all right here we go the left guy can use Thunder Wave then I get speed control I'm going with the left I hate that all right well it's been my will all right I need something like skin oh baby you can see it's winter and I need a coat you did not just get fur coat oh my God Dylan okay so what I already saw this huge guy on my screen I don't really want to choose him because I feel like that's a lame choice and I haven't used the one on the left in a long time so I'm gonna use that as long as I can paralyze you I'm fine Burger King foot lettuce yeah I don't know why he says that either bring it on home for me I just need one kind of typing out here and this is really beneficial I didn't get it at all mate two Pokemon it hinders terribly so I'm gonna go with the right as I know you do learn a move that could be beneficial with this plus you only have one weakness and it can maybe make him use a boy it's not gonna be as good as this montage and get ready for my spin yes you could say I'm getting quite lucky with these abilities yes these are some good Pokemon besides them on the right I don't like the one right [Music] the one in the middle is another bulky mod but he's really good and I kind of want to choose him no you know what's on the middle I'm gonna go in the middle I like him he's cool all right wheel number five baby what do we got oh yes this is an ability you have gotten already you got one that I got it's thick fat oh my God this is nuts because I want to go on the right that would be great but I would dupes the typing three times so I'm actually just gonna go with the middle he's a hard counter to both of those typings then oh it was since you have a team of attackers I would really like intimidate right now oh okie dokie so if I don't get this type this will be really bad wow you're the opposite typing gotta be drought uh drizzle well I got dragon's mom yeah I know that would have been nuts on a dragon I can either go with the one on the right and it'll be like a speedy mon that for sure will get a hit in he's just really frail or I can go with bulk and go in the middle again I kind of want to do it because it's funny so I think I'll go in the middle and get another Pokemon before our next order this video is brought to you by holeskern they make watches and jewelry with a beautiful natural and unique touch like just look how beautiful this watch is made from Walnut and marble they're based off in Austria and they just love sharing their love for nature by making products from ever since 2015. they have a wide selection of high quality products for both men and women they also partner up with companies like Jane Goodall Institute to help support Environmental Protection which I really love they're delivered in this beautiful packaging and are super comfortable beautiful and unique from being made from natural products I have a couple of watches for different outings and these necklaces as well as this ring oh yeah it makes me look extra buff I'm not gonna lie and the great thing 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all my mods have been bulky with abilities that make them more bulky the one in the middle actually could hit pretty hard with this ability to make it a little bit more bulky he could be kind of great if I do say so myself so I'm gonna go to the one middle let's add these abilities to our Pokemon and then have a battle you go with thick fat interesting oh wow Snorlax yeah yeah unless you just lie doesn't he does he normally oh wait no I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea this is so free oh you're going to Landorus yes yeah okay that's what I thought that's what I thought okay cool I thought you were gonna switch yeah yeah oh you go for the knockoff okay well I mean that's just unnecessary you didn't need to do that like lefties okay oh this is a nice switch I mean I should eat it decently uh you used to reflect that was smart deal that was very smart but will you live my quad attack there's the EQ plus one reflect is up wow his defense is good his defense is good I underestimated his defense I forgot this big fat thing is a really hard start for me but yeah it is a hard that's why I was like honestly I could send a man and he paralyzed yes do you do something yes I want to keep it alive because he can do work later still he can still do work so I hate this thing it just looks like that oh my God yeah I didn't build him bulky because he was one of my attackers but I mean stocks can do it by himself so honestly okay that that's uh I mean that's pretty much a sack for you so I'm okay with that oh you have a question he'll bet your sweet peppy I did yeah good job the man the myth no contrary oh dude I got I literally get no moves guys you do withdraw okay I did I did see that I did see that okay okay oh stinky I mean it's still not gonna do that much but oh the drought so yeah with him I ran drought and then I dude it was so annoying I had him and Keda and Sharpedo I'm curious who'd you go to I mean I have to kind of go back into thickness I'm okay with this yeah I don't really oh yeah that's annoying oh that's just toxic he's gonna be like oh you do go for the flamethrower all right I got how am I how much is it doing the earthquake how am I just gonna do [Music] it's literally the last turn yeah that's annoying yep that was the last turn very annoying yes good yeah he's still in the field and get toxic later but I did go for the rest I knew it I I freaking knew it did you lumberry this idiot no you mean you knocked off my leftover so oh true true true true so even if you did learn it okay how much is gonna do I am pretty fat yes yes I know what I want to do okay it goes for the earthquake again all right so I it's two turns right yeah yep that's annoying I have to I have to I thought you'd go into this but I wanted to try to kill she's gonna kill it nope dang it dude come on back reflect this is so annoying reflect toxic protect so that's my prankster Mom oh it's so annoying oh my god oh you fool oh yeah or something damn it yeah so now you have to say you sleep two more turns because you reset the timer yeah it's whatever it's whatever it's okay we have spaghetti oh you go to the Tango it's interesting all right your defenses have dropped which is very good for me literally oh God a little effective damage there we go all right spaghetti yep that was a good switch good switch I can't forgot about Caesar to be honest Squad resist baby I want to knock off there Jesus Christ I wanted to knock off but I couldn't like I feel like if you stayed in I was just like kind of boned that's fine that's fine whatever I gotta switch into this now whatever oh you're gonna set that to fear oh God all right let's see what I can do here oh King oh it's actually pronounced fun but I won't say it for the monetization value you know what I mean let's go oh my God why am I doing no damage because your team is Bolt goodbye no his attack is one of two [Music] White white all right climb no contract come back in this is so hard to play against yep you give a draw resisted it's just not fair uh-oh stinky this is what we call them give me the song again give me the song again all right I need the specialty to lower please no that's some decent damage oh using my own I kind of had to I was like that's the only way you switched on you yeah your choice scarves no I'm not oh it's probably like clay then give me every bit of screen out here so annoying back was stormed imagine you missed I would be so sad just go just go away just go away from me just go away thank you oh boy yep you are effective on me in every single way stop literally anything dies to that that's so annoying I just gotta pray to God Muto can live all right Mewtwo let's go buddy you do a draw what are you going to Buggy I need him for the Snorlax yeah that was a good sweet it was good switch good switch Side Story yeah physically dude yeah just do damage great oh God that's a crit that's a crit that's a crit yeah I knew it I knew it oh yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna switch I'm gonna switch just in case I don't know what item you're running on this okay do it for the ball punch okay cool I wanted to make sure I wanted to see if Mewtwo can live if I if I can get rid of this thing YouTube might be able to win withdraws okay this is one third this is one turn thick Bear yes this guy yeah I mean that's the only thing I can do let's see Snorlax YouTube let's see if you wake up do you wake up do you wake up survey says yes yes Snorlax but the reflect is up oh yeah let's go baby let's go this is winnable yeah okay that's okay Snorlax that has been the pain of my existence she's been the best spot on the team mmu2 everyone else has been kind of stinky you do a straw you do a straw what do you go into it's time for you to die you dead fire blast yeah yeah I had to I was like if he goes into it let's go baby let's go cool [Music] it's so annoying what a close battle though honestly
Channel: UnitedGamer
Views: 302,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j0eU-6_C3dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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