The Weirdest Imperator Rome Mods

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the last video you'd kind of get the point within pirata but you came back once again and this time you're like what about the mods I saw a production slide sure I have a looked at the mods for Imperator Rome before and honestly I'm not expecting a lot but I have gone ahead and picked a few to say the least to give it go on because if anything we've learned from paradox games that the muds can always save this cut tab garbage first things first we got a little basic not nothing total overhaul a no gameplay changes or anything crazy just one that adds something well that guy look like a mole rat from fallout 4 it does exactly what it says in the description it just it just makes the portraits a hell of a lot better and you know what like I never knew or wanted to know what the the bastard love child of Gollum and et would be here we are so obviously this doesn't change anything gameplay wise other than giving you something to actually look and enjoy for the K I I gotta say I get a chuckle out me that's a five chuckle out of ten right there on that on the chuckle scale Byzantium mostly because this guy kind of looks like the male version of Marge Simpson you see what's different anyone know yeah I don't blame you right so the first part is the better UI which essentially as you can see appear now gives us little notifications or I guess a little a little more tip bits at the top which actually shows us just a bit more in depth without having to look in our economy tab so next to our cold now has a little the number next to it to actually show how much were earning saying with our political influence and everything else which is handy tsch you know nothing crazy but made me a little excited uh so I'm sorry the next Mart which I thought was kind of cool as the navigatable River tiles or at least more navigatable River tiles or something like that I remember the specific name but it does exactly what you think it do and you can now yeah like lambs I'm sending my boat right through Egypt suez who the hell's that Suez only no sewers around here I got I got the inane ability to just go down a river that's right and if it's like a small cruise down the Nile boys now the next two mods aren't gonna be something you can probably see off the top of just looking at the game right now but they are some ink that I for most people would be interested in particularly one of them's not that interesting for me but one of them one of the other ones is but we'll get in and second so no paradox game would be complete without a cheap Mars yay look at that we have cheats so essentially what this does is allows you to do a bunch of decisions which gives you a whole bunch of cheats so if I go to character options I can go ahead and just oh my god I could just get myself every single trait I don't really see the the point about you using this to go ahead and actually just you know actually just cheat in the game because they're usually in paradox games you can just use the console or stuff like that which and I'll say we you can't do right now I don't know why but that's a bit dumb but we do have this option now and I imagine it could be fun if you want to do some custom scenarios just you know Steve some dumb stuff and if paradox games shown anything dumb stuffs pretty pretty fun right now to show off our next smart I I will have to just go ahead and just give myself a bit of this bit of that bit of this bit of that give me a bit about know my country so terrible I don't even have proper armies I could create okay this is gonna be it's gonna be an interesting one never mind we could just go ahead and use a cheat menu just spawn in whatever army we want so war elephants of course gonna need a few of those some heavy cavalry oh but you have a heavy infantry and top it up with some some some Camel cavalry right so the next part of these miles I need to show off I'm actually gonna have to go ahead and start Warren oh my god I surely won't be able to beat all of the these guys Oh little face you have I'm gonna have to pick one of these beautiful specimens to be my general and I think we're gonna go ahead with Marge Simpson a current ruler because it's quite good that's actually incredibly disappointing they don't they don't screw up the baby faces what the hell's the point of this Marv if I can't have a booty McGee it look like a goddamn spat has been thrown at us so after burning through half of Greece right now you'll notice in the Peace Conference I can actually take a lot of line out see I can't do because they won't accept it but I can take a hell of a lot more land than I could do in vanilla now that's because this mod is the lower costs for conquest egg this for the most part is only really a problem in the late game where it gets a bit too tedious to take down the big nations that have formed then you can't really take a whole bunch of land which that kind of did happen back in the day obviously no one was fighting five walls just to take over half of like Anatolia back then so this mod kind it makes it a bit easier on you I'd say a bit more realistic but at the same time it's not really realistic it's more just from an enjoyment type of aspect because at the end of the game you're already big enough to do like take down these nations so why should you have to go in five different times to do it obviously that doesn't have this mod really isn't for me I guess it's for more people who will virtually play to the late-game what some a guy can happily say that's never gonna happen but I guess there's definitely an added bonus for what is essentially the biggest map painty game of Pericles release that you can actually kind of map paint without wanting to you know blow your entire brain out so that's a positive really and I do enjoy the fact that I have 69 war score in this war now because there's so many big people and I can't even take like two I can't even take promises I can take more than one province of Macedonia right now so maybe there's quite a few more issues with this this damn game that need fixing cuz if you think about it right now I'm enabled to piece out of Macedonia who I've completely obliterated because someone or some people who are not even in the war and nowhere near me currently in the war say it's that simple because Egypt and the Salukis are in the war right now I can't I can't peas out Macedonia fix you gave it I do find it incredibly funny I'm unable to be south Macedon who I have fully occupied killed all the leaders killed all their armies and be all because thirteen years ago the Egyptians and the Salukis well I here will totally help you out whilst looking at the light with pulling that face at the camera office style actually wanted help for Hulk James funny figures I a shift doesn't even want to peace out because - tech capital - 22 war ballads what does ayiva main Oh anyway I guess I showcased some art and to put it simply everything is now cheaper to take it's more fun I'd say because we're in the game right now is nothing but a map painting simulator you might as well have more fun doing it and you know have to grind out the same Wars every five minutes but yeah those were the few mods that I fought were just more basic nothing crazy over holy or anything like that they kind of make the game a little more enjoyable the cheap one obviously I would say that's necessary but the conquest one and the UI ones appear along with the working poor trademart look at that boy yes Skeletor are definitely a very big improvement in my eyes but I think it's time we go ahead and have a look at some total overhaul mobs so let's get straight into it shall we safe to say I would have been shocked twice by now if I if I didn't actually play this mod is the Lord of the Rings Mart for implements I'd down already now this mod is incredible incredibly early access see Beta Alpha Omega kind of crap oh my god I'm so disorientate and Torian hate it I'm just I'm lost in the Tolkien law already where the hell am I the leader of Mordor kind of looks like Bo kinda looks like Bo doesn't it right so this is the Lord of the Rings mod 4 imperative Rome I'm not entirely sure if this would work any better than the eve for one but I have once upon a day played the EU for one and it it works I remember if I enjoyed it though personally I'm not entirely sure if Lord of the Rings really work in Emperor I feel like it'd definitely be more of a ck2 type deal and I'm pretty sure there is a ck to mod out there more than likely I don't see why that wouldn't be but in Peru would it work I don't know God knows pretty thick also always behind on my Tolkien law sometimes I stay up till 4:00 a.m. just reading through random crap on the wiki and then the next day it's completely out of my brain which probably for the best honestly but there is a whole selection of people we can actually play as oh we've got some interesting ones we've got like the iron hills up here where everyone everyone knows about the the iron hills and they're they're stupid hills made of iron with that terrible dwarf people living in there and they're you know you've got your fan favorites like Gondor or a pair of Ed's Hollande cut them elf people got the Shire over here so much variety of people to play it no no ii you know i don't think the leader of Lorien over here actually a king then again it's 2019 right bo you are yeah i can kind of understand like this area of like Tolkien law but as soon as like you just we get over to whatever the hell this is I'm assuming someone just had a stroke at some point at Tolkien and said screw it we up it okay so I guess without any further ado I am gonna go ahead and play as Mordor a knight tarnish or how you actually manage to play them considering the way out of Mordor it's currently uncolonized and there's a big gate here but there is that's the big gate from the movie if you've watched that one it's also because I I mostly relate to the the leaders of the more torian's I just can't I can't relate to Camus ill and orient you know and a some goobers hi oh well they've actually scaled the unis differently which is pretty interesting and it looks like they've got some custom models although it does kind of look like I am I'm just run really not so much I excursion nightmare of you know the lands more kind of just dead body floating in the lake for a couple months so yeah unfortunately like all of imperator right now there is actually no real way to guide a direction in the king there's no missions focus trees or event type dailies to kind of you know RP or create a story so we cook we're kind of gonna have to win get ourselves oh I can also demand the nobles of this country convert to the worship of Melkor hold on let me just go get the wickiup oh god oh no it's so much Silmarillion dealios haha sure Melkor welcome sure incredibly upset that our you know our our portrait martyr doesn't work with this so that's a minus one if you could make your much more compatible with the the the weird portrait Mart lord of the rings' guys that be oh my god the children oh my it looks like a potato the little goblin old people come from the ground sometimes but come on this guys don't lift up ready I'm gonna go ahead and make it my rival straight away I can't trust laughter I'm kind of sad that they haven't really changed the the trade goods yeah I would like to import like small human babies to eat as for my little orcish children but unfortunately I there's no option game yeah I don't I don't want to like question is but why do all the leaders of Gondor have some weird freak Oh eyeballs yeah you all as every single one of you blind it's it's quite nice that they've actually bothered to uh actually model some stuff for the map though that's pretty cool I'm enjoying that quite a bit it's a lot more else we do right now mouth about I'm finding it very hilarious about the idea of torturing Bordeaux her into tobacco see it's give me my coal I could also go ahead and declare war on the known kind of scared but also I'm just gonna do it so let's go see what happens so um yeah let it go - well if you can't tell every time one of their army should siege down one of my promises they just they just flipped erode colonise because there was like one population of each of them and then the the country I was invading got taken over by the court of Melkor and they're just gonna collapse the invasion all in all yeah we also alive though like all I could promises kind of exist it's just the ones that had no population it they're they're gone so that's Mordor baby I wish to front that again but this time we're gonna put down forts beforehand oh we go that time we went a lot better and I split that down write down that made all no yeah yeah clock is now depressed that blame you way looking like that oh it's also lustful a lustful depress modest all tough jealous oh my god yeah glug oh I don't know if the I feel is just a mod I can actually go ahead and found a city which is interesting I've always wondered what a little orc city would look like you know I wouldn't really call it a city but it's it's kind of better than the rest of our land I suppose oh we got uh we got some Chrysler's and Gondor right now pretenders and gone okay now we support with a new character interaction you say oh there we go I just inspire disloyalty I don't know how this will all got into Gondor and whisper in this man's they already had she listened to it but oh my god corruption here we go at the same time I'm trying to make friends with the leader of Gondor he's 138 years old I think we could get on oh my god it's Melkor time so shower rod Mel vocal if you ever wondered what type of person Sauron was he's very sarcastic he's a bit jealous vengeful and obsessive he's a bit quirky hold on a second there's our arm that's just intrude out oh here we go I'm gonna go ahead and say it since our up crocodile there we go so sour on a crocodile best buds for life I am actually I think this Mel cool guy he's got a bit too far and I also notice I had double the troop count as him so we're gonna risk either Biscay oh and all the phones I'll just take out God all right I could do that 207 this guy's blind he will see it coming yes it's gonna go terribly and it's just the name of the game on this channel I've had a terrible stick god doors got so much takeout bay there ah don't worry guys I travelled back in time and we're all safe and sound from the evil cantorial all right back to the original suicidal plan surprisingly I'm saying damn bad now one thing I do want to go ahead and actually praise about this game in Paris Rome is the ability to actually put your units on AI you can actually put them to develop or doze or independent operations which as soon as you beat on the enemy armies is an incredibly useful feature so you could just send them out to go siege promises or go up here to defend provinces it's at is one of the best features in any parent's game oh yeah look I but a bunch of okie boys just makes our of that [ __ ] III guess if we're being technical a bunch of Hubbert boys just went ahead and made him look like even more of a [ __ ] before so if you just got a finger against small people find it hilarious that sarah has friends all right so that was the the laughed you out the roman emperor of rome Marc Revere right yeah that was the Lord of the Rings mod for in Parratt Rome incredibly fun especially I guess if you're more into Lord of the Rings personally I'm entry level Lord of the Rings guy I don't know all my god damn law so it's still fun though pretty pretty good and probably worth more fun for me to play than oh the base game at the moment I think what the game really needs though is just more RP driven stuff or I guess just more story driven stuff so missions focuses stuff like that cuz once again it does does get pretty poor and pretty quickly and I don't imagine the cool - Belcore it's really gonna get a lot done now that I just died I pushed them out of Mordor so yeah fun these work by obviously this is like I think the first release of the mod so you can't expect much but yeah all in all my final analysis of imperative roam is it good with mods is a it's better still pretty [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 229,260
Rating: 4.9380202 out of 5
Keywords: isp, isorrow, isorrowproductions, imperator rome, imperator, rome, roman, imperator rome 1.2, cicecro, imperator cicero, paradox interactive, paradox, interactive, hoi4, hearts of iron, eu4, europa universalis, grand strategy, funny moments, funny montage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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