The WEIRDEST golf clubs I’ve ever seen - ALL hybrids!

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everybody knows that hybrids are easier to hit than ions so this is a full set of hybrids every Golf Club every iron is a hybrid they are called wazaki limited edition the price of these were 370 pounds it's actually a little look I mean if somebody said to me these are ten thousand pounds I'd probably say yeah I can see I could see that potentially however oh they're an unusual looking shape wow oh they're quite impressive looking I must admit now I've opened the whole set you get four hybrid all the way down and I can't believe I'm saying this to a sand wedge hybrid now the head cover wise I didn't know what to expect then look at that little let me put this on the club this so this is like a little shoe it's got a little zip on the back it's fur lined and you know what this isn't an iron head cover so it's actually quite cool to have a headquarter on your hybrid okay so don't give me any hate I love that absolutely incredible a few moments later oh it was going so well um as I started to look closely and do the close-ups of the clubs we noticed some quite severe scratching on four of the crown of the heads now if I bought these to genuinely use I would be sending them back now it's not going to affect performance in this review but it's something definitely worth noting can't believe I'm about to do this and I'm pretty confident I'm the only person in the world to put a set of wazaki hybrid irons into an Augusta golf bag look at these head covers I mean I must admit I think the head covers so far are a real win I think they look incredible the head covers but I must admit that kinda that kind of makes me a little bit sick in my mouth if I'm honest with you I'm sorry I'm sorry right let's go let's get hitting these clubs I think first off I actually want to try the sandwich on a few little short shots around the green and then we'll get on the golf course okay so I'm gonna try and play a little lofty one just to that front short pin not bad actually not bad I kind of played it a little bit chunky but that was all right let's try that one again floating not my best hit I'm gonna go to that pin at the top actually just over that Ridge they're really trying to play a lofty one [Music] that's better than I expected I've not hit it online I've actually missed the green but that went much higher than I expected I tell you what it would take me a little while to get used to that it really would but way way more height than I expected now what's interesting mentioned looks quite a few times throughout this video I actually put a poll on my Facebook page which by the way if you've not followed yet make sure you do and it was interesting the question was would you use ugly clubs if the performance was good yes or no 74 of the audience said yes they would so if it looks doesn't matter performance is key so with that in mind let's take off my brown and gold wazaki head cover we're unleash the four hybrid I'm so intrigued to find out what the sound is going to be on a full shot because those shorter shots they're like quite a dead sound that I was expecting much more high pitched let's see if that continues right let's go oh what a stop I mean that's one of the what are the four items I've ever hit in my life it definitely had that slightly higher pitch sound and I'll tell you what I didn't hit that the middle it was ever so slightly towards the toe strong start strong indeed the sun isn't particularly doing these golf clubs much favors today just because they're making it really really shiny almost kind of off-putting to be honest with you right I'm just going to knock it down the right side of the Fairway gives me confidence I should be able to nice look a little divot down the right side of the Fairway literally exactly where I worked with it perfect okay I'm right between clubs in I'm not sure what to hit 168 yards Well normally I'd like to hit a seven nine in that distance maybe even squeezing eight these clips go really high but they're a hybrid I'm gonna go eight iron I'm gonna see if I can muscle an a tie in there that's gone so high carry the bunker please I'll tell you what we might just be putting okay not a bad shot into the green yeah but check this I actually thought this is happening on the first shot it's like gold imprint on the ball that's a bit annoying for birdie here on the first hole let's knock this in ah plugged it up power it is right nine iron 155 yards back pin oh stay on your line stay on your line no he's gone left I'll tell you what I'll be pin High left I must admit I was saying this before I actually think they'd be unshankable as well because there's no actual hustle on it so anyone that Shanks it I actually think would that I'm gonna try all right so I'm going to genuinely try and shank this on purpose [Laughter] oh my God that's right down it I am not exaggerating it's going to be hard I hit it from there I hit the golf ball then from there and it's gone right down the flag that's the one on the green that I actually genuinely tried to shank and I hit so far from the heel but I've got a put for birdie there this is the one my first ball I actually hit pretty well and look at that it's pin high but look at that like have a look at this geez that is that is sat down in some juicy juicy grass this is where I don't know this these clubs have surprised me so far this would be a huge surprise if it can recover from here I mean just my own sense like for me here now I want to see I wanna I wanna lob wedge on something bladed I want to be able to flick it under there where this big chunky thing and again the sandwich just hasn't got enough Loft but let's see if I can actually do something from here I just feel like it's not going to come out High Enough I can't really open the face it's quite limiting but let's see see if we can get some elevation out this lie it's awful lie I'm not surprised to be totally honest with you I'm just not surprised I just didn't feel I could almost hit it soft enough there was too much Club head and therefore it's ran over the green and it actually might have ended up in a bunker which then also I'm very concerned about okay third shot run through the green I'm gonna try and Chip this one in for par got the little sand wedge [Music] come on man [Music] it's run on still I just I I just don't feel that I can be delicate with this club that's my my one sensation just the footprint of it the size of it just doesn't give me the confidence that I can have that that soft touch so the big question we wanted to answer in this video that these clubs make golf easier well in some sense even the few shots I've hit so far yes I think they do this will be an interesting shot though out of a bunker because I just don't think these irons on their own are the full package I don't think you can you need to add on a few extra clubs but let's see if we can play this so I mean I just I just don't see how this is going to work I'm gonna try and play it like a normal bunker shot hit the Sun Splash it out if I can get these three I'll be absolutely amazed and still find the green [Music] just long but it came out way better than expected right now I know that first one is a bit of a gauge let's say it's on a tiny bit softer that wasn't far off you know [Music] it's on the Green we found a green just I just feel like I'm needing to make a lot of adjustments come on one more I just feel like I'm trying to almost slow down as I hit the shot I don't feel as confident that I can hit with speed just not enough Loft that's all right this after those shots in the bunker the only shots I've had oh this is what I feared is there anything where it's like plated gold or it's like a black finish look at the scratching and literally I only hit the shots you've just seen me hit out of that bunker and there's so much scratching on the face I'd be really disappointed I know oh God I know it probably doesn't affect performance that much but it's so outrageously obvious that's a real shame I do think durability is going to be a huge issue with these clubs even with the little head covers sharks are going to damage them I've come ahead to the 18th power five let's see if I can make a birdie because this side is a bit of a fun video fun review I bought them on Amazon to see if these hybrid irons could make golf easier I'm gonna answer that question now yes I think they do honestly the full shots I genuinely think they're unshankable and I think they are easier to hit they're not perfect Spanish stretch's imagination there's not enough Loft on the lofted irons you'd need to add at least a proper sand wedge and a lob wedge and obviously I need my driver and three wood in the bag again so if this video gets 20 000 likes I'll put these wazaki hybrid irons in the bag with the rest of my clubs I'm going to need and do a break 75 probably around here at the Marriott hit that like button I think the good I do I really do but it's also open another probably deeper come conversation around looks of golf clubs I've been very very guilty of this in the past only really using golf clubs that I like the look of sometimes jeopardizing performance because of that if the clubs work and they work for you does it really matter what they look like like there's so many crazy clubs out there these days um that work even though they're not traditional looking golf clubs right I liked them I do I like these head covers I possibly would say there's better versions of these clubs available maybe from other mainstream manufacturers if they do hybrid um irons because again we saw wear and tear on these golf clubs and again it's a bit of an unknown brand to bought off Amazon but I must admit they did do a very very good job today right so you inverted last hole par five come on finish strong yeah drawback come on balls drawback I really hope that's not found the Fairway bunker sit there that's okay not perfect it's okay last full shot into screen Sand Wedge in hand 98 yards come on up and down needed it's really nestled down in the rough here sit down ball it's on the green but it's honestly got about 120 yards it's got miles long long long birdie put now yeah they're a bit too powerful but I suppose they are hybrids I guess okay here we go birdie put long range guys if you enjoyed the video and again if you want to see me take the wazaki golf clubs out on the course for break 75 hit that like button be sure to subscribe to this Channel and also to hit channel for loads of more serious reviews right let's see if we can box this for birdie it's a big one get over that Hill it's not a bad effort yeah we'll we'll give me that for par thanks for watching we'll see you next time peace
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 481,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: ULCmpsnN20k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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