The Weirdest Glitch in Splatter Up!

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[Applause] well that came out of left field ready yay whoa slice to meet you ready [Applause] wow that's disgusting ready [Applause] whoa split hitter ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ready no sauce boss you'll get an a for effort and an end for ready you're no neuted your skills are hit and miss emphasis on the miss zoom ready [Applause] that is not good ready [Music] well not really ready i can fly [Applause] oh that's disgusting ready hey why'd you stop working are you going on strike ready [Applause] sweet hit ready [Music] now that's a double header ready why is this happening [Applause] whoa are you a fruit because it looks like you've been juicing ready don't hit the pineapple [Applause] that guy needs to lighten up ready i did it delicious [Applause] you got razz buried sweet sweet like my innards ready to [Music] [Applause] well that came out of left field ready you're no neuted yikes even i could have done better and i don't have hands ready [Music] [Applause] i can't help it wow you're a jock of all trades ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] this straw is gonna bail wow you just crushed the competition ready [Music] yes you can't elope oh close one well not really ready [Music] [Applause] with a slice like that you must be a golfer ready [Music] yikes even i could have done better and i don't have hands ready [Music] yay i want you on my team cause you're a hit [Music] [Applause] yes you can't elope wow you're a jock of all trades ready [Applause] whoa split hitter [Music] [Applause] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] swing and a mess oh medic ready do you guys like my hair wow i think i landed on my keys looks like you're the bunt of the joke ready yo pineapple is in your house yeah time to ride the pine you'll get an a for effort and an end for no no no no ready oh my hair looks so pretty [Applause] [Music] sorry bud but you didn't make the cut ready why is this happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that's a double header ready you really dropped the ball on that one ready [Music] ah [Music] ready do you think i should get a perm yay yay i didn't die and my hair is perfect biff boom bam it's a grand slam ready i'm telling you guys ready no don't hit me [Music] [Applause] ew i can see your innings [Music] ready ow don't hit the pineapple [Applause] whoa slice to meet you ready do you think i should get a perm [Applause] ew i can see your innings ready watch it i'm very sensitive [Music] [Applause] survival of the fittest man whoa are you a fruit because it looks like you've been juicing [Music] [Applause] ready [Applause] [Music] swagberry yikes even i could have done better and i don't have hands ready ready no don't hit me [Music] [Applause] [Music] with a slice like that you must be a golfer ready [Applause] cider slider whoa are you a fruit because it looks like you've been juicing ready i can fly [Applause] ew i can see your innings ready don't hit the pipe oh i think i landed on my keys oh medic ready to go [Applause] that was awesome ready [Applause] yeah i can't help it ready [Music] [Applause] ah don't go to pieces ready swagberry oh close one well not really ready why is this happening [Applause] you got razzed sweet sweet like my innards ready no don't hit me yeah all right can't help it wow you're a jock of all trades ready wow you missed right off the bat ready [Music] think i'll just split wow you're a jock of all trades ready we want a batter not a broken ladder ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that's disgusting ready [Music] big melon baller yikes even i could have done better and i don't have hands [Music] i'm alive i'm alive looks like you're the bunt of the joke ready do you guys like my hair [Applause] now that's a double header ready [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ew i can see your innings [Music] ready [Applause] sorry bud but you didn't make the cut ready i taste delicious why'd you stop working are you going on strike ready no don't hit me yellow your skills are hit and miss emphasis on the miss ready set [Music] [Ap ready [Music] [Applause] what kind of berry are you a barry bonds ready [Music] [Applause] oh close one well not really
Channel: YaboyGrim
Views: 158,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Captions
Id: kUyY7iedW2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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