The Weekly: Coopers Boycott

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religion and beer have always gone hand in hand just just wander into any Aussie pub and you're bound to hear a bunch of blokes arguing over Pope Pius the 9th 1875 encyclical on the church's role in Prussia I mean it's given so a brewery and religious group joining forces seemed like a match made in heaven creepers brewery has produced a special line of commemorative beers that night the 200th anniversary of the Bible Society Australia not only is the Society's logo on each can of the premium Light beer but verses from the Bible are printed on the cartons we as Christians roll up to a family or friends BBQ with a case on their shoulder and the Bible verses on there it's going to encourage quite a bit of conversation oh yeah beers food friends John chapter 3 verse 21 things are going to get pretty wild now the news didn't seem to bother many until the Bible Society released this video a debate of parliament house featuring Liberal MPs in Wilson and Andrew hey Steve welcome to keeping it light a place where we can have that light discussion about a very heavy topic in this case same-sex marriage Tim argued the case for same-sex marriage while Andrew held strong with the case against and as is the tradition for debates beers and the Bible were on display now we get to the hard part I'm going to see if he had actually listened to anything at all oh yeah and if he can articulate your position go on what is Tim's position so tense position as I as I understand it is that rather than creating a new institution we should incorporate and extend the benefits of marriage that's actually not a bad little feature in a debate articulate your opponent's position and show that you've listened and understand it something I'd like to see on Q&A right that way those getting asked the ques don't just keep making A's of themselves so Tim seems pretty positive about it as well the question is why are we not doing this more often I mean the Parliament is a place where people have massive argument here we're having conversations and listening to each other shut up Tim and what's the human rights debate without the obligatory product shot can we just raise a glass to the Bible Society and say happy birthday Bible Society happy birthday have our website happy birthday vote and 300 years thank you to the two defenders [Music] all up just a chilled-out chat in the words of bible society CEO Greg Clark we really wanted to just have this conversation about how to do civil discourse better yeah and that was it nothing to see here everyone got on with it often though that's right they didn't all hell broke loose music venues pubs and drinkers cracked it and announced boycotts of Cooper's products nightclub staff were filmed destroying bottles Cooper's and cracked it and said don't blame us the Bible Society used our beer without permission and then more people cracked it over donations Cooper's is made to the Liberal Party even though they've also donated to the Labour Party and Kurds was corrected again cancelling the release of the cans altogether declaring its support for marriage equality the whole debacle drove some commentators to drink premium like a very fine crop well Andrew before let's enjoy my completion everyone was getting angry at the wrong peoples are getting angry at Cooper's are getting angry at the Bible societies are getting angry at the commercialization of a serious issue that's not what made me angry what I didn't like is it in the video keeping it light so drinking Light beer that's why I thought we'll go out there and do it properly with our video keeping it heavy [Music] welcome to keeping it heavy at safe place where three dudes can talk about a heavy topic while pushing some product my name is Justin Hamilton I am sharing this debate basically because everyone here reckons I look a little bit like the guy in the original video and Tony Martin and Andrew Denton weren't available took this video have been made Charlie no just something we should have elected officials promoting beer comfort that's [ __ ] Cooper's said they didn't sponsor this video that were just providing support yeah yeah financial support to the Liberal Party back off [ __ ] you so chop yeah do you reckon the video was a good idea yeah what's wrong with having a couple of beers and discussing same-sex marriage with your mates in the same political party loosen things up yet it loosens up the purse strings of political donors if you give them a bit of a plug get it on get it back shine a light on me I love sound zingers over midnight Fat Joe they talk yeah can you articulate Charlie's position well this will be good yeah arm Charlie Pickering blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah marriage equality so you how do you feel about that now reconciled us yeah Oh [Laughter] get back here so I big thank you to Charlie Pickering's what she said and a big thank you to Tom Gleason still here and big thank you to the Bible Society in hey we should do shots happy birthday Bible Society [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ABC TV & iview
Views: 23,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coopers, Boycott, Keep It Light, Charlie Pickering, Tom Gleeson, Justin Hamilton, The Weekly, ABC TV
Id: dhAOo8pcCdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2017
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