Bolsonaro: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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foreign [Music] concerns Brazil the only country whose flag let a little circle where a fancy sash isn't that nice the circle's all dressed up for its big day being on the flag Brazil is one of the largest democracies in the world with more than 156 million people eligible to vote and next Sunday it's having a massive election we've mentioned Brazil's elections on this show before partly because campaign ads there can be spectacular like this one for man currently running for State Deputy that's I'm Samurai taxi driver you can find me around parenting buco 10554 [Music] excellent look I don't know anything about nunchucks I don't know if they are historically a part of Samurai Taxi Driver culture and I don't know if using your armpits so much is usually a part of it but I will say this I'm impressed that he spent so much time learning to use them but seemingly zero time learning how to edit out the part of the video where he turns his phone off many elected positions are on the ballot in Brazil next Sunday from Governors to Senators but the key one is the office of President where Jaya bolsonaro is running for re-election now you may remember four years ago we actually discussed his first presidential run I assume I don't watch this show but if you missed it a quick recap bolsonaro is a right-wing ex-military populist who when in Congress told a female colleague I wouldn't rape you you're not worth it has said I would prefer my son to die in an accident than to have him be gay and loves making finger guns all the time basically bossner campaigned as a misogynistic homophobe who gestures like he runs a tech startup but now he's campaigning as an incumbent president and he's been drawing on all the perks of the office including recently turning the 200th anniversary of Brazilian Independence into what was essentially a campaign rally for himself Israel in Brazil's capital city Brasilia to tens of thousands of supporters in a military display wave planes parachutists and tanks embalmed heart of Monarch dumpia through the first who declared Brazil's independence from Portugal 200 years ago was brought over from Europe to be a Slave Wow first if you were wondering what Don Pedro the first died of it was probably his heart looking like that but it's true they put a two-century-old heart on an Air Force plane and flew it to Brazil it is actually the first unnaturally preserved human body part to fly on a military jet since all of Tom Cruise main opponents in this election is former president Luis inacio Lula de Silva he was incredibly popular while in office but later got caught up in the international corruption investigation operation Car Wash even Landing in prison during Brazil's last election so he couldn't run but his conviction has since been annulled and polls now consistently show him leading the race by a wide margin about 10 percent but the concerns in Brazil are that if as seems likely bolsonaro loses he won't give up his office without a fight and could even follow Trump's example in encouraging supporters to back a tropical version of the capital Riot which isn't great although for the record you really don't have to use the word tropical to describe an Insurrection just because you're talking about Latin America especially because tropical riots sounds like a Mountain Dew flavor that was recalled for blinding several children and bolsonaro's version of January 6th could be a lot more destructive than Trump's given that he has done a great deal to cultivate support within his military all of which makes it more than a little concerning when he stands in front of his supporters and says things like this there are only three alternatives for me to be arrested to be killed or to be victorious [Applause] and I tell those scumbags I will never go to jail okay that is never a good omen is it no one says that before doing something pleasant no one says their options are Victory prison or death before they say March into the Great British Bake Off tent for biscuit week not even the German guy and honestly I was half expecting that from him the first round of the election is next Sunday and if no one wins more than 50 of the vote it will go to a second round on October 30th although worryingly bolsonaro has already said that if he doesn't win outright next Sunday receiving at least 60 percent of the vote something quote abnormal took place so if one of the world's biggest democracies seems like it might be barreling towards a cliff tonight let's talk about Jaya bolsonaro the man with his foot planted firmly on the gas and let's start with the fact that unfortunately he's governed pretty much exactly how he said he was going to he's followed through on a big campaign promise to make guns more freely available in Brazil loosening gun laws to the point that since he took office the number of guns in private hands has doubled to nearly 2 million despite polls showing the majority of Brazilians are against making the sale and possession of weapons easier so he is giving people something they didn't ask for and don't want which I believe is also the job description for the head of original program at Netflix but much more than that bolznora has been an absolute disaster for the Amazon a rainforest that is critical for Brazil and you know the planet Earth he has loosened regulations to expand logging and Mining there and massively scaled back protections and enforcement and almost immediately after he took office conditions deteriorated under bolsonaro deforestation is at its highest point in a decade with an area 10 times the size of New York City destroyed through October this year and in August there was an average of a thousand fires every day Amazon a thousand times a day my first guess would be capybara's self-explanatory my second would be frog birthday parties statistically there's got to be at least five thousand of them with a birthday every day and we have to assume that some combined parties for convenience and others just don't want to have a big thing this year but exactly zero of my guesses would be fires these fires are often part of illegal deforestation to clear areas for industrial uses deforestation incidentally which can encroach on land where indigenous people live and they have been forced to confront these lockers ranchers and miners on their own which can be both very dangerous and deeply dispiriting when we confront them they say don't you watch the news bolsonaro said that when he won we could take wood from indigenous land this is what they say to us right and it has got to be tough to fight someone taking your stuff when they feel they've got permission from the most powerful person in the country if I stole your wallet and then played a clip of Biden saying hey John I don't give a if TV hosts Rob Their audience members now if he'll excuse me I've got to go and say 10 wrong or weird things in a row on 60 Minutes there really wouldn't be much that you could do about it the point is the destruction of the Amazon under bolsonaro has been devastating in fact while worldwide greenhouse gas emissions plummeted by almost seven percent in 2020 due to the pandemic Brazil's emissions actually grew by nearly 10 percent and boss knows added insult to injury claiming those fires in the Amazon were false Flags accusing Outsiders of being part of a nefarious plot to seize Brazil's jungles and directly accusing Leonardo DiCaprio of funding arson in the Amazon which is just absurd where would Leo find the time to do that between his busy film schedule his daily yacht and having a big laugh at every tweet about his May to December love life oh man the internet got me again Leo shouts are the richest people on the planet over a bottle of wine that cost more than your rent but perhaps the defining catastrophe of bolsonaro's presidency has been his handling of the covid pandemic Brazil has suffered massively over 34 million cases and over 685 000 deaths and right from the start he refused to take it seriously initially dismissing covet has a little flu and then once the death toll started Rising shrugging off responsibility in the most dickish possible way everything is about the pandemic nowadays we have got to stop with this I'm sorry for the dead I'm sorry but we're all going to die one day everybody here is going to die we have to stop being a country of cities wow that is just monumentally shitty I've got to say America's coveted response left a lot to be desired but at least the CDC slogan was never what are you complaining about death comes for all of us man up and die in a hole but bolsaro didn't just abdicate responsibility for fighting kovid he actively made it worse attacking Governors and anyone else who promoted shutdowns or social distancing in fact to the extent that lockdown orders were issued at all in Brazilian cities they sometimes came from very surprising places the situation has become so serious that the drug gangs that rule this slum and other slums in Rio de Janeiro have decreed a lockdown and they have forbidden all clandestine parties from happening it's true drug gangs ended up being more responsible when it came to covid than the Brazilian government although let's not give them too much credit for Banning parties you know what is pretty appealing when you're stuck inside with nothing to do and nowhere to go drugs and what is so frustrating here is that Brazil was better positioned than many other countries to handle kovit it has a long history of successful inoculation drives starring their beloved vaccine mascot Sega China who at best looks like a super sperm and at worst a clan member all dressed up for Jazzercise and yet bolsonaro not only so doubts about the vaccines his administration delayed ordering doses for months in fact last year Pfizer apparently reached out to the Brazilian government 81 times trying to set up a deal to provide doses of vaccines but most of the time got no answer and some of those emails from Pfizer were just sad one read hope all is well with you I just wanted to confirm that you received yesterday a communication sent on behalf of the president of Pfizer with the updated proposal of a possible supply of covid-19 vaccines will you let me know and come on Pfizer if you're getting ghosted like that you've just got to be more blunt something like attention your country has covered we have a vaccine let's do this thing or even Earth to president stop subtweeting Leonardo Dicaprio and answer your phone and the thing is it is not like Brazilians didn't want vaccines proven by the fact that once they finally became available virtually a hundred percent of the adult populations in Rio and Sao Paulo got fully vaccinated a number that no American city has managed to hit and the cover debacle would be comfortably enough for people to be done with bolsonaro but there is so much more including the fact that despite running on an anti-corruption platform four years ago bolsonaro and his inner circle have since become engulfed in a growing number of criminal and legislative investigations while he has denied wrongdoing one sign of just how touchy he is about these allegations is that when a journalist asked him about one of them he replied I feel like punching you in your mouth okay so it is just no wonder that he is trailing in the polls which is not to say the bolsonaro does not have his supporters because he very much does and they can be intense thousands of supporters lined up in front of this gym next to Rio de Janeiro's iconic Maracana football stadium inside crowds wearing the colors of the Brazilian flag cheer for president calling him the Messiah and the myth okay I love that man I love his outfits I love his face paint I love the way he kind of looks like the Hulk losing his and the Green Bay Packers game but what I love most of all is what appears to be a security guard over his shoulder scanning the crowd for threats while looking everywhere but at the bright green man right in front of him screaming so hard he might explode and bolsonaro seems to be deliberately laying the groundwork with his supporters for an eventual trump-style refusal to accept the election results even pointing to our last election as a cautionary tale for Brazilians what happened in the American elections basically the problem the cause of this crisis was the lack of trust in the vote there were people who voted three four times dead people voted it was a mess okay great so that is the January 6th op-ed absolutely no one needed from the man no one wanted to hear it from and from the camera angle that absolutely no one deserves he's saying his stupid opinions out loud you really don't have to go hunting for them right up his nostrils bolsonaro has been going out of his way to undermine faith in Brazil's election system suggesting judges and officials are trying to sabotage his re-election and fear-mongering about the country's electronic voting machines machines incidentally which are even the subject of ASMR election PSAs like this one is don't give up horny you know every day there are millions of people experiencing their own personal sexual Awakenings I'm guessing that today at least one of them discovered that softly fondling Brazilian voting machines is apparently their thing welcome to the rest of your life but Brazil's voting machines aren't just quietly erotic they're also widely seen as secure they are not connected to the internet which makes them all but impossible to hack and it's worth knowing that since their introduction in 1996 authorities have never found any evidence of widespread fraud yet bosnara has repeatedly attacked the machines as crooked claiming that his margin of victory in 2018 actually should have been even larger he even subjected a room full of diplomats to a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation accusing Brazil's elections of being rigged and that is incredibly dangerous partly because people will agree to anything if you threaten them with a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation in our office we have an email security seminar once a year and this year I broke my laptop with a hammer just so I could claim that it did not apply to me it was the right call and I will do it again and look I don't want to waste too much time knocking down every one of bolsonaro's complaints because it's pretty clear that in raising these objections in the run-up to the election his intention isn't to maximize the security of the vote but to maximize the amount of distrust that people have in it and his supporters have been very much listening to his if the elections are fair he wins in the first round only in the first round he will only lose the election if there is fraud and the people will take to the street to stop that from happening you see that's interesting isn't it because if you look at that man you'd think oh he loves Brazil but if you listen to him you'd learn he's willing to burn his country to the ground based on a flimsley-laid conspiracy theory but I guess that Duality is just part of the boundless mystery and contradiction that makes human beings the absolute worst and given bolsonaro's rhetoric it is no wonder that they've already been outbreaks of violence one lular supporter was killed when a Boston or a supporter invaded his lular themed birthday party and shot him while shouting that all PT partisans that is supporters of Luna's political party will die so things are very tense right now in Brazil and that is before you consider just how close bolsonaro is to the Armed Forces there not only is he ex-military and not only has he expressed admiration for the military dictatorship that ran the country until 1985. his government is also heavily stocked with military personnel and some leaders of Brazil's armed forces have raised similar doubts to Boston arrows about the Integrity of the elections all of which has led some in Brazil to understandably worry about what lies ahead this flirting of president bolsonaro with the coup is not a recent thing it's an old thing the people that support him are willing to do anything just like the supporters of President Donald Trump when the capital was invaded no I have no doubt I've even written about it that here in Brazil we will have a tragic dramatic repetition of what happened there yeah except crucially it could be much worse there because luckily for us Trump's allies were generally limited to a shirtless man in a fur hat a perpetually horse pillow Baron and some of his Dumber children but bolsonaro has significant military support and there is some question of what they might do in the event of an uprising which raises the stakes significantly generally when someone threatens democracy it's a lot easier to say you and what army when you're absolutely certain that that person doesn't have an actual Army behind them the point is for Brazil there is a lot on the line here and right now it seems the most likely scenario is that no one will win outright next Sunday meaning that both bolsonaro and Lula head to a runoff on October 30th but the weeks ahead could be extremely nerve-wracking and the fact is if eventually loses and chooses to fight the results it is going to test the strength of Brazil's relatively young democracy so to the people there who are worried right now let me address you in the two languages that I know you'll understand Portuguese and of course the language of the Chuck so please and you will bear with me search that is our show thank you so much for watching we'll see you next week good night
Channel: LastWeekTonight
Views: 6,046,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uySgklnlX3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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