The Amazing World Of Gumball | The Wattersons Origin Stories | Cartoon Network

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[Music] get the hunting net he got out again oh you're lucky you're so cute otherwise I'd have sold you to the Freak Show by now what's a freak show it's like our family but people pay to see it I was an energetic kid but this one operates in a different time frame and make sure we never did we get him a bed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm afraid the last to jump out of a tank when they saw you coming what'll I say to go boy oh the call of a freshly opened soda no over here I don't know I'm inside my head no the fan what do you see these choose from the many wondrous items in my store what about this no no that's not for sale and why is he doing a pillow under a spotlight oh but it's part of the game you insist I said whatever it's hundred dollars ten fifteen ten okay ten fifty okay hundred but you're twisting my arm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm you seem different today sort of more await hmm did you did you feel that welcome to the water since Darwin okay everybody say cheese in three two [Music] okay a condom I got flushed I'm in the sea my name's Darwin I don't know how to get home and life is what you make of it everything is cool huh all right you guys only sweet fish thanks for showing me the way back to land yeah but fish can't survive on land I'll find a way [Music] I don't think Darwin is ever coming back no I'm not gonna give up Darwin wouldn't give up and if he did I'd be there for him at night I'd kick him in the book [Music] I've got legs [Music] [Music] hold on honey we're almost there I just had to park okay we used to drive through boys say hello to your little sister look at her she's so sweet she's giving me cavities um dude I I think you had a little accident maybe mrs. mom is right Ares isn't the problem we are come on let's play with her peek-a-boo hmm let's try with funnier faces Babu come on boom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go for a drive [Music] [Music] I've gotta go home empty-handed not quite empty-handed you have a nut [Music] every night [Music] but what would you do if you were me if I had done everything you've done sleep 11:40 I mean what should I do with my life hmm maybe start living it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Cartoon Network
Views: 14,322,534
Rating: 4.7477736 out of 5
Keywords: the amazing world of gumball, gumball, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, world of gumball, the world of gumball, cartoon, amazing gumball, gumball episodes
Id: OuQ1K6GjEDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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