The Watches Of A Government Agent (Rolex, Breitling, Panerai, Seiko, & MORE)

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my name is Greg I'm a federal agent and these are my [Music] [Applause] watches Greg hi nice to meet you teddy nice to meet you as well thank you for joining us for this episode I'm honored this is great so before we look at some of these watches which you have a great collection I'd like to establish a little bit about what you do I know there's some secrecy about what you can say and what you can't say but that might create some Intrigue for people that are listen so a federal agent so what do you do so yeah I'm I'm a federal agent in the federal government in the United States basically it's a law enforcement officer okay so we do uh everything as a federal agent you do everything from making arrests to seizures to testifying in Trials grand juries things like that so and where does watches start to play a role and how did this connection to watches start to come forward for you well honestly I I remember the earliest memory I have of a watch watch uh was my my uncle and he had a a watch and it was it was like a pulsar or something like that would light up you know and I remember as a little kid snuggling up next to him or whatever he hit it and light it up I was like oh my God that's really cool I was just fascinated by it um and then I mean that's my first earliest memory of a watch but then later on as I got older watching a lot of movies okay watching movies like First Blood Sylvester Stallone Rambo uh Arnold Schwarzenegger Commando movies like that you know you there's a watch shot you know the bomb's about to go off or we're about to hit the door and you know and so to me it was like it was kind of tacticool if you will and I was like man I got to have uh a tough guy watch because I looked at these guys as tough guys and my first watch that I remember my parents uh buying for me was actually a G-Shock I had that G-Shock for years and then when it stopped working please don't be mad at me but um I threw it away I don't know why I did this and I'm so mad at myself for doing it I wish I would have kept that watch and then later on and um uh one of the watches afterwards that my parents bought me um batter's dead on it but I I still charge it up every once in a while or get a new battery for it is a citizen uh sailing watch and they got it for me when they were on a vacation uh somewhere and that was my second watch and I wore that in mosh pits I wore that at concerts and then I had my own band and started a band and I've got pictures of me on stage with that watch too and so my next nice watch uh when I got engaged to my wife I was like you know I should get an engagement watch you're getting an engagement ring we should get an engagement watch and actually it's uh this piece here um this citizen uh this was the I think they called it the ProMaster at the time M it's the part of the ProMaster collection prom Master collection and this is a Citizen Blue Angels now I'm not a pilot but I love all the functions it's a worldtimer so you've got all the different time zones you have uh two different alarms I think no three different alarms I believe a count on timer a stopwatch um I I saw this at a mall um when we were when we were dating and I was like I love this watch I want this watch and she surprised me after we got engaged uh with it at Christmas and it was one of the best surprises I ever got because I never thought because we didn't make a lot of money and you know she was working at Blockbuster Video you know there's a throwback yeah there there's a throwback and uh you know so this this watch has a lot of memory for me and a lot of meaning um the dial uh did wind up wearing out a bit bit and the case was shot so I contacted Citizen and had them I got a new case and a new dial uh for the watch or no I'm sorry this is the original dial it was the case in the bezel my my mistake it was the case in the the bezel was all chewed up so they gave me the old case and the old bezel so I still have that but the original dial is in here because I still like to keep things like new and stuff so they still do these Affiliated uh collaborations with blue angel like this is still something they do to the St yeah except now everything is with the solar stuff the Echo Drive which in citizen does an awesome job with that I mean I love it so I I wore that for many years so from citizen where did you go after that so after citizen um I started learning more a little bit about like Swiss watches because I didn't really know that much about Swiss watch like I had heard Rolex like everybody knows Rolex and I was getting interested and I was trying to figure out like you know the different brands that are out there and one of the one of the brands that I was interested in was brightling I started seeing some ads for brightling but really even before that I was going to different watch stores and there was too so this one right here is the first Swiss watch that I ever bought and at the time this too was I think about $300 I got it from a jeweler in St Louis mind you this has never been serviced and this this watch has got to be 25 years old old maybe something like that and when people talk about these Ed calibers I mean they're great yeaha no they know what they're doing and I mean they're workhorses y there's no question about it so it it went into that and I was so proud of myself because to me this was like a dress watchat so if I had a job interview for example you know because I had started looking at well what am I going to you know I graduated from college I wanted to be a uh a federal agent so I started applying to different federal agencies and went through different hiring processes I wanted a nice watch on my wrist so this is that was my suit watch so I was very proud of that and you know I like the white dial um yeah it's just a beautiful watch has the date subdued it's not huge or anything like that but that spoke to me and that was like Hey I'm I'm getting ready for an interview that's what I'm going to wear you mentioned brightling so what was your fascination there and you have a couple pieces from brightling yes so this one this is the um this is the chronomat 44 GMT mhm now if you know some people like bling right and you know they like diamonds and things like that I'm not into that if I want bling I just want High polished so I wanted something kind of blingy if you will you know something a little more dressy this has a chronograph it has a different time zone so you've got the other hand there for the uh second time zone but you have your inner chapter ring which is 24 hours so you can go off that but then you also have the bezel so essentially you could do three time zones with this watch which I love and I love having a chronograph and the thing with the chronograph is silly as it sounds I like to time my flights so when I'm on the on the plane as soon as it leaves the uh the ground I hit the chronograph as soon as it touches down hit it again I just want to know um so that to me that is my perfect travel watch I love traveling with that watch it's easy to click through the different time zones uh on the regular hour hand you can still keep the home time or GMT I leave it actually as Greenwich meantime one of the other Hobbies I have I'm a ham radio operator okay that's old school stuff and you know a lot of when you're running ham a lot of times you're just going off of the greenish meantime so that's I I just leave all my GMT watches that way but I love the GMT function so the other brightling for example that I got was this uh this Avenger night Mission I never had a you know nice black watch besides like a a G-Shock so this one really spoke to me I like the green dial uh it's all blacked out it's a chronograph so this to me is something that I could wear on the Range one of the things I do also I'm a Firearms instructor for my job absolutely love doing that I love shooting so and and training other people other agents Task Force officers and things this is what I will wear a lot of times when I'm training so it's very uh it's very robust very rugged so a few Brands actually do this black coating well brightling is one of them that does it it actually looks the part and holds up it does I've I've worn this you know it through training and things like that and I've not had any significant scratches on it and my watches they'll get scratched I mean they get beat so there a couple Enthusiast picks on here but one that catches my eye is whenever I see this on somebody's wrist or in their collection I'm like okay this is somebody that probably knows a thing or two or at least has done some research about what's out there for them foris oh you very cool underappreciated history very much but most people don't know about it you want to tell us a little bit why you were drawn to that yeah so actually forus actually goes back a little bit more when I was getting into watches and I was still at home working at my dad's machine shop and I was in the band and everything and I remember I was making deliveries you know because I run machines I do deliveries I did a little bit of everything well I was doing deliveries one time and going by a jeweler in in the Chicago area and I was like okay I'm gonna stop in real quick see what kind of watches they have and I went in they had forest and I saw Forest display and this Cosmonaut chronograph just spoke to me because it's like a tunic can it's thick it's beefy you have your chronograph you got your day your date to me it was what I called a tough guy watch right it it reminded me of something that I would think Sylvester Stallone would wear or or Arnold Schwarzenegger or something going back to my childhood watching those early movies and that's what spoke to me and I was like I'm going to get one someday and you had no idea about like the history connection to Russian cosmonauts and like how this actually went to space yes I I learned about that through learning more about the watch but what spoke to me first was just the look of it it's just a very tough looking chronograph so this watch I wound up picking up after I became an agent I got stationed in New York City and I was able to save up some coin actually sold some silver uh because I had bought some gold and silver coins sold some silver to be able to buy this watch and my friend uh really got me a good deal on this because he had a hook with someone and I wore that thing through tons of arrests training exercises I wore it through a SWAT school um gosh I've worn that thing ice climbing mountaineering Sub-Zero camping uh yeah it was I think one of the trips I had it on it was about it was - 20 wow yeah doing a backpacking trip with some friends so that watch has scene A Lot H up very well oh yeah love show some Battle Scars but not too many it lived the scene other day I think so I think so it's a great piece yeah Fortis is is awesome speaking of Enthusiast picks we have a monster on the table ah yeah let's he about this yeah so the Seiko Monster I remember my passion grew even more for watches when I started going to the different stores the New York area one of which is chelini Jewelers well I had a good friend there named Phil who was their manager and you know he introduced me into to more watches and he introduced me to another friend of mine named LOL and LOL being another collector loves watches and he was telling me about the seyo monster I was like what's this so I started learning more about it and I was just I was like wow this is also a tough guy watch you know I was kind of thinking of it that way and what happened was my wife and I were uh at a a mall an outlet mall in uh New York and they had seyos in there and they had a seyo monster and I had been told by my other friends they're like you know what even pek collectors will have a seyo monster in their collection I was like I got I I think I want this so she actually gifted this to me for my birthday and over the last several years I let my son I gifted it to him so my son had been wearing that uh for actually a probably at least a year or two before he got into other watches as well but yeah it's hard to think about when you say that protect comment yes there is some truth to that but because also there's really nothing else like this me you see like it's like the imposing case architecture you can see kind of like the tuna DNA in here the side profile you can see these large you know Samurai hour hand I mean there's nothing else like this thing no it's great and it it's a tough watch and the unique thing is you don't want find it you have to shake it which I was like what you know especially after having it to sew old school SEO movement huh exactly the old school SEO movement you just shake it for what 30 seconds or something like that and put it on your wrist and and you're good to go but uh I I've worn this has that one ever been service just no yeah Serv a feeling yeah and and she still runs good watch yeah then we have uh where do you want to go next this is your collection what do you want to talk about you know kind of going back with the theme of uh some of my history yeah uh my my wife uh I decided to get her a uh a nice watch and we were looking and we looked online looking at pictures and this is a Hamilton Jazzmaster it spoke to her she liked the bracelet she liked the color of the dial and everything so I was like okay I want to get you your first nice watch and I got that for her and then over the last several years I've gifted it to my daughter now so she wears it when we get dressed up and things like that so beautiful little watch little open heart little finish on the dial and Hamilton's a great brand it's got a great history um it's it's an awesome watch so you have a couple other smaller micros you want to maybe talk about those sure yeah absolutely we'll go let's go here with uh this one so there's a there's a company in Chicago we have a few companies in Chicago but one of the companies that that this is from is a company called Aster and Banks Aster and Banks got together with uh a friend of mine Mark Mark came up with a concept called matter of time he designed this watch with Aster and Banks the concept of matter of time and this watch is for those that want to purchase it because there there's a limited run on them you purchase the watch with the caveat that you have to gift it to someone within two years while you have it there's an online time caps and on that online Time Capsule you know you're wearing the watch you wore it to a certain event or whatever take some pictures of it talk about it because we know and I've seen it on your channel and the people that you know you've interviewed so far and just being a watch person it's those stories that are compelling of why we have these watches it's not about the money it's not about how expensive or how cheap they are it's about the story behind it so I was when I heard about this concept I thought this is a great idea you do this time capsule and then you gift it to someone mhm and the money that is originally purchased for it is a I I don't remember exactly how much but a good chunk of it is actually going to be going to a charity that a group of members that have the watch will I never heard this this is a great cause that's great it is it's awesome um so you purchased this and you're now looking for a potential Suitor or maybe eventually not yet I've only had you know few months with it so it's going to be on my wrist for a little while I've already worned at some pretty significant events in my life and started the Time Capsule but it I mean it's great it's a beautiful watch the work on it is great the case is great I mean this is probably one of the cooler micros I've seen pop up I mean like their fortit or SE Ranger I believe oh yeah I have a c Ranger as well they're cool watches yeah Andrew uh the owner he's a great guy he's a great guy that they're they're a great brand yeah and based in Chicago as you mentioned so Midwestern Pride then you also have another uh kind of smaller independent brand here yes this is uh a if I pronounce it correctly Masina mhm and this is a so they just did this I think they did 150 pieces just this past summer and there was some controversy over this watch because it is to pay homage to a 1940s pek if I remember correctly and people are like oh it looks exactly like it you just put a different brand you know name on it and all that it's like they're paying homage to it they're not not trying to fake it they're not putting you know pek with an e on the end or something like that you know and I thought it was great when when the design when it came out and I saw it I was like wow this is this is a really cool piece because of that homage to pek uh and at a great price point and everything this was actually gifted to me uh just recently by a very important collector who I never met but knows me is familiar with my Instagram knows some of the people that I'm friends with in the Chicago area and i' I've gone through some difficulty over the last month and I've I was in the hospital with h cancer surgery in in my mouth and he messaged me and said hey I just want to cheer you up see how you're doing I'd like to stop you know drop drop some things off for you and I was like okay come on in let's let's hang out and he's like no no you're you're in a you're in a bad spot we'll we'll break bread another time I just want to drop something off for you I was like okay I didn't know I thought it was maybe some watch catalogs or books or something to look at uh and the the nurses come in and they're like oh my God this nice gentleman just came by he brought Candy for us because it's right before Halloween and here's here's gift bag I was like okay open up the gift bag there's a big box in there and that box was a Lego set but then I pull this out mhm and I mean I just had tears running down my face I'm like what I I couldn't believe it and what a gift it is and it it just goes to show that there is so much kindness and generosity of people in the watch industry in the watch World collectors and stuff I've met so many amazing people so I'm just I was flattered it's amazing mhm thank you so next we have some Rolexes on table we also have I I I would say one of your kind of Heavy Hitters here too so where do you want to go next um well that the he heavy hitter we can go with the heavy let do it so this is a vaston Constantine dual time this is an older iteration cuz they recently redid it I think in the last five years I I like the new one I like this one better the older generation yes I like the older generation so this actually has a jlc movement in it which you know I don't know if all people know but you know some of the brands have shared movements and things so this has a jlc movement in it when we were in New York my parents had come to visit and my mom and dad were looking to buy some watches for an anniversary for themselves so uh during that time I was like well we got to go to chelini we stopped by chelini talk to my friend Phil there and my dad's looking at watches but when he was looking I was steering him towards this and he's like Vashon what's this and I tell him about the history of Vashon and he kept joking with me he's like ah the only reason why you want that watch is you know it's going to be on your wrist Someday I'm like no no no you got to you got get what you like but but it did speak to him he liked it um wore it for several years and then just a few years ago he was like you know what I don't wear it that often you know you're going to wear it when I'm dead and I won't see you happy with it why don't you take it now so it was it was it was gifted to me from him so it it's cool because I was there with him when he purchased it and now he gifted it to me uh and every time I wear it I think of my father so one of the other brands uh that I'm interested in is of course Rolex a lot of people like Rolex and it's funny cuz I kind of poooo Rolex for a long time but I kind of fell in love with it now so I I like it I really like it um going back does feel bad about it's okay know other people like Rolex well trust me my my one friend LOL he he'll give me he'll give me crap about it all day you know he's like you didn't like Rolex until you started talking to me well he had a an Explorer too a black explorer too and I I was like I I didn't want a roll I didn't want a Submariner everybody's got a Submariner I'm not getting a sub but the new 41 millimeter sub came out and this is during Co right so we're doing Red Bar stuff via zoom and everybody's talking about this in one of our meetings oh my gosh this thing is great I'm like guys really it's 1 millimeter bigger yes they changed the movement a little bit the class you know it's a little little wider whatever is it really that big of a damn deal one of the guys who I mentioned earlier Mark who's tied to uh the aster and Banks and well it matter of time is his concept he's like borrow mine I like really I like yeah he's like I'll bring it over wear it for a while see what you think I'm not going to say no to someone let me yeah right yeah I'm like okay so I had it I wor it for a few weeks I get it I'm like okay I get why people like to sub I'm like it's great and it has a great history too you know you think of in terms of uh even like Navy Seals things like that and Rolex also has a tie to Panerai which we can talk about next um I'm not a diver but it's a tough guy watch but it also is dressy as well so after having it for a few weeks I fell in love and I was like you know what I think I got to get one part of the reason why I wanted this was I had just gotten over my first cancer surgery and I was like you know what I beat it I deserve it I need something nice so it was kind of partial with learning about it falling in love with it and then it was finally like no you know what I've been through a lot I think I should get one ear it yeah so I did and I love it it's a great watch the 41mm case I mean it's it still wears pretty relatively true to a 40 I mean it's how they were been able to pull that off and it's a good combination of there's the new Rolex and there's the former Rolex and it meets that nice Middle Ground between that as you it's a watch you'll see very frequently but it doesn't grow that tiring to me I still love a Submariner it's a Timeless design and it took me a while to finally agree to that but you're you don't want to agree with it but it just works but but here's the thing it's this the same design than they had in the 1950s right and you're talking how many watches have been caught or how many watch brands have copied that design I say most of the hostility towards the Submariner in any way is not almost the Submariner fault it's the fact that it's so good that people are copying it and you see the Submariner in other places that are not Rox you're right absolutely which is fine though but that that just goes to show that it's a hell of a design you know and then you have a GMT Master as well yes Batman yes so part of the reason why I decided to go with the Batman I everybody loves a Pepsi but when I saw the Batman I don't like the GMT Master on the regular uh bracelet I'm a jubilee Guy totally Jubilee for that watch uh I mean this works for this but I didn't like the center polished links on the GMT Masters when that when you could get that on a jubilee I was like wow that's amazing so I I wanted to get this black and blue law enforcement colors so it kind of ties in with my career uh so I thought that was kind of cool uh I love it I absolutely love it and to me I bought that for my 50th birthday to myself so it was like you know what why not so the Jubilee I think is an amazing combination I agree with you and there's really it's almost a different watch on the Jubilee than it is on an oyster I think so and just how it wears like it's a small 40 it's almost like a 39 on the wrist when you put that on comparing comparing that to your sub it is like it's not that much different in terms of that case and how it's constructed but it does feel like almost an entirely different thing and it's crazy cuz I have some big watches I mean you got a 44 m mm here uh this is a 44 as well the foris is a 42 um but then when we get into the panise that that's that that's quite a bit bigger too uh but yes I I love it I love the colors blue is is just it's a beautiful blue and I like a lot of blue so and the black and blue like I said tying that to law enforcement I just thought that this would be a good gift uh for myself and I was like why not I'm 50 why not here we go Big 5 yeah so now we have panai and I know you have a lot of connection to panai paner easty yes loud and proud and you're also just have a lot of sentimental value with these pieces so I'd love to hear a little more and I would love to share this with the rest sure yeah absolutely um we just kind of going with the kind of talking more about my career and and things like that working in law enforcement uh the Pam 389 now I remember when this came out I was interested in panai I started started learning about paneristi and Panerai through chelini because they were carrying Panerai and I had heard all these stories about these panties and I found the forums and these guys are like posting pictures all over the world their watches yeah it's like a cult and they're all hanging out in different places and doing things for each other and I was like wow that is that's something really interesting you know really neat uh so panai was something that it was kind of a love haate in the beginning because I was like H I don't know I mean that's that's a really different looking watch you know with the crown guard and everything and I was like I wasn't sure but when I started to learn more about the history of panai in movies and really they owe a lot to Stallone to Sylvester Stallone having it having one of the first ones in daylight for example so going back to those movies and seeing things like The Expendables which is just a a fun a fun movie and you know they're wearing panor and things like that so panai I was like I I started get interested in and I was learning a lot and just like man there's just this like cult following with this and there's this love and this passion for this brand so I started to fall into it uh one of the ones that uh that I really liked like I said was the 389 because of the black ceramic bezel some of the other ones prior to this didn't have a ceramic bezel and it just didn't speak to me the ceramic bezel did and I was like and this to me is again is a tough guy watch and I've got green strap on here so I use this also uh when I'm doing Firearms instruction when I'm doing training and things like that so to me it's it's for that it's it's more of a an aggressive watch that can take a beating so I I wanted to get this and it was uh it was through through a gift as well uh partially and it was just an amazing piece to have um so I was was very excited to get it and I was like wow this this is this is a cool panai and we have one final watchh on the table I mean I don't want to put words in your mouth but I know this means a lot to you uh in a variety of ways it's more than just a watch so can you tell us the story here yeah so this is a Pam 372 mhm with the Pam 372 you have a lot of DNA of the history of Panerai in it now the radio mirror is really kind of where it started and this is a luminor where where you had have the uh Crown guard the crown guard thank you where you have the crown guard and everything but this is like DNA panai all over so this is one that's significant to me because this was a gift and this was a gift under some horrible circumstances in my life 7 years ago uh my wife and my two small children and I were driving home from a vacation in Wisconsin and while we were driving home there was a vehicle driving erratically in front of us and as I attempted to pass the vehicle because he was causing chaos there the driver came out with a revolver and he began shooting at us the first round hit my son's door but thankfully it was stopped by a 1inch wide bar inside that door the second round hit my wife in the neck and killed her I couldn't draw my gun quick enough to stop the threat while I was drawing my gun and those rounds were hitting the car I had to reholster and get out of the line of fight get out of the line of fire and I had to render care try and calm my kids down I was plugging a hole in my wife's neck with my finger to try and stop the bleeding it was The Darkest Day in my life now I'm going to rewind a little bit going to tie it back to foris I was on a fores Facebook page and the guy who administered it is a name his name is Stephen he actually lives here in Cleveland I had the great time to see him again last night Stephen and I started talking about Fortis and I was he's like help me administer the page and I started doing that with him and when we talked more I was like what other watches are you into he's like oh I'm a pisty you guys are nuts I've heard a lot of stuff about you guys right he's like you should come to one of our events I was like I don't have a pan or eye he's like it doesn't matter you're a watch person I want you to come to one of the events that I'm going to set up here in Cleveland I was like okay so I asked my wife do you want to go to a watch event with me she's like hang out with a bunch of watch Geeks for a weekend I'm like come on you know we just go have a good time you know be out of town we'll leave the kids with my you know my parents she's like okay we'll go so I told him I said we were going well That was supposed to be a few months after my wife was killed Stephen had called me every single day after what had happened checking on me are you okay is everything going okay what can I do for you is there anything I can do to help it was unbelievable at uh at the W at my wife's wake one of the first people I saw is a friend of mine a dear friend now named Ralph who's a paneristi never met him before in my life not once he comes up to me and he says listen I'm a pany from Chicago I know you can't make the Cleveland event because of everything but we are here for you anything we can do this is a stranger Teddy I have no idea who this guy is but this is the the kindness and love and generosity of people to just be like what can I do to help you I was Flor couple weeks go by I'm learning more about you know pany and one of the guys from Stephen was actually like can I share your story with the panties like okay I don't know what that means you know um we had been talking and you know a few weeks go by and he's like hey I want you to rethink coming to the event I was like okay he's like why don't you get your mind off things bring the kids we'll make it kidfriendly come on out and I was like you know what I I could use a distraction you know never been to Cleveland we can go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame you know me and the kids love music mhm so I told him I said you know what let me ask my children so I asked my son I said do you want to go to a watch party son's like can I wear one of your watches I like absolutely my daughter can I wear Mama's jewelry I was like absolutely and I told my friend Stephen I said you know what I'm coming he's like great he goes how are you going to to get here and I said well I'll drive it's not that far I I got you know Hotel points at a hotel cuz they were staying in a nice hotel downtown Cleveland and everything he's like no you're not he goes you're flying and you're staying with us in the hotel with everybody else I was like what are you talking about he said I'll just know he goes we're taking care of it I'm like I don't even know you man you know and he's like this is what panties do I said I don't have a Panerai he's like it doesn't matter we want you here and I was I mean I couldn't believe it so we get there and my friend Stephen he picks me and the kids up and he's blasting Iron Maiden because he knows we like maiden and everything and I I brought my watches and he's like I'm so excited he gives me this hug and I've never met this guy in my life and I am like it's like we had been friends forever you know and he's like I'm so excited you're here this is going to be great I like okay he's like when we get to the hotel he goes just get cleaned up you know relax check you know just check in and you know chill out for a little bit and then come downstairs to they they had like a small room for all the people that were there and there might have been I think maybe 20 or 30 people so they were having nice dinner and all this stuff and he when you're ready to come downstairs okay and everybody knows who we are cuz I'm the only guy there with you know these two little kids and people know that story and everything so I um I'm just start starting to talk to people and one of the guys I remember um he uh he came up to to me and I could just tell this guy was like military or law enforcement or something like that and um we started talking and sure enough yeah yeah he's former military Intel and all kinds of other Secret Squirrel stuff um he had two gift bags that he gave to my children I was like you got to be kidding me like he's like these are for your kids and then he also had challenge coins for the kids do you know what a challenge coin is no that is so a challenge coin military units and law enforcement have these things called challenge coins and it's there's all kinds of history with the challenge coin and if you for your unit if you're if you don't have your coin on you you got to buy drinks sort of thing uh if you're at the bar or what have you he gets down on his knees and he gives each of my kids a challenge coin from his military unit and says you know in the bravery and everything you guys are going through I want you to have this I was I was crying I was like this is unbelievable this is so kind so much love that that's being shown to my family from strangers from people I don't even know and it's these are people in the watch Community you know these are people from pany but even with what happened with my wife the Red Bar community in Chicago was amazing to me the people that were at the funeral the wake the just the the kindness and the love and the support I'm so blessed Teddy I am just honored to have the life I have even in the tragedy that I've gone through I had my wife for 18 years and I'm so lucky because I have two beautiful children with her and I'm just blessed and I feel very very very very fortunate for everything that I have my career my family my children everything so you know he gives the kids the coins I'm I'm crying I'm like this is unbelievable we sit down to dinner and as we sit down to dinner um my my friend Steph pulls out a uh a frame with a document in the frame and at the top it's got the pany logo and at the bottom it's got two two list of names of people in the countries they're from in a little paragraph and to sum it up in that paragraph was like in your time of tragedy when you desired to be with us it was a call to action it took less than two hours to secure your lifelong membership into what you now know is a new family the last part we welcome you with open arms and a covered wrist wow and out comes a box and it's this my Pam 372 and they said look Goosebumps we can't bring your wife back but maybe when you wear this watch you'll know that people care and there's goodness out there in the world and it I was crying I I I couldn't believe it and it was all through this generosity and love and support it's unbelievable well Greg I don't know how to say it other than just that this has probably been the most touching conversation I've had in watch I've been on camera probably a thousand times and that was a profound story and I think it shows a important point that I always try to bring up that we see these objects and we see them as objects first but then we recognize there's human connected to them oh yeah these are human as crazy that sounds idiotic as that sounds there's there's I think truth to that and I think you demonstrated it very well and I appreciate you for being open to show your collection but also just to show a little bit of who you are with them I appreciate that it me it means a lot to me like I said I'm I'm a huge fan of what you do um and I think you're bringing a lot of people into the watch World um at all different kinds of levels and I think that's absolutely wonderful and I appreciate that so I'm honored to to to be here I really am honor was all mine thank you sir thank you very much thank you everybody
Channel: Teddy Baldassarre
Views: 391,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teddy baldassarre, teddy watch review, watch collecting guide, best watches 2024, how to buy a rolex in 2024, breitling chronomat, breitling gmt, seiko monster, rolex submariner 41mm, rolex batman gmt, government agent watches, watches of a government agent, best tactical watches, best watches for military, panerai submersible, panerai review, most worn watches of 2023 teddy, real collectors watches, talking watches, hodinkee, watch collector interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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