The Warning Signs We Almost Missed! Body Language Analyst EXPOSES Diddy's MAJOR Red Flags!

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we all have to be honest with ourselves as adults and and people that have been in relationships you know we know sometimes those relationships get ugly you know and sometimes it doesn't come out into the Forefront what's going on everyone welcome to the behavioral Arts my name is Spidey and I use my degree in sociology and psychology my certifications in criminal interrogation and Body Language analysis and over 10 years experience as an award-winning Mentalist to teach people behavioral analysis and practical psychology on stages and television shows all over the world the walls appear to be closing in on did after several civil lawsuits in the last couple of months a video leak of him displaying some horrifying behavior and reports of a federal investigation planning to bring accusers in front of a grand jury it seems like the past of the music mogul is finally catching up to him last week on this channel we covered his apology following the video that leaked of him and his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura and the feedback was very positive a lot of commenters had some really interesting things to say and in the conversations that we were having there were two other videos that came up that some of the viewers asked me to talk about as well now both these videos are from his past before any of this came out but they exhibit certain red flags both in what he's saying and in his body language and I always had them on my list to cover them but I never found the right time but now as a followup to last week's video I think the timing is perfect the first video is an interview that Diddy had done with Ellen shortly after the world found out that Chris Brown had physically assed Rihanna and Diddy's position on the matter was question able to put it lightly the second video and this is one that several viewers asked about is a very strange interaction between Diddy Kevin Hart and Usher at an event that all three were attending and Kevin Hart was just hosting this thing on the camera and a very strange conversation took place we're going to look at facial expressions body language and word choice to try to determine what the heck was going on with Diddy and were their signs for this kind of behavior that early on let's Dive Right In there's a lot of uh talk going on with Chris Brown being at your place in Miami and you arranging Chris and Rihanna getting back together now uh you want to talk about that see see I wouldn't I wouldn't um use my Twitter to talk about that because that's somebody else's business I know but you gave them your house yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but but I'm we're talking about Twitter yeah how you use Twitter and that's something else I'm just saying I wouldn't really Twitter about that okay let's not Twitter about it let's talk about it okay um yeah yeah yeah sure let's talk about it because I think you you clearly have a lot of people going why would you do that why would you give Chris a guy who hit a girl and he's jet skiing around in your you know I I just I don't understand cuz I mean listen I I was a huge fan of Chris's I love Chris his music he's talented guy but but to hit a girl yeah because because because I know both of them and it's my house and I'm allowed to get my house whoever I want to get my house to that's number one number two is that I I'm the type of person that I don't cast a stone or cast a judgment on anybody and so if a friend or friends ask me for a favor then I'm going to be there for a favor as long as I know that the energy of the favor is positive for two people to sit down and talk about a situation that they're in I'm not going to get involved in it I'm not going to pass judgment on it if I could be there as a friend during hard times then I'm going to be there as a friend okay so first of all it's really really difficult to look at this specific interview and ignore what we know now because if we take into consideration what we know now because of that video that leaked we can look at the clip we just saw and other clips that we're about to see and look at it as someone who's guilty of something horrible defending someone else who guilty of that same behavior it's going to be rather challenging to look at these behaviors objectively as opposed to just looking at everything and saying this is just an abuser doing and saying what an abuser would do but let's give it a try from the top there's a body part that I pay a lot of attention to and we've talked about how for Diddy it's different from most people that body part is the eyebrows there is a ton of research on the eyebrows and more particularly the eyebrow flash when we raise the eyebrows researchers believe that in the way that we evolved we gained a lot more eyebrow Mobility because we use them to communicate a lot of things non-verbally and the research shows that usually when we see the eyebrows go up it comes down to one of three things emphasize some form of social connection or social interaction or surprise when something surprises Us in essence all over the world the eyebrows give importance to something whether it's a topic a person or an event but in Diddy's case historically his eyebrows move very very little he has entire interviews where they barely move the apology video that we looked at last week they barely moved and we could speculate as to why they don't move a very common guess being certain cosmetic procedures but the important thing when we're baselining isn't necessarily why but just to note that they don't move however in this interaction with Ellen it's different there are several moments where we do see a big eyebrow flash one of the first ones we see is so big that even with the camera zoomed out we not only see the eyebrows go up but we see the eyes open up as well and it's when she's talking about what he did and he starts by responding that she shouldn't have tweeted about it and he said I wouldn't Twitter about it Twitter and that's something else I'm just saying I wouldn't really Twitter about that okay let's not Twitter about I think this is a really interesting moment for those eyebrows to go up and I think there are two reasons it's happening the first one is emphasis because he's Shifting the attention right she's trying to talk about one thing and he's going I wouldn't Twitter about that and his sentence drops at the end like that's it that's all I have to say about this whole topic is that I wouldn't Twitter about that that's what's important here not the Chris Brown thing the Twitter thing the second reason I think it's happening combined with that emphasis is a reason that's kind of hidden in the three that we often talk about right because we say emphasis social connection or surprise but in Social connection it's not just positive like we do see it in greetings the eyebrow flash a lot but also Al think of a parent when their kid is doing something they shouldn't be doing and the parent just looks at the kid like this so it's still a social greeting it's still an acknowledgement but it's un necessarily A hello it's like I'm watching you it's disciplinary I think that's definitely a big part of what that eyebr flash is in that moment as he's saying I wouldn't Twitter about that not only is he emphasizing but there's also a disciplinary element to that statement but it's also just completely sidetracking the question right because she's asking you know why is that something that you did people want to know and he's saying well I wouldn't I wouldn't Twitter about that and that's it that's everything he's saying about that and that's a non-answer statement in interviews and interrogations whenever an answer is provided we ask ourselves did that answer my question and did it answer my entire question in this case it didn't answer any part of the question she's asking about a specific thing and he's completely turning it around and making this about Twitter it subconsciously signals that either he doesn't want to talk about this or he knows that he really doesn't have a good answer here but Ellen turn it around with a joke and says okay let's not Twitter about it let's talk about it and that gets a very positive reaction from the audience so she catches this attempt to Sidetrack and using humor puts it right back on track then after she puts the conversation back on track he provides an answer that at first I was like okay that that might be a decent justification that he's going to come up with here but he ended it before he even made a point and I'm not even sure that's the point he was going to make because he says that first of all I know both of them and it's my house and at first I thought the point he was going to make having said that is I know both of them I spoke to each of them individually and they both expressed that they're interested in working it out and since it's my house it's neutral ground I know that it's safe for Rihanna and they could get there and they could talk about this and work it out that's where I thought he might have been going with this and I would have said okay you know if he talked to her and he feels like the house is a safe place where they could have this conversation maybe that would make sense but he never even said that he said I know both of them and it's my house and I could give my house to whoever I want to give it to and that's it end of point and I was left there wondering so what are you talking about so what okay it's your house we've established that it's your house you give it to whatever you want again that's a non-answer because she's saying you know after the news came out that he hit her why would you do that and he's just talking about how it's his house and he's allowed to give it to anyone yeah nobody debated that and then we have the second part of his answer which again knowing what we know now it's very easy to look at it and say okay well this is someone who has done a horrible act like that thinking to himself that if ever people were to find out about that they wouldn't judge him in the same way that he claims he's not judging Chris Brown in that scenario but as sneaky as his answer is there because it seems like he's saying I don't judge I give them the benefit of the doubt if the intention is good I believe they should talk it out and all this stuff there's two things that are wrong with that statement the first one is the focus on Chris Brown and we're going to go on here and you're going to see a lot more how the the focus is on him as opposed to Rihanna there should have been some focus on her as well for him to say you know I spoke to her as well and she wants to work it out I've made sure that it's a safe environment something along those lines but there doesn't seem to be any of that but the second big issue with what he's saying here is that he has this position of I don't judge but you did Judge you judge that Chris Brown's behaviors weren't bad enough to marit not running to his rescue it's a complete misdirect no one's saying that he should sentence Chris Brown here and decide if he should get the death penalty or not but if he's humbling himself in saying that he doesn't have the power to judge he has to concede that he also doesn't have the power to forgive which is what he's done here look how long his eyebrows stay up when he's talking about if a friend asks him for a favor he's going to do that favor as long as the intention is positive and he's got his eyes wide open eyebrows up and he's looking at Ellen as he's saying this and I think there are two things here once again once again I think there's emphasis there really stressing how important for forgiveness is and I think the second element there is that social approval social connection eyebrow flash to he's connecting with her in this moment as he's talking about forgiveness and he's trying to socialize and normalize forgiveness I don't know the exact particulars I didn't get into it I'm not going to do this or do that it was a dark it's a dark time for them and I was there more as a support that was it I think you were coming from a a place of of a friendship and and of kindness and support and I you know it's just it's hard for me and and I don't believe in judgment either but I don't want any girl out there thinking it's okay to go back to a guy who hit her I don't want any girl I I don't I don't think and I don't mean to put me no but you all you all putting me in it so so I'm going to speak on it I don't think it's I don't think that it's um right for anybody to hit anybody at the end of the day you know and I don't think it's right you know I think that we all have to be honest with ourselves as adults and and people that have been in relationships you know we know sometimes those relationships get ugly you know and sometimes it's doesn't come out into the Forefront the way this one has come out and it's a lot of stones being thrown and we don't know exactly what's going on oh it's so hard it's so hard to not find it obvious that right there at the end he's talking about himself because he's saying sometimes these stories don't come to the Forefront which doesn't even apply to that situation uh and you know we shouldn't judge so it's just so hard to to not look at the obvious which is he's talking about his own situation not Chris bar and Rihanna but let's go back to the top and come back to that point there's another eyebrow flash right in the beginning of that clip when he talks about being there for them for support and again it's that same idea that same support from earlier that got this extended eyebrow flash here again as he talks about support we get that eyebrow flash that's what's important support you have to support people when this happens to them but the part I can't get past in terms of word choice is in the beginning when he goes it was a dark dark time for them no it wasn't it was a dark time for her now I understand what he means is that it was a dark time for their relationship and yeah maybe they were each going through something but the moment he laid her hands on her he lost all his right and she was in the right and again there seems to be lacking this focus on her in this case now Ellen shows her experience as an interviewer here because she does something that if you go to the top of the interrogation game we're talking FBI CIA military interrogators there's something that are taught and used very effectively and she applied it here it's when she says that I know what you did came out of friendship and kindness and what she's doing there is she's socializing and minimizing this behavior and saying it came from a good place it's not a big deal I get what you were doing so she's kind of trying to relate with that to get him to talk about it more I have a whole video on the channel here where I talk about the best way that interrogators use to get people to open up and it's very similar to this I leave a link in the description you guys can even see examples of an inter ation where this works extremely effectively but again it's just a way for her to instead of creating a disconnect there and saying no it's not out of love or friendship it's inexcusable she's kind of trying to see it from his side to get him to connect more and open up a little bit more then she says that she doesn't believe that any woman should go back to a man who HIIT her and the audience clearly connects with that and he elaborates on that and saying I don't think it's right for anyone to hit anyone so again he tries to Sidetrack there and make it a more global thing you know take it from the specific and go to more non-specific oh I don't think anyone should at anyone and he goes further down that path by saying you know people have been in relationships and we know that sometimes it gets ugly and this is exactly what he did with his apology video that we covered last week right right in the beginning of the video and we talked about this in the analysis he said it's really difficult to reflect on the darkest times of your life but sometimes you have to do that it's so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life sometimes you got to do that so it's kind of like he was trying to make this thing that he's going to relatable for everyone like we all have to reflect on the darkest times of our life as if we have moments that are that dark and he's doing the same thing here he's going people have been in relationships and he looks to the audience we see him looking to the audience in this case which is really interesting because there's an audience there whereas in this apology video there wasn't so he's saying people have been in relationships we know that sometimes it gets ugly so he has this habit of taking really bad things and then talking to an audience and saying that you know Som you got to face the darkness sometimes relationships get bad to kind of make it seem like these things are normal and we all go through things like this but we don't most of us don't go through things at this heavy extreme but in essence what he's doing here is he's normalizing these extreme behaviors and at the very least I think that in this clip we saw evidence of him thinking that getting physical in a relationship is not that bad it's forgivable we shouldn't judge and you know we all have our bad moments and he's just comparing it to other bad moments so at the very least I don't think he realizes just how bad and unforgivable physical abuse is does that mean for a fact that if I had seen this interview in real time back then I would have been like oh my God oh my God he's hiding something he's the same as Chris Brown he's done these things too and he wants us to be nice to him when it comes out no I I don't think so despite what some polarized comment MERS who don't really understand what critical thinking is might think is obvious oh my God it's so obvious if you look at it's so obvious I don't think it's necessary that obvious that he himself behaved this way based on this interview I think it's obvious that he excuses it a lot more than your average person these are two young individuals we need to pray for them and we need to give certain support but you don't need to start just saying that you know something that you don't know you wasn't in that car I wasn't in that car and it isn't right for him to put his hands on her or her to put his hands on him and we don't know what the problem is but we need to pray for them and we need to do things to support them and that's all I want to say about again so much more of the same right in the beginning as he says certain support again we said eyebrow flash normalizing support and then uh we sat same eyebrows up with his eyes open looking at her when he's saying you know you weren't in that car you can't judge them it's not right for you to talk about this it's that same disciplinary kind of I've got my eye on you thing from earlier when he was saying you should shouldn't talk about this on Twitter now he's saying you shouldn't talk about this same thing same eyebrows eyes open okay that was the Ellen video now let's move on to this weird Kevin Hart a sure and Diddy video so this from a while ago and the clip has surfaced but there's very little context as to what is happening but it seems like it's some event that Diddy was hosting presumably and Kevin Hart was kind of mcing something with the cameras maybe interviewing some guests not very sure but there's an interaction on camera between Diddy Usher and Kevin Hart and there is a lot of stuff going on with the behaviors take a look that's my brother right here from day one we used to wake up and I mean damn pause but like test out I mean I mean back in the days when he was like 10 and I was a little bit older his older brother we used to fight over the over the Frosted Flakes you know what I'm saying before pause was invented you know what I'm saying but it's my brother for real we used to actually wrestle off of the off of the Frosted Flakes because he used to always get up earlier than me now he's one of the richest yo what the did Puff just say nobody's going to acknowledge this for me puff just said we used to wrestle over the Frosted Flakes and we're streaming live that was stupid listen that Wasing stupid listen we having a good time ush made hey okay so a lot going on there I want to start with what happens right in the beginning which relates very much to one of my favorite psychological guilt detecting techniques so right in the beginning he's talking and he he goes uh this is my brother right here we used to wake up I mean damn pause and he kind of catches himself in that statement after saying we used to wake up that's my brother right here from day one we used to wake up and I mean damn pause but like say out now think about that what he said there isn't that bad it's not that guilty because if I was talking and my brother was next to me and I would say to you oh me and my brother when we were little we used to wake up and play video games together nobody would think anything of that sentence it's not what he said it's it's the thought in his head that relates to what he said so quite often in interrogations the interrogator might casually just insert a detail of the crime that only the guilty party would know into the conversation casually like maybe this happened at a certain location and nobody would really know that and casually in the beginning as they're talking they just insert that location into the conversation to see how the person's going to react because if the person they're talking to just keeps talking doesn't really acknowledge the location it doesn't in any way trip them up or anything that could be a pretty good sign but if the person all of a sudden gets nervous about it it's like oh I wouldn't know anything about that I I haven't been I haven't been there in a while and while and all of a sudden seems nervous about that topic out of the blue that might be worth looking into I'm not saying it's always going to be that crystal clear but if you start to see some nerves around that topic you know that in the person's head there's meaning Associated to that location in fact it relates to one of my favorite questions that I teach a lot of my clients to ask when you're trying to get to the bottom of something something so whether this is in parenting or or or a teacher or uh you know the head of a company like a CO or president and you're trying to figure something out so as an example let's say you're a manager of a store and there's some cash missing from the cash register on a regular basis so you go up to the employees one by one casually this is a big serious thing and here's the line you go so I heard there's some cash missing from the register on a regular basis do you know anything about that and that's the line do you know anything about that but it's really important to do it with this little bit of a smile because depending on what the person actually knows it plays out differently in their head because if they know nothing about it and they weren't involved this kind of comes off as like a bit of Gossip like what's going on do you know anything was that's why the smile is there it's casual like do you know did you hear what's going on and they don't take it as an accusation but if they do have a bit of guilty knowledge you might see them start to be like no I would I I wouldn't know anything about that I didn't do anything and they start to get oddly defensive even if the question wasn't really meant that that way so I love that technique that kind of du of having two different meanings to the same question that gets interpreted differently depending on the person's involvement and that's exactly what this is the statement is we would wake up together that's not incriminating but because in his head there might be some sketchy stuff that was happening around that time involving ush sure he feels need to pause because what's in his head is guilty not the words next we get a classic example of psychological distancing these are words that we use in order to make things seem less bad and this was almost blatant CU he goes when he was 10 and I was a little bit older back in the days when he was like 10 and I was a little bit older his older brother so he's not using that number he's using a word that makes it seem less bad a little bit older right if I told you that my nephew is 10 years old and his friend is a little bit older most of us would assume 11 12 in this case 19 that's how old Diddy would have been when Asher was 10 he would have been 19 years old old and I think he knows very well that a 19-year-old really has no business hanging out with a 10-year-old which is why he softens it by going and I was a little bit older and then his mind does something psychologically really fascinating that we see in our day-to-day lives but a lot of people aren't aware as to why this happens and it's one of my favorite pieces of pop psychology and it's the idea that our brain has a natural reflex to balance things almost automatically so think about how when we see something that's really really cute like a kitten or a baby our mind goes to sadness or even aggression sometimes we say oh my God he's so cute I want to bite him I want to eat him up or we even go to like oh he's so cute and we get sad we get sad for the cuteness and that's our mind trying to balance because it went to an extreme joy really really quickly and your brain doesn't like to go to extremes that quickly it tries to do something from the opposite side whether it's aggression or sadness to kind of try to balance that out and bring you right back to the middle it's also one of the reasons you might see someone laughing at a few funeral or at a sad event when everyone else is sad sometimes it's just the nerves and the awkwardness but it's also because when we experience that sadness some just start laughing as a way for our brain to bring us back up to normal and normalize that I think that's exactly what happened in this case because there's something incriminating in his head from that time in his life his brain went to the polar opposite Place having cereal in the morning it's the most innocent you know normal thing so he's going there to try to balance out this weird dark thing that was his head so I think we saw all that in real time right we saw this thought enter his head then we go to something we talk about on the channel a lot which is an increased cognitive load when the brain is doing a lot our words fall apart right so we hear what we call verbal leaks or speech disys fluency cuz he's saying Dam pause like check this out I mean I mean he's just stumbling he's looking for those words a lot of fluff here I mean Dam pause but like just I mean I mean then we get that psychological distancing when he was 10 I was a little bit older and then we go to this innocent image of people just eating cereal nothing bad can happen when people are eating Frosted Flakes so what's happening throughout this entire thing is Kevin Hart noticed that something bizarre is going on and in that Kevin Hart way with some humor because it' be really awkward if it was like whoa whoa stop what the hell are you talking about he kind of calls him out but he keeps it funny keeps it light like is anyone going to acknowledge what the heck just happened cuz you know no one's going to talk about this stuff for me and at that moment as Kevin Hart is calling out this awkwardness look at what happens with Diddy he takes notice of Kevin Hart he perks up and then and we see a seriousness in his face it's not playful it becomes playful but at first it's not playful he's looking at kevar with a very serious tone and he doesn't just you know nudge him or gently he puts his arm around his neck and he's got a fist and he grapples him like this around the neck in a very controlling way and this is a very dominant position and drags him off the camera because Kevin art is acknowledging the thing that he didn't want acknowledged we're seeing this up you know Target grab and even verbalizes it he says shut up man and he's literally trying to pull him offes and we're streaming live that was stupid but as Kevin Hart resists and comes back into frame didd he realizes that he couldn't get rid of him he starts laughing and what else does he do he looks up and he looks around the room like who else heard that his mind is immediately going to reputation and social standing so look with the Ellen interview I could ask myself try to ignore what you know now was it obvious that something was going on and I go back and forth with it there are certain elements that are weird but with this video it's undoubtable like there was something and it's not obvious what it was it's still not obvious exactly what it was but some dark thought that he doesn't want to talk about that he doesn't want coming to light enters his head and everything we see in this video is a result of that and it's called out and he doesn't like that at all okay so there it was I really think these two clips are really interesting and they've been on my list for a really long time so so this was a good opportunity to just talk about them as a followup to the apology video and again it's fascinating to go back and look at these knowing what we know now and being like okay there was definitely some red flags there but of course behavior isn't always black on white it's not always that obvious and new evidence gives context to Old conversations and this was just such a great example of that let me know what you thought in the comments about all this and I will see you on the next one
Channel: The Behavioral Arts
Views: 186,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _urlFzLKQL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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