The War to End All Wars and Its Impact on the Middle East (Daniel 11:31-45)

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you're about to watch a session from the Maranatha global bible study of the prophecies of the book of daniel if you're watching this on youtube either on the fai youtube channel Joel Richardson's YouTube channel or a bootleg version of this we just want to make you aware that on the fai app which is available on all major platforms and all major app stores on the fi app is a ton of content that doesn't make its way to youtube that's exclusive to the app so if you want more free resources to go deep in the word together go download the FAI app Maranatha we hope you enjoyed this session [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the Maranatha global bible study of the prophecies of daniel we are at the end of our journey through Daniel 7 through 12 today we're jumping back into Daniel chapter 11 and in the next session our final session will wrap up the book jumping into Chapter 12 Daniel 11 and 12 we're just going to jump right into it without giving too much commentary on the front end I do however want to say that today as we work our way through this we're also going to be looking at a number of other passages in the Old Testament that speak about this time of trouble and its impact on the Middle East Daniel 11 verses 31 through the end of Daniel 11 is what we're looking at today and as our we said in our last few sessions or the outline of Daniel 11 verse 21 to the end of Daniel chapter 12 could really be divided into three sections section one is what happens before the final tribulation begins that's verse 21 through 31 then in verse 31 the tribulation kicks off with the event that everything revolves around none other than the abomination of desolation so from verse 31 to Daniel 12:3 we have the details of what happens during the tribulation Daniel 12:1 through 3 could really dovetail as the the tribulation and what happens after it it could it could be either and then the last the third part of our outline is what happens after the tribulation what happens after this climactic 42 month period so we're gonna look at in this session today is verse 31 through verse 45 Daniel 11 verse 31 through 45 now within these verses not a lot of verses but there's a lot of detail and a lot of information about not only the campaign of the Antichrist in the generation of the Lord's return but the impact of his campaign on the Middle East so one of the things that we're gonna look at in here as we move through this and where we're gonna cross-reference a number of other passages specifically in the Book of Isaiah is looking at the impact of his reign of terror on the Middle East as a whole because the the reality is this final beast the man in his final beast empire and his coalition of Nations it is very much going to be a Middle Eastern drama now the other nations of the world are going to be affected by it for sure but for example we don't read about Europe we don't read about South America don't worry about North America and in these prophecies we read about Egypt we read about Moab or the Arabian Peninsula we read about the Mediterranean powers around Israel in the Middle East what we're looking at is a Middle East trauma and it's important to understand this because in terms of the you know let's say the the debate that's raged through church history about the who the Antichrist is and where he will come from the more important thing for us to study in to wrestle with is the impact of his campaign but in the Middle East as described in Scripture because this actually is gonna shed a lot of light on who he is and where he comes from now I want to say say a few things about this the identity of the Antichrist we don't care necessarily about where he comes from because we want to know where he comes from we want to understand the impact of what he does when he comes from where he will come from and what I mean by that is this if we're anticipating a European Antichrist in the meaning someone who's going to come out of a revived Roman Empire for example it that's gonna have Domino effects of the way you understand the rest of these passages and the same could be said of a Jewish Antichrist or an American Antichrist or fill in the blank all the different theories throughout church history of the identity of the anti now our position on the nature of the final beast Empire is that it will be an Islamic empire it will be an Islamic or a Middle Eastern coalition of nations now there may be other nations who throw in on meaning there no doubt there will be other nations that's not just in the Middle Eastern I have no doubt in my mind that there's going to be some Asian nations for example that will throw in they may not be a part of the ten nations because we do know that there's gonna be a ten nation coalition that emerges but we do know that the base the power base of this final Empire is Middle Eastern in nature it's not American it's not European it's not Asian it's a meaning Southeast Asia East Asia this is a Middle Eastern drama led by a Middle Eastern tyrant who gathers a coalition of Middle Eastern nations to attack Israel and the nation's that are connected to Israel in different ways that's what we're going to look at today Daniel 11 verses 31 through 45 gives us some of the most explicit detail in the entire Bible about not just the Antichrist final campaign but about the the drama that will hit the Middle East in the generation of the Lord to turn which is unique because a lot of prophecy deals with the impact of the final tribulation in Jerusalem and in Israel there's not a ton of prophecies that deal in great detail with the impact on the surrounding nations now Daniel 11 is different and we've as we looked at in our last session when we worked through verses 21 through 31 we saw the the events that take place in the Middle East leading up to the tribulation and we can see that there's a lot happening in in Egypt we can see there's a lot happening with Middle Eastern naval powers that Israel is at the center of this unfolding drama but what we're seeing in in verses 31 through the end is great detail about his campaign so we're gonna jump in right in verse 31 and we're going to take it from there we read this verse last week but we're gonna pick it up and read it again because this is the centerpiece of the prophecy and it's not only a centerpiece of this prophecy is the centerpiece of all eschatological prophecy because the abomination of desolation is the climactic event that sets everything in motion and at that point you can start your clock so to speak because at that point we have 42 months left until the sky splits at that moment we're gonna have 1260 days of tribulation at that point we're gonna have three and a half years of global turmoil and that moment is what is going to give us the absolute confidence that you're living in the generation of the Lord's return before that event there's no way of certainty it's maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe but once this event happens guys it's on and it's it's it's gonna go all the way to the end and you're gonna see the whole thing either from front row seating on the ground or front row seating under the altar of those who've been slain during the tribulation or those who perish in the tribulation you're gonna be in the throne room watching this whole thing unfold but you will be living in the generation that sees all these things take place which is what Jesus meant in Matthew 24 when he said the generation that sees these things will by no means pass away until all these things take place what does that mean it means this when you see the abomination of desolation set up in Jerusalem the final Tribulation is upon us and in 42 months this present evil age will be over that is a staggering reality an amazing reality as well so let's jump in verse 31 forces from him shall appear and profane the temple and the fortress he shall take away the regular burnt offering and they shall set up the abomination that makes desolate I want to hone it on the word they for a moment it's typically you know explained that the Antichrist sets up the abomination of desolation which is true but Daniel puts a plural on it they will set up the abomination of desolation this is going to be a joint effort of the nations in the coalition that lead this high style invasion of Jerusalem at the end and the centerpiece of this thing will be an attack on the temple it will be a violent and merciless attack on the city of Jerusalem the old city on the Temple Mount verse 32 he shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action the people who know their God will stand firm and take action so if two very important statements being made here and connected to each other statement 1 the Antichrist and they who are with him will violate the temple bring the sacrifices to an end and violence will bear down on the City of Jerusalem at the same time the people who know God will stand firm and they will take action they will stand firm and they will take action there's a standing and there's a moving there's a standing and there's forward motion they're going to take action now this is very important as we move through this that you see not only the impact of the tribulation on the Middle East but the impact of the tribulation on the Saints who love the Lord and who know him there's going to be a number of passages in here that describe what their stand looks like and what their action looks like in these days verse 33 the wise among the people shall make many understand the wise among the people shall make him many understand now the wise and the word here is Maskelyne I love this word the Maskelyne we actually started a publishing company a number of years ago before we started at fai we named Maskelyne publishing because we love this idea that in the generation of the lord's return there's going to be those who are going to know they're gonna have revelation they're gonna understand so the wise who understand it's actually those who have revelation it's those to see it's those who have understanding look at what they're doing it says that those people will make many understand they'll make many understand so the Maskelyne who understand will make many people understand they will help people understand what's taking place they're going to be the interpreters as things are unfolding you know this is good this is the brilliance of the book of Revelation in terms of the sequencing of events because if you understand the sequencing of the events you're gonna be able to help people understand what comes next so for example when the abomination of desolation is set up if you have depth in a history in the word and you know what comes next this isn't about so that you can win an argument on Facebook about whether your end times scenario is the right one or not this is about saving people from temporal and eternal judgments in the generation of the Lord Saturn and I want to make a point of emphasis here before we move on the reason that we're studying this this subject is because we want depth in the word so that we can be a blessing to the nations when the season unfolds this is not about being right this is about being fruitful this is not about being correct this is about being a redemptive tool in the hand of the Lord the Lord's design for your life in the tribulation is that you would turn many to righteousness that you would give understanding to many you know we're living in a days of incredible turmoil as we're recording this there's riots sweeping the United States of America right now in protests there's racial tension there's economic collapse there's so much crisis in the land right now and people are freaking out and fraying like a rope that's fraying is dangling by a thread to maintain some sense of stability in this thing and guys this is nothing compared to what's coming nothing was taking place right now with the coronavirus and the economic impact of this thing and now the racial tension and this explosion of attacking it this this is nothing and I don't want to minimize what's taking place in the sense that saying it's nothing in an absolute way meaning it's nothing it's nothing in comparison to what's coming meaning when this breaks out no one's gonna look back on 2020 SMN 2020 was rough we're gonna look back on 2020 and go then remember when we thought that was bad that was just the beginning and the point is this guys right now people are craving some sense of stability some sense of understanding some way to deal with the anxiety of the fear of you you don't know what the future brings well add eschatological intensity to that I mean this is heavy guys Jesus said in in in Luke's version of the Olivet discourse he said that men will seek death in those days and they won't find it it says that men's hearts will fail from fear into those days men that means people are their hearts are going to be giving out they're gonna be having they're gonna be dying because they're losing the will to live because of the fear that's bearing down upon them this is God's purpose in giving us illumination and understanding and revelation of these events is so that we could be like Moses and Aaron standing in the middle of a judgement event and saying this happened now this will happen stand firm take action meaning the brilliance of the the plagues of Exodus was what you could go Oh frogs that means this is next because the Lord told the sequence of events and that's why the judgments in the book of Revelation which we'll talk about soon in great detail our sequential in nature and constant and consecutive meaning after the first seal you're going to know what comes next the second seal after the second so you're gonna know it comes next the third seal and the point is this this is why we're studying this subject in these days is to get it into us like I think about it like this it's like you're an earthen vessel your body is an earthen vessel right we have this but equip all said we have this Gloria in earthen vessels we are pouring water into earthen vessels and we're trusting God to turn that water into wine that's how I think Bible said what Bible study is I think it's turning water into wine meaning we're filling ourselves with the word and we're saying God we don't this is just information translate this into Revelation we don't want information we want revelation but how do you get revelation we take information put it in our earthen vessel in obedience just like Jesus says hey put the water in the earthen vessels and by doing this active obedience the transformation takes place our part is to obey his part is to do the miracle of transformation so as we're studying as we're asking God transform us transform our minds our emotions our character are who we are as people and prepare us for the days ahead the Maskelyne this I believe is what God has this is God's plan for your life in the tribulation is that you would be one of the Maskelyne those who would understand and would make many understand here's the context of this though look though for some days they shall stumble by sword and flame by captivity and plunder they will fall by sword and flame captivity and plunder so understanding does not mean that you won't experience the violence of the days it means that you'll experiencing you'll experience the violence without falling away and you'll experience the violence while turning many to the Lord in the midst of it you know this is a great difference between the the different tribulation theologies and why I believe it's so important that we abandon any sentiment of an eschatology that says we're not going to go through the tribulation this is a false teaching par excellence this is an exquisite false teaching to set up a large part of the body of Christ globally with the false assumption that there will be no tribulation for us but only for the world but that we because we're the bride we don't go through the violence beloved this is not biblical not only is it not biblical this is playing into the hands of the purposes of the evil one to tell people that they don't need to be prepared for tribulation and violence well Daniel is telling us is the exact opposite there's no asterisks in here or parenthesis or it says oh by the way the Saints are going to be exempt from the violence no what we read the description of the Saints is that those who understand will turn many to righteousness while they're falling and martyrdom while they're being plundered while they're being burned while they're being killed and murdered and gunned down while they're being rounded up this is the description of the endtime Church is that we overcome by not loving our lives unto death we overcome and we turn many because we're standing firm and taking action in the midst of the brutality this is what the Lord is preparing the Maranatha Church at the end of the age for is that we would be a people who could stand in the midst of the trouble in the brutality with bright eyes with tender hearts with willing hands with able bodies with a calm and steady hand and with an intentionality to not just survive but to bring as many people into the age to come as possible not just in the age to come in the lake of fire but into the age to come with the Lord as a part of the covenant family this is what's God's this is God's plan for your life to be a purpose who to be a person who can stand in the trouble firm who can take action and who can bear the backlash and who can bear the weight of the consequences of your firm stand because when it says they stand firm you know there's a there's a bravado and that of like I'm gonna stand firm you know you know I'm ready let's let's do this thing let's take the Antichrist out you know that's not how it's going to work in fact when we read revelation 13 the description of the antichrists violence it says that there's actually a warning in Revelation 13 not to take up arms so those who who want to use the sort we want to use guns who want to do this there's that you're cautioned against doing that in this time now that now you get into the whole ethics of gun control and all that kind of stuff I want to I want to say this and be clear about this because I'm not a pacifist and at all I think there's a the government is supposed to bear the sword there is Romans 13 I believe Romans 13 is true I believe that it's appropriate we you know we work all over the Middle East and we work with with militaries who are trying to protect life and you have to protect life with force Israeli Defense Force if they were to lay down their arms today the nation would be eradicated overnight the Kurds have to defend themselves from their enemies on every side I think it's appropriate to do so now there is a distinction in history and in the tribulation in the tribulation we have commands from the Lord not to resist but to submit to this thing so this raises an important question what does it mean to stand firm to take action in these days does it look like storing up ammunition and forming a Christian militia to take on the Antichrist beloved that is not what it looks like to stand firm and to take action in those days I know you know every now and again I peruse the comments section of YouTube for some of our videos that get posted and I just scratched my head some of the stuff that I read of that people post I'm there nervous right now about the state of the church in the West that is so hyped up on the need to protect religious liberties at all cost because there's this there's a lack of connection to reality here meaning I'm all for the protection of religious liberties I'm all for it we work in the middle east that's the air we breathe it's the protection of religious liberties not just for believers but for all people I don't think is appropriate or right to kill anyone for their religion ever I think religious liberty is one of the most important things to defend in any given time and I also believe that it's very clear from the prophetic scriptures that during the tribulation the call is not to bear arms but to lay down our lives there's going to be a unique mandate that's unique and specific to the tribulation where the Saints are called into a crucifixion like Jesus now Jesus would have been in his right okay let me give me an analogy Jesus would have been in his right to fight arrest the night that he was betrayed he would have been right to do so okay ethically morally theologically it would have been appropriate for Jesus to say this is unjust I'm the son of God I'm the beloved of my father it's right to protect human life it's right for religious liberty it's right it's right it's right it's right and to use force to stop the crucifixion but Jesus didn't do that he didn't do that he submitted to the injustice of the cross now this is very important is what we read here in this passage is that those who are wise are going to be stumbling by the sword and flame by captivity and plunder beloved God is calling us to prepare for the stumbling to prepare for the plundering to prepare for the crucifixion and this is how the church at the end will give her great witness before the end of this age not a witness of triumph over the Antichrist a witness through crucifixion that attests to the worth of Jesus and to the power of a resurrection that is what the endtime church is called to do not to take up arms to fight the Antichrist to protect our liberties but to give our lives and our liberties away to make much of something much more valuable than your religious liberty and your temporal freedoms something much more eternally valuable than that now at this point you said Dalton do you are you now are you anti-gun are you a pacifist or you anti self-defense what about that you know if the Antichrist comes to my door I'm gonna I'm gonna shoot them in the face kind of a thing like a you know a good old redneck approach to this thing I grew up in the South I me I've got no problem with firearms I've got no problem with defending innocent lives that's not what I'm saying guys I'm all hear me on this okay this is not some sort of you know far-left pacifist thing what I'm saying is it and I'm laboring this point because it's an important point because there's so much confusion over this in the tribulation we are called to martyrdom we are called to crucifixion and it's going to be a unique moment in time where the Lord says that was appropriate then it's not now for example in the Book of Isaiah Isaiah instructs his generation to resist the occupation the invasion the destruction of Jerusalem to fight the Assyrians essentially and he says God will protect you defend stay in the city now a hundred hundred and fifteen years later Jeremiah comes on the scene and says hey I saw a boiling pot tipping from the north and the Lord is bringing Babylon in judgment against you don't resist don't fight if you resist if you fight if you try to save the city there's going to be consequences accept this as judgment in other words the principle is this what was right at this moment in history is not right in this moment history it's not a blanket that you can throw over all of human history and say this is right this is not right there's moments in time where God instructs the people of God in a unique way in light of unique dynamics this is one of those times look at the next verse and many shall join themselves to them with flattery and some of the wise shall stumble so that they may be refined purified and made white until the time of the end for it still awaits the appointed time now this is a paraphrase of what we read in revelation 6 with the fifth seal the fifth seal when that seal is torn what do we what do we see sorry the sixth seal and the sixth seal a storm what do we see we see them under the altar saying hey when are you gonna avenge our blood and the Lord says not until the appointed time and the full number of martyrs has come in what we read about here is that martyr done there is an appointed fullness of martyrdom that is going to come in during the reign of the Antichrist it's God ordained that's connected to the appointed time there's an appointed intensity of this thing and an appointed fullness of martyrdom this is but no guys this is about our being refined and purified when you when we look at Ephesians 5 this whole idea of the church being purified and made to be presented and splendor do you know how the church will be prepared and and made ready without any spot or wrinkle this through violence the bride is not going to be made ready apart from violence the bride will not be ready apart from refining and purification that comes through tribulation this is another reason why I think the pre-tribulation thing is so destructive and so delusional because it prepares people says no we're ready when when we're ready now come get us Lord and logos no you're not ready now I'm not going to come take you out the trouble is coming to prepare you guys this isn't about bringing the people of God out so that the Lord can just pummel the nation's the Lord is going to purify the church through the tribulation to give a witness in their purification to the nations that we would save as many as possible and in the process indict the Antichrist and the enemies of God and the people of God it's it's one stone that's killing 50 Birds by setting the tribulation in motion but the church the Crucified Church is at the heart of this drama and you say well Dalton is this looks like this is Jerusalem specific is this about the global church is this about your ISM this is about Jerusalem specific for sure okay but what's happening in Jerusalem is also taking place in the nations so the mass Kaleem in Jerusalem are going to be they're gonna have a heavy responsibility there's a lot going to be happening in Jerusalem at that time that's going to be very significant but that's also taking place not just in Jerusalem but in the nation's as well okay I'm just looking at our time here we got to get rolling through this to get to the end of this and look at some other passages the King shall do as he wills the King shall do as he wills first 36 and he's acting unilaterally unilaterally with absolute freedom without consequence he's just mowing people down nations are falling collapsing armies are being swept away before him he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every God and shall speak astonishing things about the God of gods he will exalt and magnify himself above every God this is the at this point now we're watching the full manifestation of Satan and carnet in the same way we have the Son of God now we have the man of sin or the son of perdition it's the son of god the son of satan essentially it's the incarnation of satan at this point when the tribulation is kicked off by the abomination of desolation what's also happening at that point point in time the devil is forced out of heaven he's forced out of a position of authority and he's cast down to the earth with great wrath knowing his time is short revelation 12 in revelation 13 then the beast rises the beast rises when it's when Satan is cast down now if Satan is cast down that means he was forcibly evicted which means this Daniel becomes a prototype of the endtime Church in that Daniels intercession is affecting the Prince of Persia remember from chapter 10 he's praying and he's making intercession and an angel goes to battle with powers of the powers of the air so what's what me what that means is this that the church at the end will be in a Daniel like posture of intercession that not only is the Prince of Persia going to be confronted Satan himself will be evicted from heaven and cast down like we said in our last session this is one of the reasons why we believe that Satan himself is the restrainer who's restraining the son of perdition z' manifestation on the world scene because of all people who doesn't want this to be forced upon them it's Satan Satan does not want he knows his days are numbered and he knows how the story ends so if you're him put yourself in Satan's shoes for a minute and imagine what's the last thing that you want to happen the last thing that you want to happen is for the tribulation to kick off because you know you've got 42 months before you're going to be cast into Chains and you're gonna be cast into the lake of fire okay so he's evicted from heaven forced out of heaven and this is why then there's this egg self-exaltation now people have you know have said different Antichrist theories of who the Antichrist is and it always comes down to those people go well how could he declare himself God if he's this if he's that if he's this afid that guys at this point this is the full manifestation of Satan in a man we're not talking about cultural or religious heritage at this moment we're talking about Satan being manifested the personality of Satan himself being manifested in a human frame just like in the frame of Jesus if you saw Jesus you saw the father remember John 14 look egos guys if you've seen me you've seen the father I and our Father I and my father are one the Antichrist is gonna be the mirror of that meaning if you've seen me you've seen my father my father and I are one my father of the devil it's a full manifestation and that's why he's declaring himself to be God it's because it's total self exaltation at this point and this is what he's always wanted in fact and we wouldn't have time to get into this today we'll do it in another session in another context but if you study the Old Testament backdrop to Lucifer to Satan both in Ezekiel and in Isaiah we see that the issue that motivated the rebellion of the enemy at the very beginning was the issue of envy now Envy throughout biblical history almost always envy is made manifest in context to the issue of the election the issue of election I very much believe that the election of Jesus the election of the son and the election of the City of Jerusalem to be the city of the great king and the councils of heaven provoked the envy which set in motion the great rebellion we don't we don't have time to get into that today but I'm putting that on your radar put that on a shelf we'll come back to that another time to see the way Ezekiel describes the Envy that's provoked in the heart of Satan at the very beginning Oh Lucifer or the Isaiah describes the same scenario Envy being provoked which is why that Envy is going to be made manifest as Satan himself stands in the chosen elected city and the chosen elected he'll and the very spot where the Son of God the chosen son is going to rule and reign he will stand there and declare himself to be who only Jesus is it's the full exaltation and here's the great difference and the great beauty of Jesus and contrast to the Antichrist there's a lot obviously but Philippians 2 tells us this is because he went solo his name has been exalted above every other because he's submitted to death EA death on a cross therefore you get the highest place Satan is going to take the highest place for 42 months and the Lord is going to allow it but he's allowing it for a purpose and it's not going to be outside of his control in fact it's very much under his sovereign providence and the devil knows this the devil knows his parameters in the Andes God's devil this whole thing is not a clash between the devil and Jesus this this thing is being orchestrated by God sovereignly and providentially and nothing the enemy does during this time is going to be outside of the control of God's sovereignty a very important point which we'll talk about more later he shall prosper till the indignation is accomplished for what is decreed shall be done it's decreed guys it's appointed it's fixed its sovereign you can't pray this thing away you can't fight this thing away you can't you know form militias and you know defeat you have to understand the sovereign intentionality in this he shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers or to the one beloved by women he shall not pay attention to any other God for he shall magnify himself above all he shall honor the god of fortresses or war instead of these a God whom his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver with precious stones and costly gifts he shall deal with the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god those who acknowledge him he shall load with honor he shall make them rulers over many and shall divide the land for a price and there is a lot in there there's a lot in there I would encourage you if you haven't to get Joel Joel Richardson's books particularly about these passages and read them his original book the Islamic Antichrist and then Mideast peace that goes into a lot of detail of this and gives the backdrop for why we believe there is an Islamic or a middle Eastern Antichrist and how all of these things are gonna relate to one another when these things break out in touch which we'll look at in a moment the surrounding nations but the point is this there's a lot in here and for time purposes I've only got about 10-15 minutes left to get through the passage so we're gonna race through this but the main takeaway points here is total exultation total exaltation and the pulling in of other people to join him in his campaign by essentially rewarding them for allegiance and loyalty so at this point we have the religious background you could say if the Antichrist is being described so it's saying hey there's it's basically describing a break it's a break from the god of his father's it's a break from any and this is why I want to emphasize this point this isn't at this point we're not talking about even though we what work we say it's important to understand that it's middle eastern Antichrist or Islamic background Antichrist what we're not saying is that that cultural religious identity matters at this point because at this point it doesn't it's not gonna matter because you now we're the in terms of cultural background you're talking about what's the cultural religious background of Satan himself because that's what we're dealing with we're not dealing with you know the the vehicle think about it like this the cultural the ethnic the religious identity of the Antichrist is a vehicle or it's like a train that he's gonna ride and then he's gonna get off meaning he's gonna ride that thing in and he's gonna get off that thing and he's gonna ride that vehicle because he knows that that's the most suited and appropriate vehicle to drive in meaning ask yourself culturally and religiously what people hate the Jewish people hate the Land of Israel and the dirty occupation of Jerusalem more than the Muslim world this is why you know what Adolf Hitler was able to do in the 1930s and 40s is astounding because there was no State of Israel to provoke the hatred it was utterly irrational there was no occupation there was no state yes it was wild conspiracy theories about Jewish conniving and conspiring but there wasn't a state to point to and say see they stole our land now what was set in motion in 1948 1967 with the Nakba and the occupation with Jewish pollution of Arab land set a context for a Muslim bloc of Nations to throw in with a leader who would come in and with a religious cultural ethnic national heritage come in and say on these grounds we oppose Jewish presence on this soil that's our soil this is one of the reasons why I think a European Antichrist it's not as though that's gonna like you know if you believe in that you're you know gonna go to hell or something like that the point is it just doesn't it doesn't you're it's not connecting the dots of reality the reality of the situation is the Middle East today is primed and ready for a man to emerge to lead and that's really what's needed you know I've traveled all over the Middle East and I've talked to Muslims from all different backgrounds who you know are very much on different sides of the spectrum in terms of you know politically but they all very much want the liberation of palestine and some of them are very very violent genocide all about it and some of them not so much but they still think that the Israelis need to go and that the land needs to be taken back and they will put it in more delicate terms but but the point is this and this is what I've heard all over I remember sitting in Doha a couple months ago or last year and speaking with some some individuals and they said look the the the issue is this is that you know we don't want to see the State of Israel obliterated and annihilated but the reality is that's just where this thing is going no matter what and these guys weren't necessarily hardline you know Islamists or anything like that in fact there are more atheists they weren't but they said look on a social justice plane that's wrong with the Israelis did they took the land from us that was our that was our land they took it so it's only a matter of time right now the Israelis have the upper hand because if they have intelligence and they have strength and they have unity we don't the Arab the Muslim world doesn't have that but all we need is a leader who can do that and who can bring us together and it's good it's gonna happen very quickly so the point is this I think for many of us in the West we we were not really in touch with the Middle Eastern consciousness over the issue of the Land of Israel and the need for the Liberation of Palestine Jerusalem you know we see it we see kind of the BDS stuff we see the anti-zionism and stuff but I don't think we're in touch with the deep deep cultural convictions in the Middle East that not only should the Israelis go but number two the cultural consciousness that says it's only a matter of time before we're able to get past our internal fighting and squabbling and focus on what we need to focus on which is liberating Palestine liberating Jerusalem and it reality is it is only a matter of time in a prophetic sense and understanding that is important why because if the Middle East is going to be caught up into a frenzy for the annihilation of the State of Israel that's going to present very significant ethical and moral and political and spiritual implications for the whole earth because the world is going to stand by and watch this in the same way that the world watched the attempted annihilation of the Jews in in Europe in the 1930s and 40s and now we got involved in it meaning we as Americans got involved in that fight but only after certain things took place you know we needed a couple things to take place before we threw into it and the same will be said of this final tribulation there's going to be some things there that we're gonna have to that the people going to go we can't throw in yeah it's not our flights a Middle Eastern thing leave it alone all right we got our race through this we're we're out of time I'm gonna make this but we're gonna we're gonna get through this sorry this one's gonna be a little bit longer but we just we need to get through at the time of the end at the time of the end the King of the South shall attack him but the king of the north shall rush upon him so the king of the south there's opposition for the Antichrist guys it's not as though the Antichrist comes on he's invincible the Antichrist comes on the scene and he sweeps armies and Nations away yes but people still are opposing him so we see the king of the south which I believe is Egypt Egypt is clashing with the Antichrist still so Egypt had a clash with the Antichrist before the abomination before the abomination was set up and now he's having another clash with him after the abomination so there's multiple rounds of fighting so it's not as though there's gonna be just one big climactic war there's gonna be campaigns there's gonna be seasons and even within the final three and a half years you're gonna have a six-month military campaign which will secure this this land you're gonna have a six-month campaign that's gonna secure these interests and the whole thing's gonna have a rhythm to it like all of human history and all war has rhythms to it it's not like one big sustained battle it's a season of clashing of taking ground losing ground gaining strategizing recalibrating the king of the Norse will rush upon him like a whirlwind with chariots and horsemen with many ships and he shall come into countries and overthrow and pass through so he's gonna come he's gonna sweep through the Middle East he's gonna sweep through North Africa he's gonna sweep through the Mediterranean Basin and he's gonna overthrow countries and militaries and armies and governments and he's gonna pass through them to occupy them it's gonna be comparable to the Nazi blitzkrieg countries are gonna fall and he's gonna occupy them France France collapsed under the weight of it France didn't get erased from the map they were occupied by German forces and part of the country was less occupied part of it was more occupied different parts of the country had different dynamics the same thing will be happening here in places like Ethiopia Sudan Libya we're gonna see North Africa ravaged by this man verse 41 he shall come into the glorious land now he enters Israel okay and tens of thousands shall fall but these shall be delivered out of his hand this is that's a very important statement tens of thousands will fall but these will not these will be delivered or spared from his long reach look Edom and Moab and the main part of the nights Edom Moab in the main part of the ammonites this is modern-day Jordan and Saudi Arabia this is from the Dead Sea down towards Mount Sinai now Joel and I are gonna take considerable time in coming months to explore this whole drama of what takes place between the Dead Sea and Mount Sinai Joe has a book coming out soon we have a some awesome new content that's going to be coming out exploring this and I think it's one of the most underdeveloped or not at all developed themes within the prophetic story is what takes place in the Arabian Peninsula during the final tribulation that is spared from the long arm of the Antichrist I just realized I had an earbud in here he shall stretch out his hand against the countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape okay so look at the contrast again countries falling tens of thousands of people are falling Edom and Moab are not falling they're standing there preserved and protected which is amazing considering how close they are to Israel which is the eye of the storm he says he's going to stretch out his hand against countries in the land of Egypt shall not escape Egypt will not escape the fury and the violence of the Antichrist military campaign he shall become the ruler of the treasures of the gold and silver and all the precious things of Egypt and the Libyans look at this the Libyans and the Kushites shall follow in his train this is North Africa that surrounds Egypt so the countries that surround Egypt you can open up a map on your phone right now and pull it up and look at the map that's the top of North Africa down to the countries that are south and wrapping around Egypt they're gonna throw in with the Antichrist when they see Egypt fall so there's gonna eat is gonna attempt to clash they're not going to escape so North Africa throws in with the Antichrist North Africa falls into the grip or into alliance with the Antichrist meanwhile the Arabian Peninsula is not falling it's spared it's preserved why what's happening over there but news from the east and the North shall alarm him think about that Satan the Beast the dragon the false prophet this trifecta the false prophet the Antichrist is Satan they are alarmed in troubled what could possibly be happening to alarm the Antichrist the man who just swept through the nations of the Middle East something's happening in the north and to the east in this there's forces coming to oppose him so Egypt attempted and failed but now there's a coalition of nations that are coming against him and he's starting to feel you the only reason that you're gonna be alarmed and you're gonna feel fear as if people are coming to oppose you right so then this is this he will go out with great fury to destroy and to devote many to destruction so this is comparable to Adolf Hitler's you know his aides coming and saying hey look they're starting to shell the outskirts of Berlin like I think it's over what do you want us to do and Hitler says kill all the Jews devote them to destruction use all of the rest of our resources and ammunition and forces and strength the annihilation of the Jew that's really what's happening now at this point he knows you know the edges of his empire are now beginning to be assaulted by forces from the north and from the east who are coming to oppose and to bring much-needed deliverance to the Israelis who are bearing down under the way to this and they just watched Egypt fall and they're watching this bizarre a series of events taking place in the Arabian Peninsula going what's going on they're witnessing what will be the largest refugee crisis in human history taking place at that time they're going to be witnessing as that refugee crisis is mounting you're going to witness miracles breaking out in the desert there's going to be some very bizarre phenomenon taking place in Jerusalem we know from revelation 11 that there will be no rain during that time but the two witnesses will call down fire and they'll shut up heaven there will be no rain so imagine that three and a half years of no rain the impact of that in terms of food shortage and famine the collapsing of banking systems globally and militaries are trying to muster up forces to fight into combat the antichrists blitzkrieg it's heavy stuff he shall pitch is palatial tents between the see that's the Mediterranean and the glorious holy mountain let me just but if you're not aware of the map let me just point something out for you if you go from Jerusalem and you drive towards the sea it's a straight shot road that goes through that it's a it's a beautiful road it's a hard hard fought hard one Road in the War of Independence where today the road is littered with army vehicles that were destroyed during the battle to take the road to keep the road open to the road to Jerusalem in 1948 along that road is also the turnoff to go to ben-gurion airport the air the main airport in Israel if you pass you go through the War Memorial sites and you pass ben-gurion on your right you're gonna be heading directly to the C tel aviv's right in front of you what Daniel 11 tells us this is that in the tribulation while after the campaign and he decimates Egypt he's going to go set up his headquarters in between Jerusalem in the sea which means this the final beast is going to await the final climactic showdown for the Battle of Jerusalem in between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem which means this Tel Aviv will have fallen Ben Gurion Airport will no longer be under the control of the Israelis at this point if there's foreign invaders that means they've cut the road from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv which means they've also violated the borders in the north and the south and if Egypt fell and he came up from Egypt he probably did that in one day meaning this once Egypt Falls you can drive from Egypt through Gaza up into Israel you can be in Jerusalem and you know it's not a long drive you know to drive from Tel Aviv down to Gaza you know you're talking about an hour it's not a long drive and to go from Gaza into Egypt you're just crossing the Sinai Peninsula which doesn't take very long so the point is this this could all happen in a day to move he hears word and in news fearful news of the east and the north where does he choose to set up to make the final stand in between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem the last sentence okay look at that he'll set up his his palatial tents or his headquarters between the sea and the glorious holy mountain so Jerusalem is in rubble at this point and the description is the claudius holy mountain I just love that that phrases in there Jerusalem the glorious holy mountain then the last sentence is this yet he shall come to his end with none to help him he will come to his end with none to help him that's kind of like the understatement of the millennium he'll come to his end no one will help him Paul adds a parenthesis to that and second Thessalonians and says this Jesus will personally kill him with the breath of his mouth and the brightness of his coming that's that's what that looks like when he comes to his end he's gonna come to his end by Jesus executing him in annihilating him and then incarcerated Satan for a thousand years and binding him in Chains before his ultimate sentencing at the end of the millennium so I had plans to go through Isaiah 16 in Isaiah 19 instead because we're out of time and I'm already over we're gonna leave it here and I'm gonna encourage you to go read Isaiah chapter 16 and Isaiah chapter 19 the detail the fall of Egypt to the Antichrist during the final tribulation there is some very very heavy language in here that I think it's very important that we understand for example isaiah 19 verse 4 I will give over the Egyptians into the hand of a hard master or a cruel tyrant and a fierce King will rule over them that fierce King that hard master that cruel tyrant that's none other than a little horn the man of Daniel 11 Isaiah prophesied about this long before Daniel was even born Isaiah chapter 16 there's also another passage in here that is worth our attention in are studying we're not going to go through it but just to make mention over here give counsel verse 3 you have counsel grant justice make your shade like night at the height of noon shelter the outcasts do not reveal the refugees or the fugitives let the outcasts of moab sojourn among you be a shelter to them from the destroyer when the oppressor is no more and destruction has ceased and he who tramples underfoot has vanished from the land then a throne will be established in steadfast love and on it will sit in faithfulness in the tent of David one who judges and seeks righteousness and is Swift to do righteousness the moab this is what's being described in Daniel 11 moab is being preserved in isaiah two generations before is saying this look when the cruel tyrant comes into your land don't reveal the fugitives among you taking them in there's going to be a Jewish refugee crisis that's going to touch the Arab world and there's going to be a call that will go out to the Arab world prophetically which will be this don't reveal them to the cruel master be like shade take them in do justly because one is coming who will set up his throne in Jerusalem soon who will execute justice on behalf of everyone who's been afflicted by this thing meaning stand firm and take action and stand with the fugitives and the outcasts who then be finding themselves in Edom and Moab in the land of the ammonites in the Arabian Peninsula as Jerusalem is being assaulted by the little horn during the time of Jacob's trouble these are days that we need to understand days to prepare for so that when these events happen we have calm steady hands we're settled we're clear we understand what's happening we understand why it's happening and we understand what God is asking of us this is what Maranatha is all about because once we start crying Maranatha come Lord Jesus this these are gonna be the events that precede his response to our cry to come because he will come but this is the context that he's going to come in amen bless you and maranatha
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Id: g6KiqpTcZ-s
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Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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