The War Against Worry - Philippians 4:6-8 - Kevin Miller

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Hello and welcome to this message from Calvary Albuquerque. We're excited to hear from our special guest speaker, Kevin Miller, who is the founder and pastor of Awaken Church in Clarksville, Tennessee. His teachings awaken people to the relevance of God's word, equipping them for his service. If this message revolutionizes your walk with Christ, tell us. Email us at Worry goes to war against our faith every day. Life's what ifs will beat us down and steal our attention if we let them. Thankfully, God's word gives us a tutorial on how to flip the script and go to war against the worry in our lives. Now we invite you to open your bibles to Philippines chapter four as Kevin begins the message, The War Against Worry. Turn your bibles to Philippines chapter four. I'm honored to be filling this pulpit today. I love this pulpit because it's crafted for a six foot five man. That's helpful. These are rare, so I'm thankful for them. But I'm mostly honored to fill this pulpit because literally some of the best Bible teachers of our generation have taught from this stage. I mean, people like Chuck Smith and Alistair Begg, J. Vernon McGee and Greg Laurie and Franklin Graham. And not to mention your pastor and mine, Pastor Skip Heizig. Literally, I'm not making this up, one of the best Bible teachers on the planet today. And he's our pastor. Amazing. The Bible says to give honor where honor is due and our pastor is worthy of our honor. 34 years of faithfulness as a pastor, 33 years of faithfulness to his wife. We need to think the Lord for Him and the opportunity that we get to gather together here today. So Why don't we start with prayer and then we'll dive into Philippines 4. Would you guys pray with me? Jesus, we're so honored to be here in your presence. I believe there's something so powerful that takes place when your people gather in your house and open your word and your spirit begins to move. That's why your word tells us don't forsake these gatherings. Because when we gather together, you stir us up to love and good works. And I pray that would happen today. Lord, I'm praying for two groups of people here today. Those who know you and have a saving relationship with you, Lord. I pray that you would encourage us and empower us in our faith. You would fill our sails with faith that we would launch out into the deep to follow harder after you than ever before. Lord, I also lift up people across this campus who will hear this message this weekend, that maybe they thought that they had a relationship with you but they realize today that they don't. Whatever their story is, they've lived their life up until this point exhausting themselves, trying to find peace. And today, Lord, I pray that they would encounter it for the very first time. Would you grab their hearts and change them from the inside out, God? Thank you so much for the power of your word. We believe in it. We're leaning in because we know that when your word is open, something amazing is going to take place. We look forward to it Lord and we pray these things in the name of Jesus. Everybody said. Amen. Amen. Man, it's so good to be with you guys. I want to talk to you guys a little bit today about worry. Is that OK? If not, I'm going to anyway, so buckle up. Worry is something that I think we're all prone to on some level. And the danger of worry is that it can be crippling. It can just really blind us and take away our strength to move forward in what God has called us to. And you know, the irony of worry is that worry often causes the things that are outside of our control to control us. And I think one of the things that contributes so often to our worry is that we don't have the answers. We love answers. We love to know timing and the date and the reasons behind everything that's happening on our lives. We want explanations, we want answers. And our bibles tell us that God's ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. And if you're anything like me, you may have that verse underlined in your Bible, but secretly you think, I sure wish God's thoughts were a little bit more like mine, right? And so there's like this mystery to following Christ that sometimes frustrates us, if we're being honest. And it can cause this tension in our lives because we don't always know what God's doing. And I think that tension is compounded in the information age that we live in. I don't know about you, but I find myself commonly in conversations that end with my smartphone by saying something like, just Google it or ask Siri. I don't know about you, but I ask Siri stuff all the time. And five years ago, this didn't happen. Five years ago, we would actually sometimes end conversations in mystery. Without knowing the answer. Can you believe that? But we don't have to do that anymore because the answers are at our fingertips for everything. So that's fun when it comes to directions and song lyrics and recipes and all of that stuff. But the Bible says we walk by faith, not by Siri. Or I think it's something like that. Sometimes I get that one mixed up. Today I want to talk to you about going to war against worry. Because I believe that there are so many of us that we live like these weighed down worriers. But God has called us and equipped us and given us everything we need to be victorious warriors that march ahead in faith and victory. We weren't designed to be worriers. We were created to be warriors. And I believe all of us on some level, wherever you are, wherever you're hearing my voice right now, every one of us is pursuing peace in some way. Did you know that? Every one of us. We're after it. We want peace in our lives. And there are so many outlets that the world says, if you only had this, then you would finally have that peace or that happiness that you're looking for in life. And I'm here today to talk to you about the God who is the source of our peace. The Bible says that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. And if you want peace, I'm going to tell you today about how to get it in your life. In fact, today you will have an opportunity to embrace the peace that surpasses all understanding. We're going to read about this in Philippines chapter four. Now the great thing about Philippians is we're going to read from a book, a letter written by the apostle Paul. Which if you know his story, you might agree with me in saying that if there's a guy in the Bible that we would say we would make an exception to the worry rule, like we'll let that guy worry about some stuff, it would probably be Paul. If you've read his story in the book of Acts, you know this guy had a pretty gnarly time following the Lord, to say the least. Just read some of the things that he went through. This guy had enemies at one point that vowed not to sleep or eat until he was dead. The guy was shipwrecked and beaten. One time he preached and they didn't like his message apparently, and so they dragged him out of the city and they beat him up until they thought it was dead. They left him on the ground for dead. And then he got back up eventually, came to, got back up, brushed himself off, and went back into the same city and started preaching. This is the guy that we're learning from, all right? So how crazy is it that a guy who we would say he probably has the right to worry about some things, he chose not to. Instead what he did, he pens a letter. And this is not from the freedom of his own home. Philippines was written from the floor of a Roman prison cell while chained to a Roman guard. And he pens a tutorial on how to go to war against worry in our lives. I don't know about you, but I want to learn from a guy like that. Anybody with me? So we're going to read from Philippians chapter four. Let's read verse 6 through 8 and then we're going to unpack these together. Philippians 4, verse 6. It says, "Be anxious for nothing." How many things should we be anxious for? None of them. Nothing. "Be anxious for nothing. But in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving." That's important. We'll come back to it. "Let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren," verse 8, "Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, pure, lovely, of good report, if there's any virtue and if there's anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things." Here's what we're going to do today. We're going to work our way backwards through this text. So if you're OCD, hang with me. This is going to make sense, all right? We're going to work our way backwards, starting in verse 8. And we're going to start here at number one. I want to establish the standard. God's standard of perfect. His best. We want to establish what the bullseye for how our heart and our mind should look. And we find that in verse 8. We're going to work backwards. This'll make sense as we go. But what we find in verse 8 is God's bullseye for our hearts and our minds. We want our minds and the thoughts that are in them to be defined by the eight words that we found in verse 8. Did you see them in verse 8? This is what our minds should be defined by, true, noble, just, pure, holy, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. And so we are commanded in verse 8 to meditate on these things. Meditate in this passage is not like mindless yoga. We're talking about having our minds actively engaged on these things. It's a command for us. Now, we don't have a long time to spend on these eight characteristics. So let me boil it down to one thought. Here's the idea when it comes to our minds and our hearts. Make sure your mind is open by invitation only. There are a few things that you should be focused on and there are many that you should not be. Let me simplify it even a little bit further so you can understand. You're throwing a party. Let's pretend you're throwing a party and the venue is your mind and your heart. There's only eight people on your guest list according to verse 8. Here's the eight people that you and I should allow to our party. Mr. True, Mrs. Noble, their three friends, Just, Pure, and Lovely. And the three amigos, Good Report, Miss Virtue, of Captain Praiseworthy. They're the only ones that are allowed at your party. And anybody else who shows up at your party, they weren't invited. You gotta bounce them out of there, OK? And here's the reason. God has your best in mind. And so he wants your mind at its best. And this is where we start the standard. This is God's bullseye for our brains. This is where our thoughts and our minds and our focus should be and this is how they should be defined. Now let's look at the scene of the battle. Number two is the scene. Where is the battle taking place? The trenches, the front lines. According to verse 7, it's happening in our hearts and minds. This is the scene of the battle. Now, why are our hearts and our minds so important? Well, the Bible tells us earlier on in Proverbs chapter four. The New Living Translation says, "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." It's obviously a big deal. Romans chapter 8, verse 6 says, "Letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." Here's the thought. An unguarded hearts is a ticking time bomb. It's a land mine waiting to be stepped on. Its a grenade with the pin pulled. If we choose to allow our hearts and our minds to go unguarded and live as though they do not determine the course of our life, something dangerous will eventually transpire in our lives. And so the question is not will it explode, but when and who will be hurt by it. Now here's the catch. The challenge with this scene of the battle being our hearts and our minds is that we can't see those things. And so the Bible tells us that man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord sees the heart. But because we can't see the heart and the mind, our focus naturally gravitates toward the things that we can see. All of the external things. And so it's so easy for us to be focused on the things that we can see. Meanwhile, while the battle is waging in our hearts and our minds, we're trying to just line up all the things on the outside. That's like taking some ibuprofen when you have pneumonia. You're dealing with the symptoms, not the real problem. The scene of the battle is our hearts and our minds. It's internal. But Christians, we tend to get worked up about all the things that we can see. This is just natural human thing to do. I meet Christians like this all the time. I'm guilty of this at times in my life. In fact, I'll give you an example. And admittedly, this is a bit of a controversial example. So if you have angry emails for me after this, it's OK. Email me at Did you take that down? I'd love to hear from you. So I meet Christians who are so worried about our country because of this recent Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage across our nation. And I meet Christians that the way they're talking about it and living their life is telling me that they think that God is also worried about our problems. As though we serve a god in Heaven who goes, wait, wait, wait. The Supreme Court of the United States said what? Oh. What am I going to do? As though He fell off His golden throne and is no longer the king of the universe. Guys, we serve the God who spoke the stars into existence. We serve the God who said, let there be light when no such thing existed, OK? And I believe that we can have such great confidence in his ability to control the things that are far outside of our control. Because thankfully, the things that freak us out don't bother God. The things that surprise us don't surprise our God. Can I tell you a phrase that God has never used? He's never said, "Uh oh." He's never said it. He's never been surprised. I'm so thankful for our God who focuses on where the battle is being waged. Now, so here's what I'm trying to help you understand. When we focus on the external, we miss the battle on the internal. So I'm not trying to downplay how big of a deal it is that our nation has tried to redefine marriage. Which by the way, no nation has the right to redefine something that God defined in the first place. So I'm not trying to downplay. That's a big deal. But can we talk for a moment about a much bigger deal? People are dying and going to hell while we're focused on the outside stuff. Don't get me, wrong there will be homosexual people in hell. But there will be many more heterosexual people in hell who thought they were OK because of all of their outside things were lined up, because the world looked at them and said, they're a pretty good person. Because they thought that the good in their life would outweigh the bad and that would be enough on Judgment Day. I'm here to tell you, God doesn't let you into heaven because you read through the Bible a certain amount of times. God doesn't let you into heaven because you showed up to church and sat in a chair. God doesn't let you into heaven because you're a heterosexual. God lets you in heaven because you had a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. He is our only hope. He's it. [APPLAUSE] There's no apart from Jesus Christ. And so that is where the battle is being waged. We have to focus our attention there. And the scene of the battle is our hearts and our minds. We cannot afford to allow them to go unguarded. Now if there's a battle, then obviously there must be a soldier. Let's talk about that. Number three is the soldier. Again, as we're working backwards in this text. We find out verse 7 that God only has to deploy one soldier in this battle. Who's the soldier? Verse 7 tells us it's the peace of God. If we go back to our party scene illustration earlier on. This means that if you've allowed some people into the party going on in your mind and your heart that aren't supposed to be there. Verse 7, the peace of God is your bouncer. He came to get everybody out that was not supposed to be there. So here's the thought for us. God's peace defeats what we could not defeat in a lifetime. Did you know that? You will exhaust yourself trying to find peace apart from the Prince of Peace. So many of you have lived your lives up until this point, and I'm praying this changes today, but you've lived your life up until this point seeking peace wherever the world says, if you had this, then you would finally be happy. I'm here to tell you, it is not accessible apart from Jesus Christ. It is the peace of God that guards our hearts and our minds. And so God's peace can defeat what we can't defeat in a lifetime. And we get so amazed at these stories of heroin addicts and prostitutes who put their faith in Christ. And I love stories like that. We just hired a guy at our church who just a few years ago was addicted to heroin. And in two years of his life attended nine funerals for his friends who either overdosed, committed suicide, or were murdered. This guy sat in my office and told me his story. And now he's on our church staff, faithfully walking with Jesus. And we hear stories like this and we're amazed. I love stories like this. But on the other hand, you know what I say? Of course they finally realized they needed Jesus. Because life is exhausting and completely void of all peace until you let God in. It's the peace of God. Only from Him. He is the sole manufacturer and distributor of all true peace. And it is only when you find it a relationship with Christ, full surrender, that you can finally have this peace. And so it's no wonder that Paul describes it as peace that surpasses all understanding. You can't really fit it in your brain how you can be at peace in the darkest, deepest valley that you're in. It surpasses all understanding. And if you've experienced it, you know that you can't explain it. Jesus is with you. And we rest in that. I watch people who suffer through so many different seasons and challenges that they face in their life. And I especially watch people who are not followers of Christ try to just numb the pain of life. And I wonder, how do you make it through a divorce? How do you survive the loss of a loved one? How do you have hope when you hear that diagnosis from the doctor? How do you have hope in the middle of all that if you don't have Jesus? It's no wonder our culture turns to drugs and sex and so many other things to numb the pain. What we really need is the peace of God. God's peace will defeat what we couldn't defeat in a lifetime. So we've got the standard, right? Verse 8. Eight characteristics, this is God's bullseye for us. The scene of the battle we understand is our hearts and minds. It's internal. And we know that the soldier that wages war that can defeat what we could never defeat is the peace of God. But how do we get this soldier into our lives? Come on, I need some peace, you might be thinking. Well let me tell you how this works. Number four, let's hit the strategy. Here's how this happens in our lives. If God's peace is the soldier, then verse 6 is the call that deploys the soldier. Look at verse 6. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer," there it is, "and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God." I love how the New Living Translation simplifies this verse. It says, "Don't worry about anything. Instead pray about everything." Isn't that good? So simple. That's the thought for us. So here it is. A peace filled life is only accessible to a prayerful heart. You want peace, you have to pray to the source of peace. Because it just told us in verse 6, in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Now we could do multiple sermons on what it looks like to pray for these things and talk through prayer. We don't have time for that today. But I want to highlight an ingredient that Paul makes sure to include in this talk about prayer that is so easy for us to leave out of our prayers. We're so concerned about all of the things that we don't have that we forget to be thankful for the things that we do have. And so Paul says, by everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Guys, please don't forget to be thankful and worshipful in your prayers. We have so much to thank God for, amen? I mean, a prayer without Thanksgiving is like a biscochito without the sugar. This is not OK. Prayer without thanksgiving is like a breakfast burrito without green chili. Come on, this should be illegal. New Mexicans, am I speaking your language? Are you picking up what I'm laying down? Come on, a prayer without thanksgiving doesn't make sense. And I wonder if our worry in our lives stems from a lack of worship. I wonder if there's so much that seems to be taking over our lives because we're so easily taken over the things that we don't have instead of focusing on all the amazing things that we do have. Now I'm not talking about Peter Pan think happy thoughts theology here. I'm not talking about living in denial and pretending that everything is awesome in your life. LEGO Movie, everything is awesome. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is let's take some time and let's think through some of the great things that God has done. Because what I've found is that an attitude of gratitude has such a healing effect on the heart. And I've learned from experience that so many times when my life is filled with worry, it's because it's also empty of worship. And so I wonder what would happen if we put some worship back into our prayers. And maybe you're wondering, why is this such a big deal that we're focused on worry? Well here's the message that worry communicates. Worry tells God and it tells everybody who's watching your life, which by the way if you're Christian, the world is watching. Worry communicates that you don't trust God for the details. Worry basically tells God, without ever saying this, worry tells God, hey, thanks for all the stuff you've done in the past. I know like that whole speaking stars into existence thing was pretty great. And like, the orbiting of the planets and how you made all the animals and you're making my heart beat right now. That's cool and all, but I'll take it from here. That's what worry communicates. We don't trust God with the details. Come on, let's be honest. Moment of honesty here. You and I are really bad at being God. Can we just commit today to give God His job back? Let Him be God. Why do you and I get so weighed down and worried and lose sleep about stuff we weren't meant to bear? The Bible says, "Cast your cares on Him because He cares for you." Hey God, I'll let you stay up tonight. I'm going to bed. Martin Luther said pray and let God worry. You know, something happens amazingly when I'm around my kids. I have three kids. Eight, five, and one. And when I'm not around my kids, they tend to do crazy things that end up with bleeding and Band-Aids. They're wobbly and fearful and clumsy. My eight-year-old is terrified of thunderstorms. She invents reasons to get out of bed and come get in bed with me when there's like a possibility of maybe it might rain. Like, I'll be tucking her into bed and she'll go, hey dad, real quick, can I have a drink of water, number one. Number two, will you check the weather? She's so stressed about maybe it's going to lightning tonight. But the walls can be shaking and she runs downstairs from the thunderstorm and she gets in bed next to me and she's out in a minute, asleep like a rock. There's something that happens when I'm with my kids and I open my arms or I grab their hand. What I've found is that the nearness of the father gives confidence to the heart of his children. And so you may have walked in here today, you may be listening to this right now in your family room or here in the sanctuary. You're in the balcony, you're out there in the amphitheater, wherever you're hearing this right now, you came today as a worrier. You're stressed out. Man, life is falling apart. You never thought you would be in the middle of a divorce, but you find yourself there today. You got a call this week from a doctor that you never thought you would hear. You've got a family member in a hospital bed somewhere that's got a few months left according to the doctor. You just lost your job. The future doesn't look bright for your family. You don't know how you're going to put food on the table for your kids this week. You may have walked in here a worrier. I hope you would leave today as a warrior, knowing the god that you serve. And again, I wonder if our worry stems from a lack of worship. So if you would allow me for a moment, can I inject some praise into your pity party for a moment? Is that OK? Because the Bible I read says that God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. The Bible says that there is therefore now no condemnation to those who walk in Christ Jesus. That if we are faithless, He remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself. The Bible says, He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. The same spirit who raised Christ from the dead, Romans 8:11, is alive inside of you. Jesus said, in this world, you will have tribulation. But be of good courage. I have overcome the world. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither life nor death nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. He who is in me is greater than He who is in the world. And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. And then we will sing, o death, where is your sting? Oh Hades, where is your victory? Because the sting of sin is death and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to our God who gives us the victory and our Lord Jesus Christ. Come on, church. It is time that we live like the victorious warriors that we were created to be. Because we serve the lion of the tribe of Judah. He has conquered. The war is over. Phew. Let me leave you with this thought. We all want peace. But you need to know it's only accessible, the peace of God is only accessible through the grace of God. Paul begins every letter that he writes with a similar phrase. He says, grace to you and peace. You'll never read peace to you and then some grace. It's always grace to you and peace. We're all after the peace, but so many of us want to circumnavigate the grace to get to the peace. I'm here to tell you today that the peace of God is only accessible through the doorway of the grace of God. The grace of God is the key that unlocks the peace of God. We don't like the grace of God because that immediately makes us have to admit that we're fallen and in need of grace. And many of you today, wherever you're hearing me right now, I'm going to give you an opportunity here in just a moment to swallow some pride, to humble yourself, and to understand what you are most in need of today is to receive the grace of God. Because it is only through His grace that you can access His peace. And He would love to grant you peace that you can't even comprehend today. But it will only happen when you lay it all down at the feet of Jesus and accept salvation through the name of Jesus Christ. Would you pray with me? Jesus, we believe this right now. We believe it. We're standing on the promises of scripture. We believe that when the what ifs of life begin to worry us, we replace them with the what is. We stand on the promise of Your word. So Lord, I pray for Christians across this campus right now that have a relationship with you. I pray Lord that You would lift their souls, lift their heads, let their eyes fixed on you. Release that burden. Strengthen them. Lord, I pray now for everybody who does not have a saving relationship with You. I believe right now you are calling people out of sin to their Savior. But there's a problem. Their pride is in the way. And Lord I pray that You would do what Your word says it does. It's like a fire, it's like a hammer that breaks apart the stone. I pray You would break apart hearts of stone and set us on fire today. Lord, across this campus I ask you that you would grant faith to those who are lacking it. And for the first time ever today that they would finally experience the peace of God that they've been searching for in a world that is empty of it. We pray that right now, Lord. And while your heads about and eyes closed, wherever you're siting, this is your opportunity. I don't know why you came to church today, but I have a hunch that God brought you here for a reason. I don't think it's any accident that you are sitting wherever you are within the hearing my voice and I believe God is calling some of you out of your sin and to Himself today. He wants to grant you peace in the midst of your valley. In the midst of your storm, in the midst of your pain, He wants to give you peace and life and forgiveness. He wants to allow you to start fresh today. And if you would like to receive that gift of salvation, this is your moment. What I'm going to ask you to do right now, if the Lord's speaking to your heart and you understand your need, that you're a sinner and you need to be saved today and you are willing to surrender your life to Him and follow Jesus, what I'm going to ask you to do right now, wherever you are as you hear my voice right now, would you lift up your hand. And in a moment, I'm going to ask you to step out of your chair or come in maybe out of the amphitheater, join me from the balcony, right down here, and I want to just help you make this a public decision to follow Jesus Christ. Would you put your hand up right where you are if the Lord speaking to you and you realize today what you need is the peace of God, but you're only going to get it through the grace of God. I'll wait just a moment. But I believe God is calling people across this campus here today. I'm going to ask you, would you respond right now? Today the Bible says is the day of salvation. And I know you didn't plan for this. But you're not guaranteed tomorrow. I see your hand all the way in the back, praise God. All the way in the hallway back there. Come on, where are you? I see over here on the side, right here in the middle. Come on, if God's speaking to you, I see your hand. You can put your hand down after you've raised it. If you're in the amphitheater, start making your way in here. I want you to join us as I help you make this public. Is there anybody, if you're in the balcony, if you're in the back, I see you right here on the second row. Praise God. People of all ages making this decision here today. It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your life. Is there anybody else? We'll wait just a moment. And then I'm going to ask you to come forward. We want to celebrate with you. Jesus, thank you for the hands that have gone up. Lord, I pray that you would do a supernatural work, that today would mark a day where their lives are never the same. Pray this in Your name give them the boldness to get out of their chair and make this a public life change as they surrender their hearts to you. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Church, would you stand with me? We have a reason to celebrate today because there's people who are deciding to receive the grace of God. And we're already joined right here. Come on. If you've raised your hand or if you should have, would you step out right now? If you're in the balcony, you come down. If you're in the back, come join us. If you're in the amphitheater, come on in. We want to celebrate this decision with you. The greatest day of your life here on earth as you turn your eternity over to Jesus. Come on church, we got something to celebrate here. Oh, man. [APPLAUSE] Wherever you're at, you come. Right now. We'll wait. You come as you are, beaten and bruised and broken. Jesus takes you as you are. Don't wait until you're cleaned up. He'll start to clean up. You come as you are. (SINGING) I'm running to your arms, I'm running to your arms. The riches of your love will always be enough. Nothing compares to your embrace. Light of the world forever reign. All right, here's what we're going to do. We're going to make this real quick. I just want to give you guys a few words to pray out loud. We're going just say this as a prayer to the Lord as you guys choose today to surrender your hearts to Jesus. And so I'm going to give you a few words to say. These aren't code words in heaven. This is just you saying some things from your heart to the Lord. And we're going to invite Jesus to take over your life believing that today you're a new creation. Nothing will ever be the same. It's a great day. [APPLAUSE] I'M going to give you guys some words to say. Would you guys just repeat these out loud after me? Say dear Jesus. Dear Jesus. I commit my life to you. I commit my life to you. I'm all yours. I'm all yours. I'm done living for myself. I'm done living for myself. And I want to live for You. And I want to live for You. Thank you for paying the price. Thank you for paying the price. In my place. In my place. Thank you for dying in my place. Thank you for dying in my place. And that you're alive today. And that you're alive today. I have a reason to celebrate. I have a reason to celebrate. In Jesus' name I pray. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Come on, church. Yeah. We hope you enjoyed this special service from Calvary Albuquerque featuring our guest speaker Kevin Miller. Were you challenged with what you just heard? Well let us know. Email us at And if you'd like to support this ministry financially, you can give online and securely at Thank you for joining us for the special teaching from Calvary Albuquerque.
Channel: Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Views: 62,878
Rating: 4.71527 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary, Albuquerque, Jesus, guest, guest speaker, kevin, miller, war, worry, philippians, Philippians 4
Id: ruyu9swreE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2015
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