The Wait Is Finally Over!! Family Dreams Coming True!!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel thank each and every one of y'all for clicking on the video as you see we are opening it up back here at the house um I don't remember what day this is because there's been several days in between that they haven't actually been here so they're working on several houses at once but today is the day that the framers have arrived we've been been waiting on this day forever um it's going to be more real once the boards get put up yeah it's going to be neat to to get to watch them do some work and how they actually put up the house um I came up here um before well when they showed up I came up here introduced myself told them you know what we was doing we was documenting uh our our family life out here just documenting our life and I just wanted them to know that I wasn't up here being like a boss like making sure they do everything right I wanted them to know that we're just here to watch our our our home be built and um kind of it's kind of ironic a couple of them these guys already know from the the meat market here locally and uh which is pretty neat you know to um It's a small world but um I'm glad we're going to get to document this and and that's what we asked them if it was okay that if we recorded uh the process of going up and they was like oh yeah oh yeah might make him famous I said oh yeah we'll make you famous all right no um it's going to be neat so right now they're up there doing all the measurements and laying out so let's go up here and take a look at it um are you excited Steph I'm really excited yeah I mean it is extremely today is the hot hot day I think it's 102 um yeah we told him we was going to restock our ice chest so we keep ice chest up here for the workers with Gatorade and water and some of those orange drinks yeah so we're going to go back to town and get a ice chest we didn't actually know they was going to show up today but we're going to go to town get ice chest get it all stocked up make sure they are hydrated get all the good drinks and uh yeah it's going to be fun we've been waiting on this day for a long time and all the the woods here the shingles here everything the trusses everything so it's going to be pretty neat and uh I'm just really thankful that you know they was okay for us to record this and like I told you on videos before we didn't know so we was just going to visit with them and they was good and uh it's awesome so we're going to watch some of this go up I mean it ain't going to be step by step we're just watching parts of it go up and um yeah so hopefully y'all enjoy as much as we do so right now they are just basically uh putting they're going through measuring the bedrooms and uh that's where the TU fours and stuff are going to go so that's where they'll drill holes into these anchors which it's all it's all kind of coming making sense now I was wondering why they was putting the anchors there it all makes sense now now we can see how big our bedroom is yeah you can actually see how big the bedroom is now um this is it still looks kind of small but we know it's going to look small until the carpet gets in and all the everything else gets in there so this is the closet isn't it Steph this is one of the closets yes okay on one side [Music] um one side it's your closet one side it's K's closet okay so like about halfway I can't remember I think it's this one actually is your closet okay awesome and then like I say um when I went and looked at the ones in town I noticed they they marked everything out on the concrete so which makes perfect sense then you just go through there and just cut cut cut and go it's going to be fun we got some beautiful shingles here um now since the last video this stuff wasn't here this is the actual Barn package this is the stuff that's going to be building the barn and um yeah it's going to be pretty neat to watch all this go up it kind of makes me a lot happier knowing it's actually going to be like a wooden Barn though cuz I thought it was just going to be like one of those barns that you just piece together kind of like what we have over there oh yeah and so this is going to be more sturdy water is not going to leak through it and St like it oh yeah there there won't be no leaking nothing like that they will it'll definitely look nice so um they're actually working in the bathroom area right now so in my bathroom area I know I'm just excited there's two bathrooms that's going to be so amazing um compared to having the one bathroom down there and share it I mean it it beats the RV you know we was using the RV bathroom then we went to the tiny home now we're moving up to the actual house so let's watch a little bit more of this measuring out and then we will actually kind of go from there now take this in mind it is super super hot today this is one of the hottest days we're supposed to have here in Oklahoma today see like that dining room just looks small but it's just because the walls aren't up yeah and I kind of cheated a little bit I looked at the ones in town and once the wall goes up I don't know why but it does it looks really really big so these shingles here I was I thought these uh when they brought these I guess they separate everything in packages and these shingles here will go on this it will actually be shingled uh it'll so it'll match perfectly with the house yeah and um I was talking to one of the superintendant and they're actually going to be uh we're going they're going to paint it the same color as our vinyl okay on the top so uh before they actually just painted it white but um that one superintendent is like hey you know it would match so this will be um pretty neat to watch as well make it look a lot better yeah well looks like all the goats are coming up here and getting in the shade over they're they're over here by the water they're over here by the water yeah there's a new little baby down there I know Steph has I don't know yeah she's already showed it on her Channel that's the new little baby the newest one and they still got a little bit of green down there but looks like everybody's hanging out up here in the shade yeah Pennywise is over here where over here by herself she may be getting ready to have babies oh buddy oh buddy how are you buddy huh yeah they like this shade over here and then they like that shade they like to stay under those trees over there where Toby stays yeah stick tits M where did they get stick tots at I think over in there because a bunch of them even well y'all have already drink a lot of water today which I'd be drinking a lot of water too yeah how are you Bushwacker how are you come here buddy here buddy look at buddy he just wants some Lins buddy just wants some Lins yeah good action shots no yeah Tommy they hang out with all the dog or all the goats hi tmy she's like I'm not get near that fence tell you sister Buddy's like give me some attention he always gets attention all right I'm going turn her back on all right Steph's going to turn it back on oh it's here comes Moon spot Moon spot anyways um like I said they're over here measuring this out let's go tune back in over here and see what it looks like now that's a amazing I can't believe this is happening guys it is getting so close this is the bathroom a closet all right guys so it is extremely hot hot um they just looks like they just got through marking it all out he has just cut the first board for the house the first board for the house has been cut they're getting ready this is exciting exciting exciting so um I'm assuming they will cut it and then they will lay it all out um I think they went through here and marked their windows at each spot Windows right above the sink and then there you got your door there they put a d right there for door a window window window all right guys I got the wood cut here looks like they are getting ready to start putting it putting it all on the while they're putting the boards out over here now see now [Applause] you so they're kind of you got one guy cutting over here and then you got another guy cutting over here and then they're putting them all together here so they're kind of working together as a team [Music] oh see what he's doing now he's marking where the studs go that makes sense all right guys almost missed it they've already got the two before is laid out here I was over there in the shade I don't see how these guys do this every day it is hot Stephanie went to town she to get some drinks [Music] oh this is crazy guys it does not seem real [Music] it's pretty neat how they got it all set up as you had one gentleman come through here marking all the studs positions then they come back with the studs and now [Music] they're foreign speech spee fore it's plastic guys this is so amazing I still can't get over this and I know a lot of people say in the comments you keep saying amazing amazing well this is it is and I'm going to keep saying it because it is a great feeling I don't know we've just been so blessed God has blessed us to get to walk through this and get to bring y'all along with us and it means so much to us guys and um I know there's probably going to be people all over the world that has framed houses before and they may do something totally different than y'all do or whoever but just keep in mind everybody all right Toby just caught a Toby just caught a squirrel over in there and he was putting a stop to it but anyways there there's many different ways you can do it and um so please pleas don't no negative comments because um this is amazing and I'm just thankful we get to be a part of this and and watch this go up it's awesome spee [Music] all right guys they just stood up the wall there they are getting it oh there already put the holes and everything in her that [Applause] all right guys that is the first wall the First wall to all of our bedrooms over there I just walked up here and did not realize it but Addison's over here what are you doing Addison's over here laying in her room guys check this out are you ready for your your own bedroom baby yeah are you ready for your bedroom guys it has been a long couple years out here seems like it has been these kids are ready for their own bedroom we're getting closer to be here before you know it all right guys good morning we are up here at the house the got another crew back here they're starting um working on the house getting ready to put up another wall um he was telling me uh today him that this crew here he's got three different crews are him and this guy's going to be actually building um on the house today and then tomorrow there's going to be like six of them here and uh he says it don't take very long for a house go up so we're super excited about it there I am with the super excited again but that's just part of it um so it's going to be pretty neat to watch everything go up we got some uh we got them some Gator raade and some pop and water over there so help them keep them hydrated because it's going to get really really hot today so we're going to sit back and kind of watch and I was wondering what was under that bundle it looks like it's a bundle of Tu fors it's got a bunch of Tu fors over there Jerry you think you got to come up here oh Jerry think he got to come up here and see what's going on at the house did you find me this morning Jerry huh did you find me this morning buddy I'm watching the house I ain't watching you I wish You' get your feathers back boy I wish you get your feathers back you know it you're missing some feathers I think that Guinea's been whooping on you I think that Guinea's been whooping on you buddy huh you got your little girlfriend hanging out with you today say hi to everybody he just wants to come hang out act like he's tough so looks like they're laying the TU fores out now the studs and as you see the back walls up here and from watching them yesterday I believe they're going to they'll put it all together and then they will stand it up I mean soon as they got here they got busy he's actually cutting out those spots right there for the uh sink area it's going to be pretty neat seeing this all go together um and we've done our best to get shot by shot uh with the concrete pouring this pouring the cement and um it's been pretty neat how it all has came together cuz I mean I've built some stuff but I've been never built a house I mean I put that little shop together but watching these guys one of those little shops down there that took me forever they probably put that thing together in a day so it just goes to show you when you got experience it goes a long ways and uh it's pretty neat watching these guys cuz they've done so many houses like this that it's just like they got the measurements in their head kind of like um gentleman did yesterday he's already went through marked all the slats for the um studs so what he's doing right now is Ping the hose in there for those little anchors coming out of the concrete and then they'll set them all up lift the wall up all right this is they're putting this little black padding on the bottom of it like they did yesterday on that wall over there I guess that's something to seal it or keep the water out or moisture or there got to be a purpose for it my snake's gone now okay what youall doing back like good yeah a lot Yep they're up here building on the house one day closer all right they're starting to bring in the rest of the studs they're going to put them in their spots and um then nail them the W go yall enjoying it he's working on the house but [Music] with these two before supposed to be in St has finally made it back from the doctor's office what do you think of it now looks a lot bigger it starting to look good it's starting to look good looking like a house these guys have been on it today they have been putting up slinging some wood yeah and over here got the the kids bedrooms going up over here walls coming together getting everything laid out crazy how all these it looks like we got a bunch of doors oh I know but that's that's like the window for the windows the windows it's awesome they are now putting the header in our bedroom what what is that in between it the orange in between all those so I don't know it's probably they probably have to put a piece of that wood in there to actually get it to make make the same measurements of the two before but hey I even got to help stand up the wall while go did you yeah yeah they need that Eddie strength right yeah all right they are coming up with the third wall there yeah that looks good [Music] that is the wall for the kids bedroom Leighton and the girls wall for this side they was telling us where to go that they these things go up really really quick we uh we just put a time lapse camera over here I should have put the time lapse deal earlier but I didn't think about it but we got it now so we caught this wall going up but just not the back walls over there now they're getting after it there all right guys so uh I just come back in and changed they just finished up for the this evening and and um it's really really hot but they're going to be back uh tomorrow with another crew and these videos are going to kind of end periodically just because um I'm just trying to put everything together to try to make that way we can document all this and have it for for us later on but we want to share it with y'all as well um if you enjoyed this video um please throw a thumbs up or put a house or something in a comment box um I just really enjoy uh going through looking at the comments see see who really actually enjoys the the the house build or you know I know some people wants the animals and some people you know want to watch the kids um we try to put all that in there but sometimes it's just you know is what it is but guys we can't thank you'all enough for y's love and support I hope each and every one of y'all have a wonderful day God bless
Channel: Eddy Family Farm
Views: 25,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family time, family fun, homestead, home stead, family vlog, family friendly, family vloggers, farm vlog, cute animals, farm, farming, homesteading, homestead goats, cog hill farm, homestead farm, homesteading family, homesteading for beginners, farm life, homestead farm life, homesteading channels, how to, farm life for kids, tractor, farm work, life, royal family channel, family vloggers channels, off grid, fifth wheel, living off grid, eddy family farm, arms family
Id: mRvBNKHs4dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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