The Amish Store You Didn’t Know Existed

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hey everyone welcome back to catching up with the Walkers and we are on the road today in the bumpy truck Cassie has big plans for this truck today what are we going to go get going to go get a pora cooler some people call him a swamp cooler or swamp fan or water cool I don't know but it's it's the brand is a ptic cooler I believe and um I'm hoping to put it in the gym and cool it down a little bit cuz it is blazing hot in there so before we go and get the portter cooler we'll bring you along to that place too but we've been hearing good reviews about the Amish Walmart and uh basically it's just a discount grocery store I guess there's two different buildings I don't know it also said it has a deli and a restaurant so we're out on the road today though we thought we'd bring you guys along some OSU chairs uh oh yay and uh show you a little bit about our trip today so the first um place we're stopping they call Alish Walmart but it's robs discount grocery and it's over by Sho I knowa Maisy area Sho Maisy area and this is kind of the area the people that b AR hay uh live in and and work uh also so the kids are along too Mazy Ranger and we're Going's at a basketball camp and baseball camp combined yeah ransom's at a baseball basketball camp and uh the place we're going to get the Porta cooler though is in Mogi and uh it's kind of a discount store too I think you guys will enjoy seeing it so we'll bring you along for all of it but first things let's check out Amish Walmart all right discount candy bars yeah that's way cheap Oreo cowtails Mazy Oreo cils we're not buying Christmas food at here Christmas in July mie found jewelry her favorite they so beautiful be careful with them which ones do you find a little bit big Mazy it might hurt your ears no what's in here cheesecake chicken spicy chicken AA eberry maybe when we're not doing Whole 30 some of that looks good Maple ham chicken pie oh look at these oh there's cheese pizza Mazy would like that Lunchables grill cheese so they have a lot of these freezers to look in B huh Frozen avoc I didn't know you could freeze avocado a whole bag of them maybe make like uh sliced Green Tomatoes guacamole well that price $268 that's a lot that's cheap for avocados sliced Green Tomatoes oh those look good cuz you put them in the air fryer but they have a lot of freezers you just have to open each one up to see what's in it so just a little bit of everything dog food bottled water it's not a bad deal he has the dish soap it's a lot of dish soap sugarfree got some so Mazy what are you getting earrings a jacket a jacket and a Dr Pepper and I think we just scored over here Cassie and I can have this Buffalo Mayo avocado oil yeah look at that right on the front it says Whole 30 see it and then this Mazy at Walmart you know how much this cost 1230 12 what at Walmart that cost $7 here how much 99 we should come here more often and I think a lot of these are Whole 30 as well so we just go through and look at the dates we can get all the stuff we need here so that was inside the Amish Walmart now is this like Amish Bass Pro fish and tackle you got the solar panels you guys are wondering about the electricity they don't run off of that Big Grid they run off of their own grid all right here we go Mazy you needed new new fishing pole you good you just needed that doct pepper Mom's up there looking at Freedom sticks so now we know why they call it Amish Walmart because they have a little bit of everything don't they yeah and I don't know how much Gary got to video in the like sports store because we were talking to the guy a lot almost broke Bass Pro yeah um but they had all sorts of ammunition Pew pews um bows uh I saw some Genesis bows which for National archery and the school program that I coached there was two Genesis bows and and the price was comparable what you would get at Academy or whatever and it said with proof of school team membership whatever $25 off wow and they had arrows and everything but then there was turkey decoys and duck calls and stands and blinds and all sorts of stuff so that was really cool inside uh the Amish the Walmart side of it uh we had uh looked in almost every freezer and there were a lot of things that we might come back for once we're not on Whole 30 right c yeah there was um chicken and mozzarella sticks which the kids could eat now but we just made a s or Costco's run but um then there was uh fried green tomatoes and pre-breaded fried green tomatoes and okra I don't even remember what there was now that we're like hey that looks good yeah so just things that probably aren't the most healthy thing in the world but they'd be quick meal and air fryer type yeah on quick the when eats quick you eat it in moderation but also it looked like what they have was what they have next week next month they might have different stuff so then they had farm fresh eggs and I even saw quail eggs and things like that so it's pretty neat and there were we showed you some of the Whole 30 stuff a lot of that stuff was expired by uh two or 3 months and if you guys know the rules that um go with expiration it's usually Best Buy and then that it's usually better for at least 6 months after that date it's kind of Hit or Miss but there's a guideline if you've ever worked at a um like a food pantry handing out food then you know what the guideline is but yeah and most of the stuff I looked at was either recently out of date or some was even still good for a few months there wasn't anything that was so out of date that I'm like well that's ridiculous so yeah so if you're ever in the area between Sho and Wagner stop by check it out what was it called Ro RS romps RS Ro o PS rocks yep and side note across the road there's another one Creek it's called Creekside General Store and it's been there a long time but I feel like it's a little different flavor yeah it's not more of a discount store it's more of a regular price yeah and um last time I was in there I I believe they had some more Farm Fresh stuff but they also have a greenhouse and stuff right there and plants but it's not a discount store it's more of like a general store looks like they sell a lot of wood all right well next stop discount store number two in Mogi sooner Surplus yep all right we made it to sooner Sals right off a Highway 69 in Mogi Oklahoma USA they don't smoke marijuana in Mogi as Merl would have us believe I don't believe it though not these days so Cassie's checking it out but this store is a little different they take some kind of semi loads of stuff and it's a lot bigger but you can see discount I guess that's a discount some traffic cones dog food a little warm in here isn't it guys but it's kind of like a yard sale you stop and uh look because you just never know what they're going to have so back here they have a food section random tires mazy's looking for some rear tail lights for her next vehicle uh totally got to be dog food nails and screws Wheels oh man just everything you might want to need in here oh here's two more of these i' like to find one on haven't seen one on yet so we made it back to the house and a little bit of bad news sooner surpluses what was it called pora cooler pora cooler did not come home with us but we did get something else but the guy was super helpful in answering all of our questions he showed us things that uh people have been complaining about and brought them back about but the reason we didn't purchase it is typically they have a 110 uh plug this one had a 220 yeah so the story behind it is you guys saw they have just a lot of random things well there was a big fire at a ptical um Warehouse down in Texas last year and they bought all the units that they had that didn't get damaged by the fire which was over 200 units Y and he said a lot a lot of those units um had 110 but they sold first and so they were bigger ones smaller ones different sizes all the ones left have a 220 plug which means it has to have a special plug to plug into the wall not just a regular outlet but a we don't have one of those outlets at our gym so no reason to buy it cuz we don't have that outlet so yeah but he showed us he turned it on and all that that it felt so good I was so excited about it but we went to Tractor Supply we got this fan it'll do for now not a big fan of the fans they're loud and they push hot air um but they had a picer act trctor Supply it was just over twice as much so yeah so this um fan is just a temporary thing right now uh the gym does not have air conditioning and that's not changing anytime soon and that's not rare um most gyms don't have air conditioning you just don't realize it because you play basketball when it's cold now some of the newer gyms or gyms that have been upgraded they do but typically when you just build a basic gym air conditioning isn't part of it from the beginning so it is what it is I coached volleyball for a very long time coached and played in unir conditioned gym uh unir conditioned gyms people had a lot of fans they're really loud they're annoying they put hot air but it's better than nothing yeah so having air that moves is way better than nothing but um and later on in the future if they save up the money over time maybe a a new ptical will uh be in the works but it is not still not the same as air conditioning it's just a cool spot to get in front of I don't know if you guys have used those before but some people call them swamp coolers and stuff they just it would take a really big one to cool the entire gym but it's just better than um it's better than a fan a fan is better than nothing yes so there there is something now something will move the air um and we'll see how it goes if it doesn't work out in the gym then I can Co myself off out my shop with it or something yeah uh we purchased this with our own money so if it doesn't work at the gym we'll bring it back here or find something to do with it yeah no big not too big of a deal they had several different sizes so anyway if you guys are um ever running down Highway 69 then you could stop by both of the places we went today we also ate it Charlie's Chicken also on Highway 69 yeah Charlie's Chicken in Wagner had some delicious Smoked Meats which we can eat on Whole 30 uh there was a big rock in it so when I get it in the gym I need to make sure the wheels are clean so we don't scratch up the floor yeah make sure it stays clean and it's nice and news so uh it was one of the it was the quietest one there were some bigger ones they had uh 48 in and the bigger you get the more they Rattle and the louder they are I'm a loud person but previously when I coached I'd have to turn off the fans if I wanted the girls to really hear me if I had something to say so got this one we'll go from there yep so we're going to load up in a little bit and it's going to head over to the school I'll bring you guys along um to do a few things here on the farm so it is hot outside isn't it Mazy MH so we uh are in a little bit of a heat wave in Oklahoma we're about ready to get 100° days for multiple days we are not looking forward to it and I don't know how much longer the garden's going to hang on we'll probably go ahead and harvest our corn tomorrow or the next day uh I pulled one ear and it looks like it's ready but right now we're going to do chores Mazy volunteered to come out and help me so she already did her chores inside the house that she has to do every day and now she wants to help with my chores so I said come on so I got all the feed and if it's a little bit windy my apologies but without the wind I would really be suffocating out here but Mazy is petting Benjamin and by the end of this week we're magically going to have an 11-year-old at our house but right now we don't how's that going to happen huh how are we going to get an 11y old at our house I know you mean right now we only have a 10-year-old but we're going to have an 11year old by the end of the week what's going to happen to have a birthday Mazy turns 11 June 29th and tomorrow is her big birthday party with friends and different things you looking forward to that so she can only take so many so um she can't take everybody but she's going to have fun with the ones that get to go and uh I'm going to go feed you going to ride Shelby yeah let's go Shelby [Applause] but Cassie might video a little bit for you guys on that one I don't know if she will or not but I think they're going to a movie and they're also what else are you doing nails done you're going to get your nails done movie and what else are you going to eat yeah Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A Mazy has the whole day planned out you excited uhhuh all right well you guys can go ahead and tell Mazy well probably happy birthday in the next video huh cuz it's not quite there yet we can't celebrate just yet that's on Saturday on Saturday her actual birthday all right so mazy's going to feed uh the Sheep a little bit of grain watch out Benjamin come over here can you get it in there just could and pour it all good job sis so you will see somebody new out here uh before I show them though Ransom and I stumbled upon these guys and uh one of these little ducks was stuck so we went ahead and pulled it out I'll show you that video right now Ransom what's wrong there's a baby duck all right go ahead and get it out I'm holding Zena back all right go ahead let's go set it down by its mama okay all right ransom's going to let it go there it goes back to its mama so this little mama just had four babies one of them was stuck in the water so we went ahead and removed them from the big K and now they're all in here with Mama they're all hiding behind mama you can't hardly see them can you there's the little ducklings Bella keeps a watchful eye on them I think she would like to play with them herself they are not two toys right Bella no right so we have four little Indian runner ducks and we the surprise shocked us we didn't know they were coming but all of a sudden they just walked up with them and we're probably going to get rid of the four babies because we don't need any more Indian runner ducks so Mazy if you know anybody need an Indian Runner duck let them know we have some okay what are you doing swimming in Bella's pool yeah so Bella's pool only has about 4 in of water in it and I've had a couple people say that I'm being stingy with the water and I need to fill it up or this and that I tried to fill it up and she would not get in it she only likes about 3 or 4 in of water so people don't think that we don't try stuff and if it doesn't work for us then we can't do it or won't do it or don't do it so all right Ma you going to come out here or stay over there all right well Mazy comes there's our new Tom out watch out dog watch out doggies hi all right right in here sis here you want you want to dump this out B so just do like a half in each one half half start at the very end down there just do a little like about half that's good and then another half so we haven't got he hasn't really got used to us yet and his name is Toby Kei okay let me do so Cassie said that she felt of June's utters and thinks that June is pregnant and going to be having a baby soon so I don't know I'm not no donkey expert and I don't think Cassie is either but we thought py was going to be the one that had a baby and turns out June Cassie thinks maybe bread so uh over here Mazy is Reba Reba sitting on eggs hey Reba that's Reba right over there you know what kind of a turkey Reba is what it's called a bourbon red or red bourbon turkey red of bourbon red red bourbon all right I don't know where the alpacas is there's Alfred I don't see Alvin oh all the girls are over there we'll go feed them Susie I don't know here so Ransom since he got a black eye he just started walking around now with a uh helmet on wherever he goes Ransom you know what's about ready what the corn you want to pick it tomorrow yeah okay we're not going to do it today Zena come on come on girl do you have yes he wants food you going to give her a little bit want some want some Ma's over here feeding muffin that's good that'll keep her get her tame kind of okay keeps her coming back for more hey want some food go get it you want a little more right here right here there you go muffin all the alpacas got to eat oh Alfred came up Alfred come here Alfred all right all right we're going to keep doing chores but Ransom is now stole his brother's bike you going to show them how you ride it mhm we had to put that seat all the way down but he he can still ride on it if he can get it going got to get that pedal just right yeah all right let's I for some reason I run with it and then I hop on okay let's see it woo look at him go so I finished most of the chores but the last one I'm going to tackle is the cattle and I don't feed them every day uh basically because they don't have to eat every day they have all kinds of grass uhuh Blackberry back back back back so they have all kinds of grass but you can see they have a few flies on their back so I'm going to try to feed them out here under the the cattle Oiler to where they have to get in here and uh get under it to eat the grain so that should help if they get some of this oil on their back with the Flies and stuff go on girl so what I'm trying to get them to do is to walk under there and as they walk under you see that Oiler puts oil on their back not a lot but just a little bit and that helps um with the Flies so anything you can do to help with the flies at this point is great because the less flies they have on them and you can see this guy I bet he gets under it quite a bit I see some oil on his skin and you don't see any flies uh now Blackberry I saw some flies on her so I really want her to get under there going Blackberry oh see she walked right under that high point so hopefully that gets some out on her as well and my reservoir tank you can see is about right there and about halfway on that one so I'll probably mix up some more uh to get them covered hey Missy hey pretty girl you don't have a fly on you I don't see any flies they probably can't get to you from all that hair I don't have any more grain sis you have to go over there and get it okay all right so there's your update on the cows I know I don't show them very much um oh I see another problem they ate all the garlic salt so I'm going to head up and get another garlic salt block I have three more left for the summer I'm going to go ahead and put out more garlic salt so uh the Flies are always a big deal but anything you can do to help garlic salt helps uh the uh Oiler helps I think i' probably the ones that actually get under the oiler helps more than anything so I'm going to grab some garlic salt all right here's the garlic salt right here there's some mineral oh but what we need is a salt block load it up go deliver it so we want to encourage uh as much garlic salt as they can handle so I went ahead and moved the little tray under the shade so hopefully these cows love to come up here and they like to get a drink out of the stock tank and then they come over here and stand in the shade for I don't know an hour or two a day and then get more more water out of the stock tank before they go back in the pasture so come here Missy come here M let me try a little bit gar he's salty it's good I had to try it before the cows get their tongues on it she's kind of leery of me standing here but mayay said all right that's pretty good stuff and we've got Rusty and Bill coming over to check it out come on over girls come on over hey get away from that I got eggs in there so I'm waiting for see if Rusty and Bill want to try it out but anything like I said anything helps you got to fight the flies with everything you have because with this temperatures and the forecast we have coming they're only going to get worse that Big Steer will come up and eat some of it he's like get out of the way so there you go uh catching up on the farm I know a lot of you said you haven't seen the cattle in a while and like I said the main reason is we just don't do a whole lot with them uh we they eat grass and I don't have any close to cab right now that I know of so we just let them come out here in the field let them do their thing the blackberry's going to town on it and uh and wait so in the winter time time we do a lot more I just put uh I think there's over 100 bells of hay in the barn now I put up the 80 we had plus I put about 21 more in there so I think there's about 101 Bells so once it's winter time we start feeding that we interact with the cows on a daily basis but right now they just get to hang out drink water eat grass and a little bit of grain now and then and they do good see if I can find you guys a little bit of a sunset over there looks pretty nice I got a little bit behind uh didn't get to catch up with Cassie but she said the fan blew air but it was still pretty hot um I just talked to another coach and he said that he was happy with the air moving at least so the fan is doing some good obviously it's not air conditioning but hey maybe in the future they'll get to add it um in just a few years so fingers crossed that gets to happen but Ransom Ransom said tomorrow is the last day of camp and he wanted me to bring him in the Jeep you guys know we had problems with the brakes um the master cylinder well I got a new master cylinder I went through worked all through the brakes got everything working except for one wheel couldn't get it to bleed off um when I was bleeding the brakes so I ordered a new brake cylinder for that wheel but the good news is I have brakes I have brakes that work well it doesn't go over 35 or 45 anyway so I can stop but the brakes do work the brakes work well um but I'm going to go ahead and fix that that last part but I got it working to where I can take him to practice I was just checking the oil and stuff and saw my camera and thought man I forgot to end the video so I'm going to end this I'm going to go edit it and then you will be watching it at 7:00 a.m. the next morning so thank you guys so much for following along if you guys do have any prayer requests we're going to leave those down in the comments I do have a praise though I just talked to our neighbor um Randy and Stacy and Stacy got a good report about um her brain cancer it has shrunk and they are lowering her medication so a big praise for that um our Lord is moving and working and doing things for her so if you guys have anything again leave it down in the comments but thank you so much for following along we hope you have a great day and God bless
Channel: Catching Up With The Walkers
Views: 117,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walker farm fam, Walker Farm Fam Youtube, walker farm fam youtube, Amish, Amish Walmart, amish paradise, Amish store, amish lifestyle, discount store, shopping, shopping haul, shopping trip, family, fun, chickens
Id: H44BXqGeoyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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