The Viral Podcast Ep. 101

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get ready we're going [Music] viral get ready  we're going [Music] viral hello everyone and   welcome back to another installment of the viral  podcast I'm your host Chelcie Lynn and I'm your   host Paige Ginn woo woo woo woo woo we are excited  to be here um we have been dealing with about 2   hours of technical difficulties before we are  filming this podcast so everyone's on a little   Edge but I told everybody it's going to be fine  oh I'm on no Edge we're we're we're fine here and   we have a new soundboard and we've been messing  with that so you know give Maggie and Brett's   over there helping her a little you know space to  figure out there may be some you know figuring it   out during this episode but we're here and we're  ready to go all of us are going to have a lot to   work with right now this episode so just bear  with us and just listen and bear with us and   eat our asses if you're in the mood mhm there's  always time for an installment ass eat exactly   and it's October and this could not be more a more  perfect little you know I love a good segue I have   not told you what happened to me I have not told  you what happened to me Paige let's go we have   a little ghost update and The Rock [ __ ] if  you're listening you have no clue what we're   talking about the rock [ __ ] are really invested  in Maggie's ghost experience and we have a little   update not necessarily the ghost itself but  something really weird happened so if you're   if you don't know what we're talking about Maggie  I had I bought a little rental property and Maggie   lived in it for a year experienced a ghost we've  talked about those experiences on the Pod um Lola   my niece went to school her long story short her  her uh teacher who I guess can see ghosts she can   see them said hey you have a ghost following  you around um that lives in your house named   Allan and um and and she the teacher said um he  know he spends most time in your room cuz that   was his wife's craft room and why was he in there  I don't know he misses and that that was a whole   thing so just keep that in the back of your mind  long story short I'm flying to Dallas the other   day um to go to the uh Jelly Roll Show um I got  on stage and sang With Arms Wide Open by the way   and dude I wish I would have been there killed  it um Josh Adam Myers who's a comedian and a   musician um was hosting the show and he let me on  and sing and it was great Brett you making lots   of noises over there you're good um so anyway  I'm going through TSA and I go through and this   guy working TSA comes up to me and I'm grabbing my  bag and he goes hey uh can I speak with you for a   minute and it wasn't like official business stuff  I figured I figured he recognized me it was more   of that type of the way you just said hey can I  speak with you that did not seem like T no that   seemed like serious business see I don't know the  way he said it made it seem like he I don't know   it was a he like he knew me and it wasn't TSA he  kind of came up and kind of almost like whispered   like hey can I can I talk to you for a second  can I talk to you for a second kind of pulled   me aside and I'm like yeah sure and uh he goes you  bought my old house and I go really the one on the   address and he goes he said yes and I go he goes  that was my parents house this guy was probably in   his 40s he goes that was my parents house dude I  just got chills from my [ __ ] toes to my [ __ ]   head I'm not kidding he goes uh they built it in  the 60s and I said was your dad named Allan and   he said yes it was dude chills and I'm like I go  oh I go oh my God I go do you know I go I first   off I didn't even know that he knew that I had  bought it so that was kind of you know dude what   the [ __ ] and I'm and I said um I go well did you  hear what's been going on with your house and he   goes well um my girlfriend he goes my girlfriend  keeps up with you guys and so she's kind of told   me yeah and I said yeah we think your dad's uh  haunting the house oh my gosh this is [ __ ] crazy   and he kind of was just like you know he didn't  say much about he was just kind of like oh okay   you know and I said and I told him the story about  um Lola's teacher and I said we said that Lola's   teacher described the house she said Lola's room  was you know the his wife's craft room and he goes   he goes no he that wasn't her craft room and I'm  thinking okay people get details wrong you know   yeah and this is his mom he's talking about so  he knows and I said okay that's weird and I said   well did he die in the house and he said no he  died at my house and I go that's weird yeah I go   that's what's throwing me off and he said he only  lived in the house for a year what huh maybe they   didn't ask the spirit to leave you know how people  say like they have to ask it to leave yeah and I   thought oh that's really weird they built it out  in the they built the house in the 60s I didn't   go into detail why did he only live for a year I  don't could have been a rental house I don't know   but I thought that was really weird um that he did  not die in the house and he only lived there for   a year but it confirm we've had two people tell  us that there's a ghost a male ghost in the house   one person told us his name is Allen and then  he confirmed his dad's name was Allan we didn't   know I mean you know what I mean so how creepy is  that that this guy saw me through TSA knew who I   was knew I bought his house and said you lived in  my you bought my old house I'm [ __ ] speechless   the alignment for all that to happen did they you  think uh Lola's teacher might have like looked up   your guys' address or like I don't know I feel  how would she know I don't think so because she   described the house in great detail on where you  walk through the front door where every room was   you take a left this is here you take a right this  who did that the teacher the teacher yeah cuz she   was on [ __ ] Google Maps no bro you can look on  Zillow and I can look at pictures of the house and   I still won't know what's left and what you know  what I mean right and and what does a teacher get   out of that what does a teacher get out of telling  you know what I mean she didn't get nothing out of   that freaking little kids out she got a whole  damn story on right here right now yeah that's   true we're talking about it yeah she [ __ ] she  got our ass she got our asses so that was um that   was very interesting yeah because it's like [ __ ]  dude go back and tell Brian cerg the you know the   layout of the house oh people know [ __ ] dude  yeah that's yeah I don't know that teach that   teacher's getting me but we've also you know my  friend Becky her sister is is a um I don't want   to say medium but she's a psychic is that what  it's called something like that and her husband   she lives in Chattanooga and her husband was uh  doing repairs on the house before anyone moved in   and she had stopped by to she was with him one day  and she called me and I was like oh I just want to   let you know there's a male spirit in your house I  was like okay that's cool and I didn't tell Maggie   or Beth or the kids because I didn't want to scare  them so I kept it I kept it a secret but he came   out soon as Maggie moved in ghost I felt Ellen  I could feel it I knew something was there it it   didn't feel right even your story for me to get  chills all the way up my body fuir dude I was so   it was wild that heat yeah I was like this out  of the TSA line that's nothing you ever expect   and you know what I told Chelsea the other day I  was like since I moved into the the the house that   I'm in now I was like it's so calm like it feels  completely different in the house no Spirits me   and Maggie did a mukbang and we talked about that  because people were people we did like a Q&A and   people were asking about the ghost yeah and you  can it's weird inless you've never experienced it   you can feel an energy if there's something there  dude even even the movie Ghost is a good one you   know oh I've always wanted to start um uhuh clay  clay building pottery and I'm dead serious I we'll   come on over I even no I'm talking about I want a  clay thing at like go to a studio and do it yeah   and I want my own clay thing at home and I want  like a greenhouse to do it in and I have this I   have it planned for the future if that's what I'm  going to do I have so many damn plans oh when life   slows down that is probably number one on my list  to do to get a clay to get a clay thing and start   doing mhm you guys didn't do that in high school  no Brett we went to therville high school and I   graduated with 12 people we didn't have a football  team we didn't have band we damn sure didn't have   Clay hell no Clay's expensive they're not paying  money for clay no Clay is expensive did you go to   a private school no oh interesting anyway and  I got a little reading um when I was in Dallas   which was weird I didn't tell you about this what  did they say so bunny Jelly's wife uh she does do   her podcast and she was um filming it backstage  before the jelly show and she had a famous medium   on and I can't remember what this lady's name  is I'm sorry um but when I saw her I recognized   her so I knew I'd seen her on she looked very  familiar yeah long story short we were sitting   there talking and she said uh she was we were  talking I was just asking her questions about   stuff and she kind of wasn't looking at me in  the eyes and she goes sorry if I don't look at   you directly she goes that's when things happen is  when I look at someone in the face so often times   I'll stop stop that go were you like huh I was was  like all right she goes so so I will look I will   look away so I don't you know so that doesn't  happen she said um she goes it's late you know   when it's late and I'm tired and there's a lot  of energy different people around it's hard for   me to communicate with the the all the energy in  the air ghosts or people or dead people whatever   frequencies we were in a tour bus and she said you  know we're in a tour bus there's a concert going   on right behind us I'm tired so my brain is foggy  she said but I am picking up a spirit and she and   then she started looking at me and she was like  your it's from your dad's side is your dad dad's   mom passed away and I said yes and by the way I  have been wanting I've said this for years yeah   I've been wanting to go see someone like this  to see if I could speak to Nanny this has been   a thing I've wanted to do okay for years and this  was your like really sweet Grandma very CL that   lived till she was like 90 no she was she was 76  she died of cancer um we were all very close with   her I was very I thought she was like way older  I feel like you were her favorite yeah and she   told me I was she would tell everybody she loved  Chelsea d That's rare when they actually tell you   oh yeah and she loved all all the grandkids yeah  she did but she would say Chelsea's a little more   special she looking back Looking Back Now that I  said that out loud what we magg and B doing okay   they all knew and well you were the first girl  yeah I was her first Grand granddaughter I don't   think it hurt anybody's feelings she everybody  knew her and I were very close yeah so um she   said your dad's mom she has she passed away and I  said yes and I then I'm thinking oh my God this is   what I've been waiting for and she said um okay  that's who it is then that's who it is and she   sat there for a minute she sat there for a minute  and she said she's real Qui she's real quiet and   at first I thought huh that wasn't nanny nanny  was loud and opinionated and you could hear her   from a from across the the house I mean very loud  talked all the time this was not I I was kind of   like hm and she said but she's really trying to  break through but she doesn't know how to use my   brain to talk to you she's trying to figure it  out she doesn't know how to do it which makes   sense because Nanny was a very religious woman and  she didn't believe in this stuff okay so that made   sense when she said she doesn't she's trying to  figure out how to use me she doesn't know how to   use excuse me and she said she keeps bringing  up Tupperware but that doesn't make any sense   cuz it's not making any sense to me I don't know  why she's bringing up Tupperware and the psychic   didn't want me to speak okay she didn't want me  to confirm anything or deny anything wondering   that she she kept saying don't don't don't answer  me don't answer me I'm just talking can you even   make a face or like she wasn't looking at me  while she was doing this oh yeah I think once   she was zoned in her head was down and she was  talking to me and she said um she kept setting   she kept like she said that she described it as do  you know how like back in like the 19 20s 30s 40s   how like operators like you couldn't just pick up  a phone and call you'd have to call the operator   and she would be plugging in things and pluging  you know like switching like a switch board type   thing okay she said that's how it is in my brain  she goes that's how I know that's the only way I   can describe it is it's like a switchboard  and I'm constantly trying to plug here and   plug there and listen to this and listen to that  and listen to that she said and it's really foggy   because it's because I'm tired but she's really  trying and she would sit there for a minute and   she would like kind of look like kind of like  she was zoned out looking and there'd be like   a minute of silence and then she'd look back up  it was the coolest experience she'd look back up   and she said she goes is she says when I get tired  my brain puts puts a fog up that won't let spirit   come all the way through and she said and that's  what's happening right now she said the only thing   that I'm getting is that she goes you have a  small family she goes your family is not huge   and she's she wants you guys to get together more  she goes she knows you're busy and you have your   own life but she wants you guys to get together  more that's really important to her like us and   you know my cousins and stuff and she said and  she follows you around a lot and she's not not   like a guardian angel but she goes I wouldn't use  the word Guardian Angel but she's with you a lot   and she sees what you're doing and she's very  proud of you oh my gosh that's cute I know and   she said she goes I would like to do this another  time because energy wise this is not the space to   do this too foggy yeah she said I would like to  do this another time um she said your grandma's   having trouble with all the stuff to get through  she said but um she's uh booked up for for 2 years   whoa and her husband who does all her booking  said I can get you in I can try to get you in   in the next 90 days and I said I will be there  got booked up dude is she just like the number   one in the world or what we talking about what  is her name um she's probably all over Tik Tok   huh she is I feel like I've seen her um are you  going to do it inperson session she does them all   on Zoom she lives in she lives somewhere outside  of Dallas um um but she's a great salesman i c i   mean she got me I believe in that stuff though the  whole religion thing and uh like tarot reading and   all that I never really knew that they were not  against each other but like religious people were   you know like I didn't know that they thought  oh spiritual means you know I always thought it   was one kind of like one like oh I'm spiritual  I'm religious but it's not no it's not no it's   not and any any most religious people I mean the  Bible says anything other than God is the devil   so anything like a psychic a it's a witch and  it's the devil you know I think it's cool yeah   yeah I've seen like stay away from tarot cards  too and I'm like what what yeah and yeah so that   was my little experience that's wild I would want  to hang out with her and just see what she has to   say for hours how how long does she talk usually I  don't know she said she does four to six sessions   a day um and I told her I said man I go it must  be exhausting like to constantly have that in your   head and she said it is but I love it so much  so that's cool I wonder what people's stories   are from her I don't know you know like how it  resonated or I don't know just more like yours   even yeah she's going to be on Bunny's podcast  they did a podcast together so um um it's I'm sure   it's already up by now um so go go watch that yeah  that's the lady I don't I'm sorry I don't know her   name but very cool that's dope yeah I want to  get it done so that's what I've been doing so   happy October little little spooky little little  spooky Mooky yeah little spooky Mooky oh today is   Jerry's birthday it is Happy Birthday Jerry Jerry  happy birthday Paige's brother how old is he um 31   31 wow happy birthday Jerry we love [Music] you  that's a new sound bite good job Brett thank you   you did great there he was so excited yeah that's  a new one we got a new we got that road cter Pro   too Brett you know what you need to put in there  how do you suck dick I got it I oh no wrong one   sorry you did you go you go ahead how do you suck  dick good job how you suck dick it only took him   a year to get it in listen to it one more time  how do you suck dick how do you suck dick squ   I love that one Mike wi wow I love all our sound  bites did we mention Beth didn't have a mic birth   control birth control Beth Beth does not have  a mic this episode because the roadter can only   take four mics and we're working on it and we're  doing better but how you doing back there Beth   good all right Beth great oh should we do triv  sensitive I barely touched them all it's right   here let's get into trivia [ __ ] it trivia get  trivia get triv get triv [ __ ] me get trivia get triv all right let me get  this B big big boy right here what you're moaning okay Beth said that one of  the um things does not have any questions what   was it reality reality reality TV so if we hit  reality TV we got to spin again but are you ready   for trivia but here we go love this game nice spin  Sports red Sports R oh our buzzers Buzz alen dude   we're almost two years into this pod we'll get it  one day the buzzers are new okay hold on we don't   have sound Bots for the Clapping or the get wrong  where they at they're on that very first we have   our own [Music] [Applause] clappers whoa Maggie  you can just push anything yeah that's a good   one I'll do those two but this is the Applause  this one hey we told y'all we're we're we got a   new new board we're still figuring it out yep we  haven't even answer uh first question of trival   what do you call it when a bowler makes three  strikes in a a home run turkey [Music] turkey a   [ __ ] home run I figured it was a trick question  I didn't see that trick I missed a lot of trick is   it really called yeah three three uh strikes in  a you know what else they call a turkey a [ __ ]   when uh when you walk into a room and a dude has  he pulls down his pants and I didn't mean that   funny that was that was funny dude I'm leaving it  at that I'm leaving it no I need to know when uh   I think it's called turkey at least me and Greg  called a turkey Brett look it up the ball sack   so sometimes I'll walk into a room and Greg will  have his pants down that's the Batwing no it's   not and he'll he'll uh he'll have his pants down  and his butthole exposed and he'll he'll put his   ball sack kind of back so he looks like a turkey  I guess he's supposed to look like a turkey oh the   dick and balls so he'll just and we call it the  turkey and honestly if I had a dick and balls I   would do it all the time I would be doing so many  Maneuvers with my penis right my friend I can't   stand y'all dude you wouldn't do that yeah kind  of maybe your own definition my friend he took a   picture of his balls in my phone like he his balls  are so stretchy he can bring them all the way up   to his belt loop his balls not his [ __ ] damn  I know I was like are you sure that's not your   penis he's like it's my balls took a picture  but every year we decorate his balls and send   it to each other for Thanksgiving like our whole  friend group that's awesome so too bad we don't   have them all right page one me zero next question  of trivial give it a [Music] spin art Yellow art   question number two of trival what is the art of  I think we already did this creating images with   an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass  stone and other materials known as Mosaic yeah   yeah we did we that was already said um I think  I said Mosaic maybe last time as a not knowing   you didn't mark that off Brett no that I didn't  know if that one was answered I know we've done   like abstract something else but I don't know you  guys are just getting so smart you know thank you   we're getting so smart dude thanks Brett yeah  welcome yeah thank you so much BR how you doing   Brett good are you mad at us are you mad at me if  you guys that's a inside thing people don't know   about that we ask Brett all the time if he's mad  cuz cuz I'd say probably every couple minutes okay   Brett carry I want that uh lady to talk to Brett  because Brett carries this damn energy he'll walk   into a room and it's just like negative you think  he's mad at you yeah you think you did something   so and it started at first I was serious I'm  like BR are you mad at me and he like no I'm   like because you know how somebody if they're not  like if they kind of are acting a certain way you   think like damn are you okay like are you mad at  me so I would literally ask like are you mad at   me it was all the time but it was real and then he  was like do you realize you ask me that a hundred   times a day and so now it's become like BR are you  mad at us yesterday Chelsea was over and all day   long we said BR are you mad Bret are to mad at us  Brett would be upstairs and we'd go Bret and he'd   come down are you like it's nonstop and Chelsea  will leave and Brett will go is Chelsea okay   she asked me if I was mad at her like a hundred  times so if I if I'm feeling a weird energy I'll   say Brad are you mad at me and have you ever been  mad at me mm this energy happened after he picked   us up from the airport stop and we were uh ever  since then it was the time Z I've just been so   mad the time zone got me in Chelsea 3 hours behind  he didn't get a or he went to the airport and was   just driving left in circles for 3 hours well  we I told him the wrong time and that was on my   bad but he could have went to the cell phone lot  instead of parking at the cell phone lot he drove   in circles for three hours but I'm not kidding  that is when the energy happened I even have it   on video BR are you still mad about that that  was like four years ago but I feel like that's   taunting remember taunting that's the new word  too oh so now we're taunting him okay let's move   on my turn ready here we go here we go I forgot  we were playing trivia I know rock and roll Blue   Rock and Roll blue I think this is question number  four okay three not sure three okay okay rock and   roll I got this all the way okay I got this how  many times were Lincoln Park rejected by record labels three nine 44 what damn there's 44 record  labels out there they're rejected uh 44 times uh   Warner Brothers 1999 I love Lincoln Park what's  your favorite song crawling honestly crawling I   feel like you can even put on one of their not  so popular songs and it's still slaps shut up   yeah it's Lincoln Park yeah so hey can I just  say I'm having really fun I am having a good   time me too when we didn't think we were going  to have a good time we we having the best well   right before we started we were all on edge  we were all you know we had these difficulty   we've been dealing with but I'm having those  those really never put me on the edge though   those types of things I I don't huff and puff  about them I it's not it's whatever okay hit it oh reality TV hit it again  okay the star or Stars let's   see here okay planets oh no which two  planets in our solar system have no moons huh on you're reading it wrong Brett Beth  said you're reading it wrong what's what we doing   what's the problem asked question oh so we're  not marking out questions we asked don't refresh   your page I didn't know if we've answered this  question can you refresh it either way we still   don't know the answer dud if we've if we've  answered this 10 times we still don't know   it you want to go to the next one just keep  all the same I don't y'all I don't remember   that question me either just keep all the same  trivial questions week after week until we get   them so we can learn damn might take years holy  [ __ ] might take years ma'am oh and by the way   by the way I didn't tell you this either I was  walking through the airport going to my gate and   and I passed this this girl this lady and I passed  her and all a sudden I hear ma'am that and I turn   around and she's smiling she goes yes ma'am dude  I [ __ ] love and just kept walking the fact that   she said ma'am and then yes ma'am ma'am ma'am  mhm and just kept walking dude okay BR didn't   even stop for a pick do art okay oh no do animals  okay purple purple and we'll do one more trivial   question and we'll move on purple animals  okay which animal's heart is located on its head a small monkey what I like that that's not right yeah  okay okay well um you want a clue yeah it's a   crustacean oh [ __ ] starfish no I'm just  going to say a [ __ ] shrimp shrimps hell   yeah my shrimps are smarten how did we not get  that we love shrimps here at the vir podcast   that's something we should have known we should  all just have shrimp fat there's a shrimp right   behind Brett's head yeah shrimp fat Clues are  everywhere and we were talking before that we   started the Pod that me and Maggie want to go get  a shrimp cup at a steakhouse and listen every time   we do the shrimps be singing and if you're new  around here and you don't know what that means   you know when you eat something and right away you  can feel it dancing in your stomach and you've and   you have massive diarrhea that's what shrimps and  a lot of other foods do to me every time but it's   worth it I love feeling them dancing around  in there and The Taste Food they're singing   they're doing a choir they're getting ready to  come out they're just going nuts and it's worth   it that's what we say the shrimps are singing the  shrimps are wor pooping I love it if it doesn't   burn for that's for real though if your [ __ ]  is not on fire yeah you know how every once in   a while you'll get that [ __ ] and it just burns  your ass oh yeah flaming hot Cheetos extra hot I   don't enjoy those or what about when your stomach  and your butthole are not on the same page and   your stomach's going faster than your butthole  can keep up and it's that it hurts that muscle   deep in there you know what I'm talking about  oh dude I full on [ __ ] my pants I've never   had that like you have no control over your  [ __ ] muscle it is just raging [ __ ] and   even if it's not liquid it could be solid and  it just hurts so bad you get more of the poofs   put the foamy [ __ ] mhm I mean the shrimps cause  that you know what since I've had the gallbladder   removed I've had the squirts you said it has  not been solid so just what color it's brown   that's good water mainly Brown water all right  we mud water we ready for the next question last   question trivial here we go just a little team  meeting of [ __ ] rock and roll Blue Rock and   Roll blue okay I've never heard of this band but  uh which band released the song Smoke on the Water   in 1972 um oh [ __ ] um Clues are everywhere hold  on hold on hold on oh my God I know this hold on   it's the only song you can play on the guitar the  Smashing Pumpkins no hold on you said the clues   are everywhere I looked at a pumpkin okay hold  on um hold on I know this I think a Chick-fil-A [Music] as soon as you say it I'm GNA be so [ __ ]  mad what does it start with anything d uh   d d [ __ ] and then there's a color D I know oh  my God I know it too I'm so mad purple d purple   purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep Purple Deep  Purple all right close enough that was fun and   exciting let's do our news let's do our did you  hear Roundup let's do our news for the day one   second how can I go through all my life hearing  knowing that but never hearing Deep Purple that's   just sometimes happens okay yeah so all right  oo I love that little background music let's   turn it up just a little bit ooh yall like that  all right did you hear Round Up the world's most   expensive cheese sells for $32,000 at auction  a Spanish blue cheese has broken the record for   most expensive cheese ever after getting auctioned  off for over $32,000 at a local cheese festival a   single 4.8 lb whe of the semi hard pungent dairy  product which is matured in the mountain caves   in Northern Spain went under the hammer for  $32,400 setting a new Guinness World Record   this came after it got named The Best of the  year at the Los Arenas 51st annual competition   at which it's it's auctioned off every year the  bread spreader had been sold to Ivan cirz owner   of L lagar Restaurant who said the bread spreader  bread spreader who said the passion for the land   and the work of the cheese maker inspired him to  up the bid um this cheese price is due in part to   the backbreaking process of making it first the  manufacturer takes raw cow's milk or a mixture   of cows sheep and goats milk and then ages it  for at least four months in Mountain caves in   the Picos deura National Park never even heard  how Wild is that $32,000 for some cheese dude I   wonder what just like a little slice taste like  you would have to try it blue cheese too that's   a yeah Blue's a little funky that's been molding  for solid minute blue blue cheese can be amazing   and then some is absolutely disgusting so no your  cheese yeah um can you turn it down just a little   bit baby missing toddler found asleep in the  woods with one family dog as a pillow while the   other kept her safe a huge search was launched  after the 2-year-old girl disappeared from her   home in Michigan before she was eventually found  three miles away alongside both family dogs her   disappearance sparked a major hunt with drones and  police dogs joining police and local residents to   search the remote wooded area of Michigan's upper  peninsula in the US she had walked away from her   house with two family dogs before being found  with both of them State Police said she laid   down and used one of the dogs as a pillow and the  other dog laid right next to her and kept her safe   Lieutenant Mark Gonzalez says police were called  at around 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday a local who had   joined the search found the girl around midnight  3 miles from her home Mr Gonzalez said the girl   was checked by medical staff and appeared to be in  good health good thing the dogs were watching her   I wonder what kind of dogs they were I don't  know it didn't say it needs to say the breed   and needs to be giving them all the love those  two dogs were with her the whole time that's so   three miles what were the parents doing and stuff  does does it say it just said she slipped down I   mean which can happen you turn your you know I  mean like all three of them I you're just like   damn the dogs the yeah [ __ ] that's oh could  you imagine oh a cursed portrait of a little   girl that has twice been returned to a charity  shop for being haunted has been sold for more   than $1,600 in an online auction the painting  went viral after it was pictured after it was   pictured in an East Sussex charity Shop with a  warning on it saying she's back sold twice and   returned twice are you brave enough o Zoe Brown  was the last person to buy the portrait in August   she told the local news station this morning  that after the purchase she was chased by an   unidentified black figure and took the painting  back to the shop Miss Brown returned to the shop   a few days later to see if the painting had been  sold for a third time finding out it was still up   for grabs she decided to take it home and put  it up for auction on eBay shortly after being   listed an offer of $450 was made but that is now  more than triple with a final bid of $1,680 with   the thrift shopped set to get 50% of the profits  interesting interesting yeah what if it's just a   gift shop setting it up I mean absolutely could be  but also like I've you know we antique a lot and   I'm always like thinking about that [ __ ] like  what am I bringing home you find the creepiest   [ __ ] dolls especially in mirrors and art yeah  so mirrors especially very very interesting um   and we got one more here um Gainesville Florida  a 10-year-old Florida boy and his 11-year-old   sister who were running away to California  drove 200 miles in their mom's car before they   were stopped by Sheriff deputies at an interstate  highway Sheriff office said deputies spotted the   sedan on Interstate 75 near Gainesville in North  Florida just before for 400 a.m. on Thursday the   children's mother had reported it stolen and  her children missing for 4 hours earlier in   Northport a city in Southwest Florida the deputies  thinking they were dealing with car thieves and   child abductors Drew their guns and ordered those  inside the car to step out much to their surprise   deputies observed a 10-year-old male driver exit  the vehicle along with his 11-year-old sister the   department said in a statement the children told  the deputies the girl had been upset that their   mother had taken away her electronic devices  for misbehaving so the boy was driving her to   California what the children were interviewed  by detectives who said there was no indication   they had been mistreated by their mother or  anyone else in the home the mother declined   to press charges and the children were released  to her this is out of [ __ ] control the mother   deined who she going price charges on her kids or  what I'm confused so the daughter got her tablet   taken away and she's like got your car dude they  got in the car and drove two a 10-year-old drove   200 miles and what's in California for you I don't  know that ass whooping more electronic what they   got oh gosh dude I don't know how they I mean wow  brother hop in I'll just take you to California   yeah let's go grab some gas money let's go all  right so that's it for the Dig you here round up dang I didn't hear any of that previously no and  I love this segment because I do a lot of Googling   and a lot of like you know and I've learned I  would have never heard that before so I hope you   guys are enjoying that segment never heard it I  the the thrift shop thing I think could absolutely   be true um that could happen I never see those  signs that' be cool to stumble upon the yeah have   you you seen those in a g store no no I've never  seen that CU usually people don't like return like   you can't return thing you know what I mean yeah  that's how's that happening I don't know and maybe   it's that scary why she return it instead of just  throwing it away or getting rid of it or I don't   know could totally be a setup they're getting us  we're getting got come by the stall for and the   and the um comp well what got me was the company  gets half of the proceeds Right For What yeah   Gotti yeah Gotti we love getting got not yeah just  check just check your surrounding areas and just   make sure you're not getting got exactly were we  um throwing in a call or wait what were we doing   let's let's throw in a call let's do a call that  sounds like fun hello and welcome to the MooMoo   commercials who wants better sex who wants better  nuts me me me the best best way to get started is   to go to Adam and Adam is  offering 50% off just about any one item plus   free shipping which includes Rush processing so if  you're in the need for a fast quick nut guess what   they got you and it doesn't even have to just  be a nut if you want to stretch your [ __ ] if   you would like to get your [ __ ] num Adam and  Eve has so many different items to satisfy your   knees don't wait it's just a click away bring more  pleasure and satisfaction into your bedroom just   go to Adam and and select any one item  it could be an adventurous new toy or anything   you desire you know you want a nut or do you 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child and we were given the option to be in this   child's life as little or as much as you know we  wanted and we chose kind of to not be a parental   figures in its life because I mean it was just we  let them do their thing you know and see we were   never able to have kids so but I mean we still are  friends with them and we see them so um but anyway   just wanted to let you guys know that and also a  question if you guys if somebody came to you you   know if you had a lesbian friend or a couple that  wanted to have a child would you let your husband   or significant other father their child or would  you tell them no anyway just just curious what you   guys would do oh yeah oh yeah wow I didn't think  the turkey baster was a real I didn't know you   could actually well using a turkey baster to get  pregnant is the equate version yeah of artificial   insemination and that's awesome first off um I  used to say that [ __ ] as a joke there's people   actually out there doing it I think a turkey ba  if you get it done fast enough I think a turkey   baster will obviously it does does work well does  the [ __ ] have to be like really fresh they said   they're just nothing in a cup I think it does  have to be fresh and if it's still warm and I'm   putting it the turkey baser I'm gagging you gotta  use your body heat to probably put it on against   your leg and feeling that warm [ __ ] from the  turkey baster just get inside you I mean people   if you want a baby bad enough and you got a friend  willing to give up his come that's what you got to   do got to roll with the heat you got you got to  roll with the heat um that I think is actually   really cool that you guys did do that because you  saved them that was about to say and you saved a   lot of money so much F dude that cost like so much  money to get a kid that's why I said that's the   equake version you went you did it homemade you  know what I mean you didn't go through you they   saved a lot of money what's it called cuz it's  called a surrogate if you are the person birthing   a kid right but what's it called with man comes  in a cup artificial insemination okay and I wonder   how much they make typically average I don't know  um but would I ever do that I think so I feel like   it would be more of a Greg qu I feel like it would  be more of his choice and I feel like it would be   easier if we didn't have kids they don't have kids  for some reason for some reason I'm thinking if   I had if we had our own kids I don't know why it  would make it harder to make that decision but I   feel like it would be harder to say yes I I don't  know why maybe because you're going to give your   kids like another sibling in a way because same  come same come you know this guy's just coming   everywhere same come like every kid on the Block  is just this dudes yeah I feel like if let's say   if Maggie or Beth were lesbian and they literally  me and Greg didn't have kids and they came I would   probably be so okay with that but I'd be like  you got to ask Greg yeah and I don't think he   would cuz he would want to raise it he would want  yeah he'd be like that's my C that's my kid right   there that's mine that's my boy yeah Maggie would  have to [ __ ] Greg and marry him and [ __ ] yeah   dude I would be into it I I think I think Greg  would be open to it if he if it was knew he was   important to someone that he loved I think he'd  be to it but he would be more the one to convince   than me yeah and also the logistics of it like she  said would we be willing to have Greg all or Brett   or whoever also raise that kid you know cuz they  asked gave them the opportunity to still be in the   kid's life or not and they chose not to right but  they still see the kid around right and I think   it's cool what you did if it works for you guys  and it works for them how wonderful I wonder if   they say like that's that's your daddy you know  or if it's just a secret and then but then the   kid goes I guess do they usually know their dad if  it's the I don't it depends on the how the family   wants to go about it you know what I mean could  be yeah don't know but they save some money and   that's smart and they weren't able to have kids so  she probably couldn't have kids with her husband   so yeah yeah yeah dude I'd be open to it for sure  yeah it definitely depends on the situation and   all that but I I would be up for it even to be a  surrogate I I've always kind of wanted or not even   wanted but I think I would do it for somebody who  couldn't have a kid MH but I don't even know if I   can have kids so yeah there's that well Brett  n inen you all the time mhm no kids so guess I   won't be as try not to though you try not to yeah  cuz she doesn't sleep as well with all the seen   in her you know keeps her up keeps her up keeps  me up don't ever [ __ ] say keeps her up again   she's a complainer yeah I'm a I'm a leaky faucet  for real you're a malt leaky malt leaky faucet   huh yeah Chelsea doesn't get that drip I need  the dripstick still when I have Jizz In Me it   plops out can you just put a tampon in before or  after I mean after if you didn't want to leak it   all out that's what those uh drip sticks you kind  of want to get it out though have it plugged up   there yeasty I don't want [ __ ] [ __ ] crust  and then you pull out a you pull out a tampon   with just [ __ ] on it oh God they need a tampon  that will you think it'd soak up the the [ __ ]   BR that's the drip stick what I'm saying everyone  sent them to me saying PA you need this Brett how   hard is it to not come inside of her on a scale of  1 to 10 oh I mean like a 10 he still does kind of   like pre it's still somehow really coming there  even when he says he doesn't come in there yeah   so just do better a try yeah she doesn't want  you coming her she don't want get pregnant God   what if you got pregnant that'd be wild she she  will one day with Brett's baby just Vlog it and   it came out looking just like that mustache and  all that would be awesome mustache and all I   would love that I yeah I would mustache and all  oh yes I can't wait for that kid those kids oh   my god um we're going to have such a happy family  yes couple things here um uh I have not mentioned   I don't think I've mentioned this on the Pod uh  Tammy bangs season 3 is out and it's funny it's   out um it's hilarious um it is on my patreon it is  a fully professionally filmed TV show where Tammy   runs a porn Empire and everyone in this room is in  the show and they do wonderful um I have put up um   a free uh episode on my patreon you do not have to  be subscribe to me to go view it now some people   I've did this before uh like a year ago some  people said they had to create a patreon account   and some people said they didn't have to so I  don't know the difference um but all I know is   you do not have to be subscribed to me to go watch  that it's a 27 minute episode called CSI my Tammy   clever I think that's my favorite one it's that's  why I made I wanted everybody to see it yeah it's   so good and this cannot be posted on YouTube  or anything it shows nudity it's very runchy   um but not in a not bad not that much in a funny  way very yeah but I posted the um uh looking for   Rodney video on Tik Tok yeah it got taken down for  violent threats um and my whole to got demonetized   oh they took down our um they're starting yeah our  video the you almost made me spill my big Gul they   took that that down on Tik Tok for violence  so that's why we have uh our subscribers so   this Tammy bangs could never be posted anywhere  else so that's why I put it on there um please   go check out the free episode you can click the I  think search patreon Chelsea ly I'm 18 plus so I   don't think I'm uh viewable that way but um click  the link in my uh Instagram bio watch your free   episode you know what else they took down of mine  when I farted on my brother-in-law's head when he   was sleeping they took that down violence what it  it is so bad dude you can't even fart in people's   heads anymore when they're sleeping like that  is so innocent I know why the thing is I see   way worse way worse yep you sure do sometimes I  see lips yep you do and tits yep yep but but my   God if we say I get I get it's ridiculous so  there's that yeah it's almost [ __ ] too wild   yeah oh I have a um a shout clout oh let's do it  let's do a shout clout baby Maggie's waiting on that give giveout giveout giveout give okay I  wanted to give a shout out to conjoin twins m   that's a good one because I was scrolling and they  are just the way they live the way they go about   life I would just want to learn more and be more  invested and can join Twins and really just just   be grateful for my life you know even just for  what they go through and they're doing it dude   and they don't know any different so I just would  really like to know more about conjoined twins   right do you know anything I don't know much but  if I see a conjoin twin on Tik Tok I'm following   because it's so interesting and they're um there  was two girls that had a TV show on TLC a while   back I used to watch the blonde girls I used to  watch they got one of them got married yeah one   of them got married to a a single man mhm and  so he's technically married to just one and is   in love with one but you got the other twin  right there how interesting is that we need   a conjoined twin on the podcast because a really  open conjoined twin mhm twins how do you say would   be absolutely cool because just the sleeping yeah  it is one snoring do they bll snort do they think   the exact same different I have so many questions  but they're probably all different too huh each   twin right yeah it's a very interesting concept  very um yeah that's a good one good shout Cloud   on that even going to the bath just what if  one's tired and one wants to go out [ __ ]   party you that's you you don't know any different  than having constant con conflict with the person   two inches from you connected to you 247 [ __ ]  fighting yeah if you got in a fist fight with   your conjoin twin nobody can break you up no and  imagine imagine never knowing what it's like to   spend a minute by yourself to just think what  about masturbation everything dude every [ __ ]   thing or that lady [ __ ] her husband yeah the  other one's got to lay there and like probably   feel it that's do they just have one [ __ ] or  they to well it depends on where they're conjoined   that's true it depends on where they're conjoined  um I saw one the other day they're connected at   the head uhhuh and so they each have like one  eyeball but they're the they're away from each   other I don't know how to explain that they can't  see each other yeah they can't see each other wow   how hard would that be and how you wouldn't be  able to like walk they were probably not very   interesting they were on Tik Tok live and you and  I never talked about this conjoined twins just   I've always had a Fascination like if I like I'm  not kidding if I see any like conjoined twin video   I'm scrolling I'm watching it if I see any conjoin  twin Creator I'm following them just interest so   interesting yeah yeah and just shout out to shout  out to you guys do we have any conjoin twin Rock   [ __ ] I would like to know that yes that would  be cool yeah shout out to you guys you're doing   it yeah hell yeah love you good one Honeys we  have never talked about no we've never talked   about conjoin twins I love that um let's dud Brett  is like Brett yeah very interesting Brett how are   you good how are you do you have any thoughts on  conjoin twins you or Maggie uh not really I don't   you never really thought about it think about  them too much but yeah pretty interesting have   y'all seen that thing going around Tik Tok where  everyone's asking the men how often do you think   about the it's kind of old now but dude I was  going to ask you that on here the Roman Empire   yes so Brett how often do you think about the  Roman Empire the Roman Empire how often do you   think about it uh like a day what do you mean a  day like how many times do I think about it how   many times a day how many times a week how many  times a year do I think about the Roman Empire probably probably every day no because on Tik Tok  it seems like a lot of stuff I see is like Roman   Empire stuff are you just saying that because  you saw the Tik toks I'm just thinking I might   you think about the Roman Empire every day no well  you just you said you did maybe like once a week   is that is that I'll see something about the Roman  Empire is that a lie too but just because you see   something doesn't mean you think about it yeah  not not if you see it okay I don't really ever   think about it okay yeah that's the answer we  wanted D we got to every mother [ __ ] day to   never thinking about it in [ __ ] two minutes  dude I know that's my life that's the want I   was trying to understand the question you know  yeah exactly and that's why I knew we had to go   deeper because I knew you didn't you got to get  to the roots I knew you didn't understand the   question MH so that's awesome but why are they  asking that I there something behind it or no   I think it's just a little thing that sparked up  it sparked up and because the women are thinking   well we we don't ever I've never thought about  the Roman Empire not once so all these men are   like oh I think about it all the time and it's  hard for us to understand we're like why why   are you thinking about the Roman Empire and  I have yet to ask Greg well how often do you   think about Chuck-E-Cheese never Maggie never they  say the Roman Empire um it just got too big like   it was it was was just huge and that's that was  their downfall I know nothing about this Brett's   got his hands up yeah got too big yeah or maybe  that was Alexander the Great no that was Romans   okay anyway very interesting yeah that has been  all over my feed people asking their husband yes   yeah I've been meaning to ask Greg but he's in  California so haven't asked him very interesting   huh very interesting we call him right now and ask  dude should we should we call him yeah and ask him   how often he's NE nobody ever answers he won't  answer and and then people won't be able to hear   but I'll try to turn it up this is our podcast  luck hey watch it will happen today okay here we go hey baby hey Puka shell we're live on the  podcast oh well I'm headed to get a piece of   equipment I need my navigation all right bye  bye I love you bye love you bye [ __ ] us dude   you should have just said one one quick question  yeah should I call him back yeah come on now he   calls you 40 times in a well I know what it's  like when when you need your navigation you   can still use it when you're on the phone hey  Puka shell you can still use your navigation I   have a question for you yeah go go ahead how  often do you think about the Roman Empire be honest uh not quite as often not not quite that  often I I I why I just wanted to know oh okay   that's a that's an interesting question very  how often do you think about the Roman Empire   zero I've never thought about it what about his  buddy yeah what about Travis is Travis with you   no Andy is ask Andy ask Andy here here's Andy  Andy's our neighbor hey Andy how often do you   think about the Roman Empire oh maybe once or  twice a year that's a good answer thanks Andy   all right thanks the whole reason being is the  Roman Empire is the reason we have all the names   in our calendar oh okay a couple times a year  you got to think about it just for that with a   fact that's great thank you guys so much y'all  have a good one thanks Andy he you too bye love   you bye dude Andy had answers hey what about uh  Roman numerals yeah that that's a thing yeah wow   that is absolutely thing he's like so you got  to think about it once or twice never thought   about [Music] it bam he and Greg doesn't scroll  Tik Tok so he has no clue so he was like why   you that is a weird question everything we  ask people's kind of little out there um we   got a couple more things before you before we  end here um I say we do one more call I got a   little announcement do we have a little little  segment left yeah but you didn't say roll that   beautiful being footage oh I know we didn't  I didn't [ __ ] and this is the second call   just do it now though be our last call okay  but just do your that okay for the people who   said Chelsea doesn't do it just do it right now  Maggie roll that beautiful Bean footage Chelsea and I'm I'm going through it so I am starting  my 11th grade year high school yes I'm 16 show   your beans bro um but I'm starting my junior  year of high school and I'm freaking the [ __ ]   out because it's been five [ __ ] days and um  I'm [ __ ] bricks um and I'm going to a career   center so excuse me oh my goodness I'm starting  um a cosmetology course at a career center that's   connected to my school so my first two blocks  I'll be at this career center and the last two   blocks I will be at my high school and I just  started a new job and I am just I don't know   bro I'm just [ __ ] stressing the [ __ ] out I  just needed to to to talk um do you guys have   any advice for managing stress social anxiety  and um high school then please let me know cuz   I am terrified of my future bye honey oh oh yeah  oh Honeys hey honey 16-year-old Rock [ __ ] here   and stressing at 16 worried about your future um  got a lot going on um I hate to tell you this I   don't think that will really go away you just  kind of have to learn how to live with it you   will never especially at your age you will never  you will oh my gosh like all through high school   all through college all through my 20s I'm like  what am I going to do I don't know what I want to   do I don't know what I'm supposed to be do like  that's normal I think for everyone and we also   all grow up with so much pressure just people  asking you hey what are you going to do when   you graduate like that adds a lot of pressure cuz  you feel like you have to have all your ducks in   a row and it's honestly not like that for a lot  of people and not even like that for me I still   am thinking every day of just like things I still  want to do just there's always going to be you're   never going to be content really and I feel like  in what absolutely and I still feel I'm 36 and I   have a pretty solid career but I am constantly  always thinking okay if this doesn't work out   if I'm you know if things slow down or if I'm not  able to do this years from now I'm I'm thinking of   a backup I'm thinking of things to you know like  I'm so even if you have like a solid career I feel   like you're still thinking about you're still  preparing for your future like backup almost   uh my only advice and and I'm and I'm only coming  from what how I experience and how I deal with it   man I you know there's a lot of har hardships in  life you got work you got stress like that will   never that will never go away for most people I  personally just try to find some sort of enjoyment   in every day even if it's something little exactly  even if it's something like you know just even if   you're you don't think positive make some try try  it make something up try you know like in high   school I was so stressed dude there was Sports  assignments there was always something and it's   like oh that's why I'd have to freaking hurry up  and grab a friend's paper and cheat off of it type   be you know because there was just too much going  on and it can be stressful you know you're going   to be moving out in a couple years just just  realized that nothing really [ __ ] matters and   just you'll once you realize that I think you'll  have a lot of stress come off like don't be so   hard on yourself just live and just try to enjoy  it even if I have a laundry list of things I got   to do from the time I wake up to the time I go  to bed I literally will always think man what a   blessing to have you know like I'm I have I have  a I have my dream job I'm not going to complain   about the you know the million things I have to do  like you have to think positive and also so much   will change you'll look back when you're 16 and  think of you what you even wanted in your career   or in life and go what the hell like you're always  going to change and that's fine I almost went to   school to do um oh gosh what's it called when you  oh like X-ray tech oh dude that's what I was going   to be a radiologist we talked about that that  before and I was maybe a j sophomore or Junior   I had done all my like Basics and I needed to  kind of figure out what I was going to do and   I don't know if someone had told me about or i'  heard like oh they make good money and so I went   down to I think it was in Dennison somewhere  and they had a program down there and I went   and like got all the information on it and stuff  and it was going to I would have been in school an   extra like two years or something and I literally  got in the parking lot I was like hell no uhh no   ma'am not for you no ma was not for me but I was  serious about doing that I was like like I'm going   to be a radiologist like me and GRE talked about  it like where we like and then I literally found   out I had to do all that extra and it's probably  G to be hard work I was like man that ain't for   me so oh I did the like a course and went to the  hospital it was so boring you just sit there and   wait for your patient and then you just freaking  scan them or do the X-ray go to the computer look   at their thing it's just so Bor like nobody's  back and it was all just eerie and cold and I'm   like you know what this does not feel like what  I want for my future that kind of sounds great   to me you ain't got to [ __ ] with people like  the public you would actually love it oh gosh   bring a book scroll you would love it or if you  do I don't I don't know if that's what you know   but I'm just saying like that would that sounds  great to me if you could just be on your phone   and stuff scrolling I mean come on right sign me  up exactly but they didn't really have scrolling   back then well they they didn't but I would have  done something yeah hopped on MySpace or whatever   Myspace oh dude I used to type in Myspace like  on the browser remember when you had to go to   the internet and actually type in my before apps  yeah before the apps were there uh I'll do you one   better I remember when we had to take pictures  on a disposable camera and go get them printed   Walmart and ask for it them on a DVD and put it in  a computer upload them to computer and then upload   them from Facebook that way yep wait not freshman  year of college trying to think of how I got   images up yep how Wild is that how I was probably  doing the same [ __ ] right huh how old would I   have been how if I was I was 18 then so you're  seven years younger than me so you were like 10   or 11 dude my MySpace photo I'm doing duck lips in  a p sign it's so we're trying to bring that back   we should all post our Myspace photos I don't I  don't even know where I would get those you can't   even get onto your Myspace anymore can you where's  the Myspace no and I wish I had all those pictures   I know and like senior profile remember when  Jeff would just put himself as your top friend   yeah how conceited I know I freaking moved him off  no his name wasn't Jeff was it Tom Tom Tom oh it   Tom why am I calling him Jeff ma'am sounds great  sir sounds great wait oh are you guys ready for   [ __ ] movie quotes yeah honey I've been I've been  waiting I've been excited for this segment the   whole podcast really yes damn I didn't know you're  so pumped about it oh yeah because I asked last   time and now you're asking so I get to play yeah  cuz you guys I don't [ __ ] know any movies we got   it so we got it so I'm playing Maggie's playing  Brett's playing Brett can't play that's the thing   because he kind of knows some of them so that's  why I wish Beth had a mic well Beth doesn't have   a mic but Beth if you know it scream it and we'll  sa Beth one yeah okay ready yeah [ __ ] linger man linger I don't know I don't know man linger  pineapple looks ress huh oh I I knew that I've   seen that movie Once 10 years ago I was saying she  should have done the 10,000 vaginas one instead no   our love is like a red red rose and I'm a little  thorny our love is like a red red rose and I'm a   little thorny don't know the mask H I have not I  haven't seen that in 20 years what the [ __ ] you   guys love means never having to say you are sorry  I know this one love means never having to say you   are sorry oh my God I know oh gosh this one's  what is it love story oh I didn't know that one   if you build it he will come build the dreams  yeah Maggie you were late you talking to me uh I didn't approve any of these yeah you did  BR you talking to me that could be anything   like that's taxi driver that was just like really  recommended on Tik Tok so I thought you guys told   her all the recommended ones don't do fun fact  I've never seen that movie but the guy who wrote   it um directed dog eat dog and I was in that  movie with with Nicholas Cage dang and Willam   defo Willam defo made out hey honey movie star  here hey Honey's made out there okay you put   snot on the ball softball or uh dodgeball no I  don't know Major League no you never saw Major   League I've never seen that oh my gosh this is  horrible okay ready yeah I know let me do it   next time that's when you know you found somebody  really special when you can just shut the [ __ ]   up for a minute and comfortably share silence no  CL [ __ ] Pulp Fiction never seen it you would not   get any of these you never seen Pulp Fiction you  guys are movie conno not fiction huh I've never   seen hardly any of these year name and a I've  seen P I've seen Pulp Fiction one time forever   ago it's not something that I remember I couldn't  remember anything Beth said she hasn't seen these   and Beth watches and Paige is getting pissed you  wouldn't know what of them because I thought you   guys knew every single movie okay ready I have  more ready he slimed me nope nope Ghostbusters   no I've never seen it BR and also I picked movies  that I kind of knew y'all would kind of well I   thought every I thought you guys would know these  okay ready I only watch good movies okay ready you   know what's always good for shoulder pain you  eat my ass you lick my butthole Step Brothers   yep how do you like them apples um I know that  movie hold on how like them apples it's with   Tom Cruz no oh who is it you like apples Goodwill  Hunting that's it yes okay ready I'm still going   to go go ahead so you guys can get more no no  turn around do it doimo do it very slowly uhuh   you want to push the oh my gosh True Lies Brett  said you guys would get that one True Lies never   even heard of that movie never even heard of it  with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Cur hey BR   you are no longer in charge of ready yeah why you  going to the airport flying somewhere yeah Dumb   and Dumber but it's not bad because even if we  don't know it the people listening are screaming   at their they're and they do they said they're all  calling us dumb [ __ ] they're mad that we didn't   get right at 90% they're probably saying oh those  pig is so [ __ ] stupid foring need okay ready   yeah um yippy Caye [ __ ] God I know this one I  know me too yipp [ __ ] starts with a d sounds   like a porno I don't know what is it die hard  I wouldn't have got that I never seen it I want   a die hard I'm ready well R let R morgus set in  with a boner yeah o go ahead I'm your huckleberry   Huckleberry F Brett said you guys would get this  one one Tombstone Brett I've never [ __ ] seen Tombstone oh TIY really going to get you guys  watch tomb tone okay ready look at Brett's face   he's they're naming all the movies we don't watch  all right here we go you know what I heard when I   first met you not Roxberry yeah keep your  friends close but your enemies closer the   Barbie movie The Godfather holy [ __ ] I've never  I've never seen The Godfather your mom's chest hair I would have got that you would not have  gotten that this one your mom's chest hair no   what's before that mean girls nice wig Janice  what's made out of your mom's chest oh you you   should have said that you should have said that  instead of your mom's chest mom chest ha saying   it like that come on oh did Beth get it yeah oh  Beth was back there screaming sorry ready oh and   in case I don't see you good afternoon good  evening and good night that is a gimm carry   movie show yes yes it took me I was I was working  there okay this one I just saw in there I didn't   even this is just a bonus I have come here to  chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm all out of   bubble gum Beth you know that one um um I don't  even know this one because it just popped up and   didn't tell me TI I know it dude I'm here to  chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm all out   of bubble gum what is it that's the one I said  I didn't know it was I just like it popped up   on Tik Tok last minute I'm done with my list  oh I got a okay we got to know this yeah I'm   here to gum and kick ass Jeff Daniels saying it  uh okay so wait give me a list then of all your   guys' movies right now and then that's what I'm  I'm going to do from there just a little favorite   no I would just no we can't cater to what we  know interesting at least a little genre so   like I'm not going to maybe go for those but  just do a little list okay okay comedies are   my number one I don't watch a lot of action  or a lot of like serious like top like Top   Gun and whatever The Godfather I've never seen  any of those sorry I know they're very popular   movies I've just I just never have okay well  we'll just do comedies and Maggie what do you   watch no not just that I won't do just comedies  but like throw more of cuz people are playing at   home too so that's fine we don't have to know it  like the classics mainly is what they listed The   Godfather they Taxi Driver gust literally the  most classic movies of all time true I watch a   lot of Lifetime movies though right now so they're  not you can't really quote anything from I'm like   that's from Lifetime it's fine a liftime it's  fine I love I loved the list it was great and   people are going to [ __ ] know them probably all  of them right yeah right oh they will they'll be   mad if we didn't get them um hey guys before we  hop off tonight tonight I have a show in Rutland   uh where we at tonight Biffy Vermont Vermont  Rutland Vermont in Rutland Vermont tonight come   see me if you're in the area um then I'm going  to be in Nasha New Hampshire uh Newport Rhode   Island straussburg Pennsylvania and then Pittsburg  Pennsylvania this coming up week um come see me I   don't think any of these are sold out there are  still tickets left um get your tickets at eat my hey did we get that last movie quote  did we look it up what was it um or did you not   look I looked it up and it said they live I  never heard of that movie they they live in   1988 I'm here to I'm here to chew bubblegum and  kick some ass that quote was everywhere and I'm   like I've never even I think I've heard that  quote a bunch in my life but never knew where   it came from well and honestly that's genius  writing yes that's great just going through   all these quotes and looking at the writing was  like whoa dude these people are [ __ ] dope mhm   oh man okay well thank you for joining do we  have more [ __ ] no that's it what a wonderful   program we had a wonderful time I had fun we  hope you had fun I had a [ __ ] blast thank   youall for helping us take over the world um  One download at a time one view at a time one   click click click we appreciate it and we love  you and don't forget to check out our monthly   merch shops at the viral check out our  Instagrams all of our links are in the bio and bro   are you okay dude you all right who's stoned  are you mad at me no okay all right well you   see M but okay if you have any uh questions  calls advice confessions anything you want   to call in make sure to do so and our number  is 442 777 3331 and always remember that you   are doing great you're looking good and [ __ ]  what everybody else thinks ready we're going viral get ready we're going  [Music] viral woohoo chicken brown
Channel: The Viral Podcast
Views: 45,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halloween, candy, October, Chelcie Lynn, Paige Ginn, Comedy, Viral, phone calls, callers, #trending, #improv, #relationship, #funny, #comedy, #fails, #podcast, #theo, #love, #ghost, #stories, #haunted, #house, #hauntedhouse
Id: V27Z-Zng-m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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