The Viganò Tapes #1: Introduction and The Current Situation

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[Music] hello i'm robert moynihan i'm an american journalist i've been covering the vatican for 30 years the pontificate of john paul ii his contest with the soviet union his battle over the culture the election of pope benedict his pontificate and then the election of pope francis and these last eight years i have many different contacts and friends in the church and among them was archbishop carlo maria vigano i came to know him many years ago but in the past three years this archbishop an italian archbishop who is now 80 years old has become perhaps the single most controversial figure in the roman catholic church for that reason i find it imperative to understand how this high-ranking church official could be so could have become such a profound critic not only of corruption in the church but also of doctrinal confusion the entire pontificate of pope francis and finally in recent months a criticism also of the secular developments the virus the vaccines the global plan for a single global community and he has reached beyond his traditional area of expertise to become one of the voices in the world today who is most compelling most controversial and most interesting on understanding where we are right now in 2021 after the year and a half of the virus and after many decades of modernity have changed not only the catholic church but also the protestant churches also judaism also islam so we have a wide-ranging interview now with this very controversial very interesting italian archbishop carlo maria vigano question number one archbishop vigeno very nice to see you again and very pleased that you're willing to answer our questions the great question has two parts it's the world and it's the church we're looking at a global pandemic and a global move towards a new world order and we're also looking at the church in confusion in division in concern about how it reacts to this new world order whether it's breaking with its tradition or holding fast to its tradition and you've got comments to make and insights on both of these questions the present pandemic and the present crisis in the roman catholic church so what do you think about the current pandemic and about the current confusion and crisis in the catholic church under the leadership of pope francis it now seems clear to me that we are facing a siege on both the social and religious front the so-called emergency pandemic has been utilized as a force pretext to impose the vaccination in the game pass in many nations of the world in a simultaneously coordinated way at the same time on the other front not only do the ecclesiastical authorities not condemn in the list the abuse of power by those who govern public affairs but they support them in this wicked plan and go so far as to condemn those who do not accept being subjected to inoculation with an experimental gene serum with a non-side effect that does not impart any immunity from the virus [Music] to say not you know the moral implications related to the presence of genetic material derived from aborted fetuses which for a catholic is itself a more than sufficient reason to refuse the vaccine we are at war a world that is not openly declared that is not fought with combination convenient conventional weapons but a war all the same in which there are aggressors and aggresses executioners and victims congregates and prisoners a war in which violence is used in ostensibly legal forms in order to violate the rights of citizens as well as believers it is an apocalypse that is a predict to the end times [Music] and the great apostasy spoken of in second scripture hello i'm deborah tomlinson with urbidorby communications thank you for watching the vegano tapes consisted of 18 questions we asked archbishop vegano at the end of august 2021 each question will be released separately in its own video over the next 18 days so be sure to click that red subscribe button and the bell next to it so you'll be notified when we upload the next question you don't want to miss them thank you so much [Music] you
Channel: Urbi et Orbi Communications
Views: 30,653
Rating: 4.9729729 out of 5
Keywords: Vigano, Archbishop Vigano, The Vigano Tapes, Vigano Tapes, Dr. Robert Moynihan, Dr. Moynihan, The Current Situation
Id: Tud_Julicq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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