The victim of identity theft 2024 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2024 | Based On True Story 2024

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[Music] I drew the same house every time red door with a white picked fence I think my mother thought I had no imagination but really all I wanted was that house so I kept drawing it I guess I thought that but one day it would become real you know like Pinocchio becoming a real boy and who knows maybe someday it will maybe Santa Claus will bring me one for Christmas no a house is way too big to fit on Santa slay good point yes you're right that is way too big a present unless you get a baby doll's house couldn't you oh I didn't think of that this is my picture there's my red door and my white picket fence had some flowers in the front yard this was my dream what's yours paint me a [Music] [Music] picture wow [Music] what do you think I think it needs a lot of [Music] work [Music] hi Hi how are you thank [Music] you wow he's got great potential are you and I looking at two different houses here oh come [Music] on I like the Wagon Wheel yeah I think what if do you think that there's any way to like make the kitchen bigger well if this wall can be moved which it will fly that one that one and that one all but this is a supporting wall but the answer to that question is yes so we have this like big kitchen in here it would be a very large kitchen yeah I I really like it I really like it you like it themo I just think we could do so much with it let's go upstairs come [Music] on right let's go kick the tires honey this has to go so you know the extra bedroom right yeah well use it as a guest bedroom but we could also use it as your office that would be great be great right oh I would love to have an office and you know the wall on the south side of the bedroom we remove that you got a walk-in closet I I've never had a walk-in closet in my life just a little coat of paint it'll be just like brand new see I knew it this is the perfect house I feel really really good about this Conor we got to get these out right away don't you think midnight blue is the perfect color for a really classy car you're looking at a very expensive luxury vehicle there well I figure if I'm going a dream I might as well dream big well dream away Connie these need to go in the mail today you don't think I'm ever going to have that kind of card do you sure why not you've made a great start coming to work every morning how about answering the phone huh noan morage and Loan so you're going to put in skylights how cool is that it's going to be pretty cool okay so you're going to open up the kitchen it'll be huge there'll be tons of light and French doors that open out onto the patio patio yeah the one you're going to build okay a patio it will be then P right here you know I was thinking about using the work that I'm doing is sort of a calling card you know for my company and people that want to see what I can do can come see the amazing work that I'm doing on my fiance's place and uh and hire what do you think about this Conroy construction I think that is a great idea good I love it I love it too should I do it oh I think you should definitely do it okay I'm going to do it right now here it Go gra for you hi this is Michelle Brown um I visited one of your uh properties today and I would like to make an offer yes I'll hold what if I don't make enough money for a loan you're a teacher teachers get homes all the time why can't you I'm going to need so much debt Justin yes but it's for a good call I know it's such a big step though you know no I have I have to go I have to go bye hi I'm Michelle Brown I know Bar's waiting for you oh great that's a nice skirt oh thanks where did you get uh Focus I think Focus I like it thanks so where's Barry is he uh Barry great thanks hi hi I am Michelle Brown hi Michelle nice to meet you Barry no one hi nice to meet you now relax because we specialize in first-time buyers I'm confident we're going to find a loan just perfect for you guys have a seat thanks can I get you anything coffee or a tea it's really uh will this be all for you yeah I love that skirt it's one of our best sellers that'll be 5324 sometimes you see something like a skirt or a dress and it's just like you have to have it you know you feel like your whole life better I could have one of everything in here um I'm sorry this car isn't going through another card maybe or you could pay cash oh I just run it through again sometimes I I'm sorry declined okay oh you know why because I bought a lot of things yesterday okay sure but hold it hi hi [Music] watch watch watch just take the EMP it first [Music] [Music] right they are stunning but ladies and gentlemen I want to show you my favorite have to do the honors this is a man that knows great style this jewel is absolutely stunning and it looks stunning on you thank you now look at that can you see the sparkle to it it is just amazing what woman would not want to go out on the town and have Sparkle and bring out her eyes wow it is amazing that they don't ask for identifying birth marks and surgery scars I mean they want everything and they want you your former home addresses for the last 150 years surprised they don't want your great-grandmother's blood type Dogs blood type a paw print right here sign the whole thing in blood hi gr morning Michelle how are you I'm well thanks how are you good I'm good sorry [Music] hello [Music] em well how was the house you were supposed to call me I know I told you I was going to but um I was filling out loan papers oh my God you're buying it I am buying it oh my God you believe it it is so great I love this house it's it's going to need a ton of work I mean a ton but just is going to do the whole thing himself why can't I ever find a boyfriend who knows what to do with his hands no no no you know what I mean yes I [Music] do hi I'm Michelle Brown I met you the other day I remember um I just wanted to hand deliver this loan application since we're on such a tight schedule 30-day escrow seems like no time at all well I'll I'll give it to Barry as soon as he gets back oh anything else um no I'm sorry it's just never done this before you know bought a house it's a little overwhelming well yeah I I hear that from a lot of people really yeah even though it's always been my dream to own a house ever since I was a little girl isn't that silly I don't know most kids want a pony or bike or skateboard me I want a house just seems like a good life can be built in a good good house you know well that's what you'll have yes well Barry will call you you know as soon as he gets your loan okay thank you I don't know your name Connie Connie thank you so much Connie [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no but the motor home is really fun motor home yeah you should you should see I mean it's like it's like a house you know it's great but you've never lived in a house before ever no just Apartments depending on my dad's work and then there was the motel you lived in a motel uhuh you know what's kind of cool cuz they had those vending machines so we could go down the hall and get cola or ice or snack Justin what is that what is that color uhoh this is not white I thought trust me Justin I thought we were going with white trust me be perfect oh my God it looks good yeah but it's a cover white is boring yellow's the new white the heckell the hey so um what would you call that color well that color is actually Butternut this is a sage green for the bathroom very subtle but I think you'll love it I trust you I just want to say thank you for just for being so excited for me and supporting me and making this house so beautiful you're just amazing okay just and then grab [Music] this careful okay I told you lead the way [Music] Sergeant come on I'm coming come [Music] on that that's for me I hoping I didn't have to make another trip no no no you want me to take these inside well of course what do you think I mean that's the whole point you order things online and then you get it to right through your door I mean it's just so convenient now I could order things at home cuz I have a computer before I couldn't cuz I could only order like at work where do you want this right there please enjoy thank you e [Music] thank you thank you cheers [Music] what do you want on your pizza defitely a this ring is an exquis of course credit card I mean who buys anything without a credit card these days Michelle Brown only2 4687 473 8 8952 right here medium pepperoni and a medium vegetarian our hero so much oh I have to get my purse it's 3175 man oh shoot I know I I told you I was going to give you cash can I give you a credit card instead sure just got a coage I can pay babe no I've got cash no you help me all day this is on me oh yum I'm sorry man but your card's been denied what that's weird um okay here uh try this one that's strange it's a technical glitch scary what do you want vegetarian veggie thank you this one went through what do you want yeah oh good my goodness yeah hi um there was uh my card was denied last night and I just wanted to check on that because I always pay my bills on time so there must be a mistake I yeah it's it's 4687 3654 45 587 4822 Michelle Brown my mother's made name is Styler oh no I have a $5,000 limit I can't be over that how computer store no I I haven't how much was that no no I have not been to an electronic store what jewelry no no none of that is mine I I have not no I haven't lent this card to anybody I never get out my credit cards to anybody I just don't get it How could somebody get my credit card number well who knows it was probably a restaurant or something like that I mean you know you don't always take the receipt yeah well that's probably it but you cancel the card and they're not going to make you pay for everything are they well I don't know now they said they have to do a fraud investigation well there you go they'll take care of it they'll sort it out I guess it's not all bad babe you know it is a beautiful day today I can put the skylights in that is enough to make me smile [Music] next what can I do for you uh I lost my license uh-huh do you remember the number or do I have to look it up no I have it right here you're going to need your social security number your name as it appeared on the o license and your current mailing address oh but I just moved is that going to be a problem fill out the line that says new address and take that over to Station 3 that way [Music] next can I do for [Music] [Music] [Music] you hey hey wow look [Music] great yeah we have this and the trim's going to be off white oh but not the door I know your dream yeah ah this is great what'd you do upstairs uh it's a secret really did you fix up the bedroom [Music] they made a mistake on my bill I thought you canceled your card this is my other account we never order from Chef beno's Pizza what I've never even heard of that place and look there's a shoe store charge on here that isn't mine $260 for jewelry this is ridiculous oh my God Franky in service Frank service it's our best seller small enough to be fuel efficient large enough to hold loads of groceries kids mhm I'll take it whoa that's the easiest sale I've had in 6 months I know what I like follow [Music] me I believe so just run it by Social Services Andel hi uh I need to talk to someone about a credit card theft someone stole your cards no someone's been using my numbers to buy things hey Ray y you speak to this lady yeah hi R Luchi what can I do for you someone who's been charging thousands of dollars on my credit cards did you close all your accounts yes well that should do it but that's it you're not going to do anything about it you know if we investigated even let's say 1% of all the credit card fraud cases that came across our desk the city of Denver would shut down completely there wouldn't be any cops around to do anything else well yeah but I don't know how these people got my numbers or what else they might be planning you canceled all your cards right yes I canceled the cards well in all likelihood you should be fine I hope so all right thanks wow is something wrong no no on the contrary I'm just impressed with your credit really impeccable I just wish everyone was as responsible thank you because it is so hard to get your credit rating reinstated once there's been a problem oh you have no idea Michelle may I call you Michelle sure that's my name you know some people call me Mimi that was just like a childhood nickname that sort of stuck my father calls me Shelly but I really don't like it very much but he's the only one okay here's the interest rate we agreed on there's the terms of the contract and that's where I need your signature wow you make it so easy that's my [Music] job for here ining up the next we taking your requests catch you up on the news and check your weekend weather station for Rock danger who be that perf stranger CL number one Hur you serving you straight from the Avenues straight from the disec i f damn when iing it I F damns when I hold it down myess coming throughing open the gate so he basically said there's nothing the police can do that this sort of thing happens all the time well there's got to be something you can do I me retrace your steps over the last few months who could have gotten your information oh my god of course hi Gretchen it's Michelle yeah listen I know this is really last minute but I'm going to have to take a personal day today yeah so can you uh try to find a sub for my class great okay thank you and yeah until the kids that I'll see him tomorrow okay thank bye Connie what are you doing I was going to leave you a note I have to quit you ever heard of a twoe notice something came up what I got another job where I'll make a lot more money and you couldn't come to me and and and have a conversation I gave you this job when you really needed it I know and I'm GR F okay but there's just something else yeah Barry I've been here almost a year and I see people come in here and they get a lot of money to buy a house and it makes them happy and I could stay here for 20 years and I'm never going to be able to buy a house or a new car instead of an old one or even walk into a store and buy a scir because I want to so what's the point I mean what do I get you know where is she uh Connie she stole my information she's using my credit cards now just calm down what what are you talking about I need you to give me her address now we don't have any proof that she's using your credit card numbers I've never had any trouble with her with anything she's ever heard did she leave in a hurry yeah but I I still don't think that that's got I'm going to the police with my suspicions you can either give me the information or you can talk directly to them damn it I want you to know that this is against my better judgment well you should have thought of that when you hired her [Music] [Music] no it's not here hello honey at why [Music] [Music] [Music] hi this is Michelle Brown leave it at the [Music] [Applause] beach was really really stupid I know but I just thought if I could talk to her I don't know sit down give me your name tnie Vos Cony vus I mean I talked to her when I dropped out the loan application she seemed like an okay person Connie vus has been convicted of possession of a controlled substance numerous times which means she has a drug habit forgery burglary I mean this was a person you were going to talk to does this Connie vulas have your current address yes and I would strongly suggest you change all the locks in your doors see what other damage she's done a great Ved isn't it I love that patio coming off in the attached bathroom so like I said all new appliances all new fixtures neutral colors running throughout what more can I say I think you're going to be very happy here Miss Brown of course so oh it's really pretty so we will need first and last and a security deposit that's 6,000 and we've just got a standard lease year term utilities gas made oh made mhm WOW cable that's cool just need your printage and your signature [Music] here's your credit report take it home and have a look at it I'm going to find Connie's fingerprints all over the place you're also going to have to file a fraud alert and contest a number of items you also need to call the Social Security Administration the Federal Trade Commission of course you close all your bank accounts ATMs credit [Applause] cards is this a woman take a at it here yes oh my God they gave her my license we don't even look anything alike okay so I need those thighs exactly like that I want to look exactly like that when I wear shorts or a bathing suit okay I don't want to walk out of here with anything not as good as that I told you what to expect from liposuction okay we'll do our best I'll see you next door [Music] this woman is not me you issued a duplicate license without checking it against the original so how do I know you're the real Michelle Brown because you say so I let this questionnaire sign the oath on the back uh provide us with copies of a recent phone or utility bill to prove your living at the address you claim to be living at passport certificate next so check for your new account will come in the mail within the next 2 weeks and then your new ATM card in a separate mailing okay and what about my direct deposit cuz my paychecks get put directly into my checking account every month and we close the old account no problem I'll file the paperwork you give your new account number to your employer everything should be fine don't worry this happens all the time you can't believe how much ID theft we see really yeah so I'll take care of this and everything should be great thank you and what's your name Susan Su okay have a great day you too yes hi um I need to report an identity theft on my credit card uh it this Michelle Brown 5369 2469 74891 1259 yeah hi um I need to put a fraud alert on my credit report Michelle Brown yes I'm still holding I I'm trying to tell you that a credit card was taken out in My Name by somebody else and I'm not going to be held responsible for all that merchandise yes I'll hold unbelievable I appreciate it no that's what I'm trying to tell you I did not set up phone service at 1405 Getty place no somebody impersonating me set up that service no no no don't put me on home hey maybe you should try this later later is not going to cut it Justin I'm working on erasing $330,000 worth of debt This Woman's racked up in my name 30 wow someone's been busy you guys lunches pick up your garbage when you're done thank you so anyway I spent all day yesterday trying to convince people that I am who I say I am and Connie's not and that I'm not responsible for her deaths but who's the victim here and who's the criminal I know jeez uhoh oh look out look out she shoots oh what a save how can you be so upbeat after all of this I don't know I just you know I notified who I had to notify I canceled what I needed to cancel and hopefully that'll do it oh the only thing I have to do still is uh let Gretchen know how to reroute my paychecks will you be okay in the field for minutes yes go ahead thank you oop sorry hey don't forget we have that Mexico meeting today after school oh right right see you right 5 minutes okay so this will ensure that my next paycheck will go directly into the new account that's the plan I'll send the paperwork in today it's just I want to make sure because I I don't have any reserves in my checking account and I have a mortgage now so oh I know we're all one paycheck away from being broke well okay I got to go but um thank you elow Park Elementary can I help you yes boys yes yes uh let me get that number San Sano is on the Gulf Coast of Mexico and St Marana is about 45 minutes out of town now I've picked the school because because they are a model of project-based learning I mean these teachers have realized that standardized tests and drills and repetition don't produce true learning something I wish our school system would realize oh my God it is so beautiful Christine this is work we are there to observe and take notes but anyone who doesn't bring a bathing suit is crazy the beaches are amazing [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] H hello hi this is R Luchi Ray deuchi yeah do I know you uh no but um I've heard an awful lot about you and I thought we could maybe take this opportunity to uh get acquainted why would I want to do that because I've got something to offer you something you need I hope it's money I'm offering you help oh yeah what kind of help H for a little case ofand [Music] theft hey hi I have a surprise for you what I'm not going to show you until you get inside Bo so we get inside the house you have to close your eyes okay and don't look at anything all right you don't have to close them now yeah okay no no don't don't look don't look don't look close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes all I'm closing I'll you just follow my le here we go oh what is it oh my gosh oh well don't cry you're supposed to be happy I am I'm so happy thank you stop bothering me Connie don't hang up there's no way I know where you are but it won't hurt to hear me out listen you can't tell me anything I'd be interested in hearing so bye goodbye Char it you see that's smart what do I do an interest rates with an alltime low procrastin it's my middle name and now when I need to take some money out of the house I'm going paying a point and a half more it's ridiculous ouch you should try an equity line of credit excuse me I I just I heard what you were talking about and the interest rates are variable and they start very uh low than thanks for the tip I really want to jump I was just telling you because I work in a a loone office so I always hear this all day long you know Barry the guy that I work for he goes on and on about it so I would but this is a private conversation anyway so I really want to jump in this place because I don't BL blah BL talking away any conversation you talking and your friends are trained to listen I guess Michelle Brown you know maybe everything's going your way now Connie but sooner or later you're bound to crash I don't I don't know what you're talking about do you really think you can make people believe you're Michelle Brown do you I don't think so Connie you know what like who cares what you think the clock is ticking Connie now sooner or later we are going to catch up with you and when we do you're going to need someone on your side now I could be that guy [Music] Connie con Connie you hear [Music] that [Music] Connie Connie's gone [Music] oh I hear nothing Brown lindal bank and I'm call your account on the SUV you bought from West Denver AO hello this is Michelle Brown and I did not buy a new SUV is this Michelle Brown of 554 El marado place yes but I didn't buy a new SUV if we do not receive your payment on this outstanding balance within 10 business days we'll be forced to forward your account to a collection agency and your you are not listening to me I did not buy a new car is this not Michelle brown2 it was about 2 months ago I think it was a brand new SUV and the woman who called me was from West Federal Bank yeah oh hi no no I can't make it that early I'll forget that yeah I told you I'd meet at the restaurant sir if you just type it in real quick listen I got another call hold on yeah really for sure okay wait a second I got another one hey honey how' you hey I was just talking to how we we we'll celebrate that way later okay good I'm really happy for you congratulations uh you call me back bye bye what was the name again Michelle Brown Michelle Brown oh I see why they called you this account is delinquent but I didn't buy that car how do I know that hi I'm Michelle Brown I'm hoping you can help me I'll see what I can do well I lost all my checks in the move um but I always keep the account number in a separate Place [Music] excellent I see that this account has been [Music] closed m brown of course it's closed that was so Sil of me because I closed it cuz I lost all the Texas in the move it's just hard to to to keep track thank you though thank you very much Miss Brown no it's okay thanks Miss Brown we can open another account who's that uh Michelle Brown that's not Michelle Brown to cook into the V high heat Ms nice Mi we going to do to add some sugar to the uh brown sugar is going to work as a perfect coting for our bananas before we the bananas what you want to do look who the Cat Dragged In shut up Ed no surprise he'd be back I made a deal with Harland didn't I har I said my baby sister she'll ever make it on her own I did oh for such a short while you know what they say water seeks its own level and here you are right back in the swamp I need money is all what's new well I have a perfect opportunity for you to make some come on in she bought a car from West Denver auto great it is I'm missing why it's great well because now we got the VIN number the vehicle description and we can get this to all units okay so now you have her name you know what she looks like and you know what car she's driving yep so you can pick her up well eventually eventually he not not soon enough listen Michelle what we don't know is where she is there's no end inside is there I didn't say that hey hey how'd it go well she bought a duplicate of my SUV same makes same color only I have to pay for it you're not going to have to pay for it if you explain to them what happened Justin I was there explaining what do you think I was doing hey calm down I'm the guy on your here remember I got to go sorry where where you going Mrs Bennett saw what I did to your house so she wants an estimate really yeah wow that's great could mustard a little more enthusiasm for me sorry that's you go thank you that's what I'm talking about bye good luck thank you oh my God [Music] I don't understand she brought this picture with her yes she did people often bring in pictures it helps me visualize what people want oh my God she's trying to become me [Music] all she has to do is break this glass and reach around and you know I mean it's like and these are just these they're locked Michelle slow down she's obviously been watching me she took my picture okay everything's going to be okay well you just stop saying that just trying to calm you down oh why because if I calm down then this entire mess will disappear that's not what I'm saying maybe if I calm down then we'll discover that I'm the crazy person you are acting a little crazy right now oh okay well maybe if I calm down I'll figure out that Connie is just a figment of my imagination no if you calm down maybe you and I can have a decent conversation you're not getting it yeah you're right I am not getting it there is no way to figure this out that's good hey can you hurry up here I got to get going yes ma'am [Music] I'm sorry I shouldn't have run off like that I I just feel like that I'm losing you I feel like I'm losing everything it's a letter from the bank I have insufficient funds how can this happen my direct deposit my salary check didn't get there look we'll talk to Gretch in a minut did you hear me my mortgage check bounced I understand I have done everything right I mean I have called everybody they told me to call I stayed on top of it I did the paperwork I canceled everything I was supposed to cancel and this this woman [Music] she's awful and I'm just afraid I'm going to lose this house you're not going to lose this house this has been my dream my entire life ever since I was a little kid and and I have planned for it and I have waited for it and I have saved up for it and it's it's not fair because I've done everything right you know I know baby I can't lose it I'm sorry I broke the picture that can be fixed [Music] oh [Music] you check out the driver ma'am you realize you were speeding no I'm sorry I didn't I'm going to need to see your driver's license registration 25 could you please remove your glasses registration please I'm not sure where are the ma'am please put your hands on the steering wheel and keep them there can you run a check on a Colorado plate Queen Union x-ray [Music] 3186 Rob remove that driver from the vehicle 10 for walk around to the front of the vehicle place your hands on the front of the vehicle you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to an attorney you cannot do you understand the rates as I've explained them to you yes sir requesting backup drug bust in progress copy that sending [Music] unit Gretchen my checks have not been going into my new account no no I'm sure I sent the paperwork in at least I'm pretty Gretchen I need the money in my checking account to pay my mortgage well why don't we just redo the form and fax it in today how's that that should do the trick come on you're late get in class Michelle Brown you were to be bound over on $50,000 bail you're charged with possessing a controlled substance for sale or distribution can your client make Bail no you're honor she has no Financial Resources very well he will remain in custody until a court date is determined next sorry shelle she got lifeo suction at my expense and she signed a lease look at this one of them is for $5,350 and the other is $24,000 it doesn't matter well maybe not to you you're not the one who has to pay it it's over what do you mean she was busted drug trafficking 700 lb of marijuana she's in jail according to the New Mexico Highway Patrol and they haven't liked to me at do they know about the identity theft that's why they called me you're saying it's over something like [Music] that oh okay you two it's only for 3 Days okay I'll see you Saturday look think this is a celebration of this nightmare being over okay Justin I am so sorry I've been such a lunatic lately so oning you can make it up to me when you get back okay [Music] you show up in court Friday morning 9:00 a.m. and you don't leave the jurisdiction for any reason sign here made M Ed [Music] Volos stay out of trouble Michelle oh yeah I will [Music] we're talking in a class about proportions you know it's easier for children to learn uh about by experience and seeing the things and touching them rather than just you know being on the board and you know pay attention to me and keep quiet they have to be involved in what they're learning in order to remember it so we're working on some proportions today so I hope you enjoy your visit here at our school have fun thank you bye mango we have some over there with your team you can yourself other yeah look at this Christine I mean look there isn't one child who isn't totally involved in what's going on what do you mean no staring into space I I wouldn't think I was in a classroom without that I almost lost all of this what just this Joy [Music] for Ed yeah I know as you mean my baale what do you mean keep my mouth closed well what am I supposed to go to prison for those freaking idiots you work for well they're not they're not going to cut me a deal if I don't have anything to Ed and damn it Ed [Music] [Music] [Music] God you know it was the excitement of the kids that really got me like they they knew learning could be fun like they couldn't wait to get to school only so great hi hi hello welcome to Denver thanks I'll wait for you over here okay Michelle Brown mhm okay thank you thanks than Michelle Brown come to us wait no no no no no no no no you guys I'm not her that's you got the wrong person now boing 21 a okay I'm Michelle Brown but I'm not that Michelle Brown you have the wrong girl right I'm serious you're making a huge mistake here you got to be kidding [Music] me wa up [Music] you look could you please just check out my story it's not my job my jobs to watch you until they come back to question you some more please believe me I can't count the number of times I've heard that line look I am not the criminal here this is a mistake whatever you say you're here oh my God thank you get you're free to go Connie skipped out on her bail so they issued a warrant but they screwed up big time because they issed it under the name she first gave them which was of course yours so where is she she hading back here we don't know come on we apologize for the inconvenience yeah thanks keep in touch [Music] thanks Connie Justin what the hell do you want [Music] we seriously have to call the cops fine you do that it's important Michelle we can tell them what kind of car she was driving Justin they knew what kind of car she was driving before they had her license plate number they knew what she looked like they even had her cell phone what good did it get us cops can't help me I mean would you just tell me why some people born lucky and some people just have no luck at all and why I always on the Unlucky side of it can you just tell me that and that's not fair right yeah get two maybe three days on this one swipe it as a gas station I want you know if it still works that might do good work so how you going to pay for this baby Michelle Brown nah I don't think so well then how you going to pay for it I can charge it nah no stupid [Music] out Michelle yes I'm Beth given from the Privacy rights clearing Hi how are you nice to meet you nice to meet you too this table's free that looks good so you've had quite a time this is so frustrating it's been really hard I'm kind of falling apart that's not uncommon it's just feeling it's this unrelenting Avalanche you know and I know it's coming and I hear the rumbling and I still can't get out of the way and I'm getting covered by tons and tons of snow know I where's the St Bernard with the flasco whiskey to rescue me I'd hate to think that I'm the St [Music] Bernard bet you hear the same story over and over some version of it yes identity theft is the fastest growing crime in this country every 6 minutes someone's identity is stolen every 6 minutes that that's up to 7 million people a year and no one is doing anything about it in our VI not nearly enough what can we do to fight back I am so glad you asked oh D yeah the whole thing mhm well I they're do25 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 I don't know 20 25 mhm thank you enjoy so what would I have to do talk about what this experience has been like help people to see it and feel it can you think that would make a difference well let's go to Washington and find out [Music] [Music] hey you open the door what the credit card didn't go through yeah well I'll give you another one tomorrow I want you out of here yeah okay I just I got to wait until someone comes to get me you want me to call a cops okay look I'm leaving all right sure it's just for a few days I'll miss you I know but Beth thinks I can really do some good don't you think I should go absolutely I think you should tell the senate guys what happened actually the head of the senate committee happens to be a woman testifying before this committee is a way of turning this whole awful experience into something positive hello hello I need I need help I need you to tell me what to do I don't know what to do next who is this it's Michelle Brown [Music] hold on you need to stop running Connie I made a mistake it it was about a drug deal and but I was clean for a whole year do you believe me I had a job and I showed up every day I know I met you there do you remember you were so pretty and you look so happy [Music] where are you Connie look maybe if you tell me where you are then I can help you hang up shh Connie are you still in Denver Connie if you tell me where you are I'll come to you and then we'll figure this out together I got a gun I had to buy a gun help I I don't know what to do oh God for the past 6 months a woman with my name and my social security number and my driver's license number and my credit cards has been living her life at my expense and I have become responsible for every one of her criminal acts if only she lived in a better apartment so she rented one if only she had a better car so she bought a copy of mine if only she had the right clothes if only she could become me well then all her problems would disappear the only problem is I still exist is your case typical Miss Brown I think so in almost all identity theft there's a sense of viol ation and repeated betrayal but not all identity theft involves the kind of personal Jeopardy that m brown has experienced primarily because the criminal is someone m brown knows that's part of it and that's not an uncommon story over half of all the identity theft cases involve someone the victim knows what about the other part Miss Brown um it's becoming clear to me that Connie vcos is unbalanced and Reckless and I believe her behavior is escalating she became obsessed with you yes and then it becomes an adjustable and with the 1% cap that we put on that amount we can expand that amount within any given 6-month period can you excuse me for just one sec I've just got to grab things Nolan mortgage and Loans Barry here you know what I called her and I asked her I asked her I said what would you do huh what would you do you know why she didn't even answer me you know why because she doesn't she doesn't even think I'm worth it cuz that's what happens when you have nothing okay just hold on a sec you know I'm just going to grab this one in the other office why don't you folks have a look over that and uh and I'll be right back okay Connie where are you I got a gun in my hand Barry jeez Connie just no no you just tell me where you are and I'll come and help you okay Connie Connie where are you Connie with you yeah yeah I threw out one it's all right buddy I'll take care of it okay Connie Connie it's me Barry we're going to take care of it okay we're going to be everything's going to be all right going to be okay in there Connie we're here to help you it's all right come on it's going to be okay Connie these people out of here hey hey she's got a gun I know yeah but I heard it go off sir come it went off man I was I was come on get these people out of here come on the phone I was talking can do around the telephone and then I heard the gun go off and then nothing just not a bad person Connie it's R to Luchi coming in Connie Connie do you remember when I said once that i' help you out I think now would be a good time to take me up on that offer Connie Connie Put the gun down Connie no wrong choice Connie no you need help no I'll help you I'll I'll be that guy for you [Music] no come on come on that's it good good good come on so now it's just up to Senator Feinstein and her Committee of course but we did everything we could and Beth was so great and she wants me to stay involved which I would love to hey hey hi what are you making house calls now yeah well you could say that come on it was obvious that Connie didn't want to use a gun but uh she didn't really see any way out either so so I gave her one which means she's in custody right yeah that's what I came by to tell you thank you what if she makes Bail no this time there won't be any bail really yeah it's over there is one more thing what she's requested to see Michelle shout of the question well I understand that but what makes her think that after the way she treated at the court she wants me to come to the court yeah all right what no you what are you thinking I I want to [Music] go go in [Music] there I'm glad you find this amusing Connie uh but I'm just it's not amusing I'm not amused I just so like she said she was see me that's what I said yeah so I'm not you find that funny no settle down what settle down I really don't think this is a good idea thank you neither do I you'll have an opportunity to make a statement in court if you wish this is different I'm missing something here if Connie has something she wants to say to me I want to hear what it is it's done Michelle she plad guilty all we're doing here today is hearing her sentence assigned no I have to see her face to face he looks so nice I had to cut my hair it used to be long like yours but it it was in never pretty do you wash it every day uh yeah that's why it looks so shiny and soft looks soft can I touch it sit down Connie if you try to get up again Miss Brown is leaving I told them I did it I told them they didn't need a trial cuz I confessed I know they told me well I wanted to tell you I'm going to I'm going to go to jail for it I know so you'll be relieved right yeah I'm sorry [Music] I wanted to tell you that thank you but it it was only things right you took more than things from me Connie no but I didn't hurt you yes you did no I didn't I didn't hurt you I never hurt you I mean I I I I I just wanted some stuff I didn't know how to get them on my own so I just charged a few things that's all I mean I didn't have anything and you had so much I I mean if I asked you were you going to share them with me were you going to help me find an apartment are you going to help me were you going to let me drive your stupid car this meeting is over m brown is leaving no Michelle look at me look what we have here the two Michelle Brown's face to face there is only one Michelle Brown in this room no we look so much Al light people couldn't tell us apart I can I know exactly who you are Connie and that person has nothing to do with me nothing we are here to impose sentencing and in doing so the court needs to acknowledge that for every defendant we see there is also a Vicor victim that somebody has been hurt by the defendant's behavior but on the other hand as the country and western song says if you dwell on the negatives if you focus on them if you live with them and you wake up with them then the world will be Bleak please if you focus on the positives I think the opposite is true put the negatives in the rearview mirror and put them in the past I would like Michelle Brown to know is Miss Brown in the courtroom today here your honor well Miss Brown I think there are a lot worse things than this this identity theft like getting hit by a truck or cancerous I want you to have a positive attitude because we all know that life ain't Fair little advice now to sentencing excuse me I know that life isn't fair but I thought this courtroom was supposed to be you wish to make a statement before sentencing Miss Brown well I didn't intend to but yes I think I do I know that there are worse things in life than identity theft but the crime Connie vcos committed wasn't minor she robbed me not just of things it wasn't the possessions you took from me con she invaded my life again and again whenever however she wanted forcing me to prove over and over that I wasn't the Michelle Brown committing criminal acts tell me what you have your honor if you don't have the sanctity of your good name no matter what's your attitude you need to have your good name that is what you took from me Connie that is no small thing right I hope that you'll keep that in mind when you pronounce sentencing yes thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Star Junior Film
Views: 88,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Lifetime Movies 2024, LMN, African American Movies, Hallmark Movie 2024, Hallmark, romace movie, Lifetime Uncorked, Lifetime Movie Club, Based On True Story 2024
Id: R7iuL-luVaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 13sec (4993 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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