I'm the Impostor but I don't lie | Among Us w/ The Derp Crew & Friends

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i should oh wait no my oh what the jesus i swear i swear i swear i was just on the security cameras and i saw that body falling and then i saw you running to it i swear that was not me so who was it [Music] oh god me and cheesy all right we have a second impostor round excellent i'm gonna go hang out i want to see if anyone's confirmed okay there's marcos marcos and gom there's no one doing med bay over here oh god i actually i think i hung around there for just a little little too long tay is afk i think oh god i really want to kill tom i really want to kill tom hey chilled what's up anyone else doing it doing the thing don't get sloppy cheesy okay those apex there's junk sweet i'll do this thing don't go down the communications and finish my my download it shut some doors shut some doors just to really mess with them indiscriminately hi gom still haven't murdered someone oh god there's marcos oh i was really tempted to just go up to marcos and kill him anyone up in dammit no one's over here [Music] howdy all right what's going on i'm just scared i'm just paranoid wow i have to talk to you when when i went into command room right into the administration room you did like a u-turn saw something else there then walked out why oh man you came in you double back like you're going to stab me no somebody else is there then left no you're going to even when your gym was going off yeah that was going to the other oxygen room and then it didn't happen i understand you were right last time we were observing their behavior but no one's died yet let's finish our tasks though i will take note of what you said was just on security cameras how does before we get back into the game how does locking the doors work because chill you're right by me door's locked yeah so it said why are you asking me yeah so the the imposters can just pop up the the entire map and click on different parts of it yeah so they can sabotage from the other side of the map gotcha okay i'd like to say something about the security camera room yes i was running down the hallway saw somebody was on security cameras yeah i said let's go see who's in the security room i ran into the security room there was nobody there thinking did somebody just vent out of the security room that quick i don't know but then i walked to the left to do the the generator stuff over the left side of the security so there was no vent play there it was just me walking i just wanted to point that out thank you he walked out the door walked to the left i just walked in love it's him no no baseless votes huh okay just saying i need a buddy if if there's somebody buy me i need a buddy okay oh the only thing that sucks about that is that that did reset my freaking kill counter i wish it didn't do that okay hi afex don't press that damn button again please okay we have junk and nate sweet okay sweet okay there's tay stay in here ah just god i'm not running into people there's chill there's tom tay wait is anyone doing the trash shoot okay so i think all right so that's confirming that he's good excellent there's groups everywhere turn out the lights oh god oh god i said they worked on that oh cheesy i hope you i hope i hope you're getting some blood cheesy i really hope you're getting some blood right now because i'm not getting any hi gum oh god getting nervous about just freaking voting people off here is that door closed is someone closed off in there have killed someone okay where was that well after six years i found marcos in oxygen dead tay where were you coming from mom just saw me do the trash shoot you and i saw a gum dude trashy as well and i saw children oh and i weirdly watch them both do the trash shoot hey can you not get naked again i watched the children i saw a bunch of us hanging out by security and the reactor room i think i saw children said he needed a buddy so i still saw cheesy that's why you were sticking next to me i got a little suspicious though because i did see tay walk by me and i went up from shields no one wanted to watch me do the trash with me too this is a self-report is this is this a self report oh it's not it's not i feel like apex has had a lot of chances to kill me and he hasn't honestly i kept thinking nate was gonna kill me i was like he's following me i thought you were following the trusting untrusting relationship we have going here junk was an admin standing around a corner when the o2 went off and then marcos came in and that was the last time i saw martin stupid freaking car but tell me why you're good stupid credit right now well i had two people watch me do this okay sorry i'm sorry yes okay all right so we know tame tay and gom are confirmed who else is confirmed i've been following him around i can't confirm nate cause i've been with nate for a bit until i found the body i was with uh well there's nobody we can see i'm not confirmed i don't have any animation tasks with my wife i think it's nate but i'm not gonna vote for nate voting your wife this is good there's still two killers out there you know high chances what's your objective ah okay um it's so hard to find an opportunity to kill here i am facts i just need to do a hail mary god 23 seconds to kill someone that's killing me right now okay there's aphex like way too cautious way too cautious hi afix effects is running away from me i can i can ask him about that like why was afex running away i saw apex running away from the reactor actually oh wait no my oh i swear i was just on the security cameras and i saw that body falling and then i saw you running to it i swear that was not me so who was i i i i saw someone running away what was your objective in cafeteria my cafeteria i was pulling the other trash shooting this thing that's in the cafeteria and i was connecting wires on the left side are animation are the animations on for the trash chutes you don't well that one does there's no what i'm curious about is when the reactor went off you ran away from it i ran away from it you know i'm following you i'm going to make sure guys no no we were both up in the cafeteria the reactor went off and i went right for it and you went the other direction because i went back to see if the trash shoot animation i didn't know that there was no animation for that though okay you went back again that's a genuine mistake that's why i was asking is there anything apex did come immediately then try and go to the reactor i did see him go towards okay okay you ended up being there later on i swear i was looking at the security screen i got off the security screen i saw that body falling and then you showed up yeah i'm not saying i'm not saying i'm not insecure i'm not saying you killed them i think someone else ran away where was the body found and security oh and that's where c was she is i saw him coming i would have left her there and i would have vented out you saw me coming from the security council he would have he really would if he wouldn't have really what okay all i have to say is cheesy holy killing tay right in front of me while i'm at the security camera for apex to find the body what the okay sorry i had to get that out oh my god please don't do it to tom i should probably should do with the time you know what i'll leave you alone i'll leave you alone do your thing cheesy i just don't want to be over there oh man i swear because if i got voted off right there i would get i would get blamed for that and i'd just be like but it wasn't me i'm telling the truth guys okay hi buddy no killing right there okay okay chill's following me still i think she'll still suspicious of me oh cheesy oh he's cheesy going for it cheesy's going for it goodbye chilled chaos [Laughter] uh reactor oh christ oh my god i hope gone doesn't see me i hope god doesn't see me hopefully he went to wave storage oh look hello all right oh but i didn't see tom's body at all tom's body is in shields yeah i wasn't there i was in communication yes which is right next to shields yes but that doesn't mean i was in shields i came from stories my wife is going out i'm throwing my wife out off the ship i can confirm she's my wife wait listen it could be it could be cheesy and he's just been i was super secretive i'm voting for the other steven me and him went to the reactor to turn it on he was the other person to turn the scan half of the people here are bamboozling me so yes i had to take a chance i'd kill my wife oh dumb's almost got it cheesy that she's in your house cheese has screwed me twice right in front of me and left me in the security room for apex and then and then he kills tom and i just happen to be by the body [Laughter] oh i was watching security because i was already done with my tasks in the dark i'm scared for my life i'm just going to be speaking oh geez he just has to get a kill all right i don't [Music] so how about all of that like no no reacting just just snap someone's neck for me okay just snap someone's name oh he's panicking thank god [Music] you definitely he helped me with the reactors i should have asserted myself and sold apex to shut up i'm oh oh game freaking one oh my wife is bad okay okay there's chilled well the kill timer is let's see here let's have everyone go to the reactor marcos is hanging out did marco's kill chilled oh marcos might have killed chilled oh oh wait no okay no child's life just alive okay we took care of it excellent excellent excellent excellent let's see here hey let's close med bay doors cafeteria doors daniel thanks for giving us up oh no the door is closed oh marcos marcos oh oh we just got a double kill oh my god oh my god uh oh god i need to turn off the lights i need to turn off the lights hello okay so oh my god i found i found both commentate dead in front of the med bay double kill up there yeah it was a double cut they were literally right above each other and i can't vouch for cheesy and tom i did see them around i saw chilled too so chilled was also down yeah and i we were down in the electrical room was doing something it was down there too i was like i was at oxygen and i went to electrical and lower engine room no was coming upward towards admin and cheesy was with him as well has anyone has anyone done their med base i saw marcos though i did see marcos i could see marcos come from that hallway where medbay was which kind of makes me lupus especially mark groves because the bodies were both right there in the doorway how'd you not see them at once did marcos come right out of the bed bay i saw a goal came out the door of the react cafeteria okay he helped me shut down the reaction yeah their bodies were found in front of the doorway of med bay in the hallway what tasks did you do marcus [Music] [Applause] here's why maybe she'll just voted for me for the memes i'm a little concerned about that well marcos is dead i wasn't really feeling a double kill right there that was really risky when so many people were nearby uh but at least we didn't get golem to just report that body instantly i'm sure he reacted to that and was like holy holy okay no one's coming over here i need to hang out with people so that way people aren't just like z z where are you where are you z i'm gonna go to admin i haven't been to admin yet is anyone in admin no one's an admin no one is near me at all where is everyone let's see let's go o2 hi john you going to hang out with me all right i'll be the good one i'll be the good one to do this does everyone just be full on bystander effect or two two okay i did the thing there's tom there's nate i'm gonna follow tom for a little bit why is tom just like standing there mp4 thanks for the eight months i mean i know he's not bad i'm just curious why like what task is he doing god i hope no one notices that i mean a lot of people were nearby i don't think nate saw that i don't think nate saw that oh i hope nate didn't see that where's nate running god damn that was so bad there's cheesy there's junk oh boy oh boy okay all right so so i found tom dead in navigation i did not see anyone coming down from those areas though the last time i saw junk it was with cheesy and they were heading towards the lower engine room i believe i saw so junk was just alive i just saw junk on the security cameras and then there was legitimately z and cheesy and junk were all together in between security and the reactor and i'm pretty sure i can almost say confirm junk is probably dead in the reactor room so it's my wife or chance okay well no no no no no no no no no i can definitely vouch for nate i saw him just kind of chilling and not communicating hear me out hear me out i have to say cheesy because i was with him fixing lights and he were both in admin and then we went both went up towards cafeteria to fix other areas all i could all i could see if it was just being cheesy me chilled and cheesy i have to say cheesy i was in the same church i'm skipping [Music] i'm not gonna kill cheese i was with them you gotta kill z foundation crosstalk guys come on you were just the one complaining about the crosstalk he's just gonna hit the button okay well 24 seconds what are we gonna do guys but marcos why did you sabotage you sabotaging now i have 13 seconds let's see apex oh boy okay see chasing chill the entire time around the table i mean i wasn't chasing him i was circling the table so it's gotta be my wife my wife it's not my mother it's not you know what i think aphex if you really think it was cheesy when the double murders happened and he wasn't and no no i didn't say it was cheesy if you think he's clear if you think he's clear when the double murders happen he was with you yeah yeah otherwise z and cheesy and junk were all together i was with chilled cheesy and junk and i was on the security cameras i'm voting my wife i'm voting cheesy because it wasn't me i'm voting cheesy he was the only other person there i'm voting my wife yeah gotta be my wife tell me my wife my wife is giving me terrible issues right now i don't trust my wife i don't trust my wife either look at her [Music] i must have did something to reset my uh i must have did something to reset my kill cool down because i couldn't even kill when you press that button you might have opened up the menu or the map or something jeez so i don't know how and second rounds marcos i think you sabotaged a little too early there it's a little too early guys nate thank you for popping up and it was we were gonna be screwed thank you for popping up immediately turn the lights back on i'm like oh boy here we go i just happened to be out there i was like this i'm gonna die doing it i popped up out of a vent in front of you and i didn't realize the lights were off and i scared the out of me uh thank you damn i thought maybe we can get two in a row okay so we've had i thought that was a decent we didn't win but i thought that was a decent imposter round only only wait where are my tasks oh i don't even have any tests over here oh tom oh tom if you kill me although maybe i should hang out with tom because if he is the killer i don't think he knows all the tactics oh do i not have any i feel like i'm being sketch as right now i'm just going to different places assuming there's a task right here and there's no task all right someone turned out the lights uh fallen ranger thanks for the prime i won't go oh oh i thought i saw a body but i think it was just my task i was able to do right there all right someone did that who's coming out of here marcos junk cheesy uh you got chilled and we have tay what's up tay okay oh let's see i'm just gonna hang out with tay and hopefully she doesn't snap my neck the middle of this let's go to lower engine room z is best wife it allows for so many weird quotes i'm voting up my wife my wife did it reactor no body's found yet i'm look never mind i was just saying nobody's found yet and then boom all right where was the body oh my god all right shall we go ahead and confirm who we know is good though because i do know i can't confirm anyone oh you can't say it tay is good i saw her do the animations on the guns okay and i was standing there waiting for telling tay hey watch me do the animations now and she ran away i was like the lights went off i was like i gotta go junk's gonna kill me no i got the i got the gun so i want to do the animations if anybody wants to see that and you're saying marcus you have the med scan i i i do have it i haven't done it yet okay cool cool okay so we got three confirms yes who was with me and who was with me in admin when i was just so what about you buddy i was in the navigation room earlier then i got locked in by the asteroids and the doors locked i don't know if anyone else i saw i saw him in electrical earlier earlier too i was in yeah just an electrical trying to turn off the lights and then i went over towards the navigation and saw chilled yeah i was an admin i don't have anything are you yourself up the doors uh ron of york ron of york thank you for the prime probably miss someone else too all right will my nick get snapped let's see no neck snapping yet also do i have any animation tasks i don't have i don't think i have i don't think i have any animation stuff which is unfortunate that or i'm blind i don't know if it's like you're always supposed to get some kind of animation thing hi chilled don't you come in and try to kill me i was turning around why did he just go back in there curious about that it's like he saw me go in there might be a question to ask him that or he was doing the samples thing in there it's a little interesting maneuver right there okay is no one else going for the oxygen 10 seconds please don't get a win that way please don't get a win that way anyone oh wow junk junk was anyone else in the room with you because you're standing over that body little names ran past the freaking body oh i didn't i wasn't anywhere near that i was gonna vouch for junk because i did see him do an animation okay all right my real question is um i was over there by the right side turning off the oxygen someone else beat me to it how come nobody's turning off the left oxygen i was running over there i'd like to say something i was with nate and aphex in the uh the electrical room and then once i was doing my test both of them were gone and aphex is dead so i'm just putting that out there he was found is okay so is is is anyone else able to confirm junk yeah he's saying she saw him but i always and are we able to confirm because i'll trust john confirming each other last time you did that it was you that was the murderer i'm just kidding can i get a question can i interject really quick are we still suffocating after this voting process no we're not we're not it doesn't end it does not end i'm not sure cheesy ends up being good then i'm going to say junk and take that then what why i'm good i don't know because you're the only two that confirm each other i don't know if it's not cheesy now i think it's chilled on z yep because i know it's a mistake not true plenty of opportunities to kill me oh oh this is how it's happening okay let's see all right i'm hitting that button [Music] okay okay all right uh no it does stop the oxygen thing okay sweet we got the imposter i'm glad uh the correct thing was able to come out of that because junk looks so suspicious right there just standing over the body uh i'm glad i'm glad tay was able to speak up and confirm junk otherwise i was hanging that guy cheesy was being like noticeably quiet though uh at least quieter he wasn't he wasn't talking as much as he probably should have now i wasn't really kind of taking note of uh was anyone defending cheesy who opened up med bay i don't think yeah tay wouldn't well tay uh was against junk so i think tay's fine let's do my samples hopefully someone doesn't snap my neck hopefully not that's all i gotta do that's all i gotta do i don't know who i'm suspicious of oh lord and tom is dead dead in the reactor tay is just standing by the right not in the security room but just to the right i was looking at the the thingy thing okay and then i just finished my last one i just finished my last task she is she is confirmed but i don't know if she didn't see him because you were kind of next to the body i know i wasn't i was like i trust so chilled are you self-reporting at this moment no i came down from the election i did see i did see chilled kind of near that area because i saw tay trapped in med bay literally just on the bottom passed by nate came up and saw tom's dead body by the reactor what were you up to wait who accused my wife was over by the reactor you know what no it was not he well he was by that he was by the upper engine room yeah that one i mean you're close to the reactor yeah all i have to say is that me tay and junk led a crusade against cheesy i'm thinking either nate or chilled that's what i'm thinking yeah you could think either of us as long as you guys stick together it'd be accurate but it's not me it's definitely not literally just well i mean well unfortunately one's already dead so we could kill both of them i'll see what happens all the like every opportunity to kill me in that med bay when i was stuck there because i yeah i saw her on the other side of the door when she was trapped in there yeah i don't think would trap herself in there your wife could have killed you between joe the nate i kind of wanted to i'm in between nature well hey who did you vote for you that's incorrect that's you're gonna be we gotta we gotta get this we gotta stay together one one left it'll be fine it's either it's oh wow we actually split it yeah we actually split it we weren't supposed to why did you vote for nate there's no confirmation there is no confirmation it's g and nate we're both by the body no it wasn't i was oh my god i think it's chilled i mean chilled ornate i don't know but the fact that is just immediately jumping on me i'd like i i would have been i would have more aggressively tried to get junk killed i don't have any more tasks by the way so hi tay let's hang out together let's hang out together i'm just going to keep following you today see hey still has not killed me yet actually i should no actually i should uh hey actually where are we going we're going to oxygen high junk there's chilled chilled chug chug chug chug chug oh the body it's chilled it's chilled i saw him slice my wife where was the body because i was on the right side of the oxygen right now i was on the right side [Music] [Music] oh oh god you gotta believe the distressed old man there it is you have [Laughter] first of all my favorite thing is how junk came out with that i saw him slice my wife and that's why that's my name oh my god i can't believe we're so close to winning by oxygen apologize for nate for accusing him early on with like very little evidence because that skewed the vote that second voting round kill him i ran up to hit the emergency thing i said i can't hit the emergency when they're when they're making accusations of where people are don't just go yeah i was over there oh yeah we've been on the winning team every single time just saying we've only played two games but we've been on the winning team every single time okay i have med bay i'm gonna save that for later i am not going towards my tasks at all actually oh wait what's marco's doing okay he's not doing med bay he is doing the samples i'm gonna go swipe my credit card i was did i see something right there i wasn't sure if i saw something right there that lights are going out first try cliffcode thanks for the subaruni tay tay didn't turn around and kill me but has she already killed someone okay fix the lights let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go there's golem he didn't snuff me out well gone and hey what what the oh wow so glad thompson oh you killed me so that was uh really weird so i was over by the gas canister and i just kind of walked a little bit away from the gas canister then i saw junk's body all the way at the trash chute and i was standing like 10 feet away from it for some reason i'm alive i'm alive wait very much and wait i was standing at the uh the gas canister and i was able to report it for some reason the two people i saw in the area i saw tay over fixing some wires in storage and i saw a golem running towards the electrical confirmed i got i got chilled i got i was up there well i was doing an electrical project and then i ran out i saw tay but i also saw chill doing the animation yes you did where were you where were you before uh storage today storage i was in electrical i fixed the lights and i no no no no i saw i saw you in storage then you went to electrical you mean before that oh yeah before before before you were in storage the first time i was where the shootie shooty things are and i was trying to get someone to follow me to med bay and no one wanted to follow me and i was like that and the lights went off so i ran to the electrical to fix the lights really quick and no one was there except junk just doing it but you're also at the electrical box in storage you missed that part just wait in there i don't remember that at all although i have a goldfish brain wait so i'm gonna take some junk up joke inside i'm gonna take a risk i was really hoping either i or taye died there so we could find out the answer for my wife of course crosstalk damn it uh i didn't realistically see anything but tay was missing the part how she was in storage the thor going into electrical which makes me super super suss of tay it may not be either it oh that's a crosstalk i mean uh a little extra discussion we're trying we're trying to be better about not like talking about who we think it is once the uh the voting thing happens we can just be like ooh ah and that's it okay i think they're gonna go take care of that i believe they'll do it i'm gonna go over here because what if there's a body over here and the imposter is trying to lead us away hi chilled hi buddy okay he's just staring at me what happened there okay what happened here cheesy was standing on the o2 thing i saw him on the camera he went up there for a while and didn't do it really he's clicking through the button you were clicking through the buttons you are you sir you sir were born within the last 20 years you can hit the numbers at security as [Music] do a rotary phone i literally couldn't turn it all right yeah that's because he's a zoomer this is different dude if you're not an imposter you need to practice pressing with your mouse [Laughter] mute up okay all right so i should be a good looking guy right does anyone want to be chill chill chill chill do you have medpay i have bad day yeah yeah unless someone turns off the lights and shakes me right here oh nate is like desperately waiting to do the med bay okay well i'll stick around and watch nate you're not gonna do it nate okay okay oh there's a facts you know i don't want to hang out i don't know if apex is confirmed yet i trust chilled i trust tay i don't know who else i trust i guess i trust gom because gom kind of led that crusade against cheesy and it would be out of gum's character [Music] what what's going on junk you have anything to say for yourself i was doing the electrical and then i watched tay do the electrical with me that's the electrical there was a panel what'd you see children look that's all i said i don't trust him that's it you don't trust him at all i saw him on the security cameras just doing weird hovering by people hover handing staring at corners so i'm jack i'm a little paranoid but i'm also you're always paranoid wait well if you're doing that hopefully you got most of your tasks done so we get this done uh what tasks have you done junk i've done wiring and downloading and i have no freaking animations so i can't show you anything i had the security the shield the wiring and and the downloading so far i don't know how you remember that because i don't remember that i do yeah i mean i think he's jacking it i think he's getting it i think he said download there's only one killer you oh my god you're skipping aggressive we were skipping too i wonder if that tells us anything what i heard to vote junk okay oh uh don't have tests i have two tasks upper engine room hang out with me buddy god if you're doing the long con against cheesy that would be quite the play i don't think he is though but of all people to throw under the bus i feel like he would do with the cheesy i trust gum i think i do i definitely do i definitely do k is good i'm thinking apex or nate apex nate are gone on apex nate or junk sorry affects nate or junk all interacts with the prime thank you i'm sorry i'm like missing notifications as well i'm getting into my own my own world you really tried to shut him up huh oh god telling your secrets about jacking it in corners so where was that is there a puddle near the body he's dead in security room oh no what were you doing where were you where were you i was at the lower uh regular reaction did you kill children i tried to shut him up i loved to kill children at this time i didn't see junk there you're able to vent out of security who if child was to kill that security you're able to vent out of there how long were you guys avex and a how long were you guys together i saw nate come down to the lower uh bottom left engine and then go into electrical which where i saw tay and nate also yeah me and they were banging on the electrical door i i don't have any tasks i was just and when was that after the fixing light or before it wasn't there yeah yeah i just don't know why this imposter you saw apex there yeah but i also saw like when i was on my way there i saw chilled alive i swear wait hold on who do you vote for i'm blind i'm going to be doing a junk i'm going to go i'm down too yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa he was clock jacking it wow you know what sometimes [Laughter] there goes cooking with junk now just observed their behavior and we were right it was a couple of things i'm gonna get my neck snapped immediately after that round if either of those two are bad after that amazing performance that amazing detective work okay it's happening right now oh my god i knew what happened i knew
Channel: undefined
Views: 226,612
Rating: 4.964612 out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, among us, among us gameplay, zeroyalviking among us, the derp crew, among us the derp crew, the derp crew among us, among us impostor, impostor, chilled, chilledchaos, live, commentary, tips, tricks, funny moments, among us funny moments, among us stream, among us twitch
Id: 3kqii4Unu90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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