The Execution Of Irma Grese - The Hyena Of Auschwitz

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Title is a bit click bait to Nazis in the comments im guessing...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Crag_r 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
following the second world war a number of trials took place of those nazis who were accused of conducting one of the most horrific crimes of the 21st century there are series of trials of those war criminals who played a role in the holocaust with the most high-profile trials being those that took place at nuremberg after the liberation of auschwitz and many other concentration camps it was clear that those who had carried out the horrendous acts inside these camps needed to be punished one of the most famous people to have been convicted and sentenced to death for her involvement in the concentration camps and holocaust was our mcgrazer join us today as we look at the vengeful execution of the hyena of auschwitz irma mcgrazer and remember to support our channel please make sure to subscribe however before we begin it's time for a word from our sponsor nordvpn as many of my viewers enjoy to watch historical documentaries and films nordvpn can allow you to access movies television 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age of 15 irma left school just before the second world war broke out in 1939 and worked as an assistant nurse at a sanatorium for ss soldiers who needed time to recover throughout her teenage years she wanted to join the nazi association of german girls however her father would not allow her to join up she wanted to become a nurse but would be sent to work at ravensbruck concentration camp before her 18th birthday she moved to the ss female helpers training base near to the all-female camp irma had been exposed to nazism and in particular hitler's speeches and throughlis began to agree that the nazi way was the best way for germany she would believe that the weimar republic were corrupt and had bled germany dry and because of this she began to divulge in the brainwashing that the nazis were doing in ravensbruck she had been working as a volunteer concentration camp guard and had not been forced to work like this however at the age of 19 she would find herself being promoted to a supervisor ravensbrook which was being used as a training place for female ss guards in around july 1942 the state of persecution against the jews and other groups within germany and the policies and programmes against them were inflicting huge suffering in march 1943 after impressing many she was transferred across to auschwitz she had been promoted to a position in auschwitz where she would work as a guard inside the birkenau complex the extermination part of the camp grazer had previously fallen out with her father over her job within the ss and he had forced her to leave his house grazer would participate in the prisoner's selections for those who were not fit enough to work at auschwitz and for this those who weren't fit enough were sent straight to the gas chambers she would rise to the second highest rank possible for female concentration camp workers and would also find herself involved in transportations between camps in march 1943 she would also find herself working at bergen-belsen and was eventually captured by the british army when they liberated belson along with other ss men and women who did not flee after the war survivors of the holocaust in the concentration camps would provide details of what actually happened within and many stories would emerge about irma graze and her activities within various different camps the accounts of grace's behaviour was rather shocking and she would unleash a huge degree of sadism upon prisoners and many times this involved the mindless killing of inmates in one account it was noted how she had affairs with other nazis and that grazer when it came to selecting prisoners for the gas chambers would deliberately pick out beautiful female prisoners to be sent straight to their deaths out of jealousy it was also noted how grazer would set her dog on prisoners who had been trained to kill and they would savage the prisoners but irma would also whip them and constantly kick and beat them with their boots until blood was drawn when belton was liberated irma along with the camp commander joseph kramer were arrested along with 45 others they were placed on trial for war crimes by british military court and this hearing dealt with the various charges of murder and ill treatment of the prisoners at bergen-belsen and also auschwitz the belts and trials would take place and emma would be represented by an army major lsw cranfield emirates her try would plead not guilty to the specific charges brought forward against her however the evidence and testimony against her was damning and outright shocking witnesses and sufferers would speak of the random and unnecessary beatings they faced at the hands of her and also how she would randomly shoot prisoners who were working just for no reason the stories of her half-starved dogs savaging prisoners and killing them was also told to the court along with her methods of selecting women for the gas chambers it was also unveiled how she would use physical and emotional methods of torture in the camp and also how she seemed to enjoy shooting prisoners for no reason it was clear that she seemed to take great pleasure in this irma grazer was also stated to have whipped some women to death and most shocking of all was what was allegedly found inside her hut and quarters at one of the camps it had been claimed in her hut were free lampshades which had been made from the skins of dead inmates however this claim is disputed emma during her trial did get the nickname from the press the beautiful beast and after a nine week trial the sentence was obvious she was sentenced to death for her crimes being one of only three female guards to be executed for her role in the events the other two women were johanna borman and elizabeth volkenrath and when the sentence was read out grazer would remain defiant but she did appeal for a re-trial and this was rejected the hanging of her mcgrazer was to take place in hammond jail and the british army's royal engineers created the gallows there and there were 11 condemned to death being housed inside a row of small cells along a corridor with the execution chamber at the end famous british hangman albert pierpoint had been flown over to carry out these executions planned for thursday the 13th december 1945 and the women were to be hanged individually and the men in pairs to speed up the process peerpoint's biography would offer us an insight into grazer's execution he said at least we finished noting the details of the men and it was ordered to bring out irma grazer she walked out of her cell and came towards us laughing she seemed as bonnier girl as one could ever meet she answered o'neill pierpoint's assistant's questions but when she asked her age she paused and smiled i found we were both smiling with her as if we realized the embarrassment of a woman revealing her age eventually she said 21. o'neill asked her to step on the scales and she said schnell german for quick erma was five feet four and a quarter inches tall and weighed 150 pounds and was given a drop of seven feet four inches it was decided that irma being the youngest of the three women would be to die first the executions of the women took place at 9 34 am 1004 am and the final one joanna bormann at 10 38. pierpoint said the following morning we climbed the stairs to the cells where the condemned were waiting a german officer at the door leading to the corridor flung open the door and we fired past and into the execution chamber the officers stood at attention and brigadier patton walsh stood with his wrist watch raised and he gave me the signal i walked into the corridor i am a grazer i called the german guards quickly closed all grills on the 12 of the inspection holes and opened one door emma grazer stepped out the cell was far too small for me to go inside and i had to pinion her in the corridor follow me i said in english and o'neill repeated the instruction in german at 9 34 am she walked into the execution chamber gazed for a moment at the official standing round it then walked into the centre of the trap where i'd made a chalk mark she stood on this mark very firmly as i placed the white cap over her head she said in a languid voice schnell the drop crashed down and the doctor followed me into the pit and pronounced her dead after 20 minutes the body was taken down and placed in a coffin for burial following her death irma graze's belongings were given to her sister and amongst this was almost 440 reich marks in cash and also a bank book with a balance of around four thousand four hundred rush marks this shows how much air mcgrazer made from being a senior female concentration camp guard when a simple textile worker would only be paid 76 raj marks a month the crimes of them a grazer were great and her unbelievable and brutal cruelty inside some of the worst places on earth shows us how even and brutal the holocaust really was the interesting thing about grazer though is that she was the youngest woman of the 20th century to die in the british law being in her low twenties when she was executed it's incredible how at such a young age she displayed such horrific cruelty and barbarism towards the prisoners and it's clear that she definitely frightened within the concentration camp system she definitely got what she deserved when she met pierpoint on the 13th of december 1945 inside the execution chamber at hamlin prison once again thanks for watching to support our channel please make sure to subscribe and once again thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheUntoldPast
Views: 1,291,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: execution auschwitz, world war 2, the holocaust, auschwitz concentration camp, auschwitz, auschwitz ss, second world war, ww2, holocaust ww2, execution ww2, executions world war 2, holocaust auschwitz, history, irma grese, irma grese auschwitz, irma grese guard, execution of irma grese, execution irma grese, irma grese hyena of auschwitz, auschwitz guard, hyena of auschwitz, death of irma grese, death irma grese, irma grese belsen, bergen belsen, auschwitz irma grese, grese
Id: WGn7QAP5n3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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