The VANISHING Card - (Card Magic Tutorial)

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[Music] uh [Music] [Music] um [Music] this is the mind knock deck and for those of you who are following this project and have taken part in it you know exactly what it's about if you don't know what the my knock project is here is a little bit of a run down for it [Music] now ever since we released the noc decks back in 2012 people have been always commenting and messaging me on their input on what they think that the new knock should be it should be this color it should be that color and slowly it started to morph to more than just colors so we've built a brand behind this line of decks the noc brand itself is known worldwide now it's one of the top selling custom decks ever to be created and we are bringing it into the future with this project last year we started to give away stickers with every order on and the stickers were a border of a deck and you would put them on different surfaces in different places and so many of you took part took that sticker slapped it on a surface put the hashtag my knock on it and created your own knock and what we've done is we've taken a look at all the submissions the hashtags people sent through email through dms and we've taken our favorite themes and the ones that come up most often we've recreated them designed them so they could fit a deck of cards and we've produced them the first mynock deck is finally going to be released i'm very excited about this on october 18th sunday october 18th is the first deck release of the my knock project this is one that was submitted very frequently very often it is metal so the first my knock is going to be the zero zero one is going to be metal and again it's going to be available on house of playing cards on october 18th yo yo yo guys what is going on alex pandrea here welcome back to another exciting tutorial in today's video we're going to show you how to vanish a playing card now there's many ways to vanish a playing card but i think this is the most versatile because of the way that it is structured its simplicity and the applications used for this are pretty much endless this is a fairly easy vanish to get down we'll show you a few variations and how to perform them so let's get into how to vanish a playing card for this vanish we are going to take a look at how do we take a card face up on the top of the deck and make it disappear now we're going to concentrate on two ways of doing it one is a more visual way of vanishing the card where your hand kind of rubs across it and it vanishes and then we're going to take a look at a non-visual way of doing it where it looks like you're taking the card with your right hand and making it disappear reminiscent of the rub of dub dub vanish that we talked about if you want to learn that i've taught it on my channel you could click right there or it is linked below if you want to learn that other vanish but this this i like because it has a visual aspect of having the card face up and doing the vanish now there is a color change that is involved that you might know that we can use for this okay and that is the erdnase color change and a little quick rundown of the erdnase color change it is a very famous color change it looks like this you're pushing the exposed view looks like this you're pushing one card forward and your hand comes and and takes that second card moves it back and then moves it forward so you're doing this and then this and then it's coming in front of that card making the change okay so it looks like that and then you're using the base of the right hand to pull that second card back until it clears and then you're coming forward with it now i never really like this color change uh for a few reasons that not necessarily part part of this video but i just didn't like it because uh the card then has to be pushed back you push it forward for no particular reason uh there are motivations and ways to get around that but it goes i think it's a much better application for vanishing a card so we're gonna use that same technique to do this so you're going to place the card from the top and out jog it just like this and now it's going to happen is as you're going to wave over with the hand notice the hand positioning the right hand base over here is going to come and contact that top card which is now the top of the deck which is the second card down if you're counting this card and you're placing pressure with the right hand on here and what you're simply going to do is just move this card back and move this card forward so that the top card is now covering or on top of that face up card and then from here it's just a simple matter of pushing this card back hiding it from view and the card disappears but of course it's under the guise of the hand coming over and making that happen okay so that's the exposed view of the basic idea of this vanish so you're here you are rubbing boom boom boom like this and now you as you come back you're showing you're showing the card you're doing this maybe a few times you know one time not you don't want to go crazy with it uh just relax so you're gonna come here place the thumb the base of the thumb going down the right the the bottom portion of your whole palm on here move it back as you're still sort of rubbing here now one thing that i want you to keep in mind is don't just go straight back and then straight forward that's not what we're trying to do with this we're trying to mimic this action okay that's the action you want to be as elegant as possible and as soft as possible and you don't want this motion okay this bad this good at least in my opinion and visually i think it's a little bit more interesting so you're gonna come here do this once and add as you come back a second time put pressure and because we're doing it sort of and we're coming off to the side you want more pressure right here on the thumb instead of in both places all right and you're going to put pressure around this part of it which is sort of near your left thumb so you're coming here and you're and you're continuously doing this in a counterclockwise motion with the hand if you need to to clear this card you could use the pinky of the left hand to sort of prop this card up and push it off all right so if you need to you're coming here moving it now notice it's not cleared yet if i take my hand away it is not cleared from the card yet and this is where i'm going to use my pinky to sort of push it out so that the card clears with the the pressure of the pinky all right card clears up on top boom you don't want you want to just be aware of this all right you don't want that to happen uh but once this gets cleared over here now you can come back and and continue the counterclockwise little swirls with the right hand on top and as you do so you are going to let go of the pressure from the right hand placing this card on top like this but also continue going forward and continuing this motion this is very important why is this important because you want consistency in the vanish right you don't want to do this and then do that right and i've seen it done and it looks really bad and it looks obvious exactly what you were probably doing is what's happening so this in the spectator's mind all right so to make it visually appealing as you come here you want to let go as you're going forward alright so at this point the card as i'm covering the queen that is face up the card is let go and it's not on my right hand anymore and now i'm just coming forward now here's the important thing you want to come forward just enough all right so that the card is not seen but also to cover this you see my left first finger it does this and sometimes you would see this boom right and then you would start seeing that if you're if you're not doing it correct so you want to be as far forward as possible right without you know over exaggerating it but also to keep in mind that you might want to just tilt down just a little bit just a little bit so that you cover this action okay from here you can come here and start pushing in and you want to do it slowly slowly and now the most important thing i think after this is done is you want your first finger to come back out all right this is another thing to keep in mind that once your first finger comes back out you don't want it to come back out like this and flash all right so as long as you know that about the first finger you can start practicing this i would suggest that once you come here and you and you place this card on top okay you want to just look at yourself in the mirror figure out the angle maybe record yourself to see exactly when that first finger should come out and start pushing that card forward or rather back into the deck as this happens you can move back slowly continuing in this action you don't want this action to stop and start and stop and start you want it smooth the whole way around the whole way through the vanish to keep it consistent okay and now as you come here that card would vanish and now you want to be you know sort of open with the hands and then lead into whatever else that you want to do okay you can spread at this point make sure not to just spread here but that is the idea of the vanish now another thing that i want you to keep in mind when doing this is how much of this car the top card is seen on the back end because if you were to do this notice how this this edge might be seen right but then when this card is on top it's not seen you want to take this into consideration but also can be used to your advantage to make a slow change all right so if you're here and you've done this already you can come here and then start to vanish the card by coming forward and just blocking this part and then coming back and it looks like it's appearing not to go too far back just a little bit and then here to make it vanish it looks like it's vanishing it looks like it's appearing it looks like it's vanishing boom it looks like it's appearing boom all right just be careful with these two uh points all right so from here it could look really nice that it comes here and then you have this slow vanish of everything all right from here you could go into different variations on the vanish so if you're here and you come here you can also use the fingers of the left hand to open up your fingers of the right hand and push this card back into the palm now what this does is that it makes it very open and very clean when you're coming to do the vanish and you've done already that first step but now with an open palm and just be careful not to flash in between the fingers okay so just as you keep it here you can do this and still get this on top and now with open fingers it's nice because you could just close them just for a little bit and then open them back up which is really really nice make sure to push that in all the way you see right here i did not push it in all the way uh and that is not good my friends that is not good because then you're like all right well and then what are you gonna do what are you gonna do at that point so just keep that in mind also work on how far is this is this is forward how far this is pushed back when you do this obviously it's easier to push this really forward so you could get a just a quick steal of that card but then it's going to be harder to push it back you see now i can't or i can't reach all right so you want to make sure you know exactly how far when you first take this card place it here how far it should be out jogged alright so another thing to keep in mind so now of course we can go and take it a step further do the exact same thing come around and now it's going to look like i'm just picking up the card and moving it here but what's going to happen is you're just going to come here place instead of this going on top you're going to come around and on on top of the card squared up with this card square it up at this point and as you square up it's going to look like you're taking it so you're using this action of curling the fingers for two reasons you are doing that so you could square up the cards but also doing that so you could create the illusion of taking that card and moving it moving it to the table moving it somewhere else and making an advantage from there all right so that is another way of doing it you're here you're here you can do this if you want you could come here grab the cards square up so you're just placing it on top boom and as you lift up a little bit you're still covering and this pushes both cards back and now you move this you want to move your hand away just a little bit first and then come very slowly down with the deck if you want to do that illusion as if you're taking the card all right now you can get a little bit more creative now that you know just the basic simple idea all right you can do things where you are taking the card let's say you're showing the one card getting a break under the top card showing both cards now instead of doing that urdness vanish you're just coming up here and placing this into a palm right the bottom card into a full palm if you know this technique as you place this card down on the top of the deck so you could come here and then right away do that to come grab it or come here and then do the vanish as we talked about the first time so you can start becoming a little bit more creative with it right you don't have to go from here you can do it off the bottom of the deck so if you want to go off the bottom of the deck and do a palm like that of course you can do that not really i think it doesn't make sense necessarily for this sort of motion but of course i'm just giving you examples and i want you to think outside the box of other ways that you can do this vanish as well if we want to get a little bit more fancy what you can do is get this card into a lateral palm and through a lateral palm come so instead of it being a full palm this is just another way to get the card again picking up the two showing the one swiveling this around getting this in a lateral palm and now you're going to come here and as you're gonna come here you're going to just kind of let go and now it's just on the deck as if it were if the hand was here but the hand is just here so you're just letting go at this point and now at the same exact moment you're doing the same exact motion but you're just getting rid of the card from the palm you're placing the card on top in a different way okay so that would just look like i'll show you really quickly here so you're here two cards swirl this around place this on top maybe use your thumb if you need to and then there okay so that is the vanish again this is something that should be done with an elegant slow you know it's very visual if you do it right so you don't want to rush it and as long as you know that you can play around with the variations and enjoy that nice visual of making a card disappear now one thing to keep in mind is after we vanish this playing card what do we do from there do we make it reappear do we make it reappear somewhere else or inside of the deck or chain you know switch it for another card what is the routine that you're going to go into or how does this fit in this is an important part of your magic not just in this tutorial but in anything that you learn think of how it fits in to what you're performing and you'll have a much better time in understanding its place and where it fits i think this is something that we neglect a lot of the times when we perform not only perform practice our magic we practice just the slight itself but we don't take into account the things that are involved in you know what what do we do before what do we do after all of that is important so if you're the type of performer and magician out there that wants to think of your magic at a higher level and something more than just let's learn this effect let's learn this trick and that's it if you want to take it to the next level well you are in luck the time is right now to sign up for my online lecture it's called the gypsy link is down below it starts october 25th and we're doing pre-sale right now so get your tickets if you want to join me for a four hour live lecture event alright guys thank you so much for sticking around and learning this with me i hope you enjoyed it hit the like button subscribe if you haven't already and hit the bell because there's a lot still to come on this channel and a lot of interesting things you're not going to want to miss so thank you so much i hope you have an amazing day love you guys and we will see you very shortly peace
Channel: Alex Pandrea
Views: 108,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, magic tricks, learn magic, card magic, easy card magic, card tricks, double lift, learn card tricks, magic tutorial, how to do magic, how to do easy card trick, double lift tutorial, alex pandrea, chris ramsay, shin lim, shin lim magic, david blaine, magic revealed, deck review, playing cards, classic pass, how to do easy magic, learn easy magic, cardistry, vanish card, card vanishing, disappear card
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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