The Valegro Story by his owners

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when did your involvement with group again I got involved with Gallego when he was a five year old and we had just Colin I just sold almost called supernova to dispensable and at that point Carl was riding him as it as a young horse and he that when he said would you be interested in buying a halogen and of course I had been watching so I jumped at the opportunity which he then brought up again about six months later and that's when thank you my involvement really started after London when I went back in being sold baby then being syndicated I contacted millions that I would be interested in joining with that entirely brought together rally through was hard it's it's Gymkhana it's hunting and not much of anything but and then I started watching something for talisman Mills who live very close to me riding in her arena but all that looks interesting so I used to ride my little hunting mare in her arena and trying copy what Alison Tisdale just thought about difficult but and said that got me all curious and I started competing on dimensions I had there's an obvious thing my own none until my children wanted to ride so then I became the pony club really everything I know about horses I've learned in the last 20 years we went through Pony Club young evented we've bred a couple ones knew them all as well the dressage mare and the interest in all of it came from that do you remember the Legros first show I remember seeing him at the agricultural centre yes and that what it was either Carl Charlotte sorry I got member which who was riding him I remember that yes I mean you just smoked Isaac even then and was there a particular lava stress know if I'm be perfectly honest eventing is is where my heart plays because it's a bit more exciting and it's only really because we had two horses one person event was the other was really addressed our horse and my daughter was took her through address our job to the hoog bread so that was great and it was always drummed into her as a youngster that dressage is where it would start show jumping it's just dressage with jumps thrown so she always took it very seriously started to like it back to the leg what's been I think London pub in London Olympics was the pinnacle for me of course we had high hopes that he would do very very well but he was still a young horse to be competing at that level and so it was certainly not a certainty that he would win so I think for me that's the most that was the most exciting time my life Allegro's during my involvement would have to be real the biggest thing it was a very nerve-wracking experience just a question of whether on the day we will still continue to try all the folk that the German causes and it was close particularly in terms of the decision to retire him was there much involvement from you as owners not a huge amount no I think charlatans can feel that that it's very it's the best thing is for him to finish at the top of his career rather than watch him perhaps get beat by other horses as he gets older but I remain during the journey um no because Carl really makes those decisions and and then his you know the yard will let us know where he's going to go and I wouldn't make those decisions because Carlos was first what go to as many competitions as we can yes we have yard visits now and again if their competitions are far apart go and see him plus we miss him try not to interfere too much do you think you'd be allowed to ride him now he's retiring I said we could always ask the question baby this is inspired to buy another rooster pointing up Allegro well I feel that he's going to be very hard to follow but what Anne and I follow great hey we've got a young one that we share a car with another young horse and we think that that's going to be good I have Sharon another horse with about four four of us all together of course we're hoping that stop that Allegra's left behind will continue and we will the British will have some I think their pride that you have in computing pure country and I think I'm the fun because there is a lot a lot of fun Kyle makes it a lot of fun wherever we go and so I'm sure to have a happy time whatever happens way beyond what I expected when I join had so much fun I did not expect it to be this good [Music] would have been part any funny or interesting anecdotes away when it gets too much day-to-day stuff what about in Las Vegas when they announced on the plane yes yes one of them probably the most unexpected and and exciting moments was when I win several of us had gathered in the night waiting to board our flight called of life and I personally Carla had already flown home and I got onto the flight and I think all the all the others had flown off to Geneva or someone you were going and I just sat down in my seat and suddenly they said congratulations to Illinois for winning the World Cup which was any quite embarrassing that'd be very nice to hear the races well I do we have small interesting resources China from time to time so that is something I consider I'm not sure about anything else I think it's more of a commitment owning a racehorse in a way because they're out you know you don't have any notice until the day before any that we're essentially racing and be there quite often sometimes those commitments are quite hard to keep at least with our calendar we know very well in advance when the shows are like another your favorite events and I think that the razzamatazz it had to have been Las Vegas so difficult the Americans are a different audience to what we have in Europe then much more proactive they get involved they clap in the middle of the texts and it's all of them yes I'd say the same and I think the World Cup is slightly lower key than when you're competing against the Europeans if the world games and it's always exotic places and it's music so the whole thing is very that need to be there and really what you do in real life well I love doing houses our old houses and trying to make them nicer than they were when when I started before I started that's like a five year project it suits me very well [Music] I have a small farm that has horses that we've read some by yard manager also has a couple there that keeps require usually finally any well obviously it's tinged with a lot of sadness but obviously great pride in being involved with such an amazing cause that will be with us all of us forever banan how would you solve Allegro he's just he's just such a lovely boy he's just gentle he's got a wonderful personality it was Judy Harvey described in this report of elastic couple of years ago when he was out and he's just just like that balancing he has never had any attitude he never says no to anything was just always singing I always say he's he seems like he's on your side all the time yes yes he is he loves to sugar lumps as long as he's come to our offices very happy yes staff with permission [Music] you
Channel: The Gaitpost
Views: 16,887
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: 35hq6k0kmL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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