The Upgraded 2024 Tesla Model 3: The Best Tesla Vehicle!?

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[Music] hey boys and girls I'm here with Jordan and today what we're going to do is we're going to have a look at the Highlander um this is the brand new 2024 refresh of the model 3 and that's how mouthful so what we're looking at is um um somebody's going to look at the interior Jordan and I are going to just kind of like breeze around here and have a look at what has actually changed now both of us have driven this and um I found this to be hugely better as far as responses concerned okay so uh Monroe has uh its own built-in test ract uh some people um call it Featherstone Road but we call it our test track up ahead of us is the um the little washboard area that I I like to go over to find out how a car can uh can perform unfortunately we got two electric vehicles in back of us and um or in front of us I should say but have a look at these guys bouncing around on this incredibly bad piece of road now look at this no hands and it goes exactly where it's supposed to so let's try that one more time now that I know how I can get around in a circle here we are going into the same nasty mess and just look at this this is like you can feel that there might be a bump underneath you but this seems much much smoother than um than what I recall um in the uh in the other model 3 that we have let's just take it for a little bit down here so the uh acceleration is really good yeah so Sandy yes Tesla says they improve the performance and handling yes I I can guarantee you that that's the truth um the handling going over the bumps and whatnot that's part of handling uh but um but I can tell you that this this is as quick as I used to say that the model 3 was had a basically a um a BMW suspension system and um and this this is just just a it's better actually it's better than the model the model 3 we have let's just swing over here uh I can't go in there all right how about this um how about a U-turn that uh maybe we shouldn't show but at the end of the day this is really quick really responsive every everything is dead nuts there's no shake at all in a wheel our uh model 3 um has a slight amount of shake I don't know exactly why we've had to try and take it out a couple of times but this has nothing there's zero going on there's no vibration in my hands um I just feel that this has got a huge Improvement I will tell you something else too and I I have it on not chill but standard mode so at standard mode I think it's much quicker and much more responsive than um uh than the uh than the existing model 3 we have this is really really a nice vehicle and I don't exactly know how to put my finger on it but somehow it just felt different yeah um uh it feels tuned like a race car I don't know what what did you yeah no I got very similar impression Sandy it's it's hard to say until we get it up on a hoist to know if there's anything Hardware in the chassis um that's changed but I got the same sensation being in the cabin I had a model 3 um last summer for uh six or eight months or so so it's very in tune with driving all the noise and so forth it seems much more subdued um I think that's in large part credit you know maybe in some cases the park position of the wipers right so like they and they had talked about this Tesla that is in one of their videos where they brought this slip up almost imp percept to the untrained eye but every time that air is is gliding across the surface and then it's running into something like a wiper you're going to get turbulence that turbulence is going to create drag it's going to create noise and you're going to hear that in the cabin well actually while we're on that topic um there was a Renault that did not have a top and uh what they did was they created um like a like a lifting body kind of a scenario so that as you drove it would hit something like this lip only a lot more dramatic and it would go over the top of the car and you can actually drive it in the rain as long as you kept it up I think around 30 miles an hour or something 35 that you didn't even get wet if you were driving it this is a kind of like a miniature version of that and quite frankly I never got a chance to drive one of these things but um I've heard from others that did drive it it was extremely quiet you didn't get the wind noise that you think you were going to get and like like I say wind noise in here is like negligible the quietest car is actually sitting on the Hoist right over here that without a question of a doubt is the that's a cyber truck and that's the quietest thing I've ever driven I mean that is truly like a tomb um but this is really really close anyways you were talking about the the the glass yeah yeah I'm I'm happy to see Tesla step up in the nvh game you know um I think it's lost on a lot of people you know no one really pays attention to nvh until it's a problem and with the former model I think it was a problem so kudos to Tesla for addressing this what we were talking about with the laminated glass is um what they've done here in the back so it's it's a very unique looking laminated glass so I I suspect this is exactly what they did on the model S whereby they've got one thickness of glass a pane that is adhered with a laminate in between between the inner and the outer pieces of glass the outer one in this case is probably tempered but what we saw in the model S is them tailor the geometry at the lower end of that where the glass the movable glass actually attaches to the window mechanism so instead of having a separate metallic or injection molded piece with rubber and so forth that they have to bond to the window and then create something else that attaches to yet another metallic part on the receiving end of the carrier they just said you know what forget it we're going to integrate that into the glass but we're only going to do that with the thin part and they brought it down on the model S so I think they're actually taking just by looking at the type of glass interface we have here a page out of the Model S's Playbook on the model 3 so I find that interesting also you can see kind of the difference you know Eric I don't know if you can get a closeup here whereas the two thicknesses are much more uniformed on the front between inner and outer with the laminate in between the the giveaway to me is looking at the thickness here on the rear glass the one in terms of the Z relationship this one is much more lower the inside is much lower right it's recessed and then also just there's a obvious thickness difference so um they did not use the exact same lamination strategy front and rear but they did go to a laminated glass so I think that's that's one of the major enablers in the cabin space for sure to limiting the noise coming in into the cabin let's have a look at um at the the deck here or the trunk so um you pointed out something that I missed want you talk about that harness yeah so I was just looking at the harness and I noticed that the convolute changed quite a bit so it looks like the convolute which is this this rubber piece right so it's uh fully encapsulating the wires that are going through here to power up the lift gate from the vehicle um the the convolute right here is quite a bit different different so on the previous one it was all what we would call like a Bellow section this kind of corrugated accordion like section um with no separate injection molded piece over the top then they had a zip tie around that bundle that looks very much like this and then they attached it to the lift gate and this one they added an injection molded piece thickened the bundle and they changed the way that they were attaching to the lift gate so other than that if you looked at the hinge you looked at the lip gate struts and largely the sheet metal interface it's very Sim similar so you know you would say architecturally the attachment strategy is very similar yet in in a very nuanced sense if you look closer at the harness they are making changes as they go I don't know if they had a quality issue if it was pinching what have you but all of this to me says that they likely did to an extent because this is protection of the harness and it's also more expansive so anytime that somebody moves to a different protection system or something more expensive it means that they had some kind of problem and they want to get rid of it one thing I did like too is if we have a look at the the um the tail lights here um in the past these things were split and um I really didn't think much of that um now um you've got them attached to the the deck the the trunk and um and quite frankly um I think it looks better certainly it's a nicer style there's a lot of me teeny kind of little styling things that are different but uh but to me I think everything they did worked out quite well I really like it you can see both with the lights and with that lower balance sort of diffus lower fascia diffuser area um you can see that they're putting a lot of recesses in you know I know the model 3 often got criticized I'm not a designer but certainly folks that are were like well it's very pler there's not enough character lines well a lot of what you're seeing here is the introduction of what I think the former model was lacking well there's some very minor changes that make a big difference as far as the styling is concerned for me and um man those things to me anyway uh make a big difference they they they make customers happy and I think somebody used the term baby fat or something I'm not sure what that term exactly means but I can tell you that I like the style of this better than I liked um um the uh U the former the only thing I wish wish they would have done was got rid of those and um really what I'd like to see is just a push button and get rid of it just like on um on the Cyber Tru or on the U or on the U what do you call it um Maki so let's have a look at the uh at the frun here because we noticed a couple of things there as well yeah Sandy they they changed up quite a bit like At first blush you're like oh same kind of coration here Fastener showing same rough geometry this looks very similar but upon closer inspection we notied that for sure this is a a different cover that the the former model did not have so I don't know if they did this for service access right if you were to pull all of this off what you would see is the whole heat pump system here um as well as the the low voltage um system system the battery the driving for all of that so I I don't know if that's just for service I know previously they showed two exposed Fasteners here that were securing the front but definitely a change there and then also as far as the covers are concerned with the front this piece right here where this eye this recovery eye is recessed into this is quite a bit different so on the previous iteration um this injection molded piece actually traversed planes headed up top here and wrapped around where this latching mechanism is and likewise the seal this bulb seal that close out to the hood also went out further right so just kind of roughly tracing with my finger where it went on the previous one it went inside the latch the thing that I like about this and it all goes back to the nvh strategy is it's very possible there's something called open Airness from an in the nvh world where if you've got open caverns of air that are seeing that turbulence that we had mentioned earlier which could could very well be coming through here and you're not sealing that out you're not providing a layer of protection between that and somehow Ingress through to the cabin that could be a noise producer um and if nothing else let's say that wasn't an mvh issue they did something other that's good which is shorten the length of this bulb seal right these bulb seals are not inexpensive and every inch of that is going to cost them so they shortened it regardless the other thing that they did that we noticed is that they moved the um water bottle uh to a different location it used to be up here um that could be to basically there's a radiator in here maybe that's to heat up the water bottle uh for cold climate or something like that it's hard to say but this is a much cleaner look than what we saw in the past now you're probably saying well why didn't you pull some of these panels off and well they said no we wanted to I I my hand quivered and I went over to but the last time I did one of those they saw me break the U the clips and that's probably why they said don't do that but uh but I I will tell you this is a much cleaner uh much cleaner design than what the the old one was the old one was kind of clumsy this one is this is elegant very elegant yeah I think that what I find most intriguing about this other than perhaps either heating or the fact that they just want this closer to customer is you know my my mind starts to go wild with like oh my God packaging what did they do under here as a different heat pump and then I see this cover so I think what's more Curious to me than anything looking under hood here is what happened underneath um that this washer bottle sort this move is indicative of like I I don't most folks probably don't think about it but Sandy as you know when you're talking about washer bottle location and you're in design reviews with all these Engineers they go wild over space claim space claim wait a minute that's get way of my wire no that can't be happening there because I've got a hinge in on and on and on everybody fights over every square inch underneath the plum well underneath everything you see here uh so uh that could be what was going on as well well stick it where you can and and one thing's for sure this was not done from a cost reduction perspective at first blush meaning the the hose and the harness associated with this bottle now need to go further because ultimately they're getting to the wipers so yeah right here I think that's right so between that some of the Interior features the added lamination in the glass some of the door features which we haven't yet talked about what I'm seeing in fact is and many of these instances they're actually adding some cost and a topical sense if we went deeper not sure what we'd find well um I'm sure we're going to find quite a bit but at the end of the day this now is more expensive than the model Y which is a giant surprise so we're not going to tear that apart but let's uh let's have a look at the doors and um yep and uh and let's check out the um the new 3point um latch mechanism and the hinges yeah so the three-point that Sand's talking about and you've probably seen it in some other videos but it's it's this piece right here which is a pretty hefty um it it looks like either cast aluminum or potentially cast iron I haven't thrown a magnet on it yet um but piece that's attached to the frame of the door and that interfaces with this pocket right here that's in the sill of the vehicle so um they they're pretty forthright and saying hey this was for additional impact protection and so forth um but what it does speak to is side pole and oblique side pole impacts these events especially for Ev you know as these battery packs are being are getting heavier and heavier vehicles are getting heavier that moment of inertia and how you manage all that energy coming in the side of the vehicle is incredibly important and so hard to say whether or not Tesla had an issue with side impact or they're just adding additional and incremental safety to the customer I'm not here to speak on that but this I'll say regardless is an interesting way to add safety to the vehicle um what it also tells us knowing the geometry of the battery pack is that the sill structure on the body in white versus the battery is one of the larger contributors to the side impact the structure side of it right because if if the battery pack is doing the majority of the load absorption from a side impact perspective then they're not going to tie into the the doors into the the body and white sill because often in this section of the sill if it were not structural it just rip right through the sheet metal and so it's telling you is likely the Extrusion inside of this if you were to cut across section through there all these structural hard points as we would refer to them are all stacking up with one another to really brace for impact well the other thing too is um um as you pointed out um these hinges are cast the old ones were stamped um these are either cast or they're semi-solid forged anyway one way or another you're looking at something that again is more expensive ensive um usually kind of associated with high-end uh types of vehicles um this is a highend it's a costly kind of a car but um we'd normally see these things on BMWs and uh C sometimes Cadillac and things like that that's where that's where you usually see this kind of a uh this kind of a hinge yeah absolutely the the other thing that I think Tesla's likely seeing some net benefit from by adding all these additional reinforcements in the door the laminated glass the the whole door package really and like their closure strategy is this is a massively crucial area right all these interfaces between glass and seal between door and seal between latch and Striker all those interfaces in tandem or in a kind of a symphony of closures are what really separate the outside from the inside from a noise perspective so although they're they're saying I mean this is for sure impact there's a lot of impact related stuff going on here I I would I'd be willing to bet that they did some serious thinking on how to close this out well and really get those those gaps tight well like I said when I drove it I loved it it was really quiet and the other thing I liked is the controls now um mimic what's up there on the uh on the Hoist um of the cybertruck I should say that just not have stocks those things are really expensive and they also have issues so um not having the stocks and putting the forward reverse turn signals everything in kind of um either embedded into the wheel or U or right off the screen makes a makes a big difference again everything's getting cleaner and easier and more I don't know ergonomic and and more artistic yeah and from a cost perspective Sandy I think that points to some of the ins and outs right so we see them add rear screens add content in the way of interior trims closures over the cup holder lighting and so forth but the stocks they took out so they're making some cost trade-offs to help get some cash back for the screens fog lamps they're taking out right so they they you are seeing even in terms of the actual content their customer facing content they're making some trade-offs which are any OEM the discussions that are some of the hardest it's like are we going to take that away and what's the impact to marketing well I'm I'm pretty sure that um they got plenty of feedback from their customers they are very good Tesla's very very good at finding out what you like and what you don't likeed and um and I think for me the fog lights what do I need them for I mean the the lights do fine I don't need fog lights um at all so having those disappear I don't care the uh the stocks I never liked them ever so getting rid of those another good idea um but the things that I do like or did want was quiet I mean the other car the old model 3 is noisy no question about it this one seems to be like I say much more Nimble uh driving this is um a real pleasure that's a fact yeah I'm I'm with you Sandy significant upgrade and and many respects from that more so honestly I thought I would see when I came in the door you know watching some of the videos I'm like oh slight upgrade slight upgrade um actually getting my hands on it it was a different story well I wasn't really enthusiastic about even getting my hands on it yeah and then sue came home with the thing and um I mean it's hard to get Sue excited and and she was just like over the top so um Sue kind of um got me to start thinking about taking a ride and and whatnot yeah and I'm telling you this is a dream to drive it's Uber comfortable the the model 3 has always been a comfortable vehicle because of those seats um if you're driving I just everything about it just feels like a huge upgrade huge upgrade it does yeah well what do you think Sandy any other any other thoughts well I'm with you and um that's about all we can say about this for right now um anyway ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching and um to the Tesla folks thanks for giving us a car that we didn't have to say anything bad about that doesn't happen very often thanks keep watching and thank you Jordan thanks everyone thanks [Music] [Music] s
Channel: Munro Live
Views: 212,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EV, BEV, Sandy Munro, Munro, Electric Vehicle, Benchmarking, Electric, Insight, Lean Design, Design, MunroLive, ElectricCars, Review, Car Review, Automotive, Automotive Review, Teardown Titan, Tesla, video review, Elon Musk, Munro Live, Ask Munro, Technology, Luxury, Electric Car, Automotive Engineering, Automotive Technology, Innovation, refresh, Tesla Model 3, Model 3, 2024 tesla model 3 test drive, 2024 tesla model 3 highland review, tesla model 3 performance 2024, Tesla Model 3 refresh
Id: 20iGbWl46Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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