The Unusual Way to Financial Freedom | Anthony ONeal

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[Music] method chapter fourteen actually go to verse 23 verse 23 while you're going there can we just celebrate your amazing pastors man I had opportunity to meet him and his wife a few years ago I mean I was going through a very hard transition in my life to be honest I was engaged to the wrong woman a great woman just the wrong woman for me and I literally remember driving home at a six-hour drive and one of the first persons and I called was him and this man just ministered to me and just prayed for me and because of him I was able to heal and move on a lot quicker and so you guys have a pastor that is amazing amazing amazing amazing I'm going to apologize for my energy I'm a little crazy but I'm not going to preach to you I'm just going to teach my wound is going to talk about money so this story is unusual to talk about in parallel with when it comes to our finances but God gave it to me so I'm just gonna be obedient and we're just gonna rock with this so I Matthew Matthew chapter 14 verses 23 so it's a familiar story of guys it says after he had dismissed them he went up on a mountainside by himself all right later that night he was there alone and the boat was already a considerable distance from lamb buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it shortly before John dawn Jesus went out to them walking on the lake pause if you see a brother walking on water what's going through your mind I'm tripping that's what's going through my mind when the disciples saw him walking on the lake aka the water like I told you all they were tripping they said it's a ghost they said and cried out in fear but Jesus meaning said but brah be cool take courage it's your man she died don't be afraid why are you trippin there's some Bo Joker like when I get to heaven I wanna howl at Peter you know I want to ask him like some real questions was there weed back then brother you said something very interesting use a boat brother you said lord if it's you tell me to come out on water tell me to walk on this thing that I can drown and die in Peter you okay like I promised you I got appointment with him I gotta plumb it a little bit everybody but Peter one of the first ones so jesus said come like if i was Peter out of the light you sure come a little bit closer see I need to Mesa you know DUP then Peter got down out of the boat and this joker walked on water and came toward Jesus but when he saw the wind when he saw his haters when he saw things that was distracting him from Jesus he got afraid started to sing and cried out lord save me immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him and while he had his hands on he said man you have little faith I told you to come why do you doubt me he said why did you doubt here's the part that I really loved and when he climbed into the boat the wind died down then those who were hating on him talking about him those who doubted him those who say you're crazy for stepping out and being unusual truly Jesus you are the son of God today I want to talk about from the subject of the unusual the unusual way to your financial freedom the unusual way to your financial freedom God blesses we're speak through me let's have a good time have a seat a man um about 17 years ago I had just graduated from high school you guys I grew up on two sides of world California and North Carolina my mom and dad my mom and dad had me out of wedlock so my biological father my beautiful stepmother lives in North Carolina my a beautiful mother and stepfather and my siblings and my most amazing nephews and niece live in California I grew up Church of God in Christ you guys so this means I was in church every single day this means Monday I'm in church Tuesday I'm in church Wednesday I got midweek Bible study Thursday I got us to practice I've got a practice sitting people down on his front row that was whack um Friday there is no football game I'm going to church because it's joy night nothing joyful about going to church on a Friday night Saturday we got evangelizing all day long than Sunday I'm in services three days 1:00 in the morning on a two in the morning one at night time then you started all over there was no going out football games partying prom started at 7:00 and had to be home by 8:00 o'clock so when I graduated high school real talk to guys I said you know what I'm done I'm a grown man I'm a bounce I'm gonna go out here to California do my thing and so I went out to California mind you never been on the date never heard the girl never kissed the girl couldn't even tell you how she smelled so when I walked onto the college campus the very first day my first facial expression was ma'am I remember talking to every female that I possibly could but I met this one girl and she was like yo yo check this out I don't date broke brothers I was like what girl got $5 in my pocket meeting or the bar became if he could do this say she was like no come back to me when you have some money I said cool beans no problem so I go around the corner you guys first day of college you guys know what happened on the first day credit card company a credit card guy jumps out says hey man fill out this credit card application I'll give you two free large pieces in one free t-shirt and I'll say bro you just told a black man free food free clothes have where do I sign up at can I do five application should long story short I filled it out the most expensive piece I've ever paid for in my entire life about a month later my momma calls him she says come home you guys I have the realest black mother there is I go home and she meets me at the front door and guess what she hands me my mail and it's already opened but it was already open what gets me was not that what comes next as I said mom she was like well Anthony what is it you tell me I open to help you guys it's my credit card my mom said boy you don't need this credit card I said my mom a grown man you are a mother to a grown man so mind your business so since we are in Destiny's Church and we do not promote violence I'm gonna skip over what happened next real talk uh-huh but when I got up off that floor and game my conscience Jesus I'll never forget you guys within a matter of 24 hours I maxed out that credit card I wouldn't spend 150 dollars on roses boxes of chocolate some teddy bears to send to some chick I don't even know who she is today Jesus I went bought her a Dooney & Bourke Spurs I was like $200 you know I was like what in the world am i doing then I took her out to Red Lobster back in them days that was $150 and for y'all young people Red Lobster was like Ruth's Chris Steakhouse today just so y'all know so I was doing something so I do exactly what everyone else does I make the small payment you guys I send it in I get a letter the next day they say hey not next day the next month hey mr. O'Neal thank you so much making your payment on time we're gonna up your limit from 500 to a thousand dollars I said ching-ching bang bang let's get it yeah I went put a $500 sound system in the back of my black-on-black 1977 Nissan Maxima that could not even go into reverse so I sound good moving forward but when I go into reverse I don't sound good see if I pause right there I could preach on that I didn't need to go into reverse because I was already going into reverse but I'm not here to preach today I'm here to teach about money and so you guys I do exactly what everyone else do I make the small payments I go and rack up so many credit cards I went into everything finance my entire apartment before I even turned 18 a half six months into me being out of high school I'm in $35,000 with the debt I pledge the baddest fraternity indeed world Kappa Alpha sigh and and the next semester I get kicked off the fraternity and kicked out of school for participating in hazing I get kicked out of school I lose the scholarship but I lose the scholarship I lose the funding to pay for my apartment when I lose my apartment I fought keyword I was going home you see mamas are the only ones that could slap you around and say come home but there's this guy behind her name father that says nah you told your mother used a grown man and a grown man doesn't come home so you can get up out of my house I pay the bills here your mama just act like it and say cool all the pride inside me I said cool pops I'm done I left and my father knew that I was a knucklehead and that he would have to find me one day so he put a tracker on my first car you see if my father kicked me out of the house he didn't keep me from outside of his covering and outside of his protection we could preach on that another day bring me back but we can go there um but I wouldn't put all my clothes in the back of my car and I went stuffed at a Walmart parking lot and for six months in my life I am homeless sleeping in the back of my car everyone that I spent money on we're not there the young lady she was not there nobody could accept me and invite me to come in to even take a shower I was taking a bath at the YMCA's or the Boys and Girls Club you guys to my father the last night seen me and said hey you spend six months you're washing yourself on the back of your car I think you've learned your lesson I think you're ready to become a young man he said come home you guys had came home gave me a Dave Ramsey budget for him and say you and get a job and you're gonna get out of debt you're gonna forget focused and son you're not gonna come back here you guys today I'm 34 years old 100% debt free and just built my first dream home there in Columbia Tennessee and so I traveled around the world partnering with Dave Ramsey because I have a passion for helping Millennials young people come become debt-free and really reach their god-given potential I believe that there's a bunch of millionaire ideas in there but it suffocated by debt I believe there's a lot of things that God is calling us to do but it's suffocated by debt because we are going about it the usual way when nothing about our God is usual and so he is challenging us to be unusual and so when we look at this story of Peter okay Peter is with his people okay he just witnessed God do something absolutely amazing he fed all these people and he just witnesses God said all right Peter disciples get in the boat go to the other side I'm gonna go up and pray so so Peter never get inside the boat they start going over the wind start hitting the boat they start tripping a little bit but they're in a usable and a little bit safer spot because this is normal to them this is normal alright cool be getting some ways I'm still a little scared but I think I'm in a safe place then all of a sudden guy sees them God walks on water Peter sees them but all the cypress say that's a ghost this meant that ain't Jesus isn't it funny that we can't see Jesus in our uncomfortable times and the hard times but we can see him when we're in our good times because what god I feel what God is telling us to do is to trust him in the unusual way because he already knew that was going to happen and so he's like Joe he's walking and hung what's going on what's going on what's going on is that Jesus if he's Jesus if his you Jesus tell me to come jesus says coming jesus says step out of the usual and step into the unusual and trust me in the unusual um everyone says get a credit card everyone says you need to get three trade lines everyone says you need to get all this debt everyone says you have to get debt so you can have an eight hundred credit score but you don't even have $800 in your savings account everyone says go this usual way but nobody wants to step out of the boat and be unusable so God can use them tremendously so um Jesus says Peter come come into the things that everyone thinks can kill them but I'm gonna show them if I say come it can't kill you now if Peter would have just saved Jesus and step out of the boat he would have drowned but when Jesus say come Peter step out of the boat y'all rode talked about was Peter I would have been like this okay I'm coming Jesus oh Jesus hey hey hold my hand bro hold my hand oh oh Jesus oh that's I oh but the Bible says Peter jumped out because jesus said come so Peter didn't Ashley walk on water Peter walked on God's Word I think I think what me a Megos was saying that hip-hop artists they sit walking like a talking monkey like you know um I believe Jesus is saying walk it like he talked it step out on my word and with a very same thickness that people think is unusual you're gonna make it usual Peter walked his first thing when she did write down for your notes today you guys be willing to be uncomfortable be willing to be uncomfortable when it comes to your finances if you really want to live an unusual life be uncomfortable I was is my junior year in high school and my teacher brings me a pot she brings me some water and she brings a frog and a top on top of the pot all right so any schoolteachers in here this is not legal anymore okay it's not legal don't be looking at me like wait a minute that's not legal hold up no no it's not anymore nowadays we dissect frogs back then we boiled frogs oof nasty um teacher says all right class no matter what you do do not go from zero to ten fast we're gonna go there gradually and slow the frogs inside frogs jumping around we go from zero to two frog is jumping around to go through two to four frogs jumping around she's alright class go from four to six and it's what we're gonna do you'll come up to the front class show spent 13 minutes we're gonna learn more about frogs we go to in front of classroom we come back 30 minutes later the frog went from jumping around to just chill it we go from 6 to 8 we go to the front of the classroom 13 minutes we come back the frog went from jumping around to chilling 2 now the Frog is sleep we go from 8 to 10 we come back we've boiled the Frog all my peers around me like I'm senator gained emotional you were not like that I raised my hands they teach what just happened you feel a little bit of shade here but she's like anything that's the best question you've asked me all semester long she said but Anthony if you know anything about frogs frogs get comfortable in the heat Oh years later when I was in dead now sleeping in the back of my car Jesus told me Anthony you became the Frog so what um you see you guys the Frog didn't die in his sleep the Frog died in his comfort zone destiny Church do not allow your comfort zone to become your kill zone do not allow that very same thing of sitting here swiping your credit cards getting this right here get in his car doing all this to impress your peers by it insane doing this thing to eventually kill all of your dreams and you wake up one day you're wondering how did I get here you were comfortable and God is saying I am looking for people who are going to be uncomfortable who is willing to be unusual and it step out and to be different like Peter so quickly you guys I'm gonna give you three things that I want to do with your finances if you are if you're not doing them let's do these three things it's gonna be unusual it's gonna be weird it's gonna be crazy but it is what it is because we water walkers number one thing went up on it's uncomfortable to put this put $1,000 on your bank account and don't touch it that's for emergencies that's for emergencies number two pay off all of your debt and I want you to put this word in all caps debt snowball Google that debt snowball all you do with the debt snowball is you're lining up your debt from largest I mean from smallest to largest okay smallest to largest and you're paying it off that way you're gonna put everything in there but your mortgage if you have won everything in air but your mortgage now a lot of people saying now wait a minute man what am I gonna do about a credit score listen you guys isn't it isn't it weird that I have a zero credit score okay I bizarro Cresco that's my credit score and isn't it where that people reward us to be in debt to have a 850 score but if I have thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars in my bank with a zero credit score they penalize me for that it's because the world wants this they don't care how much money we have they want us in debt and always owning them instead of for being unusual so you know what I'm gonna live off of cash I'm gonna buy and own every single thing that I have I'm gonna start a business and I'm going to employ my brothers in my sisters I'm gonna create other millionaires I'm not gonna be bound by debt because the Bible says he who borrows a slave so it's God's animal should be unusable and to step out of that walk on the thing that everyone is saying that is stupid don't do that you don't have a credit score what don't know man what a woman no no zero credit score I do listen single people raise your hand single okay go great single ladies raising here cool great single brothers [Applause] he passive you watching me I do something about this huh but we need some more brothers in here you got a lot of single ladies in here on like two or three brothers but and guys you only can get one only one only one um ladies date a man that is dealing with his finances correctly date a man that is dealing with his finances correctly if the man is so focused on having an 800 credit score but don't even have $500 in his savings account that's not a man but now if a brother got ten fifteen thousand dollars in his bank account and have a zero credit score that's a man in my opinion because a man who has vision doesn't worry about impressing others he worries about being a good man and leaving a legacy to his children's children it is easy to be a man but it's hard to be a good man brothers for the three of us in here that a single um do not date a woman that is all about her hair all about her nails ladies look to me like brother walk you slow you know you know just find you a good woman that says you know I can get my hair done you know every now and then doubt it out it out it out but find a woman that together you all have financial goals and you're trying to do something that is unusual okay number two number two be determined not distracted you see when you're on this journey of dealing with your finances of really just setting aside saving and getting out of debt getting out of bondage you can do good things there are going to come distractions okay there will be distractions we've seen an in Peter story when he stepped out he said okay god I trust you he started walking the water he's like oh this is for something I'm walking the water he's starting getting that low campus roll on him blah blah blah you know I'm saying um and then all the sudden he started hearing people what are you doing you need a credit score so you can buy a house what are you doing you're gonna step out and get your own business what you're crazy you need to stick with that 401k dumb good benefits all this type of stuff no what are you doing giving your 10% to the Lord over their destiny Church I ain't ever heard of destiny charts distractions will come but you have to be determined not distracted because the enemy when he sees you stepping out of what's usual he's gonna send things he's gonna send people to distract you from what God told you to do but what keeps me so determined is that I don't even know who my wife is I've never met her but I already know her name her name is daughter of Jesus I don't really know my kid's name I don't even know how many kids I'm going to have but I do know one thing that when I get to my deathbed over there I want to be looking up at my beautiful wife she gonna be 70 still thick and right I'm I have some kids with their kids and I'ma be skinny bones showing I'm be looking up at him like and I'm smiling you see because I came into this world crying but I refused to leave this world crying I'm going to leave this world smiling because I know when I was 34 years old and single all I could think about was just being a husband a father and a man of God and so any destructions that came to me if you didn't help me get to that you were a distraction I want to make sure that when I get there I'm leaving them with a wealth of knowledge I'm leaving them with money I'm leaving them with a business I'm leaving them with their new walk in Christ I'm leaving it with something that is different I'm leaving it with something that is unusual so if you come to me here nah bruh bruh I'm good I'm getting right there I'm focused on being that man I think one of the reasons I see one of the things I say this goes wrong with our generation is that we get distracted we we we we see this car that everyone's driving I gotta have that car oh man she got on that oh I need to get that oh so wait he got this good-looking girl but he drives this he was like this he has these shoes I need to get this and then you get those shoes and you get that so I can get a car when God is saying no if you just stay focus on what I've called you to do I told you to come and if you just stay focus on me if you seek you first the kingdom of God I will give you everything else but you got to stay determined and you cannot be distracted because success if you measure success by the world you will always be miserable but if you focus on being the woman of God that God has called you to be you will be successful if you focus on being the man of God that God has called you to be you will be successful when it comes to our finances destiny the ultimate goal for us is to be able be tint to God which leads me to my last point be faithful not fearful be faithful not fearful be faithful not fearful you see when distraction started heating Peter he started sinking because he was fearful guy reached out said Barbara why are you tripping I got you I told you to come trust the word trust me and he rose back up Peter and Jesus start walking back to the boat they get back inside of the boat and everyone in sight Yahoo that's crazy but I was fearful Jesus you really are the son of God you are the real deal I could have experienced that but I was fearful I could have been blessed but I wasn't faithful I wanted to pay my bills more than just be faithful and give God his 10% and I was fearful because I was fearful if I give him 10% I can't pay for this I can't get this but you walked out and stepped out on faith and gave God 10% and now the sudden you got a a business how you don't have no degree you don't know what you doing how it's because I'm faithful it's because God knows that he can trust me with a little God said one word come I moved on a little I came out on one word and God says I want you to step out of the normal Anthony and I want you to trust me and I'm going to clear the path you guys I came by tell you one thing God has called us to be unusual God has asked us and told us he wants us to step out from the norm and be true followers of Christ when it comes to our finances I believe God wants to bless us tremendously but you guys we cannot be fearful of that we have to be faithful and trust God give God is 10% and I promise you this much time is gonna just open up doors and shift things that will move and the next thing you know people may ask you how did you get that car how did you get into that house how did you get that promotion at your job how did you do this how did you do that everyone standing everyone said um the number one question I max all the time whenever I travel is everyone knows I didn't finish my degree how did you get with Dave Ramsey how do you how are you a Wall Street Journal national bestseller God how how was it you making all this kind of money God how's that you driving his car God how does that you're the first person in your family to become debt-free and build your house God how is Alva's how is it God God God God God [Applause] everyone told me Anthony you're crazy why are you renting for five years making this kind of money because God told me to because when I get into a house I want to make sure I get into my house one that I can afford to and it's mine I got it I got what I want in my house and there's nothing wrong with renting because when I win it's in my house I walked around my house I prayed around that thing every day when I was a little yes slow this is love Jesus yes slow but here's the thing we got to be faithful not fearful we have to be willing to be uncomfortable because people will talk about us but when you become debt-free you start typing and being generous that destiny Church and God is saying Wow my daughter's is going over and beyond let me just show her how much I appreciate her and love her and how much I trust her let me jump this salary from fifty to a hundred thousand let me jump this salary from 50 to 150 because she gave me tea and I said I could give her up [Music] but the problem that's holding us back from getting what we really desire is not God it's not your employees it's not this church it is us you see destiny Church doesn't need our tires and doesn't need our giving because God is gonna take care of this church you need your time you needs to be the one so you know I know I don't want this guy here you go because I want more and when God gives you more we have to be a good steward of it because everything that we have is not ours we're just managers of it and so no matter if you're only making thirty forty thousand dollars treat it like it's a million give that 10% and watch God give you the millions that you may desire but we gotta be good stewards [Music]
Channel: Union Church
Views: 53,309
Rating: 4.922565 out of 5
Id: sW1d50T7nKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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