The Unstoppable Colossus vs World War Hulk

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what's going on guys this is Rob and if you're enjoying the content here on my channel then make sure you hit the like button and make sure you hit subscribe so you can decide what direction the content on my channel goes in in the foreseeable future okay Jacob fall Jacob fall a member of the Rob Corps named Jacob has been asking for weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks for me to make a video on who would win the unstoppable Colossus or world breaker horn now Jacob says World War Hulk but I assume he's talking about war breaker Hulk since that's the version that we saw during World War II yes this video is for you Jacob ask enough and you shall receive in order to be able to effectively answer this question we need to really kind of run over the powers of what these characters are in their regular forms and then talk about these more powerful versions of their characters so as most people know the Hulk is one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe now due to his exposure to gamma radiation his cells have been altered in such a way that allows him to become increasingly stronger that angrier he gets furthermore it has been established that there is seemingly no upper limit to how strong the Hulk can become and just to give you an idea of how strong the Hulk is he's held up a mountain weighing 150 billion tons and secret Wars issue number four from 1984 and in the Planet Hulk storyline he's able to prevent a planet from exploding by holding its tectonic plates together now throughout his 50-plus years of history the Hulk has battled several of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe and has emerged victorious in a vast majority of these contests thanks not only to his unparalleled strength but to his elite level durability and his regenerative healing factor as well just to run through some examples of the ridiculous durability of the Hulk he's twice survived the blast of a gamma bomb and Incredible Hulk number 144 and tales to astonish number 62 he survived a nuclear bomb explosion an Incredible Hulk number 440 and has endured an attack from the Human Torch hitting him at full force with super nova level powers and walked away without a scratch in Fantastic Four number 534 sorry - keep in mind when Johnny Storm pushes his powers to the absolute limit of super nova levels that's enough power to destroy a planet now there are also several moments where Hulk's extremely potent healing factor is put on display for example during an encounter with a villain called vector Hulk actually has all skin and muscle tissue melted off of his body and is able to regenerate all of it in a matter of moments an Incredible Hulk number 398 during the future imperfect story written by Peter David the Hulk battles an evil future version of himself known as the maestro now during the battle maestro manages to break the Hulk's neck however not only does the Hulk not die but he heals completely within a few days so while exactly how fast the Hulk can heal does vary depending on who's writing the story we can definitively say that the Hulk is able to heal from almost any physical injury incredibly fast now to put this into perspective all these abilities that we've seen here so far are dwarfed by the power of world breaker Hulk now world breaker Hulk was basically a story that resulted from the Incredible Hulk being jettisoned into space by the Illuminati Charles Xavier Rhee Richard's Doctor Strange under the idea that the Incredible Hulk was too unpredictable the problem was the Incredible Hulk crash landed on a planet that was basically war-torn he managed to defeat the existing king claim one of the members of the guard for his queen and try to start a family for himself the problem is that the ship that he arrived on was basically sabotaged it exploded and it killed everything he knew and loved as a result the Incredible Hulk as mad as he had ever been came back to earth and waged war against almost all the superheroes now in this story he took on some of the most powerful characters to have ever existed Doctor Strange with full power and channeling the energies of gods was defeated by world breaker Hulk Colossus in his metal form had his arms broken by The Incredible Hulk the only person who was able to stop him was the Sentry and even then all he did was just fight The Incredible Hulk until they both powered down and that was about it it was not a definitive I defeated the Incredible Hulk I'm the last man standing now this is world Waker Hulk at his absolute peak what I want to do here is I want to switch over to the juggernaut and the reason why is because while unstoppable Colossus is Colossus it's that character channeling the power of the juggernaut now juggernaut draws his power from an object known as the Crimson gem of cyttorak an artifact that mist owes immense strength and durability on the person who wields it by channeling the energy of the demon city rock itself now sit Iraq is one of the oh gods he basically existed on earth long before the dawn of humanity but due to the idea that the Elder Gods are basically being destroyed and chased off by the original Elder God kind of a weird story what ended up happening is SID Iraq took off to a pocket dimension the result is that sin Iraq is a being of immense power incredible power if Sid Iraq were to show up on earth with the full capabilities on display almost none of the superheroes would actually be able to stand against him now as the avatar of Sid Iraq juggernaut possesses superhuman strength to the extent but he's been able to break mountains apart like we saw in Hulk number 172 and lift buildings out of the ground and used them as weapons like he did an uncanny x-men number 361 the juggernauts durability allows him to withstand a massive deal of physical damage and in addition to this he's able to use the gyms energy to create a force field that renders him immune to basically any and all physical attacks even characters as strong as Thor as juggernauts force field was able to shield him from Thor's attacks in Thor number 429 were odin son threw a hammer and it just bounced off and nothing happened now in addition to his ability to absorb damage juggernauts able to survive without air food or water and does not suffer physical fatigue for this reason once juggernaut begins moving it is physically impossible to stop him furthermore juggernaut has an almost instantaneous healing factor for any damage that he does take and so with that in mind the unstoppable Colossus is a byproduct of a story that happened in Marvel called fear itself now this story largely centered around the Asgardians in the sense that it was the reveal that Odin had a brother named Cole bore son but the Kolbe or son had seen himself as the rightful ruler of Asgard the result is that Cole calling himself the serpent intended to basically create all these different hammers fashioned an army for himself and invade Asgard the problem with this came in the form of juggernaut because of the fact that Cain Marko donned his powers directly from Sid Iraq when Cain Marko accepted the hammer he ultimately became the avatar for a new God as a result of this Colossus Illyana Rasputin and a couple others traveled to the Crimson dimension to meet with Sid Iraq inform him of what was going on and in turn asked that a new avatar be chosen so that somebody could stand against juggernaut the result of this is Sidda rack chose colossus as his new avatar and in return colossus became the unstoppable colossus now with the powers of the juggernaut he has everything that we've listed so far with his abilities pushed to the absolute extreme so he's far stronger than he ever was before far faster than he ever was before once he starts moving he cannot be stopped these are the kind of things that we see with his character and just how capable he is so to answer the question of Jacob who would win wrote breaker Hulk were unstoppable juggernaut I'm gonna give it to unstoppable juggernaut and here's the reason why The Incredible Hulk has fought juggernaut on two occasions that I'm aware of the first was an Incredible Hulk number 402 in 1993 and in this story juggernaut had actually just taken the Hulk by surprise but there's been a litany of instances where the Incredible Hulk is taken by surprise from an enemy and ultimately comes out on top in this instance the juggernaut beat him but an Incredible Hulk issue number 457 The Incredible Hulk beat the juggernaut and actually stopped him while he was moving however this was not just the Incredible Hulk this was the Incredible Hulk whose powers were augmented by the villain apocalypse now in the world war hulk storyline hulk ended up fighting against juggernaut however when juggernaut came running at him the Incredible Hulk just uses momentum and threw him out of the way we did not actually see a direct fistfight between the two of them so we can't really gauge that and use that as a real explanation of if the two of them ever went toe-to-toe but we did end up seeing the Incredible Hulk break the arms of Colossus in his metal form however because the Incredible Hulk under normal circumstances in his normal form faced off against juggernaut and lost in issue number 402 there's no reason to believe that if he was able to defeat him in World War Hulk that he actually would have gone through and fought him in the first place so the indication here is that instead of going to toe to toe with juggernaut he just kind of used the momentum and threw him out of the way if the Incredible Hulk in World War Hulk had no problem with decimating Reed Richards iron man century Black Bolt all these seven superheroes then why would he basically avoid a fight with the juggernaut why would he just use a juggernaut momentum and just send him flying in a different direction so I would ultimately give this to unstoppable Colossus to me unstoppable Colossus is channeling the power of a god from another dimension and the upper limits of God's power are never known they've never really been seen before conversely the Incredible Hulk strength has no upper limit but that's all the Incredible Hulk has is increased strength unstoppable Colossus has magic he's got unlimited levels of strength he's got unlimited levels of durability he's got unlimited levels of speed and an unlimited regenerative healing factor so I know this is gonna be debated I know people are just gonna be like boo hiss The Incredible Hulk would win I know people are gonna be really really upset so let me know down in the comments section who you think would take this cuz again my vote goes to unstoppable Colossus but I know it's gonna be a pretty debated topic so let me know who you guys think would come out on top here do you think that row breaker Hawk would win or do you think unstoppable Colossus would win but with that being said guys we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end if you are new here - comments explained make sure you guys have the sub button to become part of the rob4 if you guys enjoy this video make sure you drop a like and yeah I will catch you all later peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,621,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Hulk, The incredible Hulk, Colossus, The X-Men, X-Men, Mutant, Omega Level Mutant, World War hulk, Planet Hulk, Thor Ragnarok, Powers, The Juggernaut, Juggernaut, Mutants, Bruce Banner, World Breaker hulk
Id: 4iThmgW7C2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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