The Unlikely Nakamichi Amp Fix (Build quality! Ahem....)

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[Music] this time I'm looking at a seven Channel Power Amp this is a Nakamichi ivp-1 and this is a big amplifier there's not much room left on the bench now this is a bit of an audio file unit I think it's heavy to show this as a serious piece of Kit the front panel is very plain there's just a power switch it's got a fairly large Grille on the top level the heat out of these seven channels and the back end is where all the business is although it's quite simply laid out each channel will accept either an unbalanced or balanced input you just select with this little switch well the only salesman that one of the channels is down I can't remember which one but to be fair seven channels one down there's still four spares let's use let's point out that all these switches are set to unbalanced so I know which input to check oh that's how much in Rush there is on this I had the bulbs a bit of grave I don't see too much trouble there not sure what this is at the bottom is that because there's two channels yeah that's it yeah there's nothing wrong with these so I can use the input selectors to disable the outputs this is actually quite handy and these are fine as well now channels five and six yeah these two are also good channel seven no output on Channel One hmm I'm just gonna check these at a balanced input because you never know been caught out before one of the beauties of this signal generator is it's got two channels and they float so you have a truly balanced signal I don't think it's like that I heard it trip when I unplug the other one reset come on and look at that I don't think there's much up with this channel there's something on the input side well I don't think it's a loose wire [Music] at least now I know what I'm looking for I don't think it's going to be too much wrong with this but I think he's going to be a real bad to get at it [Music] foreign [Applause] branded inside the chassis they know you'll be looking this is definitely aimed at the audio final well some little nose around we've got a little Transformer here I think that's just for standby power it's quite big just for standby and there's a big heavy toyoidal transforming there there's no switch mode stuff in this there's seven output channels all lined up in a row maybe obedient looking I can show you a bit of it for this Gap it's all through-hole components and I'm surprised that that have been so young I have to say it all looks quite standard in here which is nice for repairs although there's no schematics online so we're on our own here well these channels on plug connectors which is Handy we got power at the bottom and we can see we got pass-through cables for the commands I think this is your site of mute and enable and just general status of the amp and the input sore switch on this separate board running along the back in fact there's three of them one for each row of sockets and on the other side there's no less than six fifteen thousand microphone caps there's plenty of storage on these power supply rails I'll just put it on this side so I'm going to take the back cover off and look how many screws there are to take these out blimey there's even an extra foot in the middle it knows it's overweight we got some movement but I think I need to unplug these cables to get better access presumably the little ribbon cable is the balanced input and the other cable is the single ended one and all in one plug anyway so it's easy to do [Music] well just checking the obvious things first I don't see anything actually wrong with this plug but there's Fair bit going on here there's plugs going all over the place so I'm gonna see if I can measure the continuity from the socket onto this cable well there we have it it's good well though look at this my eye is drawn to this this connects us sort of in the air it's not sat down properly could that be a problem oh it's a bit borderline well it's very loose well there's not a lot of pain sticking up through there that could be it you know well it's been a while since I've had an easy one this app makes you star grounding quite seriously individual buyers for every ground Point going all the way back to the capacitors and it's the same for the speaker negative terminals we saw that oscillation going on between channels six and seven when they were joined together I wonder if it's because these ground cables are so long it could be a bit of capacitive coupling they've even bundled up the slack over here look at that we'll just put the back panel back on when those plugs in a bit of pain there's one Let's test it out now that's working on both inputs better check the other channels before I put the lid on check haven't Disturbed any other connections this one's good that one's good let's adjust it give you a nice look and this switch is fine too yeah perfect well that's the full set all working great I just need to put the covers back in oh [Music] that's one of the easiest repairs I've had in for a long time if I'd have known it's going to be that simple I wouldn't have filmed it catch you next time
Channel: Mend It Mark
Views: 159,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wk2jgLlCpEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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