Technics SL1210 Turntable - Quick Fixes

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[Music] today on the bench i've got this technics sl 1210 mark ii record thick this is a classic piece of dj equipment very popular plays really well apart from this one it's very dusty i don't think it's had a lot of love over the years the only tells me it's got some sort of bad connections on the output cables and also the speed control's a bit dodgy one of them doesn't work ah straight away i see the cueing arm is missing apart um i need to get that fixed i could replace the whole thing but i got the impression the only didn't want to spend a lot of money so barges it is monitoring the output on the oscilloscope so i can see which channels are working so straight away i'm seeing there's a bit of an issue on the cable oh lift the cable and this sound comes on ah this is a rewiring job not too bad got some issues with these speed control 45 rpm won't select pitch control [Music] that seems okay [Music] yeah not too many issues there's something else on the lookout for on this is the pilot lights down here this is a classic one for blowing these up and there's some there's a rubber sort of bumper on there and it's glued on what happens over the age is the rub the the glue dries out the rubber comes off and the thing that stops this thing popping all the way up is the other wires to the lamp and when that shorts out that kills the controls for the motor drive and dead turntable clearly that's not the case on this it rotates but the lamp itself isn't on so needs a bit of maintenance as well well all the actions on the back of these things so we're going to get underneath it so i'm going to unscrew the head shelf because we don't want to break that do we just pop out there now this is flipped over got to get all these screws out this bottom cover it's like a very dense plastic and it it's probably half of the turntable's weight it's really quite a thing all the feet have got to come off because there's a screw hidden behind every one of them someone likes screws when they design this i tell you [Music] one of the annoyances that they have on this is the mains cable goes through a hole in the cover of course you can't get the uk plug through it so it won't be going far collect all these screws as a nuisance because they fiddly certainly is stubborn give it that i see the trouble right in the center the rubbers aren't caught around it's really awkward just have to get a bit rough with it there we go one of the problems on this is the 45 rpm select switch which doesn't work i think it's probably the switch itself you can just put the meter across there and press it and yeah it's not working yeah that is completely broken the switch over here this is for the 33 that one works a lot better let's fix that off i think both these switches are actually bad i'm just measuring it so we're going to replace the pair sometimes this tool is brilliant and other times not so brilliant i've got some slightly different switches to put in but i think they'll be okay because they're actually a narrower body so the switch contact height is the same but we'll know when we fit it that'll tell us everything we'll see how that engages with these push ones under there look you guys little brush because it's very mucky so but it feels clicky like a button should pop that screw back in same with this one here oh got a problem it's too tight so we'll have to put some shims onto this there we are that should be a fix let's pop the multimeter on those connections beautiful and here excellent whilst i'm at the bottom of this or the underside and i need to probably replace the output lead so i'm just going to disconnect all these little table clamps just pull that off and also whilst i'm in there i'll take this metal cover off so we can have a better view of what we gotta do there well i just had to order some parts for the uh cable ain't got any connectors in stock outrageous so whilst we're waiting for that i might as well tear down the rest of it and the platter itself the turntable just lifts off dead easy you can see on here it's got a big permanent magnet and this is because it is a direct drive turntable at this away quite freely this is the control electronics this is the direct drive motor assembly this here is the power supply with the fuses and a significant part i mentioned before was this plug here goes to the little pilot light that pops up down here this is just useful to know if you need to we'll check if the bulb's actually gone in this if you need to rebuild it um if this has had its wires chopped and it causes damage what the faults will be is these transistors down here will have been damaged and they'll need replacing for sure and that's generally why these are dead i think i might need the vacuum cleaner in here [Applause] [Music] well i've decided instead of rewiring cables i'm just going to replace the cable on these are quite inexpensive and nice quality i can confirm that by cutting them open and bearing the ends these are decent cables so i'm just going to reattach this a lot more straightforward make sure i've got everything threaded through and just solder them on nice easy job so left is the white wire on this set the bottom that's just come off pop the cable tie back on and get hold of it i've opened this hole up quite a lot to accommodate this thicker cable it still functions as a decent cable clamp that's a thread in there give this cable a bit of a pull do well i think that completes all the work that this thing really needs dodgy cable and broken speed control that's fixed besides all the dirt we've cleaned down i think it's time to put this back together put this big heavy cover back on make sure we thread all the cables through because that's a problem if you forget to do that even this skinny ground wire that's another one another favourite to lose under there [Music] that seems happy put all those bloody screws in i remember there was long ones short ones and major ones the long ones came out of the corners that's what i recall short ones are clearly on here so we'll do these [Applause] good nice flip her over i put these new cables in the test test box there this test box just um an riaa pre-amplifier because the output from these cartridges is very very low and not linear to the sound so it's not a great thing to test you can't really see it on this oscilloscope without it so that's why it goes in there back on with the cover and finally pop the platter back on looks pretty good it'll sit straight with the record on don't worry so back on with the test equipment we'll compare the output we had before i remember where i put this put the stylus and the cartridge back on so we're going to start off just to put some power on it it lights up it's quite happy that's 33 rpm 45 back down to 33 looks good there's really only one way to test these things that's to put a proper record on to whatever taste you have i just noticed i haven't fixed the little lifter mechanism thing that's broken there a bit of glue bit of plastic we'll work on that now so just to add a bit more strength i'm just going to pour a little bit of epoxy resin just on the top there now this will run down so i put some paper underneath so it doesn't make a mess at least that's the plan i'm quite happy for it to fill their little foot in that's not a problem let's keep my eye on that once it dries make sure it doesn't dribble out of control it should be a bit easier to queue up now now with the arm lifter working nice that's how it's supposed to work and of course it's in stereo this time that's much better well i'm happy this one everything's spot on with this a good repair catch you next time
Channel: Mend It Mark
Views: 65,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fF2usvWI6HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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