The Unbelievable $50m Ferrari Dealership! [FXX, LaFerraris, Koenigseggs + More]

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I don't want to pan that way because this isn't as good as it gets [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello everyone and welcome to seen through glass welcome to Chicago now I realized that we've sort of covered quite a lot of ground in a very short time the last few weeks could have been skipping through America quite quickly there was a reason for that and I'll get into it a little bit later but here in Chicago there are some amazing things that lined up for me to film I'll be honest it's quite Ferrari heavy we've got a we got a few days of a lot of Ferrari content but you know me I'm I'm never gonna complain about [Music] well welcome to continental Autosports this is the second-oldest Ferrari dealership in America and probably the only for our leadership with three master technicians the only technicians allowed to carry out Ferrari classic a work which basically is the sort of approved classic and vintage Ferrari program these guys are not messing around but whilst they are one of the best in the business and I mentioned that Chicago is driving a lot of Ferrari themed content I'm not actually here to film or drive a Ferrari I'm actually here to check out that Alfa Romeo GTV I think you can just about see it in the back of the shop but before we take it out into the road I'm going to do a quick spin around this case because some of the cars they have in stock or lying around in the service department a friendly ridiculous you need to see this wanna see things I have met [Music] these streets will go anywhere as long as check out the speck on this speciality at first I thought it was especially Aperta because it has the stripe from their perch but it's not it's a standard special a coupe a but standard is really an understatement because we have this kind of like satin white satin pearlescent white finished God knows if that's paint or a wrap also white-ish wheels they look a little bit offset in color I'm assuming they are color matched to the paint but in real life they look a little bit offset then you have these blue side stripes faded side stripes carbon-fiber on the sort of side sill but then not at the front the thing is just mad but awesome because I think anytime you see a sort of quirky Specht especially you've got to give it a thumbs up ah everybody welcome Joel to the channel thank you so much for yeah thanks for having me down and force it walking me into your car but it's my pleasure to welcome you into my somewhat new car what's stunning my new old car your new okay this has been kind of fully restored prior to you purchasing it and since right before Hanson yeah cosmetically what you see is how it arrived to me which is a gorgeous restoration really fine and unfortunately the internals were not quite as good as we hoped when we bought it off of a bring a trailer and a lot of motor work and a suspension work by a local expert and I received it back just this past Friday so now I'm putting on trying to battle test it because I'm hoping going to rally with it later today to cool the seasons well however I can help we are now just gonna start up the car and we're gonna be headed off to your warehouse right alright so yeah let er rip and then we'll have a little chat on there on the way there I nearly said I'll classic Alfa Romeo sorry [Music] [Music] this is a mix of cause that you have on the on sale colleges given storage most of them are for sale or in the process of being sold you know some of these are consignment cars okay this 99 Zanardi here is car for one of our fright clients that he's pulling out his collection he wants us to market it for him nice so that's the Acura NSX which was the Alex Zanardi special edition - super ability one of 50 right Wow did they do anything more than was it like a cosmetic okay the lightweight version so they actually there's no power steering in the car and it had basically like Kennedy upgraded gen to motor in the gen one body yeah both for those of you some of you might know Allison Aria I guess from his Paralympic glory but he used to what he was very successful in cart or or IndyCar racing from what it would have been countless going but it was Kart back then so open-wheel American Racing made his move over to f1 a couple of times and not as successfully but yeah this was a very rare special edition and a six that's awesome this is a neat current word this is my dad's personal race car here's of 1965 Lotus 23 B could be probably the most winningest lowest 23 in the world Wow has a lot of history back in the mid 60s that won the u.s. RRC national championship a couple times and then my dad purchased the car and raced it successfully from about 1989 to just recently he retired his racing career at the age of 84 so the car has many many wins it tracks around here like Road America and it's been down the Sebring in a lot of different places it's just a fantastic I've driven it a number of times as well you know I'm almost at the point where I don't want to race it because it's so fast and I don't completely safe assuming I can imagine there's a wicked car [Music] it was classy what were your first call was my very first car that I purchased for myself was in 1971 Datsun 240z nice so you were sort of straining to like good decent driving cars from day one yeah exactly well you know Johnson was in our business portfolio at that time my brother's about eight years older than I am so he's okay working he'd been working in the company for a while and his company car was a 280zx okay and so I'm like 16 years old and I asked my dad I said hey how about for me he's like no way you know so I decided I'll show you so I went on I bought my own 240z nice well look the reason I wanted to pick this car for today is obviously it's beautiful what I wanted you to have the chance to show it off to me but also because my audience have been asking me recently what happened to my like plan to buy a classic it's like two years ago I started this whole series of like buying my first classic and I went away but during this year once again fall in love with this kind of era of car because the more modern day like supercars that ie I'm around the more they like blur together and that's a really harsh thing to say but like in the dealership for example I would have picked that 275 gtb or the 330 over for a peds end of the week well I think they're all the cars are just more engaging you know they're not and the great thing is they're not perfect then whether it's a Ferrari mclaren horse or whatever they're basically all kind of perfect right so it's actually interesting to drive something imperfect that you can get querque I love the cockiness the qualities the power to the Italian side is really working when it can sound as good as this thing sounds yeah okay but I think you get more you tend to get more looks and hers like this I've done that I'm looking for attention but it's fun to show off something like this that you're not going to see every day you know and as nice as a Ferrari or Porsche or you know you can see that same car a lot of you know less is something truly special and rare and I feel like you get a different kind of like you know in a modern-day Ferrari people if you do a bit typically something like this but Alf Romero is always kind of be like that heralded markets like you know true driver's car here we go but also a kind of relatively attainable or affordable holders for classic and we were speaking off camera earlier and you were saying that as long as you find a car that's you know the history you kind of know what you're getting into it's not always as disastrous as Jeremy Clarkson made out it's kind of a you know a knowledge base that is not necessarily being handed down through the generations and so there's a few you know in Chicago there's probably three alpha experts I've used all three of them owned cars so good they're all very nice guys they're all good at their job but my fear is that when they've timed out you know who's gonna carry the torch ample shoe that's always the questions carnies help you know I'm not qualified to work on don't know anything about Weber carburetors and it's hard to find people that do well the appeal for me is always for the Italian and sir yes I think we should start talking and enjoy this beast huh well one absolute legend Jolie's I really want an Alfa GTV right now I'm gonna pull in and get some fuel and then we're actually headed to another Ferrari dealership Ferrari Lake Forest because apparently they have some pretty nuts hyper cars lurking around so yes let me fuel up and then we'll be moving on to the next dealership a few minutes later you are not ready for this okay sneak peek I just had a quick look around the Ferrari Lake Forest dealership and oh my god even if you're not a fan of fry stay tuned because what you are about to see it's potentially one of the greatest dealership showrooms in the world [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm starting big because why not go big or go home I've come straight to what they said of calling the supercar row here at Ferrari Lake Forest I don't want to pan that way because this isn't as good as it gets it gets more ridiculous as we work along the line but anyway kicking things off with yes Ferrari laferrari Aperta the convertible target --top' open-air roofed version of the laferrari coupe a very helpful to have this right next door so to insane modern-day v12 Ferrari hyper cars next to them yes it's a Sergio this year well back in LA the beginning of the US leg of drive the world when I saw my first ever four five eight Sergio I think I'd ever see one again but noticed a few months later here we are with a stunning red car with gold wheels so just to cover this off one more time this is based on the four five eight special a but entirely rebodied by Pininfarina think six or seven cars in the world and I've now seen two so fairly ridiculous and as I said when there when it's flanked by a left rally Aperta and a left for a week you pay things don't get much better but oh wait and they do because we have to yes to f12 TD FS the paint yes pinked on this car is a kind of satin silver $30,000 paint job on that thing unreal now what I would say the sad news about these two cars is they are both actually delivery mileage yes I see that as a sad thing but it does make them incredibly valuable I prefer the spec I think or do I prefer the spec I'm not sure comment below which do you prefer this kind of sat in the silver or the white pearlescent both incredible though got some red details in this car as well but yeah as a Ferrari loan up goes to insanely spec and delivery mileage TDs a surge oh and to Laphroaig is pretty mind-blowing and then it goes up a whole nother level because yes people we got hyper cars we've got a beautiful all clear carbon Pagani Huayra roadster no coupe a just double-checking out there but this thing absolutely amazing got some really nice details on it full tan leather interior that kind of orange stripe going down the center beautiful to see and next to it to ridiculous current execs now I am bad with my Koenigsegg knowledge but I do know that that's a rigged error and there are so few regards in the world but they are starting to pop up here and there now this one sort of completely clear carpet again I just like the Pagani next to it except it's got that sort of red stripe that centre windscreen wiper which is so iconic for Koenigsegg and these things just blow me away I think much more beautiful than the Agera that's next to it this is the one one kind of like one-to-one which was ought to do with the power-to-weight ratio of this car which was frankly ridiculous one horsepower to one kilogram absolutely mad look at that wing just hanging off the back there but yes there we go as I say starting strong down here Ferrari Lake Forest with two curling's eggs a Pagani and some of the best modern-day Ferraris you can imagine let's continue this isn't the last race car you're gonna see on today's tour but it is potentially the rarest you are looking at a 308 GT - I had never seen one of these before in my life a michelotto car off SEMA clot so famous for also making the 308 rally car but this is a track focused animal and when I say animal just look I mean look how wide those rear wheels are those rear tires that's insane then you dive inside and you've got that single driver seat that white gear knob the thing just looks absolutely mad you can actually see kind of into that front bumper there but I'm obsessed apparently it's a monster to drive even that makes total sense but yeah very very cool to see this a bit of a bit of a retro animal right there now like any Ferrari dealership these guys got a lovely Atelier where you can come down and spec your car for a little bit of inspiration they've got a five 9s a Aperta and a pea stuff and is - beautifully spec cars let's say if you're looking for inspiration these two are pretty damn good this $5.99 Aperta so rare so just as a reminder it was the convertible version of the 599 which took a lot of the parts from the GTO so it wasn't as hard cause and his racy as the 599 GTO but it was definitely a step up from the standard 599 and of course you could take the roof down so a truly special special thing and less than a hundred made so incredibly rare to see and then obviously pistas unfortunately becoming a little bit common but in that spec is looking fantastic that could be a Ross ioco for you Ferrari nerds a triple layered red paint but yeah this could potentially be my favorite two car lineup in the dealership you thought the showroom was good we'll check help the service department we've got yes another laferrari a 550 bucket or in yellow super intrigued by these cars I would be very keen to have a go in one at some point it's never a big 550 fan but something about barqueta I think is looking better and better with age and then a really nicely SPECT in my opinion f12 TDF with what looks like blue carbon I can't get that close but if I just come down here yes you can see blue carbon unreal with that tan interior yeah so these three big fan off now this is a working environment so I have to be a little bit respectful of the technicians but also privacy because there's a lot of customer cars in here so I can't really pan around too much but who cares because yes there's another rig error that one has red carbon you can't really see it from all the way back here but I've got a a yellow line that I'm not supposed to cross so I've got a film it from back here but yes to rig errors in one showroom outrageous that also got it's very nice piece to parked up here on the alignment machine but yes I can't cut I might gonna have to do love a lot of b-roll in here because of the the privacy with the plates yes yes that is an actual FXX the track only Ferrari programmed version of the Enzo absolutely outrageous to have it here can't drive on the road they a few people I think did make some sort of road legal versions but you can see it has no actual wing mirrors but this is one of the best sounding cars ever produced that honking great v12 with those exhaust pipes that come out where the actual taillights do for the standard Road car believe this is here I told you you weren't ready for that I wasn't ready for that I mean all the back-and-forth about whether I want a classic I just want a Ferrari I mean that's what it boils down to I want another Ferrari oh oh why couldn't I have more money why can't I be richer why couldn't I be Shmi I feel like everyone else in the world a minute is buying Ferraris except me and they're just the things I love the most maybe maybe I can combine the Terman the 360 was like my modern classic and still a Ferrari what if I got like a like a 308 rally car then I'm like ticking so many boxes but then it's a part of me that wants pistas and 550 bark Etta's and it's just all so lovely anyway huge thanks to Ferrari Lake Forest for showing me around and letting me film but also the big thanks to Joel and the Continental Auto Sports two very different dealerships I would say I feel like here they're more on the sort of the new exotic and dist in terms of like numbers like they're churning cars here whilst Jolin comes into all sports almost felt like an Italian Ferrari dealership it felt more family they were into their classic a kind of vintage classics a more deRossett personalized touch but here they were super friendly so anyway you're spoilt for choice if you're in this part of America and you want a Ferrari all it's done is just yeah make me very sad as a human being but that is the end of todays video the end of my day I hope you've enjoyed it give it a thumbs up if you have and make sure I subscribe from any more videos to come [Music] I wanna start
Channel: Seen Through Glass
Views: 124,226
Rating: 4.9082389 out of 5
Keywords: seenthroughglass, seen through glass, drivetheworld, drive the world, ferrari, ferrari chicago, ferrari dealership, ferrari laferrari, ferrari hypercar, best ferrari, ferrari dealer, ferrari 812 superfast, car collection, car collector, best car dealer, best supercar dealer, alfa romeo, alfa romeo gtv, alfa gtv test drive, ferrari dealership experience, ferrari dealership tour, biggest ferrari dealer, most luxury car
Id: 0_wan4XZbDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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