The Ultimate Success Formula Using NLP by Adam Khoo

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how do you think there's a formula for success all right thank you how do you think there's no formula for success right the good news is there is a formula for success right success rarely happens by chance people who are successful where is it at Joseph's schooling who is the best in sports or someone who's the best sales or someone's the best in business there's certain core qualities they have in combinational and I call this the I call this the ultimate success formula and if you really understand this formula and you apply it I can tell you this you achieve excellence excellence in every area I've used this from my academic studies to my business to my training to everything right so let's let's begin to understand this what you think is the first step what's the first thing they're all very successful people have in common to begin that journey huh passion okay what else passion what else what's the first thing they all have in common focus believe try what's it vision just now right I'll say the first thing people who succeed is because at one point of time in their life they got absolutely clear on exactly what it is that they wanted number one they know exactly what they want in other words they set very clear and specific what those and only to reset the goals but they're able to focus on it consistently every single day it becomes an obsession that's exact now you may say that sounds like common sense I know what you want of course but let me ask you this do you think most people know what you want to I can tell you after working with so many people over the years I find that more than 90 percent of people don't know what you want they know what leave the one they know what they've done but they don't really know what they won and even thought they BC they know what they want it is very well it's very it is not specific as you know is it all a big more money how much money I do know as much as I can know what you are I want to be more successful in my career but exactly where do you want to be in your career one year five years from now my boss let me ask you a question how many of you can tell me that three years from now five years from now you have a very clear vision of where you will be in your career or your business or honestly come on how many of you are not clear yet thank you for being honest how he can tell me that three years five years from now you are very clear where you'll be in terms of your network and your income you very clear idea where you'll be your network your income and everything you're moving towards that fantastic help you honestly I'm not clear yet all right so you can see most people are not clear but is this something that you can't learn yes or no yes so one of the most important parts of this program is you're gonna learn a process of how to design your design your destiny because success does not happen by one chance it doesn't happen by chance all day every day you will have a look at what had a wonder you wake up I'm a villain oh hey there one day we got a financially free won't that happen by chance No if you want to be financially free five years from now six years about seven years from now what must you do now you must make a DC sure of how much you need capital to be financially free or how much you need to invest every single month but how much rid of reason you need to get about me strips of income you need to have there must be a clear one plan that's make sense let me ask you this if you get married today after 25 years of marriage right when you see each other right well you still have the passion the excitement and the intimacy yes or no yes or no the answer is why not but if it happens it will not happen by chance if after 25 years of marriage you still wonder the passion the intimacy it will not happen by chance it goes every single day you work on your marriage every single day you dedicate the time to make each other feel special do communiy okay to meet each other's emotional needs to understand each other's love length so it does make sense it's all that process of that right and years ago I learn one thing my mentor taught me Adam if you don't pursue your goals in life someone else will employ you to pursue the other isn't that true if you don't have a plan for your life someone else will always have a plan for you and you fall into someone else's plan so please when you come for this program you will go to a process of how to get clear how to get clear also get clear get clarity on where you're gonna be one year two years five years from them and I say people who come paying for very different goals they said like Lori from Prudential about her goals very clear I will be the one caught up the table her go make 1 million in commissions a year where she does today not by chance because that time it was said I've got people like Connor Elvin live when he came he say my ghost be a professional trader in the financial markets to make at least 30,000 US a man and today he makes a lot more than that I have got people like Jackie who say I I want to lose 30 pounds in six months and become a competent Toastmasters and she achieve that and then she said an exponent right so that's the first step you're gonna learn here how to get clear what you want okay now step two once you know exactly what you want what is that two guys actually before you take action you've got to got a plan right specifically you've got to have a strategy everyone said oh it's strategy now let me ask you this whatever goal you said is there always a strategy to get there if your goal is to lose 30 pounds in six months is there certain strategy of how many calories you need to burn a week a month is there strategy how many hours of physical activity you need to burn those calories is there strategy of what you can do what you can do yes if your goal is to make a million dollars a year is their strategy of how many strips of income you need to have yes or no about the skills you need to have to peel those incomes yes or no yes so what is the fastest way to find the strategy that will get you there you have a goal right what's the fastest way to find the strategy it'll get you there at nlm to cost hey give me some answer is this now whatever good you said are there people out there who have achieved the goal that you want a very exactly Joseph's schooling right his goal was to be a only big gold medalist and he asked who has done it Michael Phelps there's always someone who is done years alone when I say only my first led 20 24 26 well time before Anthony Robbins has done before there's always someone with that b4 so in NLP we say once you know what you want you find people who have done it before and you model them you model your blueprint everyone silhouette model so the most powerful thing that I will share your teacher is not out of how do you model excellence how do you model excellence in people my last time I can tell you this I always wanted to be a very inspirational speaker I do know how to do it so I went to watch videos of the most inspirational speakers and I'm model the way they use their body language their way to use that tonality the facial expression the way they walk the room the will use and language matters is modeling process when I sit I will be the top student in Singapore at time what I do I'm model the top students I went to find out how did they read how they get it in for me sure how do they make noise how do they member right how do we prepare for exams how do they of what tell us me is like this is a strategy make sense so I'll teach you this entire process of modeling people okay now are you ready step 3 know what you want find the strategy but step 3 it's the boss upon a part of the tree yeah is to get yourself to pick hot assistant action okay everyone say consistent action that means every single day moving to was there Oh every single day one step one step or yes alone okay now today you have learn one thing what drives action logic or emotions yes so what is the main challenge most people have more feel the challenges is a logically I want it right I know how to do it but you don't do it why because they're not in the right state if you see a doubt procrastination few years ago okay so one of the most important parts of this program is what you're going to learn how to be able to change your skin instantly how many of you think right if you can get from procrastination to motivation in a few seconds how do you think that will change your mind absolutely how do you think from if you fear doubt and certainly you can get absolutely confident in a few seconds they will change you like there's enough that is what change my life let me ask you this do you think every day I wake up I feel excited know of course not I'm a human being yeah this I we can also use ENS alone do you think every time before I speak to people I feel very confident host on I also have fear I'm also human being yes or no do you think sometimes before I write my book before i i i trigger the market you think something I feel bored sometimes of course I do I'm a human being I also feel lazy I also feel bored I also feel yet but it was a different the moment I'm in that state I recognize it and I can change it in a habit and once you can do that you control your entire life so the entire process will take you hours and hours of reconditioning okay now imagine if every day from now on you take what I should think I should the exit will you always get results yes or no who says yes who says though yes my philosophy what my philosophy in life is that every time you take action you will always get results always you either get results you want or is also on the truth but you always get results yes or no but if you take action and you can result you door what do you learn something from it yes are you still better than other people who only talk and talk and talk and talk and again and again and talk but don't do anything at all yes yes at least by taking action and this you know what doesn't work and use you get a result any score points be so tell you are the biggest secret to succeed in life as simple as it sounds is to just take one that's it I can tell you have achieved so much more than my friends not because I'm smarter than them but I just actually what I think our rival I just right there I don't think I say I want to treat the financial I just thought what I don't care I just do a second result okay so when you take action and you get the result that you want oh we call this success everyone say success now whenever you take action you always get the result you want the first time life is not so simple life is also easy easy many times you take action and you get results you go one way and a lot of people are free of this that's why they do it even at the start because they are free of this D call failure let me ask you this does everyone feel in life sometimes yes or no do successful people feeling like yes or no in fact they feel more than anyone else because they pick a lot more action at the more action you will you take the more you will feel so the question is not whether you feel because you will I guarantee that but a question is when you fail what do you do about it that is what makes the difference make sense so there are three kinds of people in life are you ready stop you say I know you know I say what is it believe the Chinese the first kind of people say okay I will try so they take action at the moment they fail what they do that's right he will give up very easily they say well I tried it it doesn't work so why try again yes or no I tried this trading it make money so why trying it I tried sales it why why try again have you know people I read and when they give up they give themselves lots of while I don't have what it takes is too difficult as selling table is enough tell you got a second group the second group quick action if they don't get the result they want you see you one won't give up try a it sit so they go back and they pick more action and if they still fail see they might try a good if they still fail trial do fail trial till the trial okay so they keep track again and again and again eventually will they succeed yes or no yes or no no why yeah although they keep trying again and again and again because they keep they never change our way they keep doing the same thing if you keep doing the same thing the same way you keep getting one the same result if you keep popping tanking and your kids the same way you keep getting the same result whatever if you keep managing your money the same way you keep getting the same financial results if you keep communicating with your spouse the same way you keep getting the same result with us in a relation exact so these people they try again and again but eventually they get very well frustrated right yeah I tried everything so eventually what they do or eventually they just accept it's my fate they accept mediocrity how come you know people in life when we're accepted mediocrity right so don't ever allow yourself to be that yes okay then we go to the third group that you did what we do they take what don't give me something up you think I'm okay and when they talk in the result they want they don't see it as failure right everyone say there's no failure if I don't get the result what I did fail I just got a result and the result is simply while the results if you are feedback and the feedback is not that I can't do it no that's too difficult the feedback is there my strategy is not working yes or no so they're able to take that feed back and they have this thing called flexibility I received flexibility to say what I do doesn't work I must have the flexibility to change my one strategy for example in sales you must be flexible to change the way you will report the customer you must be flexible the way you handle object should must be flexible in the way in which you follow ah except as a financial trader you must be flexible the way you approach the financial markets so they keep changing their strategy and do what and if you fine-tuning changing their strategy I do what I do what what guys until they find what look just enough and how many times they change your strategy how many times how many times that's right they will do what every hey everyone dr. Pacific's to you please and say do whatever it takes huh all right now if it's so simple why doesn't everyone do this if it's so simple why doesn't everyone do this because we will never do this we will never do this until and unless we reprogram three parts of our mind this is actually the operating system and the first part that affects us the most are our belief systems right everyone zero eight beliefs your beliefs right there are 300 of you in the room today you know that right and you're listening to the same lesson but do all of you have the same beliefs and with different beliefs you're listening to the same lesson but you're perceiving it differently as enough let me ask you this for example if you have this belief that says example right yes I can make a million a year I believe it can be done if you have that belief would you set a different goal yeah if you have that belief would you tend to take action would you find a strategy would you ever give up don't you want no you won't because you can be done but the moment you the moment if a limiting belief you say you know it's too difficult I don't have what it takes it cannot be done once you don't believe in something what happens where I go you start to lose focus you know you startle aim a lot lower on bone marrow and once you don't believe in yourself you do not even death while to take that first step and you would give up very easily so let me ask you this how many of you think that in your life right now you have what beliefs that are holding you back how many of you we all do and one of the most common beliefs that people have is this belief that belief that sickness I'm not good enough how many sometimes have got a voice in your head that you can't man you should listen to you right and instead let me think believe that you know I'm not good enough and you know put it there well sometimes sadly the people around us our parents our friends our teachers as you know where we were young growing up will be conditioned how you right boo you don't worry booger and those were the things that people thought you pick me how to go JC those are the things that people tell us is enough so we must be able to break break our limiting one please independence of excellence you will learn why not all that believes you have the ones that empower you the ones that limit you and how do you break through there was a limit you help your viewer not only want to change your beliefs but how many of you have got people you love lie your children or your parents with very limiting beliefs and you like to learn these skills to help them to shift your - well so they can become happier in life would you like to learn that that's exactly what you can learn in this program not just for you but the people around you and I can tell you that from these tools are able to help my own mother my old father law my own wine and now my two children why don't you have it 13 years old and I'll share a lot more about that as we go along right now next on the list of all guys please do that okay now how do you feel that I feel that you have a certain goals in your life but you like the tribe to get there okay how do you feel that when you were young you had that drive at one point your life there's somehow you lost that right how many of you have you like to get it back okay now first let's explore what drives us what drives you looked at me call taker was a context what drives up do goals drivers yes or no who says goals drivers who says no all the time the answer is no all the time I know many people who set all kinds of goals I want to do this I'll do that tomorrow goals don't drive you goals only give you a direction to move to as ghosts only give you a target why doesn't get you there so what gets you there listen up this is really critical let me use a metaphor okay let's imagine this is you this is called a rocket and let's say it's a rocket your goal is to reach the food not such that sorta okay now so by setting that goal right you now have a one direction a trajectory right but there's a go get you dinner no but what gets you there is the few help that will propel you against the force of gravity I eat procrastination you're go there's enough so in human terms what is this view energy okay so drink reboot pension or else values Wow exactly now let me put it this way when you set a goal you're getting clear what you want everyone said what what besides the wah you must also have the how how do I do it was a strategy is enough now these two are logical by the third thing the emotional that drives you it is not the what's on how is the that's right it's the wine let me ask you which one is more important the how of the wine who says the how who says the wine very good why you're right but why why do I yeah how keep you agree if when you have a strong enough wine you will fight the huh now why is that compelling reason isn't but people can give you order how old the method or the strategy or the apps or the causes you go to buy you don't know why you will never use the house yes or no so let me give an example how keep you here would like to earn a six-figure income raise your hands okay very good so you see all of you may have the same what right you want to make high income right I bet you something you all have a very different wine what drives you to make money is very different from what drives you very different for what drives me and how do you think that all of us have our own unique emotional hot buttons there we know how to push that right button all of us can be very driven that's why we're parents said to be either my son is really easy I see a rubbish he's not lazy he's very motivated at something else like playing computer games to me there's no such thing as a lazy person we are all motivated when we find our wife let's make sense okay and our wine comes from this thing called our what a what our values means what's important to us let me give an example if you look at Donald Trump and bow Obama right they were both very driven to become president United States right did they have the same goal yes to become president I say the same goal did they have the same wine they've got very different Y values as you know so for Obama was his values loss is wine he wanted to be a role model for the black hole it is no he wanted to help the poor yesterday right you want to change the world right now Trump on the other hand his his values are very different when his values are power his values I record me sure I'm not judging what is good was that but voice you must know what drives you under something now again how do you feel when you were young you were driven as you grow older you lost you're drunk do you know why now I went to the exact same thing let me tell you why it's because as you grow older your values change as you grow older your values change what was important to you in the past middle no longer be important you know this make sense when hours in my 20s my number one value in life at a time was recognition to be very honest with you I wanted to make money how to buy a bundle I'm gonna try the nice campus I want to be recognized I want people to to recognize me and this what drove me but once I got you know my kids I got a bit more mature I become 40 years old now I'd really kept my recognition anymore all right if I let me just tell you something which when I put my wife you say are you sure you know all my life I've always driven sports cars right BMW a little tears of Ferris and all those things right and my car is coming up for you know the series going on right my wife said yeah am I gonna get a lot more key minute you say you wanna get anyway I said to her I say you know I travel so much I'm honey to Singapore I'm just got a big rep Cavanagh and she said I don't care when you meet you I mean at some stage when you when you're truly wealthy and happy and and fulfill do you need all those things you know that's why I don't wear any like Brenda stuff or jewelry because what makes you feel confident is what you have become in the process make this make sense so what drives me now is I don't care about buying a new car new house what drives me is I'm able to really transform people's lives and that's why you know I am I'm going on stage every single dollar are a title so realize when your own of us
Channel: Adam Khoo
Views: 202,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam khoo, AKLTG, NLP techniques, NLP strategies, NLP Singapore, tony robbins, richard bandler, motivation, motivation videos, Patterns of Excellence, success, NLP training
Id: ld8RgK26oPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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