The Ultimate RV Roof Replacement

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all right guys it's like deja vu all over again we're over at cason's rv in mesa arizona and guess what we're gonna do a roof on a 2003 winnebago ultimate advantage right here now i don't know the whole story on it now ultimate series whereas from winnebagos that was their luxury brand it was actually built on a spartan chassis uh unlike a freightliner chassis but winnebago put them out for about three or four years and then they discontinued the ultimate brand now i don't know what the exact story is on this i didn't take it apart but luckily scott's already taken everything up out on the on the roof and on the inside so hopefully we'll just be ripping off this roof and putting a new roof on but this roof is even though it's an ultimate luxury brand this was built just like a normal winnebago roof it is laminated you should be able to see the cross section right there no framing anywhere it's just a laminated roof and i think it's delaminated in some areas and it's torn in a few other areas and there might be some water damage on the roof and take a look at it okay so that was kind of dangerous that ladder is actually uh not connected at the top i'll remember that next time so if we take a look at this you can see this big wrinkle right there that whole roof is uh loose and delaminated now this roof is about 20 years old so it's not too surprising to see how much the lamination it is so the good news is that means it'll come off pretty easily [Applause] now they'd uh feel like there was some damage right here so somebody already did some a patch job there yeah yeah and that's not too uncommon these antennas are installed so well there's difficult to come off and then just use silicone 100 silicone to seal it down that's why i recommend it because it's a good adhesive and sealant and that's where the air horns would have been that's where the satellite dish would have been what had happened is uh they started this job about a month ago and then of course supply issues being what they are the roof material the filo material was not available nationwide so we kind of had to stop everything put those caps and vents back down so that uh there wouldn't be any more water damage and it's in a bay it's been protected but as you can imagine as a shop it's difficult to have a coach just taking up an entire bay so they want this one done and so i'm going to help out and over here the awning has been taken loose the awning rail amounts to the aluminum uh framing on the side there our next step or our first step at this point is going to be to uh pull up the front cap to get that loose and then of course pull up the rear cap so we have room to put everything down so mostly it's just uh aged out and i think the owner wants this to last a lot longer and not have to worry about the roof again with all the delamination and the repairs have been done to it and we'll get this rear cap removed because it's got a big overhang on the top that's frustrating we'll lay this somewhere out of the way it's already come loose just one screw right there basically holding it on well those are your words only somebody with the uh [Music] against it um it's down you can see that lip that was hanging over quite a bit kept us from doing the pitch like we normally do it's out of the way of the roof and then there was an air intake cleaner or air intake for the engine as a duct that was holding this up but we got it all the wiring is disconnected we'll reposition this somewhere else and continue on ah there's no rear cap on this now you can see how the ac duct makes it from the basement ac all the way up to the roof a lot less pretty without a vet cap wow do you think there's enough tape up there you know that is a distinct cousin to a tournament instead of hat has clear membrane on it instead of a tpo membrane i just found out this first generation one touch is going to be upgraded to an ellipse yes or any clips i don't remember i think it may be the eclipse the nicer one so we don't need it anymore wow not toppers though not toughers running mate window awnings we're just going to paint the uh original bronze carefree color plot sounds good everything's going black black hardware with silver uh fancy driver i can stabilize all right [Music] all right so at this point now we just have to uh get the front cap up which is always the worst part that'll be a little bit of a touch and go we'll pry it up get up out of the way unsurprising right here at the front cap we have our pesky little hole for alignment that winnebago uses and believe it or not you're gonna find that it was leaking right there amazingly there's rotten right there this is actually put down pretty well [Music] that's the salt all right chad i think we're ready to rip this roof off let's do it to it i can't get the dumpster over here so we're gonna make a mess yeah okay so we got mike before you don't have to overdub this with music or something [Music] [Music] we're kind of discovering a little bit on this side because this is where they've repaired this i'm guessing the whole thing came up because even the we had to cut that seam pretty well because somebody did a good job gluing it back down they've glued this radius down where it was probably laminated before it's even glued using like a adhesive underneath on that radius this is gonna be a lot more work but i'm sure we'll get it done all right i've cut it i pull it back that's pretty interesting somebody actually made foam coal radius out of uh styrofoam from home depot you can see the foil on it some put a lot of time and effort into this repair and it did glue it down really well it's it's holding up pretty substantially [Music] loctite no the latex definitely takes the urethane urethane say it magnus bond 105. 105. uh 1047. [Music] how's it fall down you're talking about sickaflex yes sick of flex it does feel like circumflex that's high quality stuff well might be hard to see but it's definitely added a little bit of difficulty too good job they did a good job repairing it though so i'm not upset about that it's just upset because we didn't know it was going to be so much more work well i think it's fair to say that these repairs that they did here they were good repairs this whole thing's been epoxied down because it's likely torn just like chad's over there so it was exposed look underneath you can see what's that that's where the radius is torn and they use the violin on top with epoxy attacked as a uh band-aid the only thing they did wrong with this whole thing that i noticed if you see it's yellow on top right there when they did the phylon repair they put the wrong side facing up uh the bottom is going to turn yellow the top's going to have the uv protector on it so it's about the only thing they did wrong i mean i can definitely respect the guy a crew that did a good job like this just made so much more extra work for us well to date that's the hardest roof i've had to remove on winnebago so far more water damage there for the phylum is actually down it's stuck really really well so now we just have to replace the deck and put a new roof on if it was only that simple remember the last few videos we've been adding this pink foam and extending the deck out over the top of the uh the extrusion on the radius let's help you add a little more strength and even it all up that's what we're doing now at least that's what we found to be true at the last few times so it seems like it's been working really well so just the uh using some adhesive just putting some adhesive down i just don't want this moving around as we're gluing i'll just be doing that the rest of the length on both sides and then we'll be uh one step closer to doing this roof all right so with that in all the spacer blocks are in again these are just spacers that when we put the luan on top it'll go ahead and bridge the gap because we're going to extend the deck to this point right here made a few extra probably too many one of the most common questions i get is why we replace the uh decking it's 8 inch paneling if i can just get the old roof off without damaging the decking can't we just go ahead and you know reuse the old stuff i mean i'm not going to tell you how to do it but the decking is the cheapest part and we left this stuff on there because it was stuck so well you can see the big chunks missing out of it so might as well do it right the first time in my opinion besides i put a brand new expensive roof down or something that comes up this easily right bam easy peasy i can also point out that although winnebago did give us this piece of metal underneath for the ladder installation right there they decided not to glue it it was just free floating i can't believe that winnebago did that so that's another reason why you should replace your deck right chad of course we're using stay bond 183 this is a really high quality and commercial grade neoprene adhesive we'll spray the plywood and we'll spray the foam it's important to use 183 because it won't eat the foam [Music] [Music] the first piece down it's got about 10 more to go now hopefully it makes more sense we extended it out over that foam so now the deck is actually being carried the weight of the deck is being carried by this extrusion here we'll cut off any excess on that side and on this side right there that should be good so the first one down a lot more to go it might be hard to appreciate but these are the screw holes right there that would have been holding the front or the rear cap on and they missed this metal strip completely so they weren't even going in anything other than 8 inch paneling so i will probably move this one rearwards so that the screws will grab onto something yeah hopefully your cap will actually grab some metal underneath all this have a gun all right guys so the deck's down can't deny this one's been fighting a lot because of the wind and a little bit of colder weather but when the new decks down we'll just trim it to fit on the side even even on this side it's hard to see but i have to cut this side just a little bit all the way down and then all the way down on this side too just like every other roof we've done all right there it is last one all the way down next step just like always we need to find the middle of the roof and start rolling the phylon out and then glue it down you've watched the videos a few times it's nothing different it's pretty much uh same thing again this time we'll be using uh orange glue i call it orange glue because it looks more orange than red because uh 440 from stabe on glue the phylon down to the paneling here actually i lied i forgot i have to clean out this track right here before we put the phylon on they sealed it up really well when they redid the repair especially on the other side you guys can see all the junk that's in there so that's going to be the next step then we'll put the file on down yes we got our center line down the middle now we have a good guide so we don't waste the file on of course all right you guys know the drill we found the center line there's the center line right there we'll find the center line on the phylum material roll it out make sure we're good all the way down roll it back up and start gluing it down hopefully it doesn't get too windy it's a little windy there you go how are you looking here look at that line it's on our line you can start boarding up that hose that'd be great stop running over my house [Music] you forgot to do the tube first shut up you james it you got it it's only the beginning it's the only part that matters [Music] well we're about halfway done finally got chad to do some work yeah all right oh that's me almost done [Music] okay here hollywood [Applause] all right guys we're going to try to uh finish up installing this roof today it's all been laid out it's been glued down but we still have to put the radiuses and tuck them in which of course is the most difficult part of a winnebago job because now it's too long it needs to fit inside this rail right here now we did before we put the roof material on we cleaned this all out so i did tell you that was the next step and we did accomplish that it took us about an hour and a half and it was frustrating but now we have to cut this to length usually about an inch and a half is what we have to take off it's definitely the scariest part because again like i always say if i cut it too short it doesn't tuck in and it'll have to be completely ripped off and redone again if i cut it uh too long i've got to cut it again double work is not fun either also the material can tear really easily when i'm tucking it but once it's tucked in this job's a lot more fun now i don't know if i'm just doing this too much so i'm getting good at it but you can see my mark right here that i bent this over lined it up pretty much with the the bottom of that channel where it's going to be that's about an inch and a half just like i thought it was going to be so we set the uh tile saw up to cut it we even have fits on it now this has got to work right [Music] that saved probably a good hour i think so too overall usually if it just clears this top lip on the rail you're good all right one side's done and tucked one more to go yeah the second radius is down perfect beautiful chad you do good work almost almost the best work i would say next uh step was basically just putting everything back together rear cap front cap cut all the holes put the vents and skylights in that's gonna be the easiest part all right guys we're gonna try to finish up this uh roof here today well i say finish up but i don't know if you can see it's gonna have to be painted let's get new awnings so we'll finish up as much as we can i haven't really showed you the inside we did take apart the inside quite a bit on this one so this owner also wanted uh their dash recovered it's very common for winnebago dash panels for the winnebago dash panels to kind of start falling apart so they wanted those recovered anyways why they're investing this money and you can kind of see there was a stain right here but all the upper cabinets have been pulled out so those have to all go back in but when it comes to the roof pretty much everything's been installed now this satellite dish actually has some problems has to be fixed so that one won't be mounted yet but the solar panels are back up tv antennas back up roof vents are in this new skylight was even installed winnebago had a weird rear cap on it that wrapped way to the front but all these screws actually grabbed metal now so that was pretty useful looks really good now we will still have to seal the rear cap we'll still have to seal the radius but of course they do have to paint this so we want to make sure it gets painted before we seal it but i think this roof turned out pretty well this is where our radio antenna is going to go and hopefully this will last at least another uh 10 to 15 years and then uh yeah if you guys notice that's chad chad gets out of control with the glue sometimes so that's extra labor we have to clean off the glue on this side the inside put back together and then hopefully be done with this thing until the new dash is in and we get the awnings to put on hey look at that it's painted it's sealed one last thing to do what is that chad what seal this guy right there that's important do that we're using our standard proflex put it in there and tool it out make sure we get it down in the channel pushing it out because this is what's actually gluing this edge down and keeping it from blowing out in the wind this is what we need to be checking i like to just use some soapy water to tool it and then just use my finger to clean chad's wearing the gloves not me yes as chad finishes that up take a look at this roof i'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out you did good work chad oh thank you james you don't do you do bad yourself you almost said that well i didn't i can't words words are bad thursdays those aren't my word days may not be able to appreciate it but for some people that have watched are following my videos we have a sun cruiser right here that's our next roof job it's kind of you might be able to see right about there it dips in so we have to figure out that one next speaking right there not surprisingly there's a chat in there you want me to do anything well that's about all i got [Music] head up and they try to shower surround around it seems like it's [Music] the question is are we saving this uh well made styrofoam i don't have any more of it right um depends on how it comes off it's really impressive somebody put that kind of time phone for me styrofoam like that so here's the metal that wasn't glued down they even do a full piece nope there's just rivets i was holding it on so there's arrows points maybe it said glue here those are the arrows it said uh this is the best part i think the nobody's shock or amazement this uh piece of sheet metal from winnebago wasn't moved down to the foam there's just some double-sided tape that was holding it down there it's a little windy is there any forklift marks [Music] i'm watching a pickleball game i got life to do life to do important things in life is life pickleball is life pull it out [Music] how am i gonna roll it with the camera in my hand should you say put the camera take the camera out of your hand hollywood
Channel: AZ Expert
Views: 59,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tP-2EW044vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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