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as of Sky Block update 0.9.4 dungeon gameplay received one of the biggest meta shifts throughout the history of the game the Berserker class received some extremely well-needed Buffs that increased its overall survivability General mobility and raw damage output and the Mage class was also given some well- needed Buffs specifically to its Mage beam attack this changed the meta from being a strictly Juju and Terminator oriented meta to actually incorporating melee weapons into a Ty dungeon party making some previously pointless melee upgrades actually worth going for now on top of this three new melee weapons were added to the game The Bone Reaver the Fel Thorn Reaper and the bouquet of Lies adding new competition to the Early to midgame dungeon upgrades list for players to push for that being said how good are these three new weapons in fact how good are the newly buffed Berserker and Mage Changers do weapons like the giant sword or the shadow Fury still have a place in the meta or should you be using these new swords instead well luckily for you I've gone ahead and compiled all of the necessary information to put these weapons up to the test to see exactly which ones you should go for and which ones you should skip entirely so with all that being said sit back relax and enjoy this comprehensive guide to all of the new melee changes to start things off how do we determine what a good melee weapon actually is or better yet what melee weapons should I be testing in this video at all before we even dive into the main content of this video we need to answer these very important questions first to determine which melee weapons I'll be testing in today's video I'm going to pick out the strongest and most popular options in The Meta prior to this update I'm also going to throw the three new weapons into this comparison as well as this will allow us to compare if these new weapons change the ideal progression model in any way at all as as a result this leaves the weapons I'll be testing in today's video as follows I'll be testing the aspect of the Dragons the liver dagger the bone Reaver the shadow Fury the Fel Thorn Reaper the bouquet of lies and finally the giant sword now technically the dark Claymore is the final upgrade to the giant sword however this is very obvious given its absurdly high requirements and price point and it's basically a given that this is your ultimate melee weapon upgrade similar to how the Hyperion is the ultimate Mage weapon upgrade needless to say now that we've worked out what weapons I'll be testing in today's video we need to lay out some points of comparison that will help us determine the best upgrades to go for these comparison points are the price of the weapon the requirements for said weapon how good this weapon is at clearing dungeon rooms before the boss fight the DPS potential of the weapon whether it be on Mini buses or the actual boss fight and then the raw damage numbers that you get just from the single Target damage on a single mob now if it wasn't clear already all of this video's testing will be completed strictly in a dungeon setting using either the Berserker or the Mage class and these comparison points will be used to figure out the best Dungeon melee upgrade you're also probably wondering why I he bring up the Mage class if a melee weapon is supposed to cater towards Berserkers and that's because Mages tend to use two different types of weapons your typical right click damage weapons like a spirit scepter a mitas spoon or Hyperion but they also tend to use the left click damage weapons like your Shadow Furies your giant sword or your dark Claymore since the Mage class does share these weapons with the Berserker class I will be testing both of them in today's video and getting damage numbers for both of these classes so hopefully that clears everything up for this video now while this video is specifically designed to be testing dungeon melee progression it should theoretically translate to outside of dungeon weapon progression as well but just bear in mind that non- dungeon gameplay is not not being considered for today's video and thus there might be some discrepancies with weapons you use outside of dungeons versus inside of dungeons either way now that I've outlined what makes a good melee weapon let's focus more on the next part of this video costing and requirements to start us off with the costing and requirements of all the weapons in this video I'm going to use the aspect of the Dragons as our base starting weapon to compare everything else in this video too this is because the aspect of the Dragons is dirt cheap has easy requirements performs exceptionally well at its price and it can be further buffed with the dragon fuse glove later on making it the best candidate for your first proper melee upgrade at a price point of approximately a million coins and a combat requirement of 18 you really can't go wrong with such a strong starting weapon if you add on the dragon fuse glove it does end up costing approximately 8 million coins but this isn't a necessary upgrade to get started with it does have a catacombs 12 requirement if you wish to dungeon eyesee the weapon and use it inside of dungeons but you can easily get away with an undungeon ised variant before you reach this point entirely allowing you to go through the early dungeon floors without having a dungeon ised aotd next up on this list is the bone Reaver price-wise this weapon is a massive step up from the aspect of the Dragons costing around 30 million coins on average if you buy the ingredients and craft it yourself this is a pretty big deal considering it's 30 times more expensive than the aotd however it can be upgraded into the felone reaper at a later date for an extra 10 million coins the upgraded variant possibly makes this a worthwhile investment if it is any good at all but further testing is going to have to confirm this or not the bone Reaver also has a floor 4 dungeon completion requirement which is easily unlocked at catacombs 9 the next upgrade from the bone Reaver would most likely be the livid dagger this weapon is unlocked after a floor five dungeon completion which you can obtain at catacombs 14 this is a small step up from the bone Reaver having a floor four dungeon requirement but price-wise it's a huge difference the liver dagger only costs 7 million coins compared to the 30 million coins of the bone Reaver so if the liver dagger is truly an upgrade to the Bone Reaver you'll be saving yourself a lot of coins reselling your old bone Reaver or skipping the bone Reaver entirely nothing can be said for certain without any proper testing though so let's move on to the next weapon the next upgrade to the liver dagger is most definitely the shadow Fury this weapon also has a floor five dungeon completion requirement however it is just over seven times more expensive than the liver dagger with an average cost of about 50 million coins this is definitely the most expensive weapon so far but assuming its stats make up for it it could easily be a necessary upgrade from the liver dagger and actually a worthwhile one following on from The Shadow Fury though we've got the Fel Thorne Reaper this weapon is slightly harder to obtain than the previous two weapons having a floor six dungeon completion requirement pricewise this sword also costs approximately 50 million coins off of the auction house however you can definitely craft it for as cheap as 40 million coins if you buy the ingredients and make it yourself this puts it at a very comparable level to the shadow Fury meaning that if its stats are solid it could be the favorable upgrade similar to the Fel Thorne Reaper though the bouquet of Lies also has a floor six dungeon completion requirement on average this weapon costs about 15 million coins and it doesn't vary much regardless of whether you craft it yourself or you just buy it off of the auction house it is a substantially cheaper option than the shadow Fury Fel Thorne Reaper and even the bone Reaver though so if it holds up well in the testing it might be the go-to weapon after you obtain your floor six dungeon completion and then last but not least we've got got the giant sword as expected this thing costs a whopping 160 million coins on average typically fluctuating between the 150 to 170 million coin mark this is by far the most expensive weapon of this lineup but its absurd base damage stats definitely justify the cost similar to the Fel Thorne Reaper and the bouquet of Lies this weapon also requires you to complete the floor six dungeon once so aside from its crazy price point it's equally as a achievable as the other weapons that being said now that we've covered the costing and requirements for the weapons in today's video Let's jump into all of the necessary damage tests to see how well these weapons hold up against one another so before we get into any of the damage tests in today's video I'm just going to quickly go over all of the gear and the stats of the profile that I'll be testing on for starters I will not be testing on my main profile with all my Max stats and really good gear but rather on this secondary profile that is a lot more accurate to an ear early to mid game sort of player to show this off in a little bit more detail you can very clearly see that my skills aren't the greatest I do have a couple of Max skills being my Alchemy taming Mining and enchanting but when it comes to my combat farming fishing and foraging they're all very weak and just not good at all my Slayers on here are also quite weak I don't even have Juju requirements nor can I use the wand of atonement so in this video I will be using the wand of restoration and it's the best thing that I do have this profile is also catacomb 21 which means that for all of these tests I will be testing in floor six and I think this is pretty fair for this video anyways because the majority of the weapons I'll be testing come from either floor 5 or floor 6 now as for the actual gear that I'll be using in today's video here are just all of the enchants that I've put on the weapons that we'll be using today I've gone ahead and Enchanted these identically to one another with the only exception being that a couple of these weapons do have the champion enchant Champion only Buffs the amount of combat XP you get from each kill though so it's really not going to make much of a difference when it comes to Raw damage and the aotd does have ultimate wise five but that's also not going to affect the damage it's more for the right click ability we're not going to be focusing the right click ability of the aotd in this video though so that's also not going to be much of an issue now I have also put Recon bators on all of these weapons and I've fuming Hot Potato them as well and they all have the withed reforge for consistency to make sure that it's all fair and the last thing to note with all the weapons the Fel Thor Reaper and The Shadow Fury are both fragged because this is generally really cheap to do costing around 800,000 coins for the shadow Fury and I believe it only costed me about 10K to frag the Felon Reaper and this just squeezes out just that extra bit of damage so it made sense to do so now as for the armor and the equipment I'm going to be using my trusty renowned Superior set for all of the tests in this video both the Berserker and the Mage ones now I do have a very scuffed ancient wise set here which was supposed to be my Mage LCM damage however after doing a little bit of testing off camera it doesn't really matter whether I use Superior or the wise set to test all of these weapons so for consistency reason and to reduce the amount of variables we have in this video I'm just going to stick to my Superior set for both Berserker and the Mage damage and it's just not going to make a difference anyways and then for the equipment I'll be using in this video I have a bone necklace and a shadow assassin cloak I've recomed both of these two pieces and I five starred them and the shadow assassin cloak has been fragged for the belt and the glove I just have an implosion belt and a dragon fuse glove the Dragon confused glove is going to buff the aotd so just bear that in mind for all of these tests that I do have a slight advantage to the aspect of the Dragons making it worth about 8 million coins instead of the 1 million coins that the base weapon actually costs however with all that being said that should cover all of the gear and the stats of this profile if you do want to clarify anything else that I did not talk about in this video feel free to check the link in the description below to my sky Crypt it should direct you straight to this profile so you can see the stats for yourself however if it is easier you can always look up my username modern Soldier on Sky Crypt and make sure the Kiwi profile is selected but without further Ado let's hop straight into a dungeon and get all these damage tests rolling hopping into the dungeon testing now I've gone ahead and found enough CPS to be able to test all of these weapons on and the way that I'll be doing the raw damage test is simply by blowing up one of these CPS hitting the mob with the melee weapon and then doing the same thing a second time just to verify the numbers now from my preliminary testing I'm not actually able to one shot these Crypt lockers very easily so I'm going to be bringing the Wither Skeleton pet along with me to be able to help me actually onot the mob this isn't going to be a big deal however because I'll be using the Wither Skeleton pet for every single one of these swords in today's video so that's going to be a constant variable that I will not be changing for any of the damage tests however with all that being said I'm going to go ahead and get started with the aspect of the Dragons as the first weapon of this video and once again I am using the dragon fuse glove so this is going to be buffing the damage of the aotd by a pretty significant amount so to get things started I'm going to go ahead and blow up this Crypt right here and if I hit the Crypt Undead once we do 283,000 damage with the aotd crit and if I do this one more time and wait for the bloodlust passive to go away a second hit with the aotd is also dealing 283,000 damage moving on to the liver dagger now I'm going to do the exact same thing that I did with the aotd if I blow up the Crypt and then hit the Crypt Undead we do 226,000 damage with the crit and then once again if I blow up another Crypt for good measure it should be dealing about 226,000 damage now if we move on to the Bone Reaver for the third weapon of this video if I go ahead blow up the Crypt and do the exact same thing that I did before we do about 216,000 damage on a crit and then just for good measure I'm going to go ahead and hit a final Crypt with the bone Reaver where we are dealing 216,000 damage moving on to the bouquet of Lies now if I go ahead blow up this Crypt and do the exact same thing with all the others we deal about 353,000 damage and then once again for good measure if I blow up a second Crypt just to verify that we are still dealing 353,000 damage now to test the damage of the Fel Thorn Reaver being the upgrade to the Bone Reaver if I blow up this Crypt here and get a hit on the Crypt Locker we do about 314,000 damage and then once again for good measure if I blow up this Crypt here and do the exact same thing we're dealing 314,000 damage and now if I test the damage of the Shadow Fury once again blowing up a crypt here and getting a damage number we deal about 395,000 damage and then verifying this with a second hit we should still be dealing about 395,000 damage and now last but not least the damage of the giant sword once again blowing up the second to last Crypt of this video we are dealing 380,000 damage and then if I blow up a final Crypt just for good measure the giant sword is still dealing 380,000 damage so as you can see by those raw damage tests the shadow Fury actually came out on top being able to outdamage the giant sword and the bouquet of lives also had a very surprisingly high damage number being able to outperform the Fel Thorn reaper now bear in mind I did all of these tests using the silky Power Stone which to my knowledge has quite a big impact on how these weapons perform up against each other because when you use one single power stone for all of the testing you tend to favor some weapons more than others just because of how it works for example the bouquet of lias has a very unbalanced amount of strength versus the crit damage percent and because the silky Power Stone gives you a lot of crit damage it helps to complement the bouquet of lies and thus it does more damage as a result however for a weapon like the giant sword which just has really high raw damage having the silky Power Stone shouldn't make too much of a difference but you are better off using different Power Stones like the bloody reforge or even the hurtful one if you are able to use those so basically all I'm trying to say here is take these raw damage tests with a grain of salt a lot of the times these weapons can out damage each other depending on the setups that you are using but for the one that I'm using in this video those are all the raw damage numbers from these weapons but now that we've gone through all the Berserker tests for this video let's move on to the Mage left click damage test to compare the damage for the Mage class so once again I've gone ahead and found a dungeon that has enough CPS for some testing I don't have any blessings active right now and I'm just going to blow up some CPS and get some raw damage numbers with the left click Mage beam so starting things off with the aotd once again and then the dragon fuse glove also being equipped I'm going to go ahead and blow up this Crypt right here and we'll be dealing a solid 374,000 damage now just like all the Berserker tests I'm going to blow up a second one just to verify this and once again we are still dealing 374,000 damage moving on to the Bone Reaver now if I blow up this Crypt here to see how much damage we deal we're doing 285,000 damage and then once again if I blow up a second Crypt just to verify we are still dealing 285,000 damage moving on to the damage of the liver dagger now if I go ahead and hit this Crypt Undead we are dealing 299,000 damage and if I go ahead and blow up another Crypt and do the exact same thing we are still dealing 298,000 damage moving on to the bouquet of Lies now if I go ahead blow up this Crypt here and then get a damage on the Crypt Undead this weapon deals 466,000 damage and just to verify this one more time we are still dealing about 467,000 damage and now to test the damage of the Fel Thorn blowing up another Crypt here and getting a damage hit off we're doing 415,000 damage and then once again a second Crypt just to verify this we should still be dealing 457,000 damage this time because that second Crypt was a lot higher than the first one I'm going to go for a third hit just to verify and we did 46 16,000 damage that time not really sure why it hit 450 on the second attempt but I'm going to say the Fel for Reaper does about 415 416,000 damage now to move on to the shadow Fury if I blow up this Crypt here and do the exact same thing this weapon does 523,000 damage and if I go ahead and blow up another Crypt here it should still be doing about 520,000 damage and now move on to the giant sword as our final weapon this thing should be doing 52,000 damage which is actually quite low and if I just do this one more time to verify this it is still dealing about 52,000 damage so now that we've gone through the raw damage testing now comes a part where we analyze how good these weapons are during the clear and their overall DPS performance to keep this video as short as possible I'm only going to briefly talk about these tests with a voiceover and just overlay all the appropriate footage where necessary when it comes to General DPS of all these weapons there really wasn't that big of a difference between any of them to the point where I'd pick one sword in particular the aotd liver dagger and Bone Reaver all performed almost identically with the aotd having the fastest kill time followed by the liver dagger and the bone Reaver however you can very clearly see that all three of these weapons were so close to each other in DPS that it honestly doesn't matter which one you go for so when it comes to deciding which one you want to buy DPS should not be a determining Factor here this was also the case with the Fel Thorne Reaper bouquet of Li Shadow Fury and the giant sword where all of their DPS values were so close to each other that it almost seems like I'm using the same weapon in all of these tests these four weapons are noticeably stronger than the previous three though so upgrading to one of these four weapons is definitely a viable option here as for the clearing tests this was all very standard stuff for the aotd liver dagger and Bone Reaver the clear felt basically the same between all three all being solid weapons that can mostly One-Shot all enemies there were some exceptions here and there with a couple of mobs taking more shots due to their increased defense but aside from that all three weapons cleared about the same the bur Reaver does have a slightly higher swing range than the other two weapons and its rck ability tended to be quite useful sometimes in the clear but it certainly isn't noticeable enough to make a huge difference let alone a 30 million coin difference on the other hand the clearing from the other four weapons did have some major discrepancies the Falon Reaper and the giant sword both felt about the same they provided solid clear great damage and overall serve as awesome weapons the shadow Fury was slightly different though and when clearing it definitely felt like a more capable weapon even though it doesn't have the plus one swing range of the Fel Thorn or the Giants the speed that it grants when held is insanely useful for clearing to the point where I'd go as far to say that you really don't need plus one swing range when you're able to zoom around at 400% speed comfortably this is especially useful for midgame players that can't dedicate too much of their gear to give them speed allowing them to use their tuning points on strength or even Rock nekron's boots instead of maxa's boots in terms of General capability this weapon was basically the same as the Fel Thorne Reaper or the giant sword though being able to steamroll through all the mobs with no troubles that being said this is where the bouquet of Lies really shines this thing has very deadly clearing potential being able to wipe out rooms from a distance with no troubles at all the sheer damage output at the pace that it does is crazy good for clearing however it does have one major downside which is the fact that you are sacrificing chunks of your health with every right click for those that don't know the bouquet of Li's ability requires 10% of your health to use instead of a typical manacost which you end up noticing very quickly when clearing with this weapon sure it's able to power through Mobs with no issues whatsoever but the fact that it takes away chunks of your health every single time is quite scary and there's definitely a higher skill cap to using the bouquet of Lies as much as I really enjoyed using it in the clear it's not something that I could recommend to everybody because it's definitely much easier to throw on accident but regardless it is still very evidently the best clearing weapon on this list if you are willing to use it so now that we've finally gone through all of the extensive testing of these melee weapons let's start talking about their value after considering their performance requirements and costing first things first let's address the early game weapons of this lineup the aotd liver dagger and the bone Reaver from the testing I gathered in today's video it's very clear that all three of these weapons are basically identical in terms of their capabilities as their DPS and clear all held up about the same in terms of raw weapon damage the aotd was Miles better than the liver dagger and the burone Reaver hitting 283,000 damage versus the liver dagger 226,000 damage and the burone Reaver 216,000 damage not only does the aotd out damage these weapons but it also has the earliest requirements and the cheapest initial cost meaning that you can very comfortably get yourself an aotd at the start of your dungeon gameplay and slowly upgrade it to be equally as good as either the liver dagger or the bone Reaver as a result it's pretty clear that ignoring the liver dagger and Bone Reaver as potential upgrades is a good idea and when looking for an upgrade from the aotd the other four weapons in this video are definitely better options here out of the other four weapons though this is where the numbers start to get really confusing on one hand the bouquet of Lies is totally busted for clearing and it also holds up completely fine in general DPS tests but then you realize that the shadow Fury has the highest raw base damage and the speed that it grants is a really beneficial quality of life upgrade however the more you level your profile and increase your other stats the better the giant sword actually becomes meaning that you should only be upgrading to the giant sword if you have the stats to back it up despite this though the damage difference between the giant sword and the shadow Fury is still incredibly negligible and from the brief testing that I did on my main profile the shadow Fury was only 0.04% worse than the giant sword when using a pretty good Mage setup and it was only 0.08% wise when using the bazaka setup this is also really interesting information because as it stands right now the shadow Fury is very much the better option here since you're paying a third of the price of the giant sword for what's effectively the same weapon the plus one swing range of the giant sword grants also just isn't that useful because it's not a substantial enough increase to be able to feel the difference when clearing or fighting minibosses on the other hand the shadow Fury's extra speed has a very noticeable impact on performance and I'd argue that it actually makes it much easier to use over the giant sword because you can enter and exit combat super quickly and super comfortably like I mentioned in the weapon value analysis section of this video for a lower level player that increased speed can be really really useful since you can't really sacrifice other areas of your profile to give you you more speed and having that on your base weapon is a very nice quality of life upgrade overall the giant sword frankly just feels like an incredibly underwhelming weapon for having such a high price tag and requirements and it doesn't make sense to buy one when the shadow Fury is clearly a better option as for the bouquet of Li and the Fel Thorn Reaper I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out if they're really worth it the bouquet of Lies is objectively extremely good for all parts of melee combat but the shadow Fury is unlocked at an earlier floor and is is likely a weapon that you would upgrade to before you reach floor 6 replacing the shadow Fury for the bouquet of lies doesn't really make sense since they perform very similar in all areas with the exception of a slightly better clear on behalf of the bouquet the Fel Thorn is also just in a really weird spot because it objectively has the lowest damage but its right click ability and its plus one swing range are some redeeming qualities that being said they're not redeeming enough to justify purchasing one over the shadow Theory though because once again everything that the Fel Thorne Reaper does the shadow Fury can also do so it just doesn't make sense to replace it with a Fel Thorn once you reach that floor six requirement a possible choice you could make is to dual wield the bouquet of lies and the shadow Fury together though honestly the bouquet of Lies is such a good Standalone weapon that I don't see many people consciously making the decision to switch between it and the shadow Fury so this isn't really an option that I would consider so then you're probably sat here wondering which swords should I buy then if they're all good where do I put my coins into well the answer is not one that I can say I expected but here's how I think the progression should go without a doubt I would completely skip the liver dagger and the bone Reaver entirely the aotd is far too good at its price point so you may as well just get your hands on one super early on and stick with it for a good while just make sure to slowly improve the enchants on it over time buy a dragon fuse glove when you get the money and then dungeon IE it once you reach catacombs 12 and this thing is going to last you ages upgrading from the aotd though this is where things start to get complicated from what I can tell I think it's safe to completely ignore the giant sword and the Fel Thorn Reaper I'm honestly really Shook and also kind of disappointed at how horribly these weapons performed but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in the comment section below as for the other two weapons I think this is where things are purely just personal preference if you want to hold off until floor six to get yourself a bouquet of Lies I can fully see why going from the aotd to the bouquet will provide you with a really nice upgrade it's also not a very expensive one being 16 million coins and if you don't mind losing chunks of your health with every right click ability you'll be rocking an excellent clearing weapon and an amazing General damaging Weapon It's also unironically quite solid for mage LCM damage so you have that versatility option too if you choose to play the Mage class I can also see the shadow Fury being an optimal upgrade from the aotd as well though as the damage increase is quite substantial inside of Dungeons and the speed you get while using it is a huge boost to your clearing potential its requirements are also lower than the other weapons too so you can pretty much upgrade straight from the aotd to the shadow Fury after your floor five completion overall I'm really surprised with the results from today's video I honestly thought that the giant sword was significantly better than every other weapon in this lineup but after seeing the numbers for myself on both my main and my secondary profile this thing is genuinely just complete trash the new Fel Thor Reaper and Bone Reaver are also unfortunately just bad weapons and the shadow Fury surprisingly takes the lead here alongside the bouquet of Lies even though the giant sword eventually outperforms the shadow Fury very slightly the more you level your profile you can still definitely get away with mid-level Master mode using a shadow Fury so upgrading to a giant sword is just a huge waste of 100 million coins needless to say if you did find this video useful informative or enjoyable in some way then please do consider leaving a like or subscribing to this channel as I'll be posting similar videos like this one over the weeks to come either way that is everything that I did have for this video though so I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: ModernSoldier
Views: 46,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, skyblock, hypixel, hypixel skyblock, money making method, money making guide, how to make money, minions, best minions, best money making minion, new update, new content, dungeons, master mode, m7, m6, f7, master mode 7, master mode 6, floor 7, necron, dupe, duplication glitch, dupe glitch
Id: 57LXSRx8v0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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