The ULTIMATE Isaac Quiz Ft @lazymattman

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so today we somehow got lazy Matman to take the ultimate Binding of Isaac quiz this quiz is split up into six floors going room by room answering questions everyone's going to start off with 3 HP and upon giving an incorrect answer you'll take damage based off the room you're currently in so first floor is the basement I'll be showing you the silhouette of an item and all you have to do is let me know what that item is wait dude you're goated this is awesome nice just guessing the item by the silhouette if you get it wrong half a heart of damage not the end of the world this is like a 50/50 it's a Pony ey I'll accept either one yeah yeah okay I'm going to say black okay okay it's a black pony I thought all right the next one up here it's blood rights it's easy okay okay it's easy it's easy so the next one up here room three um I know it's Isaac's tomb okay okay a newer item I don't think a lot of people will get that one for being honest yeah that's fair that's repentance I almost thought it was little chest for a second you almost gone honestly it's really close I think the little chest is a little smaller ironically next one up your room four that's Polly okay I think this is kind of a gimme for for you I I recogniz those Sparkles anytime all right next one up your treasure room you don't get anything for getting it wrong but if you get it right you get a soul heart to tack onto your health okay so this item literally doesn't exist and you made it up just now I'm certain imagine if I did that could you I I I I don't know what to expect here hold on let me let me think about it what the hell is that what the I know last video you did sh the whoop and I swear to God I didn't recognize it either I knew the fifth one was going to be hard I think last time the Other M like squinted their eyes and like leaned back in their share you know what I I I truly don't know it's going to be like a stupid quality zero item that I couldn't think of or something school B oh oh yeah no n never never in a million years really really all right onto a a variant of a room so you need both of these right in order to not take damage okay well it's monster L mysterious okay well we'll just zoom through it then yeah it's crazy all right onto the last floor here the boss so this one it's not an item it's just just a boss so these could be turlings or gurglings but since they don't have the spiral poop on top they're gurgling what do you mean the spiral poop on Top This Guy's crazy you know what you know you know like the the the stereotypical like they you know what I mean right I know what you're talking about but like how did you know you know I don't know I play Isaac every day of my life okay so since you got that right you get one extra heart container oh epic let's go so now you're sitting at four Hearts total zoom into the next floor now if you took any damage I was just going to heal it back anyways it's fine but hey everyone's at full health again next up here catacombs so this one's here at a bit different it's a new category here still taking half a heart of damage I'm going to show you what Isaac looks like after he picks up a specific item then you have to tell me what item correlates the costume he's wearing incredible idea I love it okay so first up here what item is this oh um I know it it I know it it's more like do I know it it's I'm going to say something stupid people are going to be like skillit in the comments it's pay to win or so it's a key item wait what I would have never guess that yeah it's like a like a keyhole in his [ __ ] head yeah I didn't know that was the costume actually next one up here I don't know if we can say the first word on YouTube The Babylon item Eve starts with next one up here room three uh this one's a classic a lot of people get it mistaken with tiny planet but it's actually load Stone I thought the same [ __ ] thing that people were going to get it confused that you might get it confused next one have your treasure room again so this one here you need to get both of them right okay so the left one is interesting because I think I have a mod on that changes what I think it would be so I'm almost certain I might get it wrong here but I'll try right one is uh tooth shot whatever it's called tough love left one I'm GNA say is Ludo you are on the money it is L now the one thing is I play with a [ __ ] ton of Mo too which yeah yeah I'm try to like like retract my brain from like two years ago when I wasn't doing YouTube you know all right room four here now this one I'm nervous about because I even in my videos I literally get these two confused uh I'm pretty sure it's eye of the occult but part of me wants to say ocular Rift but I'm going to say I have the ult okay yeah those those two items always get me mixed up all right next one here just another normal room but if you get it right you do heal this is uh this is one of those fake items this is just you put a shadow on Isaac and then called it an item um I I mean the best I best guess I can do is my shadow I guess right he's cracked he's cracked hey I'm nasty I'm nasty let's go dude all right room six here oh um that's that's pretty simple too uh people might get it confused with just common cold but that is actually Scorpio full on that that is the void right oh my God what if I said the wrong I knew what it was next one up here another big room need both of them right in order to not take damage I always forget the name specifically I think Holy Light No Holy Light shot right uh right item is revelation oh nasty let's go dude okay I'm hoping I like I'm trying to remember did I make this harder okay okay next up is the boss so this one here I combined three items gave them all to Isaac you to let me know which three items Isaac has right now three items you said three items okay well first one's obviously Boo second one is torn photo because those give him wait no torn photo I think it's torn photo third item should be the most obvious but for some reason I'm messing up here and I can't remember remember it what turns you into a viz huh I'm going to say absolutely nothing good luck it's not Belly Jelly Belly jelly just makes you fat what turns you into a viz it would have to be a brimstone item oh no I'm being destroyed you're being Bozo no I you know what I just have to say this is one of those things where like it was the school bag thing right I have to guess a random item because I know I got the two but that viz is messing me up it might be a costume thing where I have the mod and I don't recognize it so I'm going to say belly jelly so you said Bozo torn photo Belly jelly okay I I know that last one you got one out of three what so it's Bozo you got that one C-section oh I'm stupid I was thinking Brimstone and the last one is sad onion sad onion really okay that's what I I I I think you heard me like second guess myself earlier with the torn photo I'm pretty sure it makes Isaac Way sadder like meme levels of huge eyes so you only took one one heart of damage you're fine you're sitting pretty at four Hearts skill issue I would have died as lost so you did not get that correct so don't get that extra heart either but we're going to go to the next floor okay this is so fun and next up here is the audio category so same one as last time I'm going to show you the audio of some enemies I'll specify if it's an enemy or a boss or something else and you'll just have to let me know what it is again half hearted damage for all these if you can convince me I know who you're talking about about that's good with me ah okay well I don't know every enemy name that's probably my next level of Isaac that knowledge that I should eventually learn like go through the bestiary and learn it just like study the beti yeah I don't know for fun I I do that for sometimes for Isaac items I'll go to like Platinum God the C of UK and I'll just read up on items make sure I'm remembering everything correctly okay you are a true Isaac YouTuber damn yeah they're the again I don't know them they're the angel babies though or the regular babies depending on the variant they have the same sound effect okay you're on the money is one of the regular babies oh baby I was remembering halfway through like oh yeah the angel ones make the same exact [ __ ] noise don't they next up here that one is stupid easy that's glob but what is a glob dude globin is the one that you defeat and then it comes back up and then it chases you and it goes like a zombie and you got to kill it while it's down huh they make the same noise that's not fair no no no no okay it doesn't make the same no noise listen again like at the very start you can hear like him shooting I heard the monstro that threw me off I hard focused on the globin I'm I'm both like oh like 10 or 20 different enemies all make that same like moaning noise I swear to God yeah you know what you got me you got me treasure room here it's it's going to be a little bit harder you get three Soul Hearts if you get it right but nothing if you get it wrong it's only one second of audio as well so good luck that's it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you didn't see God damn it I missed mislick I'm mislick it's the viz guy from The Corpse I didn't know it it's called an EV or I guess Evis right be honest with me did did you were you thinking of this at all in like the half second like if you didn't flash it in my face for a second I didn't even check by the way it wasn't until you said oh [ __ ] I looked at my screen like I was closing my eyes trying to listen I I I would have never gotten it I'll give you one Soul heart cuz I [ __ ] up all right next up here another normal room you do get a health back if you get it right oh this one's super easy I wish I knew the name of it but the dudes that are in the mines they shoot bomb flies at you and they have boss armor best way to kill them is through bomb you're right you're right yeah they're blasters next one up here so I believe the name of these are actually just holy ey they're the eyes you can see in Cathedral hey all right this next one is it's just [ __ ] all right there may be multiple enemies to make this noise but it's a secret room it's fine if you get it right two Soul Hearts if not who cares okay well I can see what you're saying now there are multiple enemies that make that so let me establish is this an enemy or a boss it's an enemy an enemy okay so that rules out Ultra greed which I'm pretty sure makes that sound it's coin based mhm it just sounds like you touched them with M's touch and you killed them like that's um wow that's a lot of money cash you hear you hear any coins Dro just then Jesus Christ there's a fortune down there um oh my God I'm thinking like greed mode I'm I'm going to say the craziest this is probably incorrect but I think that it's the big brain play so I'm going to hard toit even though I think it's incorrect it is the coin things that drop in Ultra greed fight this this how the [ __ ] I'm nasty let's go dude uh well I thought I was being like Sly be like oh no one will ever I I popped off I literally got off my chair that was crazy I love that all right well back to the normal enemies here those have two variants but that one that you specifically played is I don't know the name they're the guys that whip you with their tongue they sharping gehenna and Ma there's two variants of it there's the one that does the really long one which always hits and that one is the close range constantly whipping I'm going to say you're right but just for shits and giggles can you give this guy a name absolutely um uh whipper you know that would that would make that would make sense it's called a flagellant okay so never in God's name did I have guessed that one all right last one here for the normal enemies most obscure sound I've ever heard huh m I don't think I've ever heard that sound in Isaac what okay so what's interesting is the nend sound is the same sound cards play when they drop on the ground so I'm assuming they're doing something that is whooshing something's dropping on the ground my first instinct are the little ghosts that you find in downpour and sometimes Mausoleum but they throw things so that wouldn't make sense this might be you might have you might have gotten me here no I can't get it 100% you you in these little never never never never nice they like rarely spawn they only go in Ash pit right they're they're in Ash pit I believe they're in Mausoleum I think the reason I don't recognize their noise so much is cuz their HP is just so low you kill them instantly right so I don't really listen all right next up you're double trouble boss so this one I'm going to playing the sound effect of two bosses that are attacking at the same time just let me know what the two bosses are I feel like I should know this one so I'm going to be really mad at myself if I don't there's the generic RAR there was a pooping sound [Music] effect okay so honestly the second time you played it I didn't really pay attention cuz when I was listening to it I realized that uh the voice for one of the monsters goes uh oh and then they poop and I've never found a better game with better design than that that's hilarious is that really what a hold on yeah yeah trust me you oh what the [ __ ] I [ __ ] baed they didn't even hear that what the [ __ ] um I can't think of anything now cuz my my mind is just thinking about like fart jokes you said it's two bosses right two bosses only two bosses yep yep okay okay I know one is Mega fatty Mega fatty makes that sound the second one does a generic charge and I'm going to be mad at myself if I don't know it I keep thinking of Dingle but I know it's not Dingle I'm not going to get it go ahead hit me I just know one's Mega fatty for sure it's chub chub and mega fatty like I thought chub was the Gimme and mega fatty was going to be the the other one yeah isn't that kind of weird that I got the mega fatty one I knew it was a charging enemy I just I could stop thinking about Dingle because of the poop Comet you know what I mean like it hey but I mean we've gotten through this pretty quick not going to lie we made it the Boss Rush Oh so this is a optional thing I will urge you to do it but you get two HP on entering they're going to be sevenish bosses in there you still take half heart of damage for each but you only get one sound playback per boss and I will say beforehand these are not bosses exclusive to boss rushes just any boss in the whole game all right first one up okay this is One Singular boss this is just one boss just a bunch of different explosions one more time I can't the rules them's the rules you're right you're right you're right okay [ __ ] uh it has to be a boss that spawns a bunch of different bomb I don't think it's War I don't think it's big horn I can't think of a different boss that spawns a bunch of bombs so I'm going to say War it's the lamb the a you mixed me next one up here okay very so what's interesting there is that I heard a gurgling go but I also heard rocks which bothers me cuz now I'm only thinking about Gideon and I know it's not Gideon it has a gurgling sound but with rocks see that's the thing cuz there's so many reused sound effects in Isaac yeah there are there are I think you're on the right track I don't know go ahead and tell me I'm wrong it's singe it's sing of course it's sck farts explodes and Knocks The Rocks around I hate spinge how dare you it's okay we got like five more of these it's fine I'm not going to land a single one next one up here oh um this is uh I don't know why this is so obvious to me but it's Fred he's crazy this one out of all of them like I thought this one would be more confusing cuz he like spawns little guys that jumps and Sh I don't know I don't know all right next one up here that's the heretic you sound you sound confused about it yeah well the thing is the the the giveaway for that was like how rhythmic his bombs were there's only one boss in I that does that fifth one up here oh that one's a classic dude that's Gertie I'm I'm not going to lie I did this myself just like test I completely forgot Gertie every single time like I was thinking like oh it could have been oh maybe they'll confus with like the husk or something like that it must just be again cuz like so much flash ISAC experience right so like the the newer enemies are the ones that like mess me up you know what I mean like the the school bag or something but you give me like a Gertie like I'll know it this one here you do if you get it right Rose devious hello oh man I'm going to hate myself but I mean I'm thinking devious I heard generic like uh tier effects there I think I heard an explosion I didn't really like remember but I'm thinking Loki I mean it's solid guess with a little devious SL but it's brownie no brownie don't sound like that that's fake news fake newss that [ __ ] has like a giggle to him and [ __ ] dude he's having yeah what I didn't know brownie was I don't know I hate brownie so right now you're still sitting at six total red hearts no soul Hearts Oh I thought I got destroyed oh I'm sure next one up here number seven that one was interesting and I thought I had it immediately up until I heard like the stock explosion effect in the middle at which point I was like what but again I'm pretty sure it's still obvious I'm going to go my initial hunch it's big horn because that's the only person that goes with his fist you are exactly right I don't know what that explosion effect was though that was like a Delta like the Delta rout explosion yeah you know what I'm talking about I know exactly yeah last one up here you're guessing the enemy it's something so the super secret room I don't know why it's in Boss Rush but here it is good luck there are probably like 20 enemies that make the same noise but again hey if you get it right you're you're nuts you know what's funny is that I actually know it it's on the tip of my tongue it's another one of these bosses that charge right and I can't believe that these are the ones that are bothering me it could be anything I don't think it's going to be chub again that would be hilarious so just to make sure I'm I'm clear here uh the to guess the the enemy question mark oh it's an enemy mhm oh well thank you for establish yeah yeah yeah in that case hold on I'm I'm I'm I'm delving into my Isaac library of of knowledge hold on I'm like looking through all the books unfortunately these books have blank pages so I'm going to say a generic poop enemy and give up on this one that one's crazy this one's actually blood puppy a s I didn't know it but like what the heck how dare you this is like Super Saiyan 2 blood puppy coming at you so following Boss Rush that is the end of that one so you ended with five and a half hearts but you do heal back up to so you're back at six whole red hearts so onto the womb double damage double the fun right so one heart of damage per wrong answer no more treasure rooms there still may be some secret room sprinkled about this one here I'm going to be showing you the pickup quote from a card or a trinket and you just need to name what card or trinket that quotes from I have a feeling I might be good at this or I might be trash we we'll see all right this one here I think I started off pretty easy where the Journey Begins uh the the Stars car is the full car okay okay okay okay I'm hoping to get get you on some of these may you find Enlightenment okay that's interesting may you find Enlightenment well the best way to do this is I just go through every single card and I think about which one would make sense right enlightened the sun card is that your final answer I hate when people do that cuz it's like listen I I need like a the most gas liting gas liting been existing for like okay you're wrong know you're wrong you're wrong it's fine you're just wrong how dare you how was that enlightened I have no idea I'm not enlightened I'm dead next one up here may you remember lost memories who in the hell remember remers these subtexts wow really really bued up the difficulty so all cards all runes all reverse cards too all those are in here okay well for remember lost Memories the best thing I could think of I don't know like justice card I know I'm wrong the reverse Moon Moon ah see I get too excited when I find it I just pressed Q immediately oh yeah fa so you're at four red hearts right now but if you get this one right you do heal two may you be pure in heart see this one should be a gimme but like should be a gimme or could be a mixup who knows I know it's a mixup that's the thing but is the mixup like a layered mixup or is it like layer one mixup that's that's I know you know it's a mixup so then it's not a mixup but then I know you know I know may I be pure in heart okay I'm going to I'm going to say that like I don't think it's lovers I'm going to say reverse Empress or the one that makes you Maggie if that's reverse emperess I hope that's reverse Temperance oh it's just normal Temperance yeah what yeah oh you sp a blood bank do yeah but like I would think this would be lovers for sure I assumed you were going to mix me with lovers I went too deep in the layers I should have stayed on layer one it's like I was even like subliminally messaging oh two HP up right there yeah yeah I'm about to die I suck uh you got three hearts you're you're not doing terribly next up here let go and move on this one I actually know this one should be uh reverse fool okay congratulations that one's that one's you sound you sound so unsure because there's so many many cards right I'm just I'm thinking but like that's the only one that makes sense and I see that card a ton right next up here may nothing stand before you reverse strength are are you sure no but I thought that if I said it confidently i' sound really epic I'm sorry to that makes a lot more sense not to panic you got two red hearts in with you uh don't worry about may you find a worthy opponent reverse emperor that one's actually OB okay okay got one one heart bag so three red hearts going into the boss so this one here is doing the opposite the card here is reverse height Priestess what's the quote you want me to say the quote I want you to say the quote um wait reverse High Priestess I you know what this is a really well-crafted question because this is one of the only ones I would know it's just run you're too good that's that's an incredible question good job that's why I felt good putting it in here it's like okay it's just one word it'll be fine all right so you get one more heart container living with you all right and two HP heal so now you're sitting back at 6 hp next up here at the Cathedral so this one here trinket knowledge I'm going be telling you the description of a trinket just what it does basically just let me know what the trinket is Isaac steers take on an oblong appearance they also push back enemies an oblong appearance with pushback wait there's only like one trinket that does push back but I don't think it changes the tears huh I guess uh Lister it's the flat it's your cousin no flatworm doesn't do that that's a lie is the wiki I don't know I copied and pasted flat worm gives knock back I didn't know that's sick very slightly apparently I thought flat worm cuz that's the only one that gives it an oblong appear you know what yeah I take that L I hold it all right well this next one here uh increases knockback of Tears Could Be could be anything I wonder um there's blister to okay okay you know what you get that heart right back it never even happened can we talk about that Sprite that doesn't make sense I never that's not a blister I never I don't like that spray like what is that little dangly thing on the left it never made sense is that like a hair I thought it's supposed to be hair but I don't like the sound of that so I try not to think about it yeah let's just move on next one here Grant this C toll effect in some rooms this uh uh what there's a trinket that does that that's CRA a trinket that do it's pretty nuts huh it must be a repentance trinket cuz I can't think of a single one that does it otherwise I know it's not bonium cuz that's something different that has to do with black poops but that's like the only poop trinket I can think of right now that is like petrified poo uh maybe like it's fly based cuz SC I mean you're on the right track I know I'm on the right track I just I I can't I can't close it out you know what I mean not not a closer so I'm just going to say butt Penny cuz it's thematic even though I know it's literally not true this is used diaper oh wow yeah no one picks this up ever n that's not happening I didn't even know it did that I thought it had something to do with flies oh I wow all right we can move on that one in the video anyways hey it's you true or false all right this one you don't get anything wrong if you get it wrong it's just kind of a moral hit before repentance lazy worm used to give you a flat four range up true or false well okay see here's the thing you say no big deal moral hit but that's actually like the biggest ego hit that I could take and that's worse than all of these questions get hey 50/50 you you you'll be fine I literally don't know it's a 50/50 I'm just going to guess a random word I don't think it was ever a range up cuz that would make sense cuz then why would tapeworm exist right or not tapeworm yeah taper that's the range up I'm going to say no it was not a range it's true so I think we can go ahead and just end the video what it's a range yeah it used to give you a range cuz I'm pretty sure before repentance it had that thing where like your shot speed and your range were like the same thing kind of oh effective range okay well all right yeah I guess all right I didn't I I didn't know we were accounting for that my bad hey you know it didn't hurt your ego that much I think right yeah anyways 100% I want to die I'm deleting my account tomorrow next one up here Grant a chance of increasing your damage by 1.8 for the current room whenever you take damage uh it would be well the only trinket that would do that is like the Min version of um bloody lust so red patch I guess hey you are right just you know you are sitting at six hearts right now so you're still sitting pretty what the hell okay s next one up here adds a chance to fire a black tooth that deals double damage and poisons okay I know what the Sprite looks like I don't know what it's called it's that little like stubby black thing dude oh damn it what is it ah it's like a little horn thingy damn it I don't know it I need I need the name I need the name yeah I know you don't working on it isn't it like something tooth [ __ ] I'm going to say black tooth but I know that's not a trinket it's literally black tooth I was hoping so much you wouldn't get it cuz it says it in the description but like crazy okay you uh hey good job good job proud of you let's go all right next one up here another secret room uh so it's a bit different so you're guessing the trinket by the quote here so the quote is just an ellipses dot dot dot the hell is wrong with you hey good luck what okay it's got to have to be like a mysterious trinket like a trinket that's not obvious and it wouldn't be a flash trinket I don't even think it would be a rebirth trinket it could be an afterbirth repentance one I'm going to say it's not going to be strange Key Blue key I guess I really don't know yeah this one's kind of [ __ ] it's pay to win huh yo ask it I don't [ __ ] know to you pay to win just say what it does dude hello Ed you couldn't think of a description I could come up in the description right now but may you may you restock your Treasures boom done all right last of the trinket ones here at least the normal rooms uh increases the chance of Eternal Hearts appearing is this the only thing that it does this is what the wiki says the only thing that it does okay that's the only thing okay cuz I was going to say rosary bead which I don't even think that's the case but increases the chance of Eternal Hearts mhm oh man I know it but I can't think of it this is one of those things like I I I never pick it up because the difference is so minimal I don't care right I don't even care about red hearts that much so I mean it's not going to be Maggie's faith that gives you guaranteed not going to be wooden cross it's not going to be any of the above so I'm going to say rosary be just cuz I I I mean I know it's not it but it's very close the Bible track Bible track that's right yeah I hate that thing I I hate that sh like the same I don't know yeah it one it doesn't feel like it does anything and two I again I don't even know what a Bible tract is I never looked it up so that Sprite never made sense to me so last one for the floor the boss of the floor it's a bit different so we all know there are the five Locust trinkets in the game I need you to match up the lucus trinket name to what it does oh my God Among Us let's go all right uh um what do you mean what do you mean Among Us I don't know it's like the task you know what I mean you like you draw the line [ __ ] wires I yeah yeah you doing your wire task this one but just to list them out there there's pestilence famine War conquest and death and the locus what they do here the one does four times of your damage one just damages and slows one damages and poisons one detonates and explodes upon impact and the last one just damages enemies with nothing real special okay so three of these are really easy the last two I literally don't know uh so it's going to be a 50/50 but I think context clues will give me the one so the second one damages and slow is Locust of famine the three damage poisons enemies is going to be pestilence detonates upon impact with enemies is going to be War this is where I'm confused cuz I didn't know one of these does four times Isaac's damage and I going to give it a lot more respect from now on that's the thing like Locust of death screams more damage right mhm so I'm going to say Locust of death is four times damage Conquest is damage of enemies I wrote it all down so you did 1 e 2 b 3 a 4 C 5D yeah that yeah 3 a that's right pestilence a poison you said 2 B that's right you said 4 C 5050 I don't know Conquest damages enemies let's go and death does the four times yeah and that's good I I'll keep that in mind I really didn't know that all right boom bam you get an extra heart container and at 2 Hp heal Su that's seven I think I'm chilling I think you should be fine I think I've been blasting through this I'm sure all right so the last floor here the chest so this one's a bit different as well I'm going to be showing you a clip of Isaac shooting some tear you need to let me know what items he has based off the tiers he shoots first one up [Music] here okay so this is two items so I mean obviously epic fetus and then it would have to be a bomb related item for the Synergy to work so my only guess would be blood bombs yeah yep you're right epic just bumps all right all right next one up here another two items Synergy should again I I hope it be pretty easy that's try s again all right all right all right all right this one here I hope we're getting a little harder at this point three items synergies that's C-section uh HRI crooked spot you just like have these off rip thanks yeah I don't even need it to finish I'm just like oh I see it another three atam Synergy [Music] here I have the ult mark to monoma's Revenge I'm be honest I'm pretty sure I saw this from one of your videos I was like wow that's a cool Synergy he just copied it like oh oh I remember doing that I know which video you're talking about all right next up here you do get heal if you get this one right but it's four items okay this is four items four items I me it's obviously I have the cult mutant spider right uh but then we have to take into account what the tiers look like they look like coins uh I forget what coin tiers look like to be honest with you so um I like I don't remember the name so I'm probably going to get this wrong and I don't even know what the last one is like I oh wait no wait what's the last I don't see anything specifically can you play I see three items the mutant spider I see coins I see the cult I see you moving it around a little bit I guess they're spurting out of it so I guess that does make sense I'm going to say I have the ult mutant spider I have greed and then some other fourth thing I truly don't know it's I the C head of the keeper Ludo in Ludo I thought it would be Ludo but I was like no how am I supposed to tell if it's Luna or not all right last one up here six items synergy the boss for the floor there's going to be a lot of stuff going on okay okay so there's a lot going on here yeah yeah leave it right there that's perfect so we see little explosion so it has to be some form of Epic a we see uh teers connecting towards each other so it has to be Tech zero I see uh not eye of the occultt the other one I told you I got confused with these two ocular Rift there you go what's also interesting though is I see blue light can you play it I see that one blue tier there it's confusing me cuz that could be holy that is I think that's Holy Light yeah okay so Holy Light and then we have to take into how many items have I said so far you said four you said epicac Tech zero ocular Rift and now holy light so now you have to take into account like how the tear are appearing they're obviously very small you're obviously shooting very so I'm going to have to say soy and they coming out in burst which leads a couple Maybe factors but the best guess I can give is monsters lung all right you lock in those six in so epicac ocular Rift Tech zero Holy Light soy milk monsters lung that's correct so yes no so there's Scorpio in there all the tear are green tractor beam was in there the little beam of light was coming out and fruit cake accounts for that epicac and Holy Light shot wow that was hard that was good nice yeah the mixup was fruit cake I think that that got you I would have never guessed was there a tractor beam in that video yeah the light there was the whole time like I distract you with all the [ __ ] so you don't see the big ass line in the map yeah I really didn't I was focused on the tears well all right hey you only took one damage for that not too bad and typically that would be the end of the run if you're a sane person oh let's go off to the void one final question you could just live here or you could just die here it all depends on one specific fact you may know where is delirium oh let's go I love the all right tell me where he can and cannot not spawn for each incorrect answer you do take one heart of damage so you could potentially get them all wrong and take nine hearts of damage okay so let's think about the ones that just straight up can't be and one of them is going to be seven obviously seven can't be it whatsoever five can't be delirium I suppose six could be delirium so that guy off four could be there's actually a lot of possibilities here eight can't be delirium so now I need to go count the map real quick sorry I'm okay yeah know go for it go for it so so so far you said 75 eight cannot be delirium yeah those are the easy ones now it comes down to like counting the map uh oh wait stupid hello 6 can't be delirium whatever so five six 7 and 8 can't be delirium when we count the map we can see three would have to go upwards but that would still be an R of possibility which is Weir to think about okay four can't can't be it okay one can't be it nine couldn't be the LI room either that goes past boundar okay so then I'm left with but I'm left with two and something three two and three so between two and three you don't need to know where exactly he is just where he could possibly be oh well two and three so you said two and three he could be there he can't be at what 7586 419 is what I got so yeah so you're mostly right oh he could be at nine he could be at nine and that's exactly actually where he was God what an idiot am I so you got basically all of it right I was kind of praying and crossing my fingers maybe he doesn't know hope you know how many times I was looking at this map to make sure I was getting it right cuz I if I got it wrong be [ __ ] hey congratulations you survived the whole run four Hearts to spare you get a whole trophy congratulations that was so fun dude hey you know what I'm glad you came Matt I don't think I called you by your first name the whole time yeah we I think we all like we both collectively just agreed silently to not say each other's names because it' be highly confusing I'm sure they'll get it Matt yeah my bad Matt [Music] GG [Music]
Channel: Another Matt Playing Isaac
Views: 319,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: binding of isaac, isaac, lazymattman, northernlion, edmund mccmillan, repentance, afterbirth, afterbirth plus, mods, sinvicta, lavencas, Cobalt, Cobalt Streak, albino, notalbino, tainted, lost, keeper, lucky, luck, deadgod, how to play, speedrun, timer, 1 hour, tier lists, binding of isaac character tier list, binding of isaac challenges, binding of isaac challenges tier list, ratings, review, challenges, characters, challenge, Quiz, Test, Knowledge, Genius
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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