The ULTIMATE iPod Tier List!

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Oof it hurts but I generally agree with this list if your looking at functionality on release and price vs features.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dadydaycare 📅︎︎ May 18 2023 🗫︎ replies
last year I made a tier list for the iPhone and  I annoyed pretty much everyone with my selection   but luckily for you my taste in iPods is less  radical so let's rank the best music player ever   made from a tier to zoom tier no wait that that's  the same thing from a tier to F tier starting with   the first generation iPod ah yes the first iPod  this thing was an absolute chunker it was so big   that there was a full-size firewire port on top of  the device for charging and for transferring songs   and transferring songs it could well firewire  was fast much faster than USB 1 of the day but   even USB 2 iPods that would come years later  were still slower than this first generation   iPod when transferring music from your computer  it was really cool but what made the iPod the   iPod was iPod OS there's basically just a reskin  version of portal player a company that apple had   purchased about a year prior this whole product  was developed in less than eight months and the   fact that the general design and the OS stayed  effectively unchanged until 2014 when Apple   killed off non-touch iPods is frankly amazing  that's 13 years proof that they pretty much got   it right now these buttons around the perimeter  would transform into the click wheel but this   layout stayed the same throughout the entire run  of the iPod and everyone would try to copy Apple   afterwards it was the best input method frankly  until touch came around this thing was built like   a tank and yet it was felt compared to something  like the creative Nomad and which was its only   comparison there was tons of storage for the era  five gigabytes thanks to a really cool hard drive   but it did have four megabytes of flash built in  so it could actually have skip protection which   yes was a thing with those early hard drives  it used iTunes which was new but incredibly   refined jukebox software there was no store you  could only rip your CDs and and or pirate music   from Napster but it was a thing and so yeah the  first iPod I mean this thing is asked here right   it was four hundred dollars which is pretty  expensive and it was also Mac only but it   paved the way for future s to your iPods so I'm  gonna have to give the first gen an a tier I know   that's going to make people mad but you got to do  what you got to do the second generation iPod ah   this is where things get interesting right not  quite this basically was a a really really tiny   refresh to the original iPod that came less than  a year after the iPods released the original iPod   had a wheel this wheel right here literally spun  physically on the original iPod and on the second   gen they moved to a capacitive touch sensitive  wheel for improved reliability and they also added   a bunch of other things that made it just feel a  little more premium there was a port cover over   the firewire port which the original did not have  importantly they added Windows compatibility but   they did not bring iTunes to Windows which was the  most compelling part of the iPod even in the early   days you could only use it through music match and  also almost no Windows computers had firewire so   yeah I guess they made an effort to bring it  to Windows but not really a good enough of an   effort it did come in 10 and 20 gig capacities  which was a lot larger than the original iPod   and the price was lowered from 400 bucks to 299  dollars it was a good iPod but not different   enough from the first gen to frankly in  my book get anything more than a c tier boom and now we're cooking with fire the third  generation iPod now I'm a little biased towards   this model because this was the first iPod I ever  used my dad bought one a 30 gig model at CompUSA   remember that store and I still have this iPod  today with the box but bias be darned this was   an incredible iPod and I would have loved it even  if I didn't have one but I do and I really like   it visually it's fantastic the buttons moved from  around the perimeter of the wheel to the top in a   row it was the only iPod to break away from this  mold all of these buttons were capacitive they're   touch sensitive but they worked so well and they  lit up orange and looked so freaking cool in the   dark this is the iPod that also introduced the 30  pin dot connector which became a staple on iPods   and iPhones for years to come and while it could  only charge via firewire it did come with a USB   cable in the box and it could sync over USB which  was huge for Windows users that ta-da not only got   USB support but also iTunes in 2003 the Year this  iPod launched we also got the iTunes Store which   made it the best way to legally acquire music 99  cents per single and it was a change that honestly   we forget but it appended the entire recording  industry because up until then you could maybe   get singles on a promotional CD but generally  you were buying the entire album this came out   99 songs you only buy the songs you like wow it  was cool this was also the first iPod that sounded   good and it just didn't sound it didn't just sound  good but it sounded great it had two Dax two adcs   along with an integrated headphone driver there  was programmable sample rates there was an ADC   high pass filter and audio data interfaces if you  don't know what that means it doesn't matter point   in case it still sounds amazing today and is a  fantastic little iPod it also supported AAC which   allowed for better sounding more compact audio  files the battery life okay that did take a hit   it dropped from 10 hours to 8 hours but it was  significantly smaller and thinner which I think   made it worth the trade-off this is an easy s-tier  iPod um probably my favorite iPod ever in history   ah doesn't look good there ah yes the iPod mini  Apple's first breakthrough iPod for a few reasons   well for one it first debuted the click wheel it  would be used in pretty much all iPods as you can   see for the next 10 years it could scroll through  lists capacitively but then when you wanted to   enact on something you would just depressed and  tilt the entire wheel to access those action   buttons this thing was crazy small for the time  thinner than a deck of cards but it was still hard   drive based and that hard drive carried four gigs  of storage and put when compared to similarly kind   of small devices like this they were all flash  based which on the flip side sounds futuristic   but on the realistic side was problematic because  not only were they expensive but you had to buy   the memory and the flash storage of the arrow was  like 256 Megs 128 this was four gigs it was a lot   and as if that wasn't enough it was priced at 249  dollars Apple Was Out For Blood there was not a   similarly capacious MP3 player on the market of  the same size and price it came in four colors the   first for an iPod and my little brother got one he  got an iPod before me so my heart wants to give it   an F tier because that sucks for me but honestly  this is an at your iPod for sure real good   ah yeah that's a good looking iPod 11  green too all right next the iPod wait what   what the frick is this oh right this is failed  Republican presidential candidate Carly fiorina   holding up an iPod as CEO of Hewlett-Packard  why the frick was she holding a blue iPod well   HP and apple partnered up because HP wanted to  be cool and sell the iPod and in exchange Apple   said all right but you have to ship iTunes on  every single one of your computers and HP was   like all right now this blue HP iPod never  happened but there was a fourth gen iPod an   iPod mini an iPod photo and an iPod Shuffle that  all had HP variants now they were identical there   was no special colors it was just an ugly HP  logo engraved onto the back of the devices but   HP did sell enough of them that it made up  about five percent of iPod sales for apple   and it massively increased iTunes penetration  on the market but what's not cool is that Apple   would not service them at their store since they  were not Apple products they were HP products if   your iPod that was HP branded broke you would  have to mail it to an HP service center despite   this Hardware being identical to the other  iPods this is an instant F tier like not even   no no you know what it's worse than F tier  it's we're just gonna put it right there   awful iPod the fourth gen iPod this is a good  iPod they basically took the good of the third   gen they took the click wheel from the iPod mini  they stuck them together increased the base model   storage and boom done but they did start to  cheap out on stuff and they stopped including   the case the dock they used to have these little  dot connector covers too that was gone there was   no remote you got nothing and you know what that's  just that's not cool man they didn't do enough and   they took away too much of the old cool stuff it's  not a bad iPod but it was just kind of you know   not good enough D tier uh no just no this is  a fourth generation monochrome iPod for fifty   dollars more money and in exchange you get Bono's  signature and advertisement scribbled on the back   but don't worry because that 50 did go a little  bit further you got a 50 discount if you decided   to torture yourself with the entire YouTube box  set discography black and red is not a cool combo   I'm sorry Marquez and U2 is not a cool Band F  tier now the iPod photo is also considered a   fourth generation iPod but it came out several  months later and it had a color display so I   almost consider it a secondary generation now you  may think okay color display all of the good about   the iPod that gives it an eight here right hold  on because all you could do on this iPod photo   is look at photos and at 220 by 176 pixels which  for the day wasn't that bad but the display itself   wasn't great Chief to make matters worse Apple  wanted 500 for the privilege of seeing color   this is bad as is but considering that less  than a year later a new iPod would come out   with a better display video playback capability a  smaller case size and a 200 lower price tag yeah   pretty much anyone that bought one of these  got screwed and that's gonna have to make it   an e-tier for me it's not as bad as the Bonnet  box ah yes the second generation mini let me put   this next to the first generation so you can see  the difference so the buttons they're green now   that's kind of literally what they did they made  the base storage a little bit better they dropped   the price fifty dollars they did add more vibrant  colors but they also stopped getting rid of most   of the accessories that came with the device  it was a good iPod but a really lazy update I'm   gonna have to give it a seat here what is not  a c tier is the first generation iPod Shuffle   I won this iPod in an arcade machine so that  automatically makes it fantastic yeah sure   there's no display and playing songs on shuffle  was kind of gimmicky but it was so 2005. I mean   this was during the era of 99 cent singles we  weren't listening to albums anymore and even today   this thing feels absolutely tiny it's like a thick  stick of gum and that's thanks to flash storage   it's the first iPod that shipped with flash the  bottom cap had a cute lanyard accessory that you   could hang around your neck but more importantly  when you pulled the cap off it revealed a built-in   USB a connector that you could just plug directly  into your computer to sync and charge not only   that but you could even use it as a flash drive  at a time when those were quite expensive this   thing is bloody brilliant it was the first iPod  available under 100 even though that model had a   measly 512 gigs of storage and also fun fact the  first generation Shuffle is widely considered the   best sounding iPod ever made it has an incredible  Sigma tail DAC that is lusciously warm the first   Shuffle is the best Shuffle and flexes s tier  muscles for sure boom looks good there the first   generation nano this was my first iPod ever can  you believe it I got it Christmas 2005 and boy did   I love it now there's not many Steve Jobs moments  more iconic than him talking about how the iPod   mini is the best selling iPod they've ever made  but that they're gonna kill it off anyways for   something better and something newer and then he  does the bit where he points to his watch pocket   and his jeans and says have you ever wondered what  this pocket is for and then he pulls out the Nano   yeah well that was a great demo because 12 year  old me thought it was freaking insane that a music   player could be four millimeters thick even today  that's bananas that's half the thickness of the   thinnest iPhone ever it had all flash storage  a color display and a bottom mounted headphone   jack that made this one of two devices that really  started the iPod Revolution I mean in 2005 alone   they shipped five times as many iPods as every  year prior to that combined everyone wanted an   iPod and that was much in part thanks to the Nano  I don't care that the screen got scratched by just   looking at it this is an S to your iPod no if ands  or buts about it baby okay I have a confession to   make I really liked my iPod Nana but most of my  friends had gotten the fifth generation iPod for   Christmas and I will admit that I was jealous that  they were watching the office and other TV shows   that I could not watch because the Nano did not  have video playback no other iPod did prior to   this bad boy it offered a larger brighter display  in a thinner more premium chassis than the iPod   photo at almost half the cost of its predecessor I  can't believe that we thought watching video on a   two and a half inch screen was awesome but we did  it was a thing we did and I wanted the video so   bad I wanted it so bad that I asked my parents for  one for my 13th birthday even though that was only   four months after having gotten my Nano and they  agreed they gave it to me but on the condition did   I pass my Nano down to my brother to replace his  old iPod mini it seemed like a fair trade at the   time and it was really this iPod and the iPod Nano  that were the first to come in Black well except   for this freaking Bono box and we're done with  this right uh I got the black one but wait what no   there's another one ah stop get off of here freak  you too okay yeah so anyway um okay this one is   kind of cheating it's not an iPod but it's amazing  because it was a blunder that didn't sell despite   being pretty decent jobs was really excited about  the iPod Hi-Fi but the market positioning was just   all wrong the marketing was lousy and it didn't  sell at all check out my video I did on this   a couple years ago or I'll give you the same  grade that I'm giving the iPod Hi-Fi uh D tier   already time for second gen now yep it took on the  colored aluminum casing of the iPod mini that it   replaced the display was brighter the storage was  bumped and new software features like search and   gapless Playback arrived it was also the first  product red model that Apple ever shipped and   it was so popular this red color that they ended  up bringing it back to the higher capacity model   as well it also fixed in my opinion the biggest  blight of the first generation nano which was the   scratchable surface and build quality but really  uh didn't really do much anything else so this   is a BTR iPod the second generation Shuffle it  did lose the amazing DAC of the first gen but   it also lost like I mean look at this thing this  is not to scale but I lost like 80 percent of its   size it was so small that it had to be charged  and synced via the headphone jack which yeah was   dreadfully slow you could also use it as an  external USB drive like the first generation   but because of the headphone jack and cable wasn't  quite as convenient and the second gen Shuffle was   really tiny and had a built-in clip for Fitness  so yeah I'd give it a b tier but uh wait till   you hear the price 49 49 freaking dollars for the  one gig model and 69 for the 2gig model 50 for an   iPod for that reason alone Shuffle two is a tier  ah here's something I recognize the 2007 iTouch   I can't even say it jokingly every time someone  said I touch even in the past Steve Jobs is   retroactively rolling in his grave here's the  thing it's not called the iTouch it's never been   called the iTouch say that out loud I touch that  sounds gross but I certainly not gonna touch this   because even though it only came out three months  after the iPhone and shared the same processor it   was not like the iPhone you see the iPhone had  an iPod app and this didn't because well it was   an iPod so the music and the videos those are all  separated but I think the real reason is because   look at this screen there's basically nothing  on here there's no stocks app there's no Maps   there's no notes there's no weather there's no  camera there's no email I mean I get the camera   but all of those other things you didn't need  cellular you could have done that on Wi-Fi email   on this why now there was a calendar app oh big  deal but you couldn't actually even add anything   to the calendar you could only view what you  had added from your computer or from your phone   well what now it did ship with YouTube and Safari  which I think bumps it's great up but YouTube was   certainly in its infancy it was mostly little  short cat videos and the mobile browser while   impressive was limited in a world where flash  was still so dominant with that said it was the   first iPod that could download songs wirelessly  from iTunes though it couldn't sync wirelessly   it had options for closed captioned video  it had video progress retention so you could   pause a movie exit the app come back later  and says you want to keep watching that was   nice and other settings that were not present  on classic iPods Additionally the DAC present   was much better than the DAC on the iPhone but  the screen was not it was a dim TN panel that   was much worse than the original iPhones with  just 16 gigs of storage and it's 400 price point   ah this thing was a tough pill to swallow upon  release it was a technological wonder and much   beloved and those apps along with the App Store  did come later so it's probably deserving of a   tier except it did age really poorly due to its  processor and many touches would never see later   versions anyways because Apple charged 10 to 20  dollars for each software update so for that I'm   gonna have to give it a B2 yes I know it was for  accounting reasons that doesn't matter that's not   cool don't charge for software especially when  it's free on the iPhone okay what's next that   fat Nano I love fat Nano the third generation nano  is probably my favorite Nano ever this is a very   polarizing design you either love it or you hate  it and if you hate it you're wrong because the   Nano third gen was awesome for a few reasons look  how tiny the click wheel is it's just minuscule   but even though it was small it was still really  usable the wheel was made stubby in order to make   room for a much larger horizontal display not  only for a better view of the iPods UI but also   for video playback which was the first for the  Nano line it had a two inch screen which was very   small for video but it had the same resolution as  the larger two and a half inch iPods which made it   the most pixel dense iPod ever at 200 PPI that was  even higher than the brand new iPod Touch it also   had this uh new cool split screen navigation menu  where you could navigate on the left side but then   see uh album art and progress on the right side  it was very beautiful and it also had the iPod   Touches cover flow feature okay with all that said  it didn't have the greatest stack and the small   ssds were not really conducive to video storage  you could get one or maybe two movies on there   and that's about it so even though my heart says s  tier because I love this thing and it's probably a   b to your iPod but I still love it and now we get  to the best iteration of the original iPod because   it's the last hard drive based iPod Apple ever  made and they nailed it the classic takes all of   the good of the fat Nano's new UI in addition to  the best screen ever on an iPod it puts everything   in this really handsome all metal enclosure and  offers huge capacities of 80 and 160 gigs now this   is where we get a little confusing here because  this is a single icon okay but it's actually   two generations of iPod the Sixth Gen which came  out in 2007 the 80 and 160 gig storage capacities   those actually had a pretty terrible deck one  of the worst that apple had used in years you   didn't want that one but a year later the Seventh  Generation came out and it replaced both the 80   and the 160 gig models with one size 120 gigabytes  and it's this one not only is the DAC excellent   but the headphone was also great for the first  time ever for using High impedance headphones   and I don't know if you noticed this thing is thin  it was thinner than any previous hard drive based   iPod including the sixth generation classic there  was a fat classic and a thin classic the thin is   the one you want this was the perfect send-off to  the classic iPod and is absolutely unquestionably   asked here okay nano4 yeah nanochromatic this  thing went back to Vertical had a lot of colors   there was an accelerometer for a couple of games  and a terrible shake to shuffle gimmick there   was a really really bad deck it shipped with the  genius Auto playlist feature that was uh frankly   dumb and it still played video but horizontally  and awkwardly I do not like this Nano D tier   okay the second gen touch this thing shipped with  a slightly faster processor than the first gen   not much but a little it had a redesign that uh  added much more scratchable corners thanks Apple   but check out the home screen all those apps that  were missing they're here now which is great and   it also has the app store which should basically  probably Auto s tier any iPod that has it but I   cannot for the second generation touch dropped the  great DAC that shipped in the original the display   was still crappy and while it did eventually  get two years of software updates including iOS   4 which the original touch never did it didn't  get any of the good features of iOS 4 because   the processor was crap there was no home screen  wallpapers there was no multitasking there was   no game center and more it was good on day one  but had extraordinarily poor longevity uh d-tier   he literally made an iPod with no buttons oh my  gosh the DAC on this was not good it didn't have   good sound quality there were no buttons so  unlike previous shuffles you had to use apple   compatible headphones or silly little adapters  that you would plug into the iPod to add buttons   and then plug your real headphones into what it  didn't offer USB Mass Storage support which the   prior two shuffles had offered and it was 30  dollars more expensive than the prior model   this is an easy F tier except for the fact that  I really like it it did offer voice over which   would tell you what song you were listening to  which was kind of nice and it did also offer   multi-playlist support which was the first for  a shuffle and uh yeah it's so ridiculous that   you kind of can't look at it and not smile  it's e-tier because it sucks but it's ours   the fifth generation nano is the end of an  era because it's the last iPod to ever ship   with a click wheel its headlining feature was  shooting video uh yeah and it did a really bad   job at it the camera was VGA it was terrible  and oh by the way you couldn't shoot photos   I'm not kidding only video but they did add a  bunch of other things that iPod users had been   asking for for years it had a lower price point  of 150 and 200 for 8 and 16 gigs respectively and   it got features like an FM radio with tagging  and you could even pause and then resume the   radio functionality it would record a little bit  and you could resume playback which was great it   had a built-in pedometer for Nike Plus support  there was a speaker it had an onboard microphone   for voice recording this is probably the best  Nano ever made even though it came late in the   lineup and is often forgotten this is certainly  an a tier Nano Okay the third gen touch actually   was a pretty big deal because there was a huge  leap in performance graphically thanks to taking   some of the iPhone 3gs's internals this made it  way better for playing games there was also a   much improved oleophobic coating for fingerprint  management and it was the first iPod to get free   updates but it still lacked a camera and the DAC  wasn't very good it was better than the other two   previous iPod Touches but it didn't have the  lasting permanence or at least the the impact   that the original touch had when it launched it  also only got two years of limited support there   were no updates after two years it never got Siri  which was like one of the major features for iOS   5. so I honestly I think we can only do c tier  for this one it was better but still not good   ah yes the apology Shuffle as you can see apple  added back buttons but not just any buttons the   largest buttons of any Shuffle to date if that's  not a statement of regret well I don't really   know what is despite adding large buttons back  it's still the second smallest Shuffle ever it's   tiny now it's not as small as that because look  at that freaking thing but it was really really   small and not only did they add back buttons but  they added back a DAC that actually sounded good   this thing was an excellent sounding music player  especially considering its size the size was not   the only thing that got bigger but yes it was  because the price got smaller it went from 80   bucks down to that 50 price point that was kind  of key to the shuffle success and apple kept this   4th gen Shuffle in the lineup for seven years but  they did update it fairly frequently with updates   and a ton of new colors it's not as good as the  first gen but it's still a really great Shuffle   it's gonna have to be a tier for me the fourth gen  touch was the first great iPod Touch in my opinion   it added front and rear cameras for the first time  which obviously brought with it FaceTime support   it also included a really fantastic Retina Display  basically the same you were gonna get on your   iPhone and it added the same A4 SOC that was found  in the current generation iPhone 4 spec for spec   this thing was basically identical just Sans phone  components it had higher capacity storage options   than the previous model and it came in black and  white it is the single biggest generational leap   for the touch in my opinion but it's still not  going to be S tier for me because it only got two   years of software updates here's the thing Apple  said that it had performance issues with iOS 7   testing so they never brought iOS 7 to this device  but I call bubkus on that because it had the same   display and the same SOC as the iPhone 4 and that  device got iOS 7. so I can't give an S tier but   I am absolutely going to give it a tier it was a  really really good touch speaking of touch the 6th   gen Nano I love the 6th gen Nano and I know a lot  of people don't but I think that's because they're   not thinking of it like it should be thought of  it's like a fancy Shuffle its size was absolutely   tiny it was the only Nano to have a built-in clip  and it moved to a touch screen card style UI it   was a lot less efficient than the click wheel that  it had replaced but it did work and it even had   the ability to display a bunch of different clock  faces which meant that a bunch of third-party case   makers came out and made watch straps for this  thing so that you could strap an iPod to your   wrist I think it was in many ways a hat tip and  practical exercise in apple watch development it   was delightful but frankly it was not a very  good Nano to get to its small size it dropped   the speakers the camera the built-in microphone  video playback it also packed a smaller battery   with less playback time and the DAC also sucked so  yeah as a nano not great as a shuffle eight here   easily but this thing was 150 and a nano successor  and so because of that I'm gonna have to give it   a c tier but I still love it the 5th gen touch  came after a two-year Hiatus it was clear the   iPhone was a runaway success maybe even more than  Apple anticipated and the smartphone was rapidly   becoming something for everyone which kind of  ruined the iPod Touch lineup but the Touch 5 did   still have some effort put into it now unlike the  prior generation touch which had as we discussed   SOC parity with the iPhone The Touch 5 did not it  was using the one-year-old A5 but it did upgrade   the cameras and added 1080p video recording which  was nice and it also got the better four inch   display it was found in the iPhone 5. this also  also meant that it was the first touch to ship   with lightning they came in a bunch of fun colors  and there was a button on the back that could   be pressed and a loop could be snapped into this  kind of weird button accessory thing I mean I who   needed a wrist strap for their iPod I don't really  know still it was cute it was something there   was effort the problem was price at 300 starting  price point there were a lot of tablets including   the mere 30 dollars more expensive iPad Mini that  offered a better value for kids who were let's be   honest the target market at this point for the  iPod Touch I'm gonna have to give this a uh uh see that beat seat here the last gen Nano was  a confused one they took a step back from the   radical watch Nano to a more iPod touch-like  design I mean look there's a home button and   all but they failed to create something compelling  with this otherwise really good blueprint I mean   it looked like iOS but it didn't run iOS and  subsequently it felt lost it was it was less   feature complete than the emaciated Zune  HD that had shipped two years prior there   were no apps there was no camcorder there was no  microphone there's no calendar no notes no alarms   no contacts and even the games that had been  offered on the fifth generation nano years prior   there was a larger display which was nice and  it did bring back video playback audio could   even be played wirelessly over Bluetooth but the  display was remarkably poor not just for the era   but even compared to past Nanos like again the  5th gen it's pitch well it's pitch was this is   the thinnest iPod ever big whoop it was too  expensive for what it was and it's sadly a   Bitter End to the traditional iPod it's probably  a d-tier or an e-tier but honestly this was so   low of an effort for the last product of an era  that I have to give it and after it was just bad   what else can we see apple not care about ah the  iPod touch the iPod Touch 6th Generation was the   first update in two and a half years but it did  bring the current gen A8 SOC that was found in the   iPhone 6 and performance was actually even better  than the iPhone because it had the older smaller   four inch screen but compared to the new iPhones  I mean the old display size and resolution just   felt disappointing and battery life is quite poor  too now what wasn't disappointing was the camera   which was actually pretty close in performance  to the iPhone 6 the flagship device at the time   now it did ditch the wrist Loop accessories and  there was no touch ID see that it's just a regular   home button but it did drop the price down to 199  dollars and it got four years of software support   and technically because of a security patch that  was released just a few months ago it got eight   years of support but not actually okay all in all  this was actually a really good touch even if it   was a boring one and I think it earns B tier ah  we're to the end with the 7th gen touch Best For   Last right this thing came out four years after  the Sixth Gen touch not that long ago 2019 and   it shipped with an A10 Fusion chip which was a  pretty powerful iPad chip but remember that chip   was already three years old on release and nothing  else changed at all nothing zero it had the same   iPhone 6 camera it had the same old four inch  display it had the same lousy battery life there   was no effort at all they just swapped the chip  and like man and the mere three years of updates   reflect that this thing was most certainly a  play for businesses and education who still   relied on them but that was pretty much it Apple  had stopped caring about the iPod years before   and it's a shame that I've got to do it but the  last iPod ever the seventh generation iPod Touch   it's F tier easy so there you have  it 20 years of iPods put into a list   we had some extreme Highs but also some  extreme lows and perhaps unsurprisingly   but depressingly those lows came near the  end of the iPod's life and it exited with   a whimper rather than a roar but what's  your favorite iPod do you think my list is   nutties let me know down below thank you so  much for watching and as always stay snazzy oh [Music]
Channel: Snazzy Labs
Views: 91,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snazzy labs, quinn nelson, snazzyq, ipod ranking, ipods ranked, ipod tier list, tier list, apple tier list, ipod touch, ipod nano, ipod shuffle, ipod classic, ipod unboxing, original ipod, generation ipod, apple bottom jeans, tim cook, steve jobs, apple, tech, zune, apple vs microsoft, ipod vs zune, zune hd, click wheel, firewire, usb, history of the ipod, ipod classic 7th generation, ipod classic unboxing, ipod classic mod, ipod classic 2023, ipod touch 7th generation
Id: sI44Emzey8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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