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guys welcome you're watching fox with fulby this is episode 13 and today we're going big red dead redemption 2 is one of the best selling video games of all time hitting just recently over 43 million copies sold across an array of platforms this 2018 title is the winner of multiple game of the year awards famous for its incredible story passionate characters fantastic score immense open world and its high replayability value to this day people are still experiencing this western tale for the first time and within this video the team at philby gaming can tend to help you out we've compiled together a list so big that we've had to break it down into categories on this channel some tips and tricks of red dead redemption 2 have been covered before so instead of viewers searching through several videos we've put them all together in one huge collection so go quickly put the kettle on grab a pen and paper sit back relax and enjoy the video please be aware that although the footage is from early on in the game there may be minor spoilers ahead remember to like and subscribe if we helped you out and with that being said here is the ultimate beginner's guide to red dead redemption 2. [Music] okay let's begin as i said we've broken this video down into several categories several in total and today we'll start off with the basics please note that i'll be explaining these tips while referring to an xbox controller but of course they're applicable across all platforms health and course number one you can rest anywhere in the open world to restore all of your calls simply hold down the y button on your controller number two although tonics are a useful item they will only fill the outer ring of your cores you need provisions to replenish the core itself number three out in the wilderness lives a wide variety of plant life arthur can spot these a little easier using its deadline ability you can eat these plants raw to regain your cause but be careful some may be poisonous number four hunting legendary animals grant you access to pages trinkets from the local fence these trinkets give you permanent boosts including health experience and damage resilience number five being in temperatures that are either too hot or too cold can put a drain on arthas corpse be sure to wear the correct type of clothing this is indicated by either a snowflake or a sun symbol at number six you can hit your horse on any open grounds which in turn will refill its course simply hold down the y button when on horseback speaking of being on horseback let's move on to travelling number seven if you are stuck out on the open road you can hit your ride to the nearest town when you see a carriage just shout out to the driver and request passage number eight if your horse takes a damaging enough hit it will need immediate medical attention so make sure to carry at all times at least one syringe of horse reviver but act fast because if your steed dies there is no retrieving it number nine on today's list back at camp you can upgrade arthur's lodgings giving you the ability to fast travel to other areas please note this only allows travel to areas previously discovered use the local train station to travel to other towns making them now accessible for fast travel number 10 after you have unlocked the fast travel from your home camp you now have the option to use this when setting up camp out in the wilderness number 11 you can gain access to one of the best horses in the game from very early on and for absolutely free head north west to lake isabella where you can find and capture the white arabian approach it slowly keep it calm and this magnificent animal is all yours number 12 sometimes npcs in the game may attempt to steal your horse leaving you walking alone in the middle of nowhere if this happens quickly press up on the directional pad to whistle and your horse will book the thief right off number 13 bonding with your horse comes in four stages enabling you more abilities as it progresses this includes rearing skid turning drifting and longer retrieval distance when calling you can speed up the process by feeding walking brushing and petting your horse in at 14 when riding through the wilderness it seems all too easy to either face planted tree or trip over the tiniest of rocks a proven way to avoid this is to simply let go of the left thumbstick allowing your horse to automatically navigate itself safely and number 15 when traveling tapping the a button in sync with your horse's gallop will help it to consume less stamina also petting your horse while riding will give it a slight stamina boost number 16 you can use your horse to transport animal carcasses but it has limited space the trick here is to steal a secondary horse and ride that one allowing you to bond with both and in turn giving you the option to double your carrying capacity while we're on the subject of animals let's take a look at some tips on this hunting and fishing number 17 you have a pair of binoculars in your satchel it's a good idea to use them to scope out wild game revealing their quality rating from a distance this is useful when there's a head of deer and you now know which one to specifically hunt down 18 today different animals require different types of weaponry and ammunition to maintain the quality upon the kill but a surefire way to retain the pelt in its current condition is to get up close and personal lasso for the capture and use your hunting knife for the finish in at 19 animal carcasses will begin to rot over time so be sure to either cook the animal quickly sell it to the local butcher or turn it into the gang's camp for provisions number 20 today as stated earlier you can only store limited animals on your horse but as far as skin pelts are concerned go crazy the storage capacity is unlimited 21. if you are yet to obtain the fishing pole you can use the bow and arrow given to you by charles during the plot to catch fish a little hint unless you're a cracked shot i would use the dead eye ability to make aiming easier for yourself 22 another way to catch fish without the rod is to use your horse to simply trod over them your controller will vibrate when you have succeeded in getting one this is probably best done in shallow waters 23. there is a certain way to get the fishing pole early npcs will sometimes be seen fishing along the streams all over the map you can simply just take the rod by force causing them to drop the pole giving you the opportunity to retrieve it 24 the bluegill fish is one of the most common species in the game but when selling to a butcher it will only net you around 75 cents my suggestion would be to instead mix it with any type of berry thus crafting the potent prettiest debate with this you can now capture kill and skin a much more profitable animal while we're on the subject of profit let's talk money and supplies in our 25 exploring the many locations in the game can be most profitable a lot of buildings such as homes or cabins often contain hidden stashes these are found either in the walls or floorboards but most commonly loot can be found by searching the chimney tip 26 npcs will often require the player's assistance this can range from them being stuck out in the wilderness bitten by a snake or caught in a bear trap helping them out will often reward arthur sometimes with money other times with tonics and in some instances we can be rewarded with a weapon of our choosing number 27 smoke trails in the distance often indicate camps out in the wild which are usually right for some decent pickings tonics provisions and sometimes rare weapon creation pamphlets can be found but be careful the campsites are often inhabited and they won't take too kindly to strangers rummaging through their belongings 28. a quick and entertaining way to make some money is to head to the local sheriff's office and collect the wanted poster that hangs on the wall these are usually simple missions that pay fairly well particularly near the start of the game when money is a little short 29. throughout the game you will sometimes come across certain people who are a little down on their look often in the city of sandini now if you give these poor souls a measly 25 cents they will reward you with a health tonic which depending on your honor rating would normally cost you around four or five dollars in store in at number 30 today after the prologue the gang find themselves set up on an area known locally as horseshoe overlook now just outside the camp next to the dakota river to the southwest is an old abandoned town called limpany there is an old sheriff's office towards the end of the town and inside there is a lockbox containing a gold bar and a special horse stimulant pamphlet so that any fence this bar will bring home an incredible 500 now let's switch it over and talk about reputation and experience points 31. reputation plays a large part in red dead redemption 2 affecting how people in the world will react to you one of the easier ways to alter this is by interacting with the npcs of the game greet them to increase a positive reputation or antagonise for the opposite on a side note if you wish to have a little fun with this when speaking with an npc hit greet greet once more and then antagonize number 32 pack at camp arthur can perform a variety of chores these can include chopping wood carrying hay bales and refilling the camp's water supply this is a very good way of increasing others experience points which in turn will lead to better health stamina and jedi ratings 33. on his person arthur always carries a bandana that he can use to hide his identity when committing crimes but remember to remove this when dealing with the npcs of the world as they will react in a hostile manner towards you also local shopkeepers will just flat out refuse to save you if you attempt to make a purchase while still wearing one number 34 although the bandana is a useful tool to have both citizens and lawmen may still remember some particular details of arthur clothing hair and beard style even his body size are all fat as here so be sure to keep a fresh look they may also remember what horse you rode into town on 35 today a quick way to increase your popularity and reputation for better or worse is to head to the city of sandini as it is by far the most populated and just interact with the npcs there 36 the honor rating system in the game not only affects the living world surrounding arthur but the dead one too when looting corpses or camps in general a higher honor rating will allow us to find items such as tonics and jewelry more frequently while a lower one would more often result as finding things such as lique or tobacco you can check your current rating by simply pressing down on the directional part now whether arthur is popular with the locals or feared by them all he will always find himself at times right under thicker things so let's talk about combat and weapons 37 with his weapon drawn arthur can activate a slow motion quick draw system at any time jordan again simply by gently pressing and holding the right trigger this is similar to the dualing system in a 38 to maintain a weapons maximum capability you can purchase and equip gun wraps to slow down deterioration which can affect the weapon's power reload time and accuracy also make sure to always carry gun oil on you and to check your weapon stats regularly you can do this in the progress menu 39. with the lasso equipped arthur can tackle and then hog tight any npc in the game all you need to do is press the b button when he is close enough to the person leaving them vulnerable but beware eventually they will wriggle themselves loose number 40 there is a handy way to manipulate the deadeye system of the game when entering the mode and trying to gun down multiple foes at once it is more efficient to pop in and out between each individual shot not only will this cause less drainage but your weapon will be fully reloaded every time you reset it 41. create split-point bullets while either resting at a camp or out in the wilderness for increased firepower you don't need to keep spamming the craft button either just simply hold it down in at 42 don't worry about purchasing weaponry early on if you don't have the funds you gain access to better weapons as you progress through both the main story and the side quests notably the gunslinger and paying your social core missions 43. if arthur uses the same weapon frequently he will become more and more familiar with it in time he will handle it better become more accurate with it and be able to reload it faster you can check the progress of any weapon in the game's compendium 44. when purchasing added firepower for your weapons always choose the express bullets over the high velocity rounds not only are they a cheaper buy but they are a more powerful shot too causing your enemy more damage in at 45 as we talked about earlier a lot of npcs out in the open world will ask for arthur's assistance but beware sometimes it is an ambush in an attempt to rob you of your goods this is a trap used frequently by the nightfall gang now let's move on to our final category where we will take a look at some general gameplay tips 46. instead of going through several options in the pause menu just to access the in-game map and then reversing the process to make it back to the game itself you can just simply hold the menu button for instant access to the map and then hold the b button for an immediate return 47 when dismounting your horse push the left analog stick in the direction you wish to exit this is a small feature often missed number 48 today if you set a waypoint on the map and begin to ride in that direction you can hold down the back button on your controller to activate the cinematic view but please bear in mind that this will not prevent you from being ambushed or attacked while out on the road coming in at 49 if you lose arthur's infamous gambler's hat you will always be able to retrieve it from your horse's satchel so you don't need to worry about searching for it number 50 with the pistol equipped in your right hand double tap the left bumper for the spinning re-holster animation this is a nice little nod back to the spaghetti westerns 51 any pocket watch you have either purchased or collected out in the field can be equipped number 52 pack at camp in arden's wardrobe you can do a little more than just change outfits if you press x you will activate the modified screen allowing you to change how his clothes are worn this includes his shirt sleeves sheer collar and pant legs 53 any special clothing items that you may find out in the world will flash white this indicates that when picked up they will be permanently stored in your inventory coming in at 54 when playing in a third person perspective through the options menu you can toggle whether you would like the sprint option to either be a single press or a button mesh this could save a lot of short thumbs 55 when accessing the map you will notice different colored mission markers you need to pay attention to this yellow markers indicate main mission quests and will be permanently there until completion while white markers can indicate that it may be a side quest or optional mission and sometimes they may be time specific be sure to complete these before it's too late tip 56 during some missions in the game you will come across several npcs from the continent of europe who have a difficult time communicating with arthur because of the language barrier and will mostly speak in their native language to get a full understanding of what they are saying you can turn on the subtitles in the options menu and here it will translate into your preferred language and the final one today guys tip 57 the red dead redemption 2 app you can download this app on your mobile or tablet device for absolutely free and use it for multiple purposes you can check your in-game progress weapon stats access the game's shopping catalog or even read through arthur's channel so far but my favorite feature to use this for is the in-game map you can access this as a live feature turn your in-game one off the screen and now enjoy a more authentic look and feel so guys thank you for watching that was the ultimate beginner's guide to red dead redemption 2. there are over 50 tips here so i'm hoping at least a few helped you out as always if you have any tips you think i may have missed please jot them down below in the comment section if you enjoyed the video and wish to see more like it hit like and subscribe also if you'd like to get in touch the best way to find me is on instagram which you'll see on your screen right now or head down to the video description where you'll find links to all my social media profiles before we finish i just want to say a quick thank you to everybody who gave me tips along the way and helped make this video and thank you to those who are watching this and stuck around to the end this has been another episode of facts with filby from philby gaming and i hope to see you in the next one [Applause]
Channel: Filbee Gaming
Views: 799,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead online best weapons 2022, red dead redemption 2 gameplay, red dead online 2022, red dead 2 house building song, red dead redemption 2 tips and tricks for beginners, rdr2 gameplay no commentary, red dead redemption 2 gameplay free roam, rdr2 tips, rdr2 tips and tricks, rdr2 online tips and tricks for beginners, red dead redemption 2 guide for beginners, rdr2 tips and tricks for beginners, red dead redemption, red dead redemption 2 online tips and tricks for beginners
Id: CQfnTQ_7JgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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