The ULTIMATE ASIAN FOOD Tour Of Las Vegas Chinatown!

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all right what's up dvw fam so we got a very exciting video for you guys today we're back in Las Vegas with the mayor of Las Vegas here you guys have seen him on my channel before Mr Las Vegas Phil thanks for being back yeah great to see you man always yep and in this video we're going all over Las Vegas for an Asian food tour going around Spring Mountain Road Chinatown of course and yeah why don't you tell us what we got on this video absolutely I'm super excited to do this one because these are three of my favorite restaurants but the first one we're heading up is Taiwan Deli the only place where authentic Taiwanese food in Vegas then we're gonna do some Ramen and then one of the best Thai places in town super excited awesome can't wait sounds great let's do it let's go check out some Taiwanese food let's go let's go all right guys a bunch of chefs in here hard at work we're in the kitchen of Taiwan Deli right now we're gonna show you how the gray Taiwanese food dumplings wontons noodles how everything is made these are the handmade Chinese Donuts here massaging that dough wow [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I misspoke I called it a churro [Music] as you guys can see a lot of great love and care is put into each one of these Taiwanese dishes are here [Music] cups wow [Music] [Music] thank you look at that look at that huge thinning part wow look at that the aroma coming from those buns are insane we are in Lunar New Year season and Tony here the co-owner wants to give me at least see well thank you so much for good luck all right I appreciate you got at least see right here thank you sir year of the rabbit Vietnamese Year of the Cat foreign [Music] guys this is one of the craziest Taiwanese food spreads I've seen who are you ready for this film unbelievable this is like a family of six you got some pan fried dumplings right here with some vinegar soy sauce yes and they can make all the dumplings here handmade yeah yes legit and then this is the Taiwanese pork chop I love this super crispy with a braised egg some minced pork yup rice and some xiaolong Bao steamed dumplings and stinky tofu I smelled that while they're making in the kitchen so we're gonna try that for you guys and we also got the family style rotating Lazy Susan so that's because we got so many dishes it'll be uh convenient for us let's just go in let's do uh this because it's closest one pan fried dumpling each better while it's hot oh look at this has a nice sear on the outside yep let's get a little sauce in there all right I'm a one bite this year okay wow oh my God wow oh yeah that pan fried dumpling love the outer shell nice glutinous like Phil was saying yeah and uh nice has a nice thin oil glaze on it with the soy sauce it's great great really juicy yeah nice pan fried awesome let's try this one since it's also very close to us yeah I'm excited to try this one it's the pancake with omelette on it oh I've never had it this way yeah me neither I think it'll be awesome straight up wow it's nice and crunchy from the outer layer of the pancake and you get a nice fried egg on top when you get Aroma from the scallion can't beat homemade so many places in town just use the Frozen one and reheat it um but yeah the fact that they make them here just so much better it's so chewy you can taste the dough yeah so we're having a Lunar New Year Feast right here yeah great place to do it I mean it's perfect for big parties yeah and uh you know just a great way to try everything awesome let's just grab one of these popcorn chickens right here very easy yep oh that's crunchy yeah nice and airy no one you could easily tell they breaded it here and fried it here boom there's big pieces of chicken thigh in there you got Aroma from like the herbs on top too sometimes they serve popcorn chicken with sweet and sour but so flavorful that I don't even need it got fries insane stuff we don't have to worry about reaching over because we got the Lazy Susan right here all right so we got the Taiwanese beef noodle soup right here oh it looks so this is huge yeah we split this it's enough to feel like four people I think yeah yeah it's a little banquet style right here for one oh those noodles really good yeah nice slippery thin noodles and you could taste the broth on every piece of the noodle let me do the broth by itself okay yeah that's um interesting broth pretty spicy has a Herby taste to it a little sour too you think a little sour yeah that's good yeah it's a nice finish yeah the heat kind of sneaks up gradually but it's nice oh and there's a nice huge cubes of braised beef right here yeah wow really good that's tender it smells in the mouth this probably one of my favorite Taiwanese dishes top three for sure oh man Taiwanese braised noodle soup and there's some pickled veggies in here for us too oh it has a nice sour pop and it's a bok choy of course Get Your Greens in for the health um and you hear the slurps that's exactly how you should eat beef noodle soup with the slurps yeah the ASMR and the sniffles that's how you know it's a has that little spice right sniffles and the slurps and in summer I need extra towel for the sweat on my forehead yeah so time to move on to the xiaolong bow while it's fresh the soup dumplings Everybody Eats it a little bit different yeah yeah I'm curious how you eat it so what I like to do is I put on my spoon take a little bite get the soup a little bit on the spoon and then when the dumpling is dry I like to dip it in the vinegar Ginger soy I don't do any of that anymore all right so I get the soup on the spoon dip it a little bit and then I take the soup and The Dumpling on one how do you eat it Asian grandpa style I just dip and quite the whole thing yeah all right [Applause] just the dough on everything like that it's really chewy you can tell it's handmade really thick which is how I prefer my shopping dough really thick some people like it thin I feel like Din Tai Fung does it pretty thin right yeah yeah I like it really thick and chewy yeah so a lot of people are critical of that when they come here if it's not like jumping if they're not doing the 18 folds and all that stuff uh if it's a little thicker they don't like it but I think this is one of the top five in town especially with all the other stuff that they offer uh here it's a great place to get it all right you know you know compliments everything else going on yeah High Praise from Phil because he knows all the great Asian spots especially in Vegas this spot looks really authentic family owned right family owned so the owner of bo uh she's owned this place for 19 years 19 years yeah so they've had several locations throughout Vegas uh but then they have this one on Spring Mountain and the one a small one on Rainbow as well awesome yeah he was saying like they don't even have a social media guys so super OG yeah oh man I gotta grab another one though I'm gonna do a grandpa style like uh fill up um so chewy there's a huge piece of pork in the middle of course that's juicy how about we try maybe you do the stinky stinky tofu all right so stinky tofu time baby so another classic Taiwanese dish um stinky tofu like fermented tofu if you go on any Street Corner in Taipei you're usually grilling this at a stand you know it's a lot of times it's not fried it's more steamed but this one particular one is fried all right and there's some pickled cabbage on top for us yep all right and if you guys don't know then it smells like uh I don't know what do you think it smells like I think it smells like stinky tofu let's see some people say dirty socks dirty socks all right yeah and I always get off on people eating this for the first time second time because it's usually quite a bit of a shock yeah for the non-taiwanese so all right stinky tofu time love this stuff let's try it out I dipped it in a little bit of that okay thick soy sauce yep let's finish a little cabbage I like the texture it's really crunchy but there is that stinky taste I will compare it to anything it's just like um like an odor a fermented fermented odor yeah opens up the nasal let's um cleanse the powder with this pickled cabbage though I really believe you almost have to be born with it you know born into this or have lived in Taipei to really enjoy this taste yeah um definitely an acquired taste yeah it's definitely acquired taste I think I'm gonna pass on this but yeah Phillip's gonna eat that whole plate for us yeah all right I love me some fried pork chops right here Taiwanese style so you know it's really breaded and crispy so yeah easily one of the biggest Chinese classic comfort food dishes I'm gonna steal this bone from Phillip right here look at this I'm gonna use my hands for this this huge thing right here right here Cheers Cheers boom I don't know wow I'll be honest we left this out for a little bit and it's still crispy and crunchy and juicy on the inside I have like a lot of pieces of like the cartilage the tendons the fat in here near the bones all the good stuff that's a good flavor too it's not too uh salty or anything like that it's perfectly made you always got to pair this with the rice because the rice has like some minced pork on it and there's a like a braised egg right here this is a Taiwanese soy sauce egg right yep yep I just got a brown egg brown egg and Vietnam we have our own version It's called Tikka it's similar but I say this Taiwanese one is more soy Saucy ours is like a little bit more fat it just has a different flavor of vinegar has like vinegar in it too I know Filipinos do that as well yeah but yeah for Lunar New Year's apparently you're supposed to eat these for good luck I don't know if you guys do the same I eat them anyway but yeah just the way yeah all right moving on love soy sauce egg like it's braised in like the broth so it'll retain all the flavor onto the egg whites and yeah it's not like just dipping a egg into soy sauce like while I was being brave it takes up all the flavors even in like the yolk yeah it really just absorbs all the flavors and you can see it when you cut it half like the oh it's like a almost like a smoke ring yeah some sauce just uh coming in it's really good price sitting in the cupboard sauce and whatever for hours really good fire love Taiwanese pork chops you can't go wrong this one's awesome we got a few survivors left oh so let's do this one right here the the regular pancake I love green onion scallion pancakes yup they are so amazing absolute classic can't go wrong with this again handmade all done here um to use hands yeah the shape looks like a like a Taiwanese Pizza they like cut it into slices for us all right they're so fluffy yeah a little thicker than usual um but it's really good I love that crisp really voluminous has a nice crisp but you got the green onions in there just reminds me of just childhood I eat these all day these are addicting guys so we got two of similar items here what are these films yeah so um I guess the easiest way to explain it would be just a Chinese omelette you have a little pancake which is similar to the one that's in the scallion pancake wrapped it with egg and then this is the next level one featuring yuchao which is the fried dough wrapped in egg and more bread so I learned something today I didn't know it was called yuchao in Chinese because in Vietnamese we have this too and in Cambodia but we call it ciao why because we eat it with porridge so ciao means porridge and why he means like mix mixing it in there so yeah let's try it out yeah so for those I don't know what we're talking about is Imagine like uh a beignet uh just uh more Savory yeah yeah all right so yeah I got the end with two ciao wiser here Chinese donut let's try this out yep so good wow the scallions in the egg man it totally transforms the flavor like doesn't just taste like a regular fried egg it's the Chinese version totally yeah a little hit of sugar in there too oh no yeah really good [Music] I'm getting like a breakfast vibe from these items you get the Chinese pancake there's also American pancakes Got The Omelette Chinese omelette and then the Chinese donut so every part of an American breakfast turned Taiwanese the donut so fluffy and voluminous oh that took a while to take down that was good though so we got some steaming soy milk or hot soy milk which is a Taiwanese breakfast staple um and then with this yeah you can just sip it like soup a lot of people dip the Utah into this oh wow as well um there's no real rules for all this but yeah I usually just eat it like soup and it's super comforting and I prefer more than regular milk so that one is uh the soy milk it's on cold with additional peanut okay nice um yeah really pronounced flavor I think you're gonna like it cheers cheers oh my gosh this is thick yeah it's pretty damn thick I wasn't expecting this this is like a smoothie oh man it feels like I'm drinking like milky like peanut butter smoothie yeah it's really good but with the with the soy milk though hmm how's that excellent super comforting good for digestion after stuffing my face with half the table and I'm ready for the next half this one looks absolutely crazy easily one of the most famous communist dishes ever it's uh oyster pancake or oyster omelet and it's made with like a sweet potato gelatinous dough so you'll see when we kind of pull it up it's kind of stretchy tons of oyster in this as well and you'll find this on a street corner any small restaurant uh it will serve some like this and this is the best one in town by far awesome oh man I'm so excited to try this oh it should be so good what do you think I'll be honest my taste buds are confused right now I do taste real oyster in there and it's not I thought it'd be fried or grilled or something but it's actually like pieces of oyster like straight from the show yep and it's in like um the pan fried pancake and it has a really nice like sweet glaze on there oh yeah kind of mochi-ish yeah you know and then I love the crispy Corners just kind of finish off that bite it's really good yeah the sauce on top is really sweet though yeah yeah Chinese are big on ketchup but they just do it in different ways yeah but honestly I'm not a huge fan of oyster even raw oysters oh really yeah so it's like damn that's interesting but I know the oyster fans will love this because there are whole pieces of oysters in here yeah yeah I love opening up Dandy worlds uh new foods yeah this is cool this is cool it was awesome man I think we uh tried a little bit of everything right yeah we knocked it all out this was a feast what were like your favorite dishes here definitely the Taiwanese pork chop for sure um that's just one of my favorite childhood Foods dishes um the spicy beef noodle soup and I love the stinky tofu and this almond thing was incredible today yeah how about you all the pancake items yeah like the scallions like The Omelette pancake and then this pancake and then the beef noodle soup was fire but I also want to talk about the variety of this place like you might go to Taiwanese restaurant here and there they might have the same few things like beef noodle soup you know dumplings but this one I went we went deep into the Taiwanese bag of food and this is less than 20 of the menu and this menu is huge look at that and the back and the prices are unbelievable yeah I don't think they've changed the prices here in maybe at least five years yeah inflation ain't got nothing on these prices you'll get a steal coming here guys yeah for sure great place to go with the group hey guys on to our next location you ready yeah I'm ready let's go all right guys so when I'm doing a video always gotta look my best so you know I got the cuts Henley and these are the new AO pants right here in Black you see the cuts logo right here black on black because we're about to kill this video and yeah this is the Henley you can find this at I'll put the link down below the code is dvw10 to get 10 off so if you guys want drip like BBW check out the link down below but yeah guys we're really full right now and uh it feels great in the stretchy material this is the pants so they're different from the joggers because they're not cuffed at the bottom and they look more formal and um yeah they're really stretchy so yeah on to our next Food Adventure let's go all right guys so for our next spot we took a trip to Japan right now if you guys can see behind us just kidding we're actually down to three at Ramen Kiara we're still on Spring Mountain Road in Chinatown so yeah what do we got for our next spot Phil yeah this is the newest Ramen spot on Spring Mountain um I love this place a lot Chef yasu who's a Japanese restaurant Legend uh opened up this place in Spring I think you're going to be really impressed with the broth and the variety of ramen that we got all right ramen's always a good time and it's a little chilly out right now so nice soup to warm us up perfect for winter yep let's see what they got a nice golden brown right there all right guys so we got a nice little spread going on here how about you Enlighten us Phil yeah absolutely got a great variety of bites here so we're going to start off with the okonomiyaki is this same one yep yep I got you because they're kind of small and I don't want to share with Dan so um Savory Japanese Savory pancake true Osaka style nice um as this one's loaded with uh pork and shrimp finish off with mayo tonkatsu sauce really good cheap four bucks um the Joshua Bowl they do make all their own pork chops you here super tender this is a great deal I think this is only five bucks five bucks for a costume Bowl you can consider this Cheap Eats guys yeah if you're a starving college student you might as well just come here and just have this yeah it's pretty low to charge you bowl yeah and then finally you got the one punch man which is uh features tonkatsu broth uh chashu tamago kikurage bean sprouts uh black garlic oil veggie Nori that's 12 bucks and then the Finding Nemo Seafood which is loaded with shrimp our scallop our clams mussels garlic Negi Nori that's 15 bucks and they also have a build your own Bowl here yeah they do I'm gonna come back uh maybe we'll do that a bit later I'm gonna put everything in one yeah make sure to check out his Instagram to see the build your own Bowl he said he's gonna get one of everything one of everything for that so that's gonna be crazy and so I love you know charsu tonkatsu they put a nice sear on it as you guys can see nice and crispy gotta do the hardness test oh yeah you can hear the crisp ASMR you guys hear that oh nice Char on there mix up all the goodies these are loaded so much stuff going on all right you guys ready let's do it oh that's buttery right oh yeah so Savory and when they're pouring the broth in the kitchen you know you can I'm just so surprised how creamy it is yeah what do you mean yeah it really shows really shines the flavor oh very flavorful creamy rich that's an interesting um broth yeah wow it's different than any other place in town Phil here got the seafood so it's gonna have like more Seafood flavor right yeah how does that taste great um all the ingredients kind of combine into the broth and it's just a really wonderful yeah kind of combo here we're doing a Celery Man lunch oh yep let's do it so yeah yeah we got some kawaba Sunrise there I've never had this before apparently just Japanese beer yeah well-rounded pretty multi really good with Ramen here for breakfast really malty this has sweet crisp oh that's good 5.2 percent yeah I'm used to like Sapporo and like Kirin for Japanese beer but this is like first time I kind of had like an ale like multi Amber yeah a little more crafty oh yeah let me take a piece of this huge Char right here look at this nice and thick you know oh super chewy crunchy and it has like a nice sear on the outside gelatini I'm making up words and all that's great so it's nice and thick it's not like a thin chocolate I Love Char shoe tenkatsu Ramen so Savory Rich yeah can't go wrong with the classic and that one that version is great these are great deals here guys let me call this like yeah Cheap Eats yeah totally Great Value I mean so many places you go to now they're charging like 20 bucks for 10 chicken wings wow 25 bucks for a loaded fries and so yeah it's hard to find deals like this anymore oh I love these boiled eggs right here oh they're amazing and ramen oh yeah soft boiled eggs still a little bit runny but the yolk still has some consistency to it oh if you um get it running off some of the yolk break onto the broth and make it more creamy yeah I don't think I've tried this before let's try I've never had it yeah nice okay yeah so okonomiyake Savory pancake this like every pink version yeah well we have the Taiwanese pancakes never had this time it's a little different oh look at this oh let's try it out mmm oh has a nice thick glaze yeah the sauce is sweet and then the Pickled ginger also gives it like a nice Spritz sweetness oh I knew there was some meat in there so there's a bacon right kind of has a consistency of like a crab cake I think there was some shrimp yeah totally Japanese street food it's really good here yummy all right so we got another little appetizer right here it's a sandal a pretty atypical uh to have at a Ramen spot but they take a butter croissant oh yeah and load it up with uh some meat you got curabusa sausage I got chicken and chopper with some sauce on Nori the chef Raves about this so I'm curious to try it cheers yeah cheers mmm well that sauce is great goes really well with the butteriness of the croissant yeah really buttery the grilled onions hits you in the face that's what I've been making that yeah so it's a curb with the sausage kind of crispy on the outside nice and chewy on the inside and it has like a nice Japanese Mayo on the top Japanese Mayo gives it like that thick sweetness oh Savory and sweet from the sauces yeah all right so we're gonna try the Char Sue Bowl right here yeah tons of delicious stewed pork belly on top of rice I mean it doesn't get more Comfort foodie like than this I love how the Char food just pops with the scallions and like that sweet glaze on it stick with ginger yeah nice and sweet sauce all over the rice the rice just soaks up all the flavor of the braised pork it's delicious five bucks yeah crazy cheaper than Flame Broiler let's try these gyozas right here yeah oh man oh looks nice and Sauced up for us some scallions some garlic and nice glaze on top let's see yeah see these are made of chicken a little leaner should be leaner I like that sauce a little sweet vinegar yeah vinegary a little garlic crispy garlic on top when the shell is really spongy yeah yeah let's finish off with these shumai right here are you just Japanese style I think there's a Japanese style it looks smaller so that's a distinction everything is small in Japan yeah the waste fast in the bathroom are like this size well is that uh it's like the opposite of Texas then pretty much yeah welcome to Japan the opposite of Texas wow get a little hot mustard on it yeah hot mustard beer the nostrils some Polish writers boom this is soft yeah your teeth just carves do that oh yeah it tastes a lot different than a regular shumai let me dip in some soy sauce oh it's just like a it's like a thick soya I think that I think it was teriyaki teriyaki yeah yeah so that's like a difference so the shrimp is not whole and like crunchy it's very soft and like it's Blended up shrimp in there it looks a lot different than Chinese shumai it's a nice little pop that was your third one second yeah finger foods are addicting like if they're in front of me I'll just keep picking at them so and gotta get out of my sight all right cheers is a great Japanese lunch and it doesn't hurt the pockets no not at all all right guys so we're gonna finish off the rest of our lunch and on to our last spot you ready yeah ready let's go we're gonna leave Japan now we're gonna catch our next flight out our dvw fam so we're out our third and last location here still in Chinatown that's the thing I like about Vegas all these spots are very easy to get to so if you guys have a car even if you're walking so yeah where are we at today Phil yeah so today we're at lamai which is considered a modern Thai restaurant it's I think it's one of the best Thai restaurants in town easily top three if not the best and uh this setting here the one of Spring Mountain is a great date night um and a really great lunch spot as well yeah looks very nice in the interior and I'm very excited for Thai food love Thai food so yeah let's see what they got for us [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right guys so we got our Thai food spread right here oh so this is one of my favorite items right here from Northern Thailand at Cal soy right here with braised beef and we got some crispy chicken wings and once you take it away with the rest of items absolutely so we got the classic Penang crispy duck Curry and then this one is kind of like their Fusion dish it's a pedsen lobster featuring Japanese yakisoba noodles with deep-fried chunks of lobster and I think you're gonna really like this one yeah and it's real lobster guys I watched them you know slice and dice it in the backs not just like that popcorn Lobster that shrimp and they call lobster right and you know what let's start off with the wings of course yep the wings up is uh to me I mean everyone talks about best chicken wings in Las Vegas all the kind of stuff I think these are low-key the best chicken wings features like a dried chili rub um you're gonna taste a little hit of spice on that too I think you're gonna like it do you like flats or drums I like both but I I prefer drums nowadays me too I'm a drums guy these are Big presentation on these dishes are wonderful they put some carnations and cilantro on some of them it's beautiful let me grab one right here all right Wings up Wings up mmm oh what seasoning right whoa these are unique the seasoning on it you get that amazing crunch then the lime and then the heat kicks in yeah it's limey the dry rub very limey has like a lot of heat to it reminds me of a lemon pepper but like with more spices yeah good description and lemonade too wow but the fries insane nice Airy thin crisp oh this is amazing I don't know how they do it so good and I eat mine Asian style I cleaned the whole bone yeah same bubble cartilage you gotta clean them totally all right let's move on to the cow soy noodles right here love cow soy thick egg noodles and they also gave us some crispy fried noodles here too yeah for a little contrast a little crunchiness to all this it's just so good yeah and those are deep fried egg noodles yeah look at this let's try the cow soy Curry or soup right here wow that's comforting yeah the coconut hits you and then a little bit of spice yeah really good you can smell it right when they set it onto the table a little bit sweet from the coconut milk and has all the spices love that but it's not too spicy though good balance wow those noodles are tender and the beef is even more tender oh yeah wow this is fantastic this is comfort food at its finest totally totally Savory goodness creamy sweet has the spices and herbs that Northern Thai food has um man that beef is extremely tender this is really good I give this like 10 out of 10 for cow soy I love it it's on the sweet side though like some cow soy is more spicy some are more like creamy I'll say this on the sweet side but this coconut milk yeah and I think um you could definitely get this modified here yeah like a little spicier oh yeah they have they have ice list right they do I think it starts just one through five oh one two five yeah for tie standers I definitely would say this is a one because Thai food could get really really zesty guys oh yeah I guess spicy there's USA spicy and then there's Thai Country hot spicy which you know pretty much no one ever gets yeah but if you really want spicy ass for Country hot and then I think they'll accommodate all right so we got the duck Penang right here right yep duck Panera oh my gosh I saw them making it I can't wait to try this looks incredible I love the duck here and all the duck dishes here are stellar and there's no like red green or yellow curry here it's just Penang Curry and this is the one again awesome so they only have one option yep so that's how you know it's like their specialty so we're gonna eat this one with white rice because it's Curry to you know soak in the sauce so let's take a little piece of the curry first see how it is with the rice corn on top love Korean rice absolutely oh man my sweet creamy and there's some heat to that oh it's great because the curry could be creamy and sweet but at the same time spicy and it works yeah a lot of stuff going on it's so good my brain is confused right now oh man that's some good curry oh look you guys hear that it's a mark every time I poke it it makes a little crunch oh it's a nice piece of skin hanging out of here yeah Gotta Have It with the skin yeah all right cheers I know you guys heard that you hear that crackle and pop well it's so crispy I got a piece of the edge so it's like the more crispy edges this one is extremely crispy tender fatty but yeah the crispy part almost gives like a like a crispy jerky or kind of chip quality to it I feel like I'm biting into like a tree bark here's the breading it's so crunchy I'm gonna try middle piece oh look at that that's good that looks awesome it's like the rib eye in the duck the rib eye that's a good description oh we are oh man wow he motivated me to have another Well that one just melted so good right here so it's under middle part was definitely more tender and got nice piece of duck fat right there and yeah duck is a fattier poultry which I like so like Phil said it's like the rib eye and it's very similar because it's very fatty yeah you got a great piece right there oh man I just gotta dip it into that pen pending that's an amazing Curry an amazing sauce this is awesome Thai food heaven right here all right so last but not least everyone's favorite I guess the lobster everybody seems to love Lobster on YouTube so here it is guys the pets and lobster so yeah Lobster Japanese Yaki soba noodles down below and then uh crispy uh fried to order Lobster on top looks great looks great can't fight it just like this any in any other time place mmm Lobster first those noodles oh all that sauce you put in there while he's cooking it I can tell it's gonna be fire it's nice and sweet mm-hmm oh every part of the noodles lubricated with nice oil and then you get this lobster right here fried Lobster let me take a piece yeah like the best popcorn lobster ever yeah what he said look look at this lobster tail came straight out of the lobster so fresh into the fryer similar to the chicken wing the fry here is nice and Airy Crispy Crunchy then you get a huge chunk of lobster tail but don't sleep on this noodles though I could just eat these noodles by itself kind of reminds me of like Panda Express chow mein but like way better I wonder if they if that's what they were thinking too it has a nice marinade there's some veggies in there onions it's crunchy chewy great texture is going on when you're writing into stuff for sure and the price is great uh you know Vegas is a city where you can get some places sell lobster tails like 85 now this whole dish is 20 26 bucks and you could charge 26 just for a lobster tail but it comes with these noodles like I said these noodles are seriously bomb I could just eat these noodles all day like you add any protein to this and it'll be a great dish I give this like a 12 out of 10. 12 out of 10. 12 out of 10. these noodles are great oh man that's awesome man I'm glad you'll enjoyed it yeah we're we always end the tour great with Phil we started great and the great always a great time with Phil he always takes me to the best spots thanks for all these recommendations of course man if you guys want to see more of Phil he does a lot of great Vegas content all throughout social media YouTube Tick Tock Facebook Instagram everything so make sure you guys check him out Jayden thanks for having me back on the on the show uh it's been a really fun food John and uh hopefully we can do this again sometime down the road yeah awesome all right guys so if you guys like this tour please like it comment down below if you guys have any suggestions for us and subscribe for more Las Vegas Phil and dvw Foo vlogs deuces so it is called My Thai food and Cocktails so they do have a full bar here and they specialize in their craft cocktail so we're gonna show you guys what they're about to make us in a sec at La my old-fashioned [Music] oh [Music] all right for you not yeah yeah right yeah for you non-thai viewers that means thank you yeah all right gonna taste this La my old fashioned right here one of the main distinctions is this porch bail crew right here let's take a bite see how it is crunchy sweet I'll say it's less bitter than a regular old-fashioned it's on the sweet side but not like too sweet sometimes I don't like the old-fashioned too sweet it's just easy to take down honestly because it's Japanese whiskey is a big plus I love Japanese whiskey that in general is easy to take down Salud so great cocktails and Thai food thank you
Channel: DanVsWorld
Views: 95,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas food, las vegas, las vegas chinatown, las vegas strip, las vegas restaurants, vegas vlog, cheap las vegas, cheap restaurants, best of las vegas, chinatown, lasvegasfill, best restaurants in las vegas, best restaurants las vegas, vegas, downtown las vegas, best restaurants in vegas, las vegas food tour, vegas food, best las vegas restaurants, best vegas restaurants, vegas restaurants, las vegas chinatown food, las vegas chinese food, best chinese food in las vegas
Id: _pOyuWvp6Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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