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now what I'm about to go over with you today is absolutely going to blow your mind so buckle up because this is one you're not going to want to miss to kick things off I'm going to create a couple more DIY custom elements to add to my current setup and I really want this video to capture what's possible so I'm definitely going to go overboard in hopes to have given you some ideas first I'll be using my favorite milky white diffuser channels from maada and installing them around the outside edges of the screen these are my go-to profiles because you can get them in one or 2 m long lengths black or aluminum in color and they perfectly diffuse strips that have 60 LEDs per meter to get them installed I'm going to be using some removable 3M sticky pads to avoid using the moaning Hardware now another thing to mention is That these channels can be cut to size as well as cut at Angles using a miter saw or just a regular hand saw if you really wanted to do a custom install so as I'm getting these set up I do want to point out that even though I'll be using this on my 120in ALR screen with us projector setup this method will work on any size screen any type of projector as well as any size or type of TV or monitor now once the profiles are up it's time to move on to the lights and you can pretty much use any addressable LEDs that you want but my personal favorite option especially on smaller type designs like this continue to be the 5vt sk68 12 strips which is what I'll be using here and if you've never heard of this type before what makes it unique is you get all the individually addressed ible RGB color options with the added bonus of a dedicated white diode I'll go ahead and get the LED strip set up in the channel and work my way around the perimeter I end up needing a little over 500 LEDs to cover the distance and while there are certainly many ways to connect strips together without needing to solder I'll always put a plugin for learning this skill if you think tinkering with LEDs might be a hobby you're wanting to explore I'll leave a link to my soldering for beginners video I made that goes over all the basics with extreme close-up footage and commentary if it's something you're interested in checking out and finally once the strip is in place I'll finish by Tiding up the wires and then snapping on the milky white diffuser [Music] covers now the next thing I wanted to incorporate was some Edge lit LED acrylic I have used this before and the effects are incredible I won't go into too much detail on the product since you can watch the full length unboxing and setup I already did or another video where I made some LED signs with it if you're wanting a more closer look at the design for the lights on this one I'll be using the iconic ws2812b LED that have 100 pixels per meter I would use the sk6812 for these as well but I couldn't find them in 100 per meter density and the 144 perimeter strips are too wide to fit the channels so as far as this product it is marketed as an LED baseboard system which I do think there's many other use cases for it but I thought how cool would it be if you could swap out your wood baseboards for these and have them react to your TV in real time once that's done the next step is to get all of our lights set up with W LED and my guess is if you're watching this you're already very familiar and comfortable with that easy process however if you have no idea what I'm talking about I'll leave links to the easy tutorial videos I've already made on how to get everything set up and connected to Wed this is something anyone with any skill level can do and I've done complete walkthroughs on getting started using a basic esp32 device or a couple Products that come pre-installed with wled that'll have you up and running in less than 60 seconds I now have everything set up to hopefully give you all a good glimpse of what's possible and this is where the fun really begins let's fast forward tonight and pull up the wld app to quickly turn each of the areas on starting with what I labeled ALR screen baseboard lights floor to ceiling and media console so to get started I'm going to turn on my projector that I have connected to my PC which I'll get into later and I'll turn off all the lights except for the media console now the thing that's going to make this all come together is a program called signal RGB and if you're a gamer there's no doubt you've already heard of this because it makes all your peripherals regardless of brand make or model work Under One Roof but they recently came out with W LED support which is going to absolutely blow your mind once you've downloaded and open the program go under install and make sure to click the screen ambient setting then under my effects go to customize and on the right you have different picture modes that you should definitely play around with my personal favorite being HD followed closely by standard next go to network on the leftand side and this is where you're going to find support for some of the major what I would call non-pc component companies and programs I haven't yet played around with the goie integration and some of the other ones although it's definitely something I will be looking into here in the near future and making a video on if people are interested now before moving on I want to thank the sponsor of today's video Aura so this is me signing up for their free 14-day trial and during this setup process one of the many things they do is scan the internet for data Brokers that have your personal information these data Brokers then make a fortune selling your information to spammers scammers and other entities that want to know more about you now Ora was able to find 30 such instances of my personal information being in the hands of these companies then with one click Ora sends out a notice to have my information removed from their systems which they are legally required to do when asked their all-in-one platform offers anti virus protection credit monitoring credit lock financial transaction alerts secure VPN identity protection parental controls 24/7 us-based customer service and much much more I'll leave a link in the description for you to start your own free 14-day trial so please make sure to check them out thank you all so much and now back to the video keep scrolling down until you see W LED and select it signal RGB automatically scanned for any lights and found all four areas it had already set up and running on wld you can also search and AD by the IP taken directly from the wled app which is found right here and another thing I recommend doing that you'll thank me for later is to go back into the wled app choose one of your lights click configure and go into Wi-Fi and then give it a unique name right above the client IP address and finally hit save and connect signal RGB will pull that name put it right here so you know exactly what lights you're dealing with and to make this as easy to follow as possible we'll go through these one at a time starting with the media console go ahead and click link and as soon as you do you'll notice that our media console is now connected from here click on devices and you can see all of our PC components but we want to click on the W LED icon to get our media console dialed in with the light bulb I can control the brightness like I'm doing here but what I need to do next is found directly underneath in the icon that has the three dots connected with lines so what you're seeing here is the program already pulled the number of LEDs we have set up from wled and it usually defaults to creating a segment around half that number which is why you see 74 here now I'm going to go ahead and delete this default segment and as soon as I do that the lights are going to go red and then I need to click the plus to tell signal RGB how many lights I actually want and I'm starting with the media console because it's super easy I want all 148 lights to be one segment so I put 148 in the LED count and hit create and as soon as I do that signal RGB is now sending data to the entire strip instead of the 74 LEDs it was doing before you'll notice though that it's not quite right in terms of mirroring the screen which brings me to the real magic under my rig go into layout and you're going to see a whole mess of all the things connected to Signal RGB on the the right scroll down until you find media console and expand right click on custom strip and choose hide other devices to make it easier to see you're presented with the line on the screen that represents your segment of 148 LEDs that you can now move to anywhere you want and since my media console is on the floor naturally I'm going to want it to mirror any colors that are at the bottom of my screen you also have the ability to increase or decrease the size of the line as well as rotate it in any direction allowing you to dial things into Perfection so by now if you're anything like me you probably have Goosebumps being able to this easily easily map any lights running W led to any part of my screen with zero cating just doesn't seem real I'll move things around a little bit more to get them to a spot that looks like it's perfectly lined up with the green and blue lights that I have set as my desktop wallpaper before moving on to our next area I'm now going to set up the floor to cealing lights so let's go back to network scroll down to W LED and Link those to Signal RGB I do want to back up for a second though and give a little bit of context these Corner lights obviously are extended beyond the screen which is fine but for best results I wish I didn't have these bottom areas since it doesn't exactly match to a space on the screen so with that being said here's what you can do go to devices and you'll see our recently added Florida ceiling lights that we can click on then I'll again be deleting the default segment that was created and this time I'm going to first create a custom segment that has 35 LEDs which will correspond to the LEDs that are in this area next I'll create another segment that has 100 lights that will be for this section I'll do a third segment that again has 35 and will be for the bottom right portion and then a fourth segment where I accidentally put an extra light that will be at 101 now before mapping things out you can actually go into the settings for each of our created segments and in this particular scenario I'm going to turn the lights off for the ones we designated at 35 after that let's head over to layouts find the floor to ceiling lights on the right hand side left click on one of our segments and hide out devices so we're left with our one strip so for this one since the lights are going vertical I'll need to rotate the segment to match the orientation and then again it's just moving things around and playing with the size to get things perfectly synced up once the left side's complete I can then do the same thing for the right from here let's go ahead and set up the baseboard lights and by now you're probably getting the hang of things I'll link it together and then go to devices to set up the segments but there is one thing I want to highlight that's important since this is our highdensity 100 LED per meter strip there's a total of 247 lights and as of now when you create a segment like we've been doing it lets you have a Max of 150 pixels per segment so since I need to get to 247 I'll just create one segment with 123 lights and then a second segment with 124 to get to the total there is a way around this but it's a little bit too in- depth for what I'm wed to cover in this video so doing it this way will work just fine heading back over to layouts this is where the resize function is so crucial because I can have the one strip that represents about half my total lights size down to cover about half the screen and then do the same thing for the other segment and I hope you're really beginning to appreciate just how easy it is to customize every aspect of whatever lighting components you've Incorporated and finally we can get the lights around the ALR screen set up once they're linked together I again have to do a little bit of tweaking due to the 150 limit you can split things up however you want but for my first segment which starts here and goes this way I'll be doing the max of 150 this however leaves 10 LEDs left to finish the run which will be my segment two going up I can do the total of 93 then at the top going right I'll do another 150 followed by 10 and then finishing things up with 93 going back down let's head back over to the layouts and start mapping out each segment to the corresponding location and because these lights are so close to our screen you can see just how accurate the color mapping is now as I'm finishing up getting these calibrated I hope your mind is starting to think of all that can be done with this you can literally build anything you want using your favorite adjustable LEDs and put them anywhere in your setup and the really hits home for me because before this was a thing on every video I did when showcasing the final results I would manually change all my lights to something that matched the theme of what was on the screen to make everything look cohesive and as you can probably imagine not having to do that anymore makes me extremely happy so just like that we've mapped out all of our lights to the exact areas I want now go ahead and click the save icon give the layout a name and then save it this is awesome because if you end up watching any widescreen type content that has a black bar going across the top and bottom I can change the layout to match the format save it and then go back and forth as needed now as far as getting the signal to the projector or in many cases will more than likely be a TV I tested things out in just a regular HDMI cord run from the PC to the projector which worked perfectly but I also bought about four different wireless HDMI transmitters and this is the one that ended up working the best and if you want a more complete rundown on this product let me know and I can put together a full video but it really is plug-and-play in a pretty straightforward setup process now I've really just scratched the surface of all that signal r GB is able to do and everything I've done in this video is available via their free application as well as hundreds of other awesome RGB effects and if there's enough interest I could very well see myself doing some deeper dive tutorials of this program down the road another nice thing is that they have a very active and dedicated Discord community so make sure to follow them there to get help with any questions you might have along your journey now at least for me what I enjoy most about this setup is being able to throw up a cool image or lowii YouTube channel on the screen instantly having the entire room match the vibe put on some music and just chill out after what usually is a stress full day at my normal job and having a space like this to unwind even if it's just for 15 minutes really does make a difference for me so that about does it for this one but I hope you enjoy the final footage and as always thank you for your continued support [Music] oh
Channel: Chris Maher
Views: 271,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambilight tv, ambilight tutorial, ambilight diy, diy ambilight tv, govee t2, govee tv backlight, ultimate ambilight setup, ambilight setup, ambilight tv setup, best tv backlight, govee immersion, best ambilight tv kit, best ambilight setup, zero lag ambilight, led tv backlights, wled ambilight, diy ambilight esp32, signal rgb, signalrgb, signalrgb ambilight, ambilight diy no coding, ultimate ambilight system, hyperion, hyperion ambilight, not hyperion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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