The ULTIMATE $1000 Gaming PC Build 2023! 😍

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ladies and gentlemen it is time for the big one the one thousand dollar gaming PC build and I know what you're thinking oh it's ptcentric he's gonna do all these different cuts and things oh it's gonna be over actually it's under 980 something at the time of filming ha you're wrong and I absolutely have to admit that I'm incredibly surprised just what you can get in 2023 for a thousand dollars it is pretty incredible I mean look at this in the budget is the RX 6700 XT a card with 12 gigabytes of vram capable of 1080 and 1440p gaming all within a build for one thousand dollars you can upgrade to your heart's content so ladies and gentlemen crap I forgot that was in the Box ladies and gentlemen um let's build this thing without breaking anything after a short word from this video sponsor maybe I should stop throwing boxes around Lee and Lee's new Gala had two Trinity coolers are here and by Joe are they gorgeous with up to three Factory fitted RGB fans these callers look stunning and are super simple to connect thanks to Daisy attainable fan connections and a single lconnect 3 Box there's even three different appearances thanks to swappable covers so regardless of whether you're after something for looks performance or both lately has you covered check them out today with a link down below right here Then Shall We Begin and I actually want to start by talking a little bit about the case actually we've got all of these components but obviously the chassis is something you're going to have to live with for a very long time I mean you can't swap it out but people don't tend to and you may have heard of this brand before it's montec and this is a brand new case we actually saw it first computex this is the air 703 Max and it comes in around about 79 it'll probably be a little bit less if you're watching this video in a year's time but for now it's available at the RRP and the crazy thing about it is that it comes with four fans and I'm pretty sure all of them are RGB for within that cost it comes in black or white you've got tempered glass and obviously you've got so much airflow on the front and I think you'll also have USB type c which is something you just don't see on cheap cases so already you've got something that is very upgradable something with not the best but decent enough build quality that's definitely in budget I mean is it easy to get into yes probably a little bit too easy I mean the Glass isn't the thickest in the world obviously they did fall off but you can see on the inside so you've got plenty of room to build in you have all of these these little cable grommets and things which is nice again you don't see this often on cheaper cases but I'm already starting to see something interesting around the other side but the thing I wanted to draw your attention to is this little Hub here because again you don't see this on a lot of cases especially one that does both RGB and fan speed and this means you can go for a cheaper motherboard if you want you don't have to worry about plugging them all in separately and it does make Cable Management that little bit easier so I don't know about you but I think for the money I am pretty Blown Away by what you get for the price point the joke there is that there are four fans so you've got loads of airflow if you're new to PC gaming you're probably thinking who is this guy and why am I watching him that's what my fiance says to me every night yeah she's super creepy she watches me sleep but anyway let's part this to one side for a second and we'll start our build and it does start with the motherboard and this is where we're making a little bit of a compromise it's not what I personally would want to go for I'd want to spend slightly more to get the latest generation Verizon but within this budget it's just not feasible but don't go thinking that this then isn't upgradable obviously you can grab like a ryzen 9 CPU or maybe like a 5800 X 3D at a later date especially if you go for used it will be pretty cheap in a couple years time and you'll get loads more performance I mean the CPU that we're going to pair it with is this one this is a ryzen 5 5600x it's a six core comp heater it's a six core processor for your computer and for gaming it's gonna be absolutely fine I mean in certain games especially things like Warzone you probably will see a little bit of bottlenecking with this but for the money it's pretty crazy really I think you can get this around about 140 150 or something like that pretty wild really for the amount of performance and if you think you were going to go for the latest generation you'd have to spend like 60 70 pounds more on a motherboard probably the same actually for the CPU as well and then you're looking at 150 pounds for performance that a lot of people might not even need but let's press on and actually get our motherboard out of the box shall we this is one from Rog this is the strix b550e but I don't think they actually sell the E anymore so you should get the F there's actually a revised F2 as well the problem with the 550 at the moment is they're a little bit few and far between I mean I do have some cheaper ones that are completely discontinued that you can't get hold of so I would recommend having a look at the market and if you can buy one for a little bit less money it's probably going to be worth doing so but fundamentally this is basically the same as the F version I think there are a couple of changes but for all intents and purposes they're very very similar I should know by the way that while it's probably not an issue in 2023 not all of the b550 motherboards will support the 5000 series of CPUs Straight Out of the Box some of them will require a bios update and that's why it's important by a motherboard that has this USB bias flashback utility I've done a video all about this you can find it in the top right corner of your screen but I imagine if you're buying one of these that are fairly recent it should support it straight out of the box because these are not exactly brand new CPUs as always we will be building on top of the motherboard box because it's just so much easier you have more light you can actually access everything and you'll start to see all of these little headers and things around the side of the motherboard this is where our front panel audio will go this is a little error code this is really useful if you've got a problem your PC it'll tell you basically what the problem is you've got your RGB headers here one is standard RGB one is addressable chances are you'd be using this chassis fans are located throughout the motherboard you've got your CPU fans here this obviously is to connect all of your fans you can control the fan speeds and things in the motherboard software or in the Bios down here you've got some on-board USB this will be useful if you want to upgrade later to like a fancy caller and you want to control it in software but most coolers really especially what we're using today we'll just use the standard fan headers it is basically exactly the same as the USB that you've got on the back it's just the motherboard dedicate summer fat bandwidth to internal rather than external right next we're at actually is where you plug in your front panel connections and when we say front panel we are talking about the front of the case so things like your power maybe your reset HD LEDs these connect to these tiny little headers here but then we also have some on-board USB for the front of the case as well so this is the one for USB 3 which is typically USBC and then your USB 3 USB type A if you're using hard drives or old-fashioned ssds then you'll be using these SATA ports here but other than that the only other thing I think you really need to know is that you've got your power connections here one that's called ATX for the motherboard and everything else really and then your CPU has dedicated power at the top left everything else we're going to walk you through as we build it and the first thing really that you need to know is you're going to have to grab your CPU you will gently take it out of the box because this is probably the most sensitive part that you're going to handle do not bend the pins on this ryzen CPU or you will be sorry because it won't be working anymore then you just need to open up this little latch it's actually been a while since I've done the older generation of Verizon that seems weird to have pins again these just gently drop into place hopefully your CPU won't be as dirty as mine but I've used this countless times before then you can grab your memory or as it's more commonly known RAM and you're going to open up these little slots here two and four you don't put them next to each other because you want dual Channel operation if you have them directly next to each other essentially you'll get half the speed so just take the ram out of the box and this is some stuff from Kingston is ddr4 not ddr5 please don't mind ddr5 for this it's not going to work and this was among one of the cheapest RGB 3600 megahertz kits that you can buy in a capacity of 16 gig and 16 gigabytes for a gaming PC should be absolutely fine there are going to be titles coming out that will require more than 16 but this is generally only going to be at the highest quality presets which let's be honest we're not really going to be accessing anyway with this particular CPU and GPU as powerful as they are they're obviously not like a RTX 4090 as we neatly put all of our packaging Away by the way I will also say that because a lot of this stuff is now the previous generation it it's worth looking around for deals don't specifically buy any of these things necessarily if you find something that's cheaper I mean to be fair I think the SSD probably is a very good bet this is the 980 this is a 500 gig one I've actually priced this up for one terabyte because I don't think there's any point buying 500 at the moment unless you really need to save every penny because the difference between I think this is like 25 to 35 or something for the 500 gig versus about 45 for the one terabyte it does make a lot of sense I mean this is going to work absolutely fine but games like Warzone do take up quite a lot of space so if you do want to have more than I don't know like six or seven games installed at any one time alongside all your other files it does make sense to grab a terabyte especially if they're so cheap now as you can see I've just taken this heatsink cost it's going to help with cooling we have this little SSD screw here that needs to be removed then we can pick up our PCI gen 3 SSD definitely not the fastest but more than enough for gaming and for most people's General use drop this down screw it into place if you haven't already make sure you take the label off the thermal pad then we're just going to gently place that back down and screw it into place at this stage we're now ready to install our cooler and you can absolutely use the stock cooler that comes with the 5600x it's not going to be the best but that CPU doesn't use masses of power so it's not the end of the world but for the sake of about 30 35 you can grab this which is the hyper 212 Halo which not only looks a whole lot better but fundamentally it has more performance it's quieter and it is going to let your CPU run at a lower temperature which in theory should help to extend its life and from memory I think these are very easy to install I've used this one once before but the 212 is not one of the oldest products ever in the PC gaming space like genuinely look it up it's been going for decades all right maybe not decades a very long time just take the fan off of it so you have this little heatsink that uses heat pipes to draw the heat away from the CPU up into the heatsink and then the fans will blow this out of your system then hopefully your case fans will blow that out out of the PC entirely then we use a screwdriver to remove the default am4 mounting hardware then grab the AMD bracket and put this underneath the cooler and then you screw these screws into the cooler from the underside this is actually simple enough when you know what you're doing but I feel like if you don't look at the instructions it can get a bit confusing then we can do a little test fit just to make sure we've done this properly all of these holes should now line up with the ones on the board which they do which means we can do this for real by adding some thermal compounds that essentially is going to get rid of that air gap between the CPU and the cooler itself just a little splodge in the middle should be fine so we just lay this over the top screw down nice and gently in a little cross pattern otherwise the other side will start to rise up then we can tighten it Down For Real put our fan back on with the cable facing downwards it literally just presses on and you can actually buy an extra fan and use the additional Clips if you do want to have more cooling but for this CPU it should be absolutely fine and then with those two dangly cables you need to plug them in we've got addressable RGB and the nearest one for this is by the ram just above that ATX connection then we need to do the same with the fan and they make it very helpful for you because CPU fan on this board is labeled with a gray color and all the rest are black so you shouldn't be able to make a mistake and once again just do some basic tidying up and then I think you have essentially your gaming PC if you put a graphics card in this and you plugged it all in it would work it just doesn't look quite right because it's not in the case so let's do that and we'll also say that if you do want to buy this case in Black you can do so I asked for the white one because I forgot we were going to do a black belt but to be fair black in white absolutely looks fine it's more if you put white components in a black PC that it can start to book a little bit more odd you just gently line this up with the back of the case all of these standoffs I think are pre-applied for us when I say standoffs I'm talking about these little screw holders I suppose technically they are they're underneath the motherboard and they sort of hold it in place and they stop you shorting out the back of your motherboard they give it separation between the metals basically and then it seems I'm always making this mistake so don't copy me do this first you want to grab the screws that come in this little box that you find in a hard drive cage and in this bag you find loads of different screws but they should be labeled yeah there we go main board slash SSD you're going to want to grab the screws from this bag I do like the fact that they're silver actually because it goes with a white case and then just fill up the screw holes basically simple as that we have a gaming PC starting to take shape we're now cooking on gas ladies and gentlemen but I suppose we shouldn't be doing we should be moving away to induction Hobs but that's a topic for a later video but around the back it is going to be worth grabbing some of these cables and starting to plug them into the board because it does make sense to do it before you add everything else because then everything gets in the way so all of these cables and things that you'll see at the back do need to do something you'll notice this one this is called a SATA connection this is typically used for third-party devices things like coolers or in this case the case lighting that's what's going to provide all of the Power we've got some addressable RGB here so you can sync up your motherboard to the case and everything can work together and then in this little bundle of joy down the bottom you have loads more cables so we've got our HD audio this was the one the bottom left we've got USB 3 and somewhere yes should be the rest of our front panel so our power switch HD LEDs and our power LEDs that we spoke about earlier I'll give you the very quick Lowdown on what we call cable management doesn't sound that interesting but at the very least it's going to allow you to actually close your system back up at best it will make it look nice and pretty and in theory it gives you better airflow but I mean it doesn't really let's be honest but essentially all you need to do is find the different sort of cable and then work out where they live on the motherboard and then feed them through in the respective places so for example if we grab this USBC I'll find where that is on the motherboard poke my finger through and then feed that back and you're probably wondering why I haven't taken this out of this little loop it's because quite often you do need a sort of double stack them together to make use of that cable length because what you don't want is to have this that you've got to sort of tie down somewhere where possible you want to use this little channel to get all of the cables and I suppose the bulk of it nice and safe and secure there right so it'll fit everything through apologies if this nail looks a little bit messy but that's just the way it has to be so we plug our USB 3 in by the ATX look USB C goes underneath that we've got our fiddly ones look down the bottom it's always worth looking at your motherboard manufacturer's manual because it tells you exactly which ones are which but your reset is bottom right power switch is just above that which is top right HD LEDs is bottom left and then just above that you've got your power LEDs and it goes positive on the left negative on the right basically it's very easy if you build PCS every week or you watch my videos every week not quite so simple if you build one PC every four years we'll then come across to our fan we plug this into chassis fan three don't forget this is connected to a hub so all of these fans are now going to be controlled just by chassis fan 3. we're next to this we've got our other addressable RGB and we can sync everything together with the Asus Aura software if we want everything to be green or everything to be rainbow all at the same time and then at the very bottom left a lot of people don't even need to plug this in we have our front panel audio and this is for analog audio if you're using like a pair of headphones that's got a cable or anything really like headset that uses two different three and a half mil Jacks that was actually pretty straightforward right all of the fiddly bits they're all fiddly but they're not difficult and to be fair that is pretty much the hardest thing about building a gaming PC now done you've only got two components left or graphics card and our power supply I'm going to do the power supply next because it's typically good practice there are some cases where if you put your GPU in now it's just gonna mean that you've got Mass where you don't want it basically whereas you do this it makes it a little bit easier to Cable manage and I know what people are thinking you've already been screaming in the comments PC Centric Marcus yes that is my name you're an idiot why on Earth are you recommending an 850 watt power supply for a thousand dollar gaming PC well guess what I'm not it it is literally just the one that I have this comes in loads of different flavors you can get 550 650 750 and the one I'd recommend to most people would probably be the 750 because it's a fair bit cheaper than this but only like ten dollars more than the 650 but the one that we're going to spec for this is the 650 watt because that is the minimum requirements of this GPU it's only really going to matter to be fair if you want to upgrade to like a better graphics card at some point you want something with 750 watts not a bad idea to do so but be quiet power supplies are very reliable I've not really had an issue with them ever I don't think and of course if the name would suggest they are very quiet this one is also what we call a modular power supply so you'll see that all of the cables are not actually attached and a lot the cheaper power supplies not only use cheaper components but they save money by having the cables physically attached which to be honest is absolutely fine it's a good way of saving some money if you can buy a decent power supply for this rig for less money by all means go for it as long as it's got the wattage and it's from a reliable brand but this is going to be a lot more future proof most people keep their power suppliers very years and years I mean the one I've got over there is certainly getting on a bit I think that was released like 10 years or something ago and it still works absolutely fine right and the other benefit is if you do want to go for fancy cables at some point make it look Ultra pretty it's a lot easier to buy some be quiet compatible cables plug it into this rather than having to use extensions and then just have more bulk that you need to worry about essentially but let's go right ahead and get these cables untied we're going to need one ATX that you can't miss because it's massive one eight pin CPU this board does actually have a eight plus four but we're not using a CPU that's going to get close to using that much power so it's probably not worth plugging in unless you want it to look neater and maybe you can a daisy chain setup power connection and then last but certainly not least our peace IE for our graphics card power so let's plug these in and connect these now they're very clearly labeled but sometimes it can be a little bit tricky to differentiate between your pcie and your CPU but just look at the labels and then you can't make that mistake oh you know what I didn't even notice that if you want to use a Nvidia graphics card look this actually supports PCI Gen 5 as well well I imagine you're not going to get 600 watts of power on the lower spec models but the 850 does have that but anyway that was a tangent let's grab our nail complete power supply and then you just need to drop this down into the basement grab these little screws that are labeled as PSU slash psie I should mention by the way that we've got the fan facing downwards so it can breathe cool air in from the bottom and exhaust this down the back what you don't want to do is have the fan facing up if you've got like this I mean to be fair it would actually work in this because you've got a mesh but a lot of cases have a solid panel here and that's a Surefire way to at the very least have a very hot and very loud running power supply at worst kill it so yeah most cases fan facing downwards just like we did with all of those case cables find all of your power connections and then feed them through to their respective places so for example this is our ATX let's do our CPU next just connects up here very simple when you've not got the radiator or fans up here we'll get the pcie ready for the graphics card by drawing it through this hole here and then I think last but certainly not least we have our water connection which again is for that case lighting we just plug this in they go like that and you should have all of these spare cables that you don't need but you would use if you're using like hard drives or ssds or things so you can just tuck that into the hard drive cage to be fair just outside out of mind so you're not going to see that we will also use one cable tie look just to keep this CPU cable out of the way and then I think that leaves just one final component always the most exciting of any PC build the graphics card and as you can see I haven't actually used this one before I think this is one AMD recently sent out it's from Sapphire and here you go look this is a dual fan model you can buy ones that have three fans but it's not really necessary for this sort of card to be honest with you only will be paying a fair bit more money for it but of course if you can buy one but three fans for the same sort of price you go for it are you ready for the peel I would give that a 5 out of 10. this particular card is called the pulse there's not anything particularly crazy going on you've got an eight plus six on the back decent back plate this actually feels like metal not plastic which is nice you don't really have a pass-through design when it comes to thermals but again I don't think this is going to get crazy hot we will of course be testing this in just a second the main difference really between the old generation and the new generation of AMD graphics cards beside the performance is the fact that these display ports are 1.4 rather than the new 2.1 that you find on the 7900 xdx I think you find it on the 7600 as well not that you're ever going to need that in order to get this inserted we need to remove the Pea size slot covers that are very thankfully real rather than sort of metal that you have to bend out so we take these two out because it's a two slot card if you have a three slot card you guessed it you need to take three out we then pick up our GPU and you give it a good push until it clicks screw it back down into place plug it in with these pcie connections you can daisy chain them or you can have two separate ones there's a big debate about whether you should or shouldn't I mean in theory it is better to not daisy chain them but I've never had an issue unless like I was right on the limit with the power which we're definitely not going to be here today and personally I prefer to have a cleaner looking system but if you disagree with me that's fine just use two cables and that is pretty much it just tidy up the cables a bit obviously you can do this later once you know it works I always say don't put your side panels back on until you've tested everything works because you might have a fan that's got a cable stuck in it or something and you want to be a bit quickly turn this off if there is a problem but other than that not really any complaints I mean this case has been ridiculously easy to build in and there's what two niggles that I've had so far for the money pretty crazy hopefully the fans will be okay Cable Management I've actually done a decent job without really doing anything we've got one cable tie as I say it'd be nice to have this a little bit more bunched out the way we could definitely tidy these up a bit more but in terms of practicality I don't see an issue with this at all oh so let's put this to one side we'll grab our monitor we will grab our keyboard mouse and most importantly of all the PC Centric mouse mat look at this thing you can buy yours with a link link down in the description below and yes we pretty much ship I don't think it's technically worldwide but it's most places including the UK change the currency at the top right hand corner it's very simple so we've got our keyboard and mouse connected I'm going to hook this up to a monitor with DisplayPort but obviously HDMI is absolutely fine we plug in our internet connection or our Wi-Fi antenna if we're using that our power supply cable we'll make sure it's on at the back and then if everything works when you press the button we should get some lights that was perfectly set up wasn't it I'm gonna do some basic troubleshooting by making sure the power switch is definitely connected to the right place so what I'll do now is plug the reset switch into the power button on the motherboard and if this works which it doesn't then we'd know we had a problem with the power button I mean it doesn't look very live does it I'll be honest this hasn't happened in a while I mean the symptoms that we've got here are no lights on anything at all and this would usually suggest that either the power supply or the motherboard doesn't work because if the motherboard Works you'd expect to get some lights but then if the power supply worked you'd probably expect to get some light I mean it's literally a brand new power supply that's going to be the easiest thing to test with something else I mean I haven't actually used this motherboard in well I suppose a couple of years the last time I used it was at my old address so maybe it got damaged in the move but we're trying with a different power supply first sorry about this guys this was uh not supposed to happen if you watch the channel regularly you know this basically never really happens no I think it's the board you know must have got damaged in shipping righto let me swap the board then completely different motherboards surely this is going to work please here we go okay it doesn't work work but we have something this is this is better and I can explain almost certainly what happened which don't laugh but long story short when I moved here almost couple years ago I didn't want the moving people to know that I was moving loads of expensive stuff right because this was before it all went into a storage space all of that stuff so all of my motherboards and graphics cards I labeled as tax records so they're all these ridiculously big heavy boxes and they're like tax records 13 to 14. tax records 16 to 17 and obviously they didn't treat those boxes with the same respect that they might have done if I've actually said motherboard's fragile please don't drop that's a lesson learned but the question is will this motherboard work oh and we still have an error light oh yes I don't know what you're saying Oh Marcus you're putting this on you can't get so excited you build them every week the whole thing didn't work dead motherboard your PC almost certainly won't have a copy of Windows on it though so you need to download Windows 11 from the website whack it on a flash drive put it in the back of your PC I mean if it doesn't just hit the delete key when you first turn your PC on until it comes up with a bios it looks a little bit like this I'm going to check this little box that says XMP as this is going to overclock the ram to get the fastest Ram speed possible give you better performance especially with ryzen somewhere over here it will say smart fan you want to set this to be silent and then apply to all of the fans go into the settings find the setting that says above 4G decoding if you have a new motherboard it does all of this automatically or if you have a up-to-date bios I suppose enable above 4D decoding find resizable bar turn this to automatic as this again can give you better performance I realize as well we do also need to go into the miscellaneous settings and find the TPM setting AMD CPU firmware TPM turn this on this is going to allow us to actually run Windows 11 and then head over to boot then you want to go into boot settings make sure that your flash drive is the first device listed and then save and exit apologies if this sounds very complicated it shouldn't be really it's just a few things to tweak again if you've got an up-to-date bios then all of these things should be done for you and obviously loading into windows that will also be automatic but because I already have a copier windows on the SSD it's trying to look into that it does a little bit of loader there's the windows windows 11 Pro but obviously using home select home you don't actually need a license key just yet by the way you can do this a little bit later here you can see my old windows install but I want to have Windows 11 on this PC so I am deleting everything else be very careful if you do do this you do not want to wipe an SSD by mistake but everyone should now be at this stage which says Drive zero unallocated space this is basically a brand new SSD so you hit new hit apply okay basically just saying yes to everything hit next and then it will install Windows your PC should restart and you'll be ready to get gaming I am sorry that that was a lot more complicated than I need to be I'm still going to recommend that you grab that Asus motherboard because as I say getting damaged from transit is not something that should happen to you there we go just give me a few hours to get some games running on this thing and we'll be back and just like that we are all set up and ready to go we will add our side panel I will secure it on before I do this because it's all about the peel satisfying and actually on the whole I would say I'm really happy with this I mean I wouldn't have gone with white I think it would look better with black components personally but you've got to hand it to montec I mean having four fans granted three not four of them are RGB and all of this from the case is really good and while there are a couple of niggly things I think this is very easy to recommend and this has got to be one of the best budget cases out there no doubt about it but let's get gaming shall we and the first game that I want us to test is the title I'm actively playing right now it's taking up a lot of my life this is some Diablo 4 and we're running at high settings 4K at 75 frames a second I'll hit the recording button because I realized something that I have noticed on AMD systems is when you do start recording internally you do lose a little bit more frame rate than you will on the Nvidia side like I guess that's a good thing for NVIDIA right the fact that shadowplay doesn't really affect your frame rate too much we've actually lost 10 frames a second or so at the moment I think it's worse at higher resolutions but is definitely worth noting so do add call it five to ten frames a second onto the figures you sitting at the top left hand corner of your screen I've grouped everything together as well let me know if this is easy to read or not you can see we've got our GPU at the top 5600x below it all of their utilization of different cores and then the clock speed of the combined CPU obviously we've got a frame rate as well you can see that it is actually a very steady frame time graph this is good it means we don't have any stutters or anything and bear in mind we're recording as well this is very very good but yeah I mean this goes to show that even though this is not a 4K gaming PC for something like Diablo which is probably the sort of game people are going to be playing on a 4K screen even if they don't have the highest end GPU you can see we're getting a really really playable frame rate I mean you don't need any more than this at all to be honest I mean sure it will be nice but it's hardly essential and interestingly as well we can see we are running this at 4K but this was without any fancy Fidelity FX super resolution or anything and this is super resolution 2 that is definitely worth using so if you did want an even higher frame rate you could set this to Quality and it renders at a lower resolution then upscales it and I think effectively gives you a very similar looking image let's turn this down to 1440p and yeah we're seeing an absolutely huge increase to the frame rate we're now at around about 130 or so so if you weren't recording you're probably looking at about 150. obviously when you run into some combat you are going to see lower frame rates I mean we're currently getting about 100 110 120 FPS but this is going to happen on pretty much any system I mean clearly there's a lot of flexibility here if you did want to play Diablo 4 this is going to be ideal for it you're not really going to have to compromise on anything yeah looking pretty good to me I think you probably will run into some bottlenecking every now and then but at that point the GPU is going to be working flat out as well anyway so yeah all around very good experience with Diablo let's move on to something a bit more intense though something a bit different this is actually a code provided by AMD this is some death Loop a game I've started but not yet finished quite a few of those and I actually really enjoy this it's a bit more like one of those stealthy type games where you sort of don't want to get caught but obviously it is quite intensive but I like the fact that this is very scalable you don't have to necessarily set this to the highest settings you can have this on a lower end system or you can make the most of a higher end system to have something that really does look pretty incredible this is currently set to the very high preset this is running at 1440p but we do have FSR here and this is set to Quality and we're currently getting around about what's that 90 frames a second or so if we weren't recording closer to 100 and for a single player game especially one that's an FPS I think this is pretty much bang on the money again this is a really good use of your thousand dollars you're getting a system that can pretty much play anything but not only that it can play everything at high frame rate even at 1440p but okay not every title but a lot of people will be playing on a 1080p screen and you've got all of this in the bag and of course the other thing we can do is to go into the settings and turn on Ray tracing quite why the text here is so big I mean that is terrible user interface but whatever we can go down here to raytraced Performance yeah you can see that doesn't really make too much difference at all we've lost about what five frames a second or so maybe but obviously cancer it's a quality to get even more out of that but yeah another title even if you want to run this at high resolution it's a winner but let's shift gears here sling a lot more multiplayer with everyone 's favorite so maybe picks Legends oh PC Centric you say everything's everyone's favorite yeah I know I run out of things to say okay I'm trying to Big it up no let's move on to the next game this is some Apex Legends it's gonna run at a higher frame rate you see that's boring so let's big things up once again and drop down into the city a little bit more of an intense part of the map this one and we've got this set to 1440p just under ultra settings and immediately you can see the frame rate we're getting is pretty much through the roof around about 170 frames a second once again if we aren't recording probably about well an extra 10 15 20 FPS more something like that so it's pretty remarkable really if you do want to play a game like this properly competitively then you don't even need to lower down the settings to be able to achieve that shouldn't be a problem but oh I'm under attack I'm under attack I'm under attack they're everywhere they're everywhere no no I've got no path I've got no path come on come on I'm gonna get shot I don't like this I don't like this one bit uh I've kind of Forgotten now what I was saying oh yes if you wanted to play on like a super high resolution or super high here she is here she is no what I was trying to say was that if you do want to go for like a 1080p 240Hz monitor or maybe you want to play 1440p near a 200 Hertz you should be able to do it just lower the settings down to high or obviously set it to 1080P and you're not going to have an issue at all probably impressive for again a thousand dollar gaming PC I have interest actually what will the frame rate be if we are going to run this at 1080p I'll have to spectate because I'm not good enough but it's still rendering so it shouldn't matter yeah there you go I told you didn't I tell you right on the money 240 frames a second or it's actually up to 260 now this is an apex Legend Powerhouse but you know what let's properly stress this system with what I think is the best looking game you can get on PC at the moment and this is some returnal originally a PlayStation 5 game but you got so many effects and things going on I absolutely loved playing this game I know I sound like a broken record if you haven't played it yet seriously pick it up as you can see it is a very difficult game to run if you want to run it at the highest quality settings so this is just below Epic actually there's no Ray tracing or anything and this is a title that has dlss if you're on Nvidia that can help to boost frame rates but if you're on AMD you don't currently have any FSR or anything like that so this is running properly native at 1440p and we're currently getting about 70 frames a second which for a game like this is still pretty much bang on the money it's a really capable machine it's really capable of producing some amazing visuals so let's have a look what happens if we go into the settings and we turn on Ray tracing but we go for Reflections and we set them to low we'll turn Shadows to low and what difference is that going to make it has actually made the game feel a lot worse you can definitely notice the added latency now but the frame rate is still very good I mean we're currently at about 60 frames a second or so and again we're recording so expect a little bit higher than that for a real world but to me that just doesn't feel good enough to play with Ray tracing so I think we're gonna have to turn this down to 1080p but then if you have a 1080p monitor this is probably one you want to turn around tracing on right so there we are we're now recording and yeah the game feels a lot better now we're nearly 80 frames a second Mark there's a lot less latency than there was before and while this is going to get intense in certain areas we are getting a little bit of stutter you can now play with the ray tracing if you want that on but I would say just generally if you do want the best way tracing experience possible you do want to go through Nvidia or at least go for the higher end AMD cards but obviously a 1 000 pound AMD graphics card is not going to fit to 1 000 gaming PC the only other thing that we need to mention other than the fact that I wasn't paying attention and we've now lost which is Big sad times thermals and Acoustics both are fantastic about 70 degrees actually on both when it comes to maximums and bear in mind this is running flat out with Ray tracing there's basically no noise whatsoever it was quite loud out of the box so make sure you do tune your fans I had to set up like a custom manual fan curve but other than that yeah it's been fantastic and so there we go ladies and gentlemen our 1 000 gaming PC for 2023. what do you make of it what do you like what do you dislike what would you change I don't think there's really too much I would alter other than if I had a little bit more budget you could obviously upgrade a few components maybe get like a higher capacity SSD go for the eight core 5800x rather than the 5600x but generally speaking I think everything is pretty well balanced let me know your thoughts on this down in the comment section below if you have enjoyed this though please smash the like button it really helped us out and of course get subscribed so don't miss loads of other builds like this and if you do want to see some more builds at loads of different price points guess what there's loads on the channel you can find those in the top right corner of your screen or in the end screen but of course if it is this particular gaming PC that's caught your fancy and you want to learn more about any of the components inside it including current pricing then you can find this link down below with my my Amazon affiliate links and while you're down there why not gaze into the RGB light of the new Galahad 2 Trinity coolers available in black or white with RGB performance or SL internet fans and in 240 or 360 configurations there is bound to be a cooler that takes your fancy not only that but thanks to thicker tubes a new copper plate 45 degree angle fittings and a whopping 5-year warranty you know your PC cooling is in safe hands learn more about them today with a link down below thank you so much for watching this video we'll catch you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 52,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, budget gaming pc, $1000 gaming pc, Β£1000 gaming pc, $1000 pc, best gaming pc, pc build guide, best pc build, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, build a pc, pc build under 1000, rx 6700 xt, graphics card, intel, amd, nvidia, cpu, 5600x, montech, air 903 max
Id: zSKF0TwYmtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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