The TWISTED History of Kolto & Bacta (Canon and Legends Explained)

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this video is brought to you by squarespace [Music] what's up my nerds this video is going to be a complete breakdown of the history of kolto and bacta how they work and the politics and wars that surrounded these substances and we'll end on some cool behind the scenes facts the story of the magical healing blue liquid starts thousands of years before the battle of yavin with the recently split sith and jedi order the rapid technological improvements of weapons of war led to similar advancements in medicine and the cell cath species of the planet manon had a breakthrough that would forever change the galaxy these aquatic people believe that their distant evolutionary ancestor was the progenitor align that split into the cell cath and the violent and powerful sharks known as the fraxa this progenitor fish was found mostly in an underwater canyon known as the racket rift and a whole spiritual reverence was developed around this creature which may have been the result of the very physical effects of the culto there is a heavy debate over the role of the progenitor some believe that it secreted the kolto and it isn't clear if that was meant to mean from oil glands sexual fluids or even just urine and feces while others believe that it merely guards the goo that comes up from the sea floor through the rift like some sort of crude oil so maybe it's both and that it's an oil generated from millions of years of these decomposing fish though off-world researchers think that the ricotta are behind this miracle juice as the progenitor was much larger than other species related to it and it was known to protect the rakatan star map so the kolto could have been a ricotta creation left behind that the fish simply fed on leading this particular progenitor to grow to an incredible size as it was drinking straight from this river of youth that flowed under the sea and to make things even stranger when the cell cath worked with the republic to establish a secret undersea outpost in order to collect the blue goo even quicker the progenitor was driven into a frenzy somehow affecting the minds of its evolutionary cousins as the sharks became singularly focused with trying to devour anyone they spotted and the cell cath working in the facility went mad the next thing we knew our cell cath researchers started screaming and and and clawing at everything around them my team my team was torn apart and eaten before my eyes it was revan who was sent to investigate and when he destroyed the equipment everything calmed down and the progenitor even allowed him to pass and interact with the star map so it definitely seems to be protecting this recon and relic now this event was a disaster for the selkath council as the miracle juice allowed them to be one of the few neutral worlds in this time of galactic war their only hub above water was the port otto city where you could see republic and sith representatives peacefully coexisting a neutral island in the sea of war all due to the cell cath promising mutual destruction if anyone invaded them they would simply destroy the sources of kalthoe and then each military would be forced to truly experience the cost of these wars it's a dark and twisted way to think of it but perhaps wise and applicable that culto worked to make these wars more palatable to their citizens of course people died but you had a lot less that were maimed and disabled there wasn't an obvious exterior wound that would be shocking to civilians if someone fought in a war they were either dead and could not tell their story or the veterans that were alive looked fine on the outside so the war just sounded like a great adventure no lasting damage to the body nothing that forced the civilians to have to see some of the horrors of war so for the reasons of keeping their forces constantly renewed for new battles but also for morale and political reasons the kolto had to keep flowing that's why the destruction of this facility was such an issue and revan strikes a deal with the council to keep the whole things under wraps while they relied on reserves and worked on other ways to harvest kolto throughout the jedi civil war and for centuries after you would find culto tanks on every large warship government buildings and hospitals even some privately owned ones where you would be connected to a breathing apparatus and tech to monitor vitals and likely something to provide food and water as the person would often be floating in here for around 12 hours if not multiple days which would have had at least a lot of the psychological effects of something like a float tank and we should consider that perhaps they would be fasting maybe there was no hookups for food and water hoping to activate some of the body's own repair mechanisms in concert with this healing concoction by far most of the culture was administered in smaller doses via portable technologies used in combat kolto was in the ubiquitous med packs delivered through injections on wrist mounted darts or hovering medical probes that would follow you and administer the juice automatically while you kept fighting and the even rarer missile that worked like a chemical gas weapon but instead of releasing poison it would release a cloud of healing mist that would bind to any wounds there were countless attempts to make artificial kulto but all of them failed the only thing close is that you could cut pure calto with other medicinal compounds like spice some on the black market using narcotics that mostly just covered up the pain and provided a euphoric effect that made you think you were healing and might be combined with a small amount of kolto though most contained none of it at all and though kolto was still in use during the high republic era of 300 bby to 82 bby it was really rare by then and had lost its status as the go-to healing compound around 300 years after reverend's actions on mana with the invention of bacta from the vratic species it was made by combining bacterias which is why it's called bacta and many types of bacto were made from these bug species for as long as their people could remember it's unclear which off-worlders first sought to turn the bacta into a mass-produced medicine but at first it was just combined with kolto one of the only effective versions of that cutting with the other spice like i mentioned the native ratics were a simple and peaceful people who wished to just work the fields and enjoy village life and were okay with off-worlders setting up operations on their world thira by now the supply of culto was dwindling these underwater veins running dry and although prices soared it was the death throes of the manon economy and the cell cath faded into galactic obscurity with all eyes turned to these curious combinations of bacteria exclusive to thy what was once used in small amounts as balm for wounds was now combined with the technological wonders of the space traveling civilizations which brought a potent new blue juice to the market but the fragile nature of the bacteria environments helped to keep this world free and relatively unbothered as the people at large knew to make sure that this fountain of youth stayed pure instead of meddling on world it seems that they took advantage of the fact that this was bacteria not a strange fish or a non-renewable resource like the oil seen from the cult of vents instead it was better to take from this fountain and cultivate these bacteria in your own labs as best you could and it doesn't appear like any major or destructive mining operations ever posed a threat to the vratics or the planet of thy pharah and you could imagine that like with manon all factions in any given war knew that if they destroyed the back to source it would hurt them just as much and probably get everybody else to team up against you and like its predecessor it came in every form from patches to grenades with the most recognizable being these back to tanks we don't know how much a kalto tank cost but these would be anywhere from 3 000 to 100 000 credits and most would be about 2 meters tall and weigh 500 kilos but there are likely larger ones for larger species while the patient appears to be asleep or somehow in a medically induced coma we don't know that for sure though we do get an interesting detail about the experience is that most reported an overwhelming taste of loom and alcohol that formed from the component bacteria elasti and this taste would remain in your nose and mouth for days after a full back to tank immersion by the time of the clone wars darth sidious was putting into place his scheme of monopolizing bacta first the trade federation falsified claims of bacteria shortages causing the price of bacter to skyrocket and of course there was the strain of the clone wars so that when the empire was declared palpatine was able to frame the unregulated production of bacta as a sign that someone was preparing for war you couldn't cultivate the bacteria in your own labs now the empire would be the only one allowed to produce the blue juice and it all had to be done on typhera which made it a lot easier to lock down and although trying to stop production across the galaxy would be hard to prevent if anyone was found to be in possession of these bacteria they knew they would be treated worse than a spice dealer not some criminal but questioned as a potential terrorist of the rebel alliance and i never fully appreciated this but the back the tank that luke would use was one of the prized possessions of the alliance right up there with things like the massive ion cannon and way harder to get than shield generators at this time trying to get your hands on both the tank and the back the fluid itself was only made possible by years of growing allies and trade connections imagine how important this was for a smaller rebellion where charismatic individuals really could make a difference but just to be thorough palpatine did invade manan just to enslave the cellcat species trying to make sure any remaining sources of kolto was also in imperial hands now from the clone wars through the galactic civil war era two corporations zaltan and zukrah had come to represent a kind of duopoly referred to as the bacta cartel they were puppets for the empire that jacked up the prices that the emperor's will a giant scheme to get more tax credits into the war machine palpatine was also using these companies to secretly make a complete sequencing of all variants of bacta and develop compounds that could neutralize them a horrifying but undeniable order from the emperor which all assumed was to be used as an emergency chemical weapon by the empire in the event of rebellion and because of things like this and the growing rumors of success by the rebel alliance combined with the native bug's own growing frustration with the humans the primary stockholder of zalton corporation plotted to aid the rebels and three and a half years after the battle of endor the bacta war erupted just months earlier the empire released the cridovirus a genetically engineered bioweapon that targeted non-humans resulting in the deaths of millions it doesn't seem that palpatine's plot to make back to neutralizing chemicals ever panned out so instead the de facto leader of the imperial remnant isani azad took her superstar destroyer lusanka straight to thy ferna after the fall of coruscant knowing that locking down the supply of bactal would accelerate the death toll and force the new republic to negotiate and when the nr didn't want to approve a rogue squadron attack they all resigned including their leader wedge antilles he would go on to orchestrate an unsanctioned guerrilla force that would use their fighters to raid back to shipments between imperial forces selling some at a great profit to buy more ships weaponry and mercenary forces eventually growing to include a full squadron of twilight pilots using their uglies uglies being a term for cobbling together parts of ships theirs were made from combining tie fighter cockpits with x-wing engines weapons and s-foils this ragtag group was able to snowball their victories over star destroyers and then with some unexpected and our help finally take the star destroyer lusanka the vratic's rebels captured the site's planet side but izard would escape with the back to producing bugs now enthusiastic allies of the new republic they were able to save millions of lives but this scarcity left a scar in the psyche of dnr citizens even as late as 19 aby it was common for doctors to vacuum out any bacter residue from their patients making sure they saved each drop and extended it all as long as possible so that's it for its history and breakdown but you definitely want to hear these cool facts and behind the scenes stuff boba fett has a back to pod which is a smaller and more portable version and is pretty restrictive in size maybe cadbane could fit and could be potentially healed and incorporated as an ally but he is taller and sadly the one who needs it most black chrysanthen is almost certainly too big for this model hopefully fett's connections and credits can get him access to a larger one some species like rhodians would experience complications due to their metabolism and often had to go in for repeated rounds of submersion although palpatine could not find it back to neutralizer the native radix rebels were able to contaminate some batches of bacter during that imperial remnant rule they would develop in a person to make them allergic to any future bacter treatments they hoped this would spread throughout the imperials but yasani aizar discovered it and had it sold off into the black market kolto was still used on the imperial prison barge known as the purge as late as the year 1aby and imperial researchers found that by now it was much weaker than it was during the time of the jedi civil war which was thousands of years earlier the story of the progenitor fish on manon is the official account but if revan takes the dark side option and releases a poison into the water to kill the progenitor it also pollutes the sea and source of kulto the cell cath will keep it a secret but ban you from ever returning and try and outright kill you if you admit to it the lore leaves these options open by vaguely mentioning that experts debate the cause of the dwindling supply of culto and the name manan appears to be a reference to both irish mythological deity manon makler who is the god of the sea and manna from the bible the miracle food that fell from the heaven to feed the hebrews this ocean planet being the source of the life-sustaining miracle material so that's it for kolto and vacta the healing liquid of the galaxy far far away but on our planet the lifeline for your website will come from squarespace check out the link down below for 10 off squarespace squarespace allows you to connect with your audience and generate 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Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 139,627
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Keywords: book of boba fett, bacta, kolto, bacta tank, bacta tank boba fett, boba fett, boba fett bacta, boba fett bacta tank ending, boba fett bacta tank scene, cad bane, black krrsantan, what is bacta, how does bacta work, kotor, old republic, star wars lore, star wars explained, star wars theory, book of boba fett explained, bacta vs kolto, what is kolto, why kolto, metanerdz, metanerdz lore, metanerdz boba fett
Id: ioZe61qwoeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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