The truth of my mother's death 2024 #LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2024 | Based On True Story 2024

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stop playing with the siren Marissa you're not 12 no if you keep treating me like I'm 12 I'll act like I'm 12 it's your senior year can you please try and avoid getting arrested what would be the fun in that I'll keep her out of trouble thank you Alex he read somewhere that a teenager's brain isn't wired like an adult's brain that's why he thinks we can't tell a good idea from a bad idea okay well that tattoo was a bad idea she's kidding bye thanks for the ridea I should kill you for telling him about my tat you know you might not even like James after next speak You're So interchangeable with everything so when it comes to you you are my girl forever forever o I'm afraid not she's my girl um can I talk to you fin me sure so are you okay I mean about last night yeah yeah are you yeah me yeah I mean like hell yeah it was amazing okay not totally amazing but I promise I will get better at it I just wanted to make sure I didn't hurt you no I'm I'm okay I just maybe thought it would be easier oh God I did hurt you no I talked to my mom though and she said that you told your mother of course it's okay though it's okay she listened and she didn't get mad and she knew it was her first time and it's really it's really okay wait what about your dad I'm never telling my dad he would kill you okay so much new information all right let's go like for class and did ju good morning and welcome to advanced placement world literature I'm Miss heatherington and I trust you all did your summer readings so we can dive right into Le M by Victor Hugo uhoh yeah excellent hey Alex nice to see you again so what do you think the themes of identity in this novel are well all of the characters use a pseudonym or a disguise to hide who they really are so I guess well I think what Hugo is trying to say is that we can never really know someone except for the honest characters Because by the end they they reveal who they really are very perceptive who else sorry to interrupt your class ma'am but uh I need to speak with one of your students of course officers Dad it was a tattoo it's not like I'm selling cocaine to fifth graders why Marissa this isn't about you Alex can you uh grab your things and come with me please right now honey where are we going just come with me sorry to interrupt okay if I could get everybody to open their books to page seven please let's take a look at the [Music] introduction M what's going on I'll explain later it'll be fine and why can't you just tell me what's going on there's been an accident at the PED store your mom's been hurt but she's all right isn't she just sit tight okay does my dad know did somebody call my dad yes he's on his way from West he knows that you're safe and that you're with me where's my brother and sister other car is has been dispatched to pick them up we're going to take them back to my house for now and CLA can look after them over there oh my God Mom Alex stay in the car [Music] a Alex you're the oldest right 17 do you know what happened to your mother where is your father what is wrong with you I'm going to all your B protect the crab [Applause] scene Alex honey I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I I don't the words me she's so horrible is my dad here no honey the police as to see him first but Sean and Ellie are here they're inside Alex what's going on the cops pulled me out of history class mom had an accident at the bad store she got hurt Alex just tell me what happened to mom wait mom's supposed to take me to swim meet today Alex it's the semi-finals I can't miss it you heard what happened to Helen they've locked down the street they told everyone to stay in their house well Stacey maybe you should go back to your house then okay just until it's all clear but did you see the news sorry not the right time Sean details are still forthcoming keep it here for the very latest on this tragic story was murdered execution style Helen Elizabeth Carlton was shot four times in the head early this morning a crime occurring in broad daylight Carlton is the owner of a pet store on Grand Boulevard where the shooting took place she was 45 years old the murder investigation reporting live Al [Music] Al Mr Carlin detective Joseph around we spoke on the phone is this my partner detective re this time we preferred if you didn't speak to the reporters Nick do you know what happened to your wife Mr C to give us a few words Nick the murder was execution St that's enough any idea who did it what did you say that report what did that report of mean execution style we're going to brief you at the station later right now you have to identify their body I'm sorry it has to be done right up [Music] [Music] here yeah that's her that's that's how why didn't why didn't you clean her face up I I know she's de how could you how could you show me like that like [Music] that like I said Mr Carlin we have faith that witnesses will come forward but first we have to rule out anyone close to it like me that's what you mean isn't it yes unfortunately see when a woman is murdered the husband or boyfriend quite often becomes the first suspect maybe we ask where you were this morning you can ask I was at Camp Westdale at a work party [Music] I'm the requisitions manager one of our secretaries is is retiring look I want to know who killed my wife as much as you and I'm happy to answer all of your questions but will you please just tell me what happened so I could get home to my kids according to the casings of the scene the weapon was a 22 Ruger apparently the killer or killers were waiting upon an [Music] arrival after she parked her car and got out she put the gun up the back of her head fired four shots in Point Blank Range if it's any consolation she died instantly it took you so long I'm sorry I had to go directly to the police station I'm here now I'm here now Nick I am so sorry where's Alex Ma [Music] [Music] really gone is she I keep wondering if he's out there watching us was Mom just in the wrong place at the wrong time or or is he going to come after all of us listen to me I will never let anyone hurt you any of you ever [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] so Sor anything you need okay absolutely thank you hey hi thanks for coming yeah holding up I'm uh you know what I got this why don't you take a break thanks for coming hi Alexandra oh hi um Mr prer right that's right you grown so much look more and more like your mom every year oh so sorry I wasn't thinking can't imagine what you must be feeling right now I'm fine thanks Alex uh if you ever need to talk uh I just want you to know that I'm I'm here for you yeah okay Frank good of you to come you have my sympathies Nick thank you Alex why don't you go see if your brother and sister are ready to go yeah yeah okay okay thanks you don't belong here it's inappropriate uh I have a right to pay my respects that's true I appreciate [Music] that so I'm asking you nicely stay away from my [Music] family jul did you want to [Music] come hi I'm detective Joseph from Moran yeah I remember are you going to find the killer Yes I take random acts of violence personally this is my C my cell number's on the back listen uh I'd like to contact you later would you be willing to help me find your mother's [Music] [Music] killer so who murders a Suburban housewife and mother if it's not the husband or boyfriend she have an insurance policy nope no financial gain okay so it's uh it's another woman you know we kick a few pillows we find her solve the case you can't rush these things look I know this isn't Oakland this is a small town you know we average three murders a year here most of those involve alcohol a shotgun and a naked ass crawling out of a bedroom window we can't afford to have cases go unsolved my arrest record in Oakland was the best in the department okay I'll find him I just need you to trust me to do it my way Mor right going to announce a monetary award for information on the local news tonight thank you sir in my experience people talk louder when they get paid they better Step It Up detectives yes sir yes sir what are you going to do for your birthday um we're going bowling can you bowl can you bowl oh hey Nick hey guys rers take your marks Ready Set [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come w w w w [Applause] Wu [Music] thank you great job dude you rocked that you were like in front of everybody else so fast yeah you that was like a personal best time right probably yeah I think so yeah D I can't believe you came you didn't have to take up work as as child I'm I'm not going to miss these things hey what happened at the start oh nothing nothing I just wasn't ready that's all you did [Music] great I'm going to start dinner actually no wait a minute no hold on a second just just wait a minute we're just a little early that's all what's going on Dad patience young buck patience you bought me a dirt bike I bought you a dirt bike yes thank you you're wel yes yes he's not supposed to have a dirt bike dad they're not safe honey it's all right head one when I was a kid I'll teach him to ride it no you have to take it back honey look how happy he is I think I just became father of the year yeah but when he asked for one mom said no Alex it's my decision okay thanks Dad can need come help look at this huh rule number one helmet all right give him that helmet for the world thing well we're uh we're doing okay better look at least the kids are here so uh I don't know okay yeah thank you thank you for checking in and out yeah I'll call you back then look at the end of the world I will so what do you guys have going on for today uh not much why well uh because I thought it might be time to pack up your mother's things guys look I know that's not easy to hear but I think maybe the best thing that we can do here is to try to get back to normal somehow and I'm just afraid that seeing your mother's things lying around every day it just makes it that much harder for all of us to move on so husband has an alibi somebody else just walks up to this woman in broad daylight and shoots her four times in the head How can there be no Witnesses reward money hasn't panned out there has to be a road not taken find it Joe man uh sorry to bother you but uh I was wondering if you had any update on the Carlton case you're close with the family right yeah next to our neighbor Alex has been best friends with my daughter since grade school what do you what do you think about Alex she's a good kid responsible they looked exactly alike too same smile same laugh you know uh detective Reed said there are still no Witnesses for a hidden broad daylight isn't that unusual you excuse me yeah hang on isn't that your mother's sweater um yeah put it in the Box honey no I want to keep it look it's only going upset your brother and your sister when they see it we don't want that do we come on sweetheart thank [Music] you well that's done but guys I know this is hard clothes are just things that you buy in a store and your mother will be in your hearts [Music] always excuse me hi I am Alex Carlton I'm here to talk to the detective on my mother's case I think his last name was Moran I'm sorry may ask you are 17 perhaps it would be better if your father or another adult came into the station why does another adult have to come in I'm her daughter that should be enough why don't I take a message message and someone will call your father with an update no I want to talk to him now can you please call him I said I'll deliver the message no you know what this is ridiculous my mother was murdered and I have a right to know what is going on with her case I am her daughter do you not get that that was some display as it [Music] [Music] was Alex hey hey wait up you were great you could go to the state finals with those times I just told the coach I quit quit you haven't quit anything in your life before well I have to be at home where I've got to take care of the kids the kids you sound like an Amish wife look you're coming to the bowling alley tonight right I I completely forgot I got to help Ellie with a school project uh Ellie I am going to put away the groceries and then I'll help you with your homework okay okay hey guys hey hey how you doing good oh smells good um we have to eat right away though cuz I have to go somewhere and Sean want do his homework he's getting a c in algebra Sean do your homework dad you going to get that went upstairs we went upstairs okay oh hi hi did they tell you that they came to talk to you yes ma'am is your father home yeah man yeah danad dad Mr Carl detective yeah hi been a while yeah hope this means you've got some good news for us not good I'm afraid at this time we must officially close Helen's case closed can you just do that I mean don't you have anything to tell us well your wife was well loved in this town she had no enemies so we still maintain it was a random incident probably robbery gone bad possibly for drug money but unfortunately after 3 months we've exhausted all of our leads without producing a viable suspect that that's not fair I'm equally frustrated by the lack of movement in this case I'm sorry so so that's what you came here to tell me in front of my children that Ellen's murder is not going to be solved I wish I had better news I will leave you guys to [Music] it hey I thought you said you took random acts of violence personally I [Music] do [Music] [Music] what the reward sign still up Sean Sean why did you just do that it's over detective dickwad closed the case oh watch your mouth mom never would have let you talk like that hi guys how's it going Alex can I talk to you a minute I've got my hands full can I wait just take a [Music] minute okay look we'll talk about it later okay come on I'll meet you home what is it why didn't you show up at the bowling party oh well you know what they closed my mom's case last night and it kind of took over my life so Alex we really have to talk I have to answer this hello thank you hello hi thanks for coming have a seat like some food some something to drink no thanks I'm sorry we closed the case but the truth is I never stopped working on it I've had a few breaks first Alex I don't believe your mother's death was a robbery she had over $200 in her purse and it wasn't touched do you remember what I asked you at the funeral yeah if I would help you find my mother's killer yes well it turns out I need your help now so would you be willing to help me yes of course they will see Alex me talking to you like this a minor I'm a senior in high school well for this to work everything we do must remain confidential you cannot mention me to anyone your father your brother sister your boyfriend your friends at school no matter how hard it gets I got to be frank because the crime wasn't the robbery we must assume it was personal see nine out of 10 people die at the hands of somebody they know when you think my mom knew who killed her yes but if it was someone that she knew then that you have an idea of who it was I have a few ideas I have to skip my first class and study for my finals today can you take the kids to school for me yeah where where our M oh thanks Sean where's Ellie she's outside [Music] crazy this is crazy look just blank at the store lots of pictures standard stuff right okay thanks why does crime go up during the merriest time of the year lack versus lust those are think they lack suddenly Lust For [Music] more I got to go you finish up here when you had a hot date something my that Terry sorry I'm late that's okay I just wanted to tell you that I went ahead and went through my mother's things looking for threatening letters or something and I didn't find anything you go through your father's things why look I'm not going to lie to you your father is a suspect we have to include that you know what no you know what my father loved my mother they were married for 18 years we have information okay reason to believe he's playing a roll oh yeah what information he's been having an affair for 2 years with the bartender named Ruthie Weber now please sit down I don't believe you he wouldn't do that he's innocent I know he is well then help me prove it well how am I supposed to do that I need you to go through his files bring his receipts his address book report unusual behavior you know spending lots staying out late you want me to spy on my own father okay you can worry about that or you can worry about who built your mother if you want to help me prove your father's innocence this is what you have to do Alex hey wow about time you fill those out you need help let's see no West Coast Schools what are we going to do without you uh I got to go make dinner where's Dad I don't know he just uh taking care of a little something outside what nothing you're staring at me did you hear something today I should know about no you told her didn't you huh I didn't say anything me neither tell me what Dad got you an early Christmas present ell a car a you bought me a car to thank you for everything wait a second you bought Ellie a computer Sean a new dirt bike and now you're buying me a car yeah where are you getting all the money from our savings look honey mom's car is shot and besides it can't be easy for you to drive her car every day so oh my what this is amazing you totally deserve it you have really stepped up taking care of this family I'm just so proud of you thanks Dad you're welcome Hey Dad M um you don't know anyone who would have wanted to hurt mom do you no no honey I I can't think of anyone believ me I have tried but your your your mom was she was amazing and everybody loved her and who would want to hurt her why I was just told that that most people are are killed by someone that they know who told you that just something that I heard I me look at me your mom was killed by some horrible stranger some robbery gone bad and it was awful but these things happen and now we've got to try to put it behind us try yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right um hey look do you mind if I go see Cody I just have something that I want to give him oh you go right ahead I got you covered here thanks Dad yeah you seem different different good or different bad just different but don't worry you're still the prettiest girl I've ever seen I got you something oh [Applause] but I didn't get you anything it's okay yeah it was um it was my mom's she collected books and I know they miss Roba is your favorite maybe the only one you've ever read to the end Alex I can't keep this it was your mom's I want you to have it we don't have a lot of her stuff left he um he made us give away all of our clothes already it felt really T and I wasn't really ready for it he meaning your dad right look I'm I'm sure he's fine and he's just dealing with it the only way he knows how yeah yeah you're probably right I I'm sorry this must be getting really boring for you no no [Music] no [Music] okay receipts receipts [Music] [Music] miscellaneous car I found a receipt for a new Mustang in my dad's name and the registration is under Ruth Weber I'm sorry I just I couldn't believe that he would have an [Music] affair I'm sorry you had to find out this way look but even even if he did have an affair he was still at the party at Camp Westdale when my mom was murdered so he couldn't have shot her you know he could have hired somebody to end your mother's life rather than do it himself God you really hate my dad don't you there's nothing personal I hate the case what does does that mean murder used to be shocking and now it's become ordinary I don't think your mother's death was ordinary do you no look it's almost 4 months later and no one is even talking about it anymore because they can't funerals and sudden deaths create this moment of heightened awareness but we stop and we we realize how temporary life is and and how everything can stop anytime but living with that awareness just it's it's too it's too painful you know so people have to make things go back to normal except people like you and me we can't what do you mean people like you yeah I lost someone just like you Alex who did she lose my sister what happened to her she was [Music] murdered who did it the case was never solved but your case is not going to end like hers okay no another [Music] onead St in the distance I'm so like St [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Alex is 3:00 in the morning I just saw him with Ruthie they were having sex in the car that he bought her he opened presents with us and prayed with us and then went out and had sex with her on Christmas how did you see all that I followed him he left the house at 2: in the morning did you see you no I don't think so okay Alex listen I need you to go home right now but what about what I just saw I know it's confusing but I need you to go home right now get to bed and go to sleep why are you so mad at me look what you just did could have blown up in both of our faces just you'll hear from me [Music] I know you're awake Al the engine's warm and you left the lights on in the car where were you um come on out I was out with Cody yeah yeah all right that's what I that's what I thought I remember that I was 17 once yeah um I'm sorry I I won't sneak out again no it's okay it's okay honey I was just I was just worried about you so I went not looking for you but I guess you beat me back here why don't you give me your car keys I'll turn the lights off in your car okay he you have a seat I can't be late for classes I've missed too much school already those are both their Wills insurance papers my dad's address book I'll pick them up in 2 hours go home put everything back and then pick up the kids okay okay thanks listen hey I know this is hard I really [Music] do no now you want to know what's hard is waking up every morning and having to pretend like I didn't see him having sex with that woman I watch him having breakfast smiling drinking coffee and I just want to scream at him what is wrong with you our mom is dead and they are selling vanilla lattes where her pet story used to be and some detective is trying to convince me that he killed her but I can't say any of that to him because I'm not allowed to talk to anyone but you and what I needed to talk to you you hung up on me I'm sorry I'll be back in 2 [Music] hours Hey Joe hey I just got back from the DA's office uh he's going to file today on that robbery attempted murder of the liquor star clerk good yeah he wanted to say thank you again for the evidence Trail all the markers were very uh thorough he'd never seen anything like it good to hear yeah you seem preoccupied lately yeah I got some other things going on yeah that's what I helping to talk about hey wait wait up wait up a couple of guys that they saw you today in A din with a teenage girl and they uh they reached out to me concern you want talk about it no I appreciate you concern it's not your business [Music] okay I make copies make sure you put everything back exactly when you found it okay yeah I know I'm not stupid and uh check out the address book you recognize the majority of names so uh let me know if there's any unfamiliar on look I had idea there's this guy Frank Brewster my dad didn't seem very happy that he was at the funeral he would take us for lunch once a year my dad really didn't like him Frank Bruce to checked out clean let me know if there's any unfamiliar names in there why are you so cold and professional all the time like you have no emotions and we can't meet at the diner anymore why it's close to my school want to find a new location I will let you know what about Ruthie Weber maybe she wanted my dad for you question Ruthie she's got an alibi but so does my dad you believe their Alibi is not his why what do you think Alex huh you know what it's late I I have to [Music] go [Music] okay here's our selection creamy dill pickle yes all right ready to get some Om Nom Nom Noms what I call snacks cuz you're like Om Nom Nom Nom um you're a I know and cheesy nachos I think Nao cheese jeez hey hey what are you guys doing we were just shopping for high quality food for the senior class key trip did you read my text no I'm I'm sorry I I just got lot going on you know what Alex we're busy too but we keep calling you and we keep texting you but you just never answer us we really are worried when did you guys start hooking up what no it was a lot of we we texted we called we're worried you know what Alex NOA no yes Cody and I are together now but do you want to know why because we spent so much time talking about you and worrying about you and being hurt by you that it just [Music] happened I don't even care I don't care what happens in this stupid Town anymore Sean did you do your homework not yet no video games until your homework's done you know the rules oh take it easy Alex guy can relax and chill with his own man from time to time relax and chill ever since mom died you've been trying to be his buddy instead of his dad how dare you talk to me that way front of Sean he looks up to you and you're letting him slack off so I have to come in and I have to be the bad gun you know what I am sick of it congratulations Al she sound just like your mom was bitching at me oh yeah always bitching at you is that why you had an aair who told you that It's a Small Town dad people talk well it's not true Alex her name is Ruthie you don't have to lie to me [Music] [Music] Dad did you stop loving mom no I no of course not your your mom was the the love of my life she still is I made a mistake are you still seeing Ruthie no honey of course not that was over last year I [Music] promise okay oh honey you can't be in here it's 21 and over I'm Nick Carlson's daughter did you kill my mom I didn't kill your mom I was just as shocked as anybody truth is first thing I thought about was you kids were you thinking about us when you had an affair with my Dad wow you are something why did you start sleeping with him if you knew he was married I know this probably doesn't mean much coming from me but I'm sorry about what happened to your mom do you think that my dad had something to do with what happened to her that was my second thought [Music] yeah we need to talk where were you I was out for a drive like I said for a drive well gone for hours the kids are asleep where were you you know what it's none of your business excuse me so it's none of my business none of my business what has gotten into you lately hey your grades are plummeting there's no groceries in this house you're staying out to all hours is that how you take care of this family you should talk what is that supposed to mean I do not know I don't know who you are I am the mother the maid The Cook the driver the real question is Dad who are you who are you because I don't know anymore don't you judge me don't you dare judge me I have not even had time to mourn my wife I've been so worried about so busy worrying about us right so worried that you've been out in the middle of the night screwing Ruthie in a brand new [Music] car I'm so sorry that was inappropriate it was wrong I feel awful I I've been asking a lot of you lately too much just with mom being gone I I find it hard it's hard and I know it's hard but I want you to know that I'm still here I'm still your dad I still love you and I hope you know that [Music] what's what's going on my father slapped me he never hit me before maybe he knows maybe I blew it somehow I okay okay is there any reason why he would be suspicious I don't think so I have been so careful but I'm I'm tired you have no idea how hard it is to be in that house with him okay look at me someone about the address book um there was one name that I didn't recognize Bruce Wilkins yeah we're aware of him we're going to have an informal talk with him tomorrow at the station anybody else you should know about I spoke with you weer you did what damn Alex this kind of behavior will jeopardize our case and put you in danger is that what you want to do please stop yelling at me you know if you do things like that you're going to get yourself killed they're leaving where are we going listen to me somebody shot your mother in the head four times execution style and that somebody could just as easily shoot you you know why because once you've convinced yourself it's okay to kill somebody you can kill again now we're not there yet you're really close but we need a murder work have you seen a gun at your house what no we don't have a gun okay look I want you to get out of the car go home because there must be a place where you haven't looked yet I've looked everywhere [Music] now [Music] [Music] dear Helen I still can't believe you said you'd married me I'm the luckiest guy in the [Music] world I love you Frank FR [Music] Frank [Music] [Music] what are you doing down here I'm I'm I'm getting baby photos for a school project now shouldn't you be a school yeah I should I'm just on my lunch break so I I'm going to go back right now are you coming no no now that I'm down here remember I need need a few things okay Alex what's your [Music] [Music] step [Music] hey Alex what are you doing here is this bir certificate true are you my [Music] father I always wanted to tell you but um your mother thought it was better to let you think Nick was your father I just always thought that they were married before I was born that's not true either your mom and I were married when she met Nick lived in a little house on Mission Beach what happened she fell in love with him for years I blame Nick for stealing her but um I guess you can't really steal what never belonged to you you were 2 years old when she left I can't believe she would do that don't be mad at her Alex your mother have loved you more than she loved anyone how do you know that she lied to me about who my dad was let me tell you something all your mother ever wanted to do was to be a mother I remember when you were first born she looked right into your eyes and said now I know what love is is she meant it your mother loved you Alex she just did what she thought was best for you it don't feels like a bad dream [Music] sorry it's late I look forward to reading it but Alex I'm concerned you were taking college prep classes but with your marks down I'm afraid there's not any place that's going to accept you don't worry about it why have you changed your mind about college look someone has to take care of my brother and sister Miss heatherington I know that you care but it is what it is so please just leave me alone here didn't have to close the case that early did you no I didn't and why did you I needed people to relax hopefully make a mistake look I'm not going to be able to meet you in person as much anymore what I do wrong no it's not about you it's the case I want to speed up the process you know Bruce Wilkins he was contacted to commit a murder that followed the exact same emmo as your mother's death he wasn't given the victim's name but he was given a gun Advanced half the fee but in the end he couldn't go through with it was it Nick who contacted him yes it [Music] was how much was he going to pay him $5,000 $5,000 to kill my mother that's all her life was worth [Music] a [Music] sh [Music] hello I found a gun where is it now it was in my mom's pet supplies in the garage I didn't even think to look in there he never even goes in the garage okay look look calm down you need a focus where's your father now he took the kids out for pizza all right listen you need to put back the gun meet me tomorrow at the DMV parking lot at 9:00 a.m. don't be late I'm never late know what I'm saying see out thanks you're sweating why you sweating I uh I went for a run yeah I miss running okay well um good night Alex Al hey wake up it's almost 8:30 what why didn't you wake me up dad told me to let you sleep in his daddy mad no he's making breakfast eggs and bacon I really don't want to go to school today we've got this stupid social stess about human rights or something and you know what I hate I love you so much yeah yeah I know but just get off me you're hurting me come on breakfast let's go let's go let's go okay okay what is again derogatory grading dad like hey you got eggs cool hey Alex breakfast I got to go hey hey glad you came I got to show you something is that one you sure yeah I'm sure 22 Ruger six lands and grooves and a right hand twist is that the gun that killed her it's consistent with the projectiles and the type of gun Wilkin said Nick gave him to commit the crime what time does he leave for work he should have left already all right look I need you to bring the gun to the station wrap it in a cloth so you don't get any more fingerprints on it what happens then well if it's a match we'll arrest Nick they go to prison for a very long time you know I was I I was up all night thinking you know is is fair my brother and sister they already lost their mom and now they're going to lose their dad too I mean who's going to take care of us did you even think of that honestly all I cared about was finding your mother's killer so look before it's too late I'll give you a choice you can go home pretend you never saw the gun I'll stop the investigation your life goes back to the way it was or you bring the gun to the station in an hour and Nick will go to prison you know the last thing my mom said to me was that I was a gift but I think the real gift is the one I can give her now so I will be there at 10:00 with a [Music] gun [Music] oh she's coming this way I'm going to back up [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] kids going you go upstairs and pack like I told you why are you packing we're going on a trip there's the two of us where I don't know yet it's a surprise hey uh dad can Alex come uh not this time I'm PR any okay go back we need to [Music] talk I know you have a gun what gun gun in your backpack I didn't till just now that gun I moved it three times closet basement [Music] garage are you telling me you let a minor child go back into a house with a murder suspect to retrieve a possible murder weapon I didn't have a choice you always have a choice listen to me Alex Colton was supposed to be here at 10:00 I'll give you the address I need you to back me up Sir let's go hey guys go wait in the car I have to talk about something okay okay we'll be waiting outside all right go ahead honey it's okay bye here's what I want you to do I want you to give me the gun we put all this behind us we'll pretend it never happened no I can't I can't Alex okay I want you to give me the gun I want you to do is you're told because I'm your father you are not no what does that mean no I'm not I mean you're not I mean you're not my dad Frank Brewster is my dad I'm the only father you ever known I fed you honey I I raised you honey I Loved You Now give me the gun or what you'll shoot [Music] me Alex I would never hurt you now you hire people to do that for you Alex don't talk about things you don't understand your mother wanted to divorce me she found out about Ruthie and she wanted to get a divorce then why didn't you just give her a divorce because I couldn't give her a divorce because I couldn't break up the family this family is our life your mother was trying to ruin it and now you are trying to ruin it [Music] get Dad no Dad Dad no no [Music] don't move you right ah [Music] [Music] a [Music] were you surprised that your father tried to hurt you yes but it's like detective M once told me once a person decides that they can kill someone they can kill again I don't really understand what what's going on here what don't you understand Alex well why is detective Mor on trial this isn't a trial it's an internal affairs hearing detective Moran knowingly put you in a dangerous situation that's reckless endangerment of a minor which is against the law well did detective man know that asking me to help him would get him fired according to his testimony yes but if he hadn't asked me to help him then Nick never would have gone to jail I understand that that but detective Moran still violated your rights but if we hadn't we wouldn't know who killed my mother wow are we done here yes ma'am we are you know at first I hated what detective man was asking me to do but we got our answers and now the only question that I have left is how do you thank someone who changed your life because you did you changed my life and I will never be able to say thank you enough for everything that you did for [Music] me in the internal affairs hearing detective Joseph Moran was found guilty for the reckless endangerment of a minor when I asked him how he felt about that he said he wouldn't have done anything differ l Bruce Wilkins had a solid Alibi at the time of my mother's death but he testified at the trial that Nick tried to hire him to kill her Nick was found guilty of solicitation of murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison my brother and sister still believe that Nick is innocent and stopped speaking to me for helping detective Moran in prison Nick never admitted guilt and was diagnosed as a sociopath as I learned in L mbla when all The Masks are removed you are left with who you really are so I changed my last name to Brewster and graduated from college with my father Frank by my side as for who actually pulled the trigger my mother's killer has never been found
Channel: Most wanted rider
Views: 11,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024
Id: 3j1EREy3_Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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