The Truth about Ramayan | Shri Ram | Diwali Special | Dhruv Rathee

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Hello, friends! I wish you all a very happy Diwali in advance. Last year I made a video on Ramayana, in which I discussed how some people try to justify Ravana. They try to use illogical arguments to prove that Ravana was not that bad. I countered those points in detail in that video. And in today's Diwali special video, I would like to focus on three things. First, an allegation that many people put on Lord Ram. When Ram returned to Ayodhya, he left his pregnant wife, Sita. Along with this, some people also say that Ram k!lled a Shudra named Shambuk just because he was meditating. In fact, these are two such things that Dr Ambedkar mentioned in his booklet, Riddles of Ram and Krishna. The second thing is one of my old clips on Ramayana which is often shared on social media. Today I would like to clarify my opinion on Ramayana. And thirdly, we will expose some people who spread filth in society using Ram's name. We will understand why it is important to protect Ram from Nathuram. Come, let's get to it. Friends, you must have seen this in some old movies and storybooks. When the story ends, it says, "And they lived happily ever after." Look at Chapter 128 of Valmiki's Ramayana. This is the last Chapter of the sixth section, the Yuddha Kand. In this, our story ends. Ram was crowned the king. Vibhishan returned to Lanka. Sugreev returned to Kishkindha. Ram asked Lakshman to rule as a Prince Regent. But when Lakshman refused he appointed Bharat. After this, in Shloka 95 to Shloka 106, Ram's kingdom is described. This is the section which you can consider as the "and they lived happily ever after" section. Ram carried out the Paundarika, Ashvamedha, Vajapeya, and other rituals, and pleased the Gods. There was no danger from wild animals. There were no diseases. There were no thieves or dacoits. People lived for thousands of years, without any disease or sorrow. The old people didn't have to perform the last rites for young people. Trees bore fruits and flowers regularly. Clouds would rain at the right time. The touch of the wind was blissful. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra were doing their own work. They were satisfied with their work, were happy and without greed. Shloka 106 says, Sarve Lakshan Sampana, Sarve Dharm Parayana, Dash Varsh Sahetrasani Ram Rajyam Karyat. It means that everyone had distinct qualities and everyone behaved as per dharma. That is, they behaved ethically. That is why Ram's reign lasted for 10,000 years. Now, after hearing all this, one thing must have become clear to you this is a happily ever after ending of the story. Think for yourself, does it make sense for the story to continue after this? If our story was incomplete in any sense, then there was no need to write this 'happily ever after' section in such detail. And the thing is that the allegations that are put on Ram here that he left Sita and k!lled a Shudra, all of that is a part of Uttar Kand. And this Uttar Kand is an addition that was added later to the Ramayana. An addition that forcefully continues this 'happily ever after' ending. There is a lot of evidence that the story actually ended there. After this last 'happily ever after' section, only one section remained in Ramayan, which is the section of Phalashruti. This tells you about the benefits of listening to this particular scripture. The final Shloka is written in 125. "This narration is to be listened invariably by good people, seeking for wisdom, longevity, health, fame, fraternity, intelligence, welfare and brilliance." This is the ending of the original Valmiki's Ramayan. In this same Phalashruti section, there is a verse, Shloka 108, in which it is mentioned that "This foremost lyric... as written at first by Valmiki." Once again, it is proved that the scripture is complete at this point. Now, it is important to mention here that in Uttar Karna, there are some things that negate the story of Valmiki's Ramayan, it's in contradiction. For example, we saw how Ram Rajya has been described. Everyone was happy, people from all sections of society were doing their work and lived for thousands of years without any sorrow. But Shambuk's story as written in the Uttar Kand, goes against this description. In this story, a Brahmin's son dies which causes him immense grief. And after that, Shambuk was k!lled by Ram. But Valmiki wrote in the end that no old person had to perform the last rites for their young son. Listen to another example. In this story, Ram sits on the Pushpak Viman and looks for Shambuk. But in Valmiki's Ramayan's Chapter 127 of the Yuddha Kand is was written that When Ram returned to Ayodhya, he sent Pushpak Viman back to Kuber. And while we're talking about Kuber, in Chapter 13 of the Uttar Kand it is written that Ravan and other demons were disrupting the rituals performed by many sages and deities. Hearing this, Kuber sent a messenger to Ravan. This messenger met Vibhishan first and he took the messenger to Ravan. Ravan then k!lled that messenger with a sword and demons ate his d3ad body. This part of the story is a prequel to the story of Sita's abduction. But in Valmiki Ramayan, when Sita is kidnapped, Ram sent several peace messengers to Ravan. First Angad, then Hanuman. When Hanuman was brought to Ravan, Ravan wondered what to do with Hanuman. He asked Vibhishan for advice. In Sundarkand, Chapter 52, Shloka 15, Vibhishan lists the acceptable punishments for messengers. Cutting off the limbs, hitting them with whips, shaving the head, making a mark on the body. And he goes on to say that they hadn't heard about k!lling a messenger. If you believe the Uttar Kand to be true, had Ravan already k!lled Kuber's messenger, why would Vibhishan say this? So friends, after seeing all this evidence, one thing becomes clear Uttar Kand is not a part of the original Ramayan. It was added later and the way it negates the original story it should never be considered as a continuation of Ramayan. Now you may be wondering who wrote this Uttar Kand and when was it written? Historically, we don't have any solid evidence but we can guess that it is a story which was added to promote Brahmanical superiority and casteism. To prove that Brahmins are superior to Shudras. And Sita's story looks like an obvious attempt to promote patriarchy. That men have power and men control women. It seems that some casteist and sexist people in the society, added this continuation to Ramayana to use it for their agenda back then. And if we talk about the agenda, there are still some people who use the name of Ram to promote wrong things in society, to promote bad habits. To use the slogans of Jai Shri Ram while bullying, and abusing women. And these people are hurt the most by watching my videos on religion. They are bewildered by my audacity to talk about religion. They do not like that I tell people about the good aspects of religion. If people start learning good things from religion, then the religious polarity they are trying to create won't work. Often people like these try to discredit me, by showing my old clips out of context and sharing it on social media, about what I said earlier. This is one of my clips on Ramayan that is shared by these people. "So people say because that bridge exists, it is a part of our history. That this story did actually happen. But people think of it only at one level, they don't go deeper than that. -Correct, they won't question it. -they don't go deeper than that. -Correct, they won't question it. -Try applying some deductive reasoning to it. Does the existence of a man-made thing prove that the whole story is real? Isn't it the same logic that since New York City is shown in Spiderman, and since New York City exists in real life. -So, Spiderman is also real. -Spiderman exists too. That not how it works." In this clip, I am talking about how when I was a 7 or 8-year-old kid, I heard the Ramayana and wondered how it could be possible. How could there be flying vessels in those days, and someone could lift a mountain and cross a sea? When I was a kid, I still didn't believe in these things. I added that these stories are like Santa Claus' stories. I was doing this interview with Karan Singh, a famous magician-mentalist. In the interview, he talks about how he used to go to the Gurudwara, when his parents insisted, but he too didn't believe in the existence of God. We were mostly talking about deductive reasoning and atheism. To explain critical thinking and logical fallacy, I took the example of Spiderman. How in Spiderman's comics, New York City is mentioned. New York City does exist in real life, but that doesn't mean that Spiderman is real. Similarly, I said that if Ram Setu is real, it doesn't mean that the stories told in Ramayana will be real. But I never said that Ramayana never happened. It is clear that Ramayana is a religious scripture written at some point in history. Historians estimate that Valmiki's Ramayana was written between the 7th century and the 4th century BC. But did the stories written in this epic actually take place or not? Unfortunately, we don't know about this. I personally believe that these things may have happened in the past. But not in the way they have been written. I believe that this is a metaphorical epic. When it is said that Lord Hanuman picked up a mountain and flew across the sea carrying it, this is not physically possible, even a child can understand this. But this may be written like a metaphor. Because often in writing and communication, metaphors are used in this way. If I want to say that Saurabh works very hard and does so much, I might say that he is carrying a mountain on his shoulders. Or there is the saying, "I will cross the seven oceans for you." If I say this to someone, it doesn't mean that I will literally cross the seven oceans for them. Or that Saurabh is literally carrying a mountain on his shoulders. The metaphor means that he is very hardworking. Crossing the seven oceans means that I will put all my heart and soul into it. Apart from this, it is also possible that while writing Ramayan, the Atishayokti Alankar was used. In literature, writers and poets often exaggerate while describing real events. For example, have you seen the Hollywood film 300? In this film, a historic battle has been shown between the Persians and the Greeks. Indeed, this battle did actually happen. And the Greeks fought with great bravery. But many ancient authors and filmmakers have exaggeratedly shown that 300 Spartans fought against 1 million Persians. This number is highly exaggerated. According to historical evidence, the Greek army of 7,000-10,000 soldiers was there to help these 300 Spartans. And they did not fight 1 million Persians. The number of Persians is estimated to have been between 70,000 and 300,000. No doubt, it was a highly disproportionate and historical battle. But in films, poets and writers often exaggerate things. To show things as being larger than life, so that they can be more entertaining. By the way, if you like these historical and mythological stories, then I would recommend that you check out KUKU FM. You will find many amazing audiobooks there. Like this, Ravan: A Devotee Or A Demon Dharm Rakshak: Yudhishtir, Agni Si Pawan: Siya. Obviously, there is Ramayana too and along with that, there's also an audiobook on Veer Hanuman. You should listen to these audiobooks before going to sleep at night. They are the best for unwinding and relaxing. Apart from this, you will get audiobooks on almost every topic and field on KUKU FM. If you haven't joined KUKU FM yet, do check it out. You will get a 50% off coupon in the description below. The links to all the audiobooks I have mentioned will also be in the description. With a thanks to KUKU FM for sponsoring this video, let's get back to the topic. One more example of this can be seen in this India Today article. It is written that Maharana Pratap used to carry a spear weighing 80 kg. And two swords which weighed 208 kg in total. And his armour weighed 72 kg. So, in total, he used to carry 360 kg while on the battlefield. Now, no doubt Maharana Pratap was very brave and powerful but carrying 360 kg on his body while fighting on the battlefield is physically impossible. This is an exaggeration by poets and writers. To find out the truth, visit the City Palace Museum in Udaipur, where the armour and weapons of Maharana Pratap are kept. Their weights are also mentioned there, 35 Kg. So this is my opinion on Ramayana. But if any of you think that it is possible to lift a mountain and fly over the sea, physically possible, then you are free to believe it. I don't have any problem if you believe this. Now there will be some people who, try to provoke me into saying something against Muslims. Accusing me of talking about Hinduism only. To that, I would say I have made a video on Abrahamic religions, which you can go and watch. In that, I have clearly said that there are some stories of Islamic and Christian scriptures, which are mythologies. Even though Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ are historical figures, but the stories of miracles that are attached to them, are not historical. Neither scientists nor historians believe them to be true. So this is not just my personal opinion. Whether it is the story of Jesus Christ, about how he turned water into wine. Or the story of Prophet Muhammad, how he split the moon into two parts with his sword. Or the story of Lord Hanuman, how he swallowed the sun. All these are mythological stories. They have no place in science and history. I believe that these stories are metaphorical. Like we often say, "I am in heaven." I am very happy, I am in a state of bliss. To split the moon, maybe like breaking centuries-old traditions. Or to swallow the sun, maybe like controlling fire. To establish control over your senses. "From where does all the energy on Earth come from? So what does it mean to swallow the sun? The biggest natural thing that you can see, Lord Hanuman went and won it. Meaning, he won over nature. It doesn't mean that he ate it as a fruit." There are messages hidden in all religious scriptures. But do you know what the problem is? People are not concerned about the message. People are just stuck on their egos. They just want to prove that their religion is the best. Some people are even ready to k!ll and hurt others to prove it. But they ignore the message. If you put your ego aside, you will realize that it doesn't matter if Ram was a divine avatar, a human or just a literary character. Lord Ram is great because of his qualities. And that's why, whether a person is a Hindu, a Muslim, a Sikh, a Christian, a Buddhist, a Jain, a Parsi, a Jew or even an atheist, Ram is for everyone. You must have heard the saying, Ram's name is greater than Ram. While using Ram's name, recall his qualities. What values did he promote? If you apply those values in your life, your life will be transformed. Ram is a great model of masculinity. Being fit and strong, but while being humble and compassionate. This is the reason why I call myself a Hindu Atheist. Because Hinduism has shaped my values. And culturally too, I follow Hindu rituals. Not to humiliate anyone, like many so-called orthodox Hindus do today. But because I want to do it from the bottom of my heart. For myself. Ram's name is mentioned so many times in Haryanvi culture that it is easy to remember all these things. Whenever we meet, "Ram Ram, tau!" [Ram Ram, brother] Whenever we leave, we say, "Jai Ram ji ki!" [Victory to Lord Ram] The expression for being amazed, "Hey Ram!" [Oh, Ram!] The expression for being sad, "Hey mere Ram, ke karu?" [Oh my Ram, what should I do?] When we sneeze, "Chhatrapati Ram ji." [Lord Ram] When it rains, "Ram ji baras gaye." [Lord Ram is raining] When there is confusion, "Ram jane ke hoya ke na." [Ram knows what will happen] When we have to swear, "Ram ki soon." [I swear by Ram] But today, friends, Ram's name is in danger. Ram's name is being dragged through the mud. You would have heard the saying, Talking about Ram, following Nathuram. "To live in India, You have to say 'Jai Shri Ram'!" This has become a fact today. Mahatma Gandhi was a great Ram devotee. But today, the followers of Nathuram Godse are trying to hijack Ram. "Nathuram Godse was a patriot. He is and will be." "I consider Godse to be like a God. Godse is someone we look up to." "Are you against Godse? -Hear me out. Are you against Godse or not? -Tell the nation. -No, I am not." We see reports of how some degenerates of society force others to say "Jai Shri Ram." News from Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahr, Kanpur, Unnao, Ghaziabad, Rajasthan's Alwar, Delhi, Assam, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal, Bihar, Hyderabad, Telangana, "Say "Jai Shri Ram!" SAY IT!" This type of news comes in from every corner of the country. People are k!lled, burnt alive, l!nched in the name of Ram. If you show such news to these people, they will talk about Muslims who use the slogans of *****. Do you support the slogans of ******? No, because no normal person supports such slogans. But the mindset of these people is that if a Muslim person does wrong, then we will do it too. If someone else is jumping into a well, they would want to jump in too. If their purpose is to copy Muslims then they can copy great Muslims like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Dr. Salim Ali, the Birdman of India or Mohammad Rafi. But no, they want to copy Muslim extremists only. Islamic t3rror!st Osama Bin Laden, Hafiz Saeed, who brought shame to Islam. Now these degenerates dressed in saffron, are ruining the name of Ram similarly. Allahu Akbar means God is great. It's a good reminder. But while attacking, Islamic t3rror!sts have used this chant so many times all over the world. Look at the news. "They have chanted Allahu Akbar." "They have shouted Allahu Akbar." "He pulled out a knife and attacked shouting Allahu Akbar." The call to prayer, Azaan, starts with Allahu Akbar. Which gives you a feeling of peace from the inside. "I personally love Azaan, when we were shooting for Tanu Manu in Lucknow, I loved the sound of it." But the extremists use this slogan like a war cry during t3rror!st attacks. Similarly, Jai Shri Ram, is a slogan that should bring peace to your heart. But now, what do we see? a violent mob of people, carrying swords and weapons in their hands, and chanting Jai Shri Ram. Look at these news articles. "We Hindus go to temples to pray, but these people and their weapons reach mosques during Hindu festivals. They use the name of Lord Ram to raise slogans of g3nocide. They often write on social media, Dharmo Rakshati Rakshit. They say that they are doing this to protect their religion. Dharma Rakshati Rakshit. Religion protects those who protect it. They say that they are protecting the religion. But do you know where this quote has been taken from? From Manusmriti. Do you know what is the definition of Dharma in this? It is like this. There are 10 characteristics of Dharma. Patience, forgiveness, restraint, not stealing, cleanliness, controlling of senses, increasing intelligence, gaining knowledge, practising truth and remaining calm. But do these people follow any of these characteristics? No one is doing it. They use social media to insult and degrade others. In Mahabharata, it is written again and again, Ahimsa Parmodharam, non-violence is the utmost duty. In Ramcharitmanas, Tulsidas says, Parhitsaris Dharm Nahi Bhai, Parh Pida Sam Nahi Adhmai. There's nothing more important than helping others. There's nothing worse than harming others. Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kand Chapter 14, Shloka 3, those who have knowledge of Dharma, say that Truth is the ultimate Dharma. Dharma means to do your moral duty, to fulfil your duties. But today, some people use Dharma, to honour r@pists, get the Mahapanchayat to support the l!nching accused, create apps to auction women. I want to challenge these degenerates. Show even one Shloka in Valmiki Ramayana which validates this hatred. But these people will accept the challenge only if they know how to read and write. That's why I would say, friends, that the wise Hindus need to unite and raise our voices against them so that we can save Ram from Nathuram. So that no one can fool you in the name of religion, read the religious scriptures yourself. I am putting the link to the entire Valmiki's Ramayana in the description below. And when you get time, read it and see what values are taught in it. Jai Jai Ram, Jai Siya Ram! If you liked the video, click here to watch the previous video of Ramayana. Thank you very much!
Channel: Dhruv Rathee
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Keywords: Dhruv Rathee, Dhruv, Rathee, Dhruv Rathee latest video, indian youtuber, khan sir, khan sir patna, nathuram godse, nathuram godse biography, nathuram, who is nathuram godse, nathuram godse movie, nathuiram godse, nathuram biography, why nathuram is good, nathuram godse news, nathuram godse real story, ram navmi, ram, lord ram, ramayan, why godse killed gandhiji, jai shree ram, was raven good?, Valmiki ramayan, ramayana
Id: nZGq7NdL48Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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