The TRUTH About Pfizer

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what a wonderful time we've had celebrating unelected power not the jubilee it's been davos last week but if you think they're up to anything there all those heads of state and heads of big companies and klaus schwab you're a conspiracy theorist hey hey hey you 5.6 million awakening wonders thank you for joining us on this channel where we hope to bring you light and truth and the tools to discern and find your own wisdom to create your own views and opinions to understand where media is lying to you and to understand how you can respond to it more sensibly it's been davos klaus schwab and albert baller together again baller and schwab they come together they think they're so clever it's baller and schwab oh please behave yourself if you uh want to join my community you should join my community sign up to my mailing list there's a link at the end and also on july 10th we're doing a one day community event think of it as the davos of the people there's a link in the description wim hof's going to be there vandana shiva elders proper elders that will teach us skills the opportunity to educate ourselves to change ourselves now let's get on to that other event that celebrates community and collaboration davos ball and schwab have been talking about how unfortunate it is that the world has become beset by conspiracy theories why do you believe in so many conspiracy theories why am i willing to entertain conspiracy theories let's look at a private event that none of us were invited to where the ceo advisor and an unelected official talk about power and how power operates we knew that there is a very fanatic group of anti-vaxxers it's weird that only one side of the argument are fanatical just in the simple terms of exchanges of energy you can't have one fanatical group because that fanatical group would get their way i feel like i remember seeing people going if you're not vaccinated it's the worst thing in the world they're causing all these problems lots of things that weren't considered were natural immunity hybrid immunity all emergent facts questions around certain vaccines the funding of certain vaccines laboratories in baltimore that had to destroy batches yellow card events there are a lot of things to consider again let me tell you i don't mind what you do medically you shouldn't mind what i do medically we're going to be free we're going to be able to have these kind of conversations you've got to say one side is fanatical but the other side are balanced and reasonable let me tell you where else we've seen that template you see that in foreign wars oh they're fanatical over there they're religious we're just going to rationally drone them to death rationalism is the ideology that power uses to underwrite new tyranny we're doing this because it's reasonable we're following the science people why won't you follow the science well what science the problem with following the science is the science follows the money i'm not trying to make any endorsements i just want openness and the critical tools which is truth to be available that will go after us no matter what they will claim that the sun didn't go up because people were vaccinated what this conversation and in particular that answer is doing is equating dissent with hysteria to question power is a kind of madness oh questioning whether the sun's going to come up no why don't we have an open and honest conversation this is meant to be a forum where you're discussing the efficacy of your product the ethics of making that much money during a pandemic an open transparent conversation is there sufficient investigation into alternatives into options into the efficacy of lockdowns unless you're doing that you can't accuse your opponents of being hysterical unless this is another crazy thing this is my theory if you say that dissent is hysterical you only leave one option open if you say to question authority is a kind of madness then what opposes authority if the only people that doubt you are mad people in conspiracy theories that means that by default what you're saying is true so do you think davos is about an investigation into truth about proposing new ideas that are beneficial for everybody or do you think it's about controlling the narrative and shutting down descent and stigmatizing opposition answers in the comments so i think that's behind us everything went okay and now i think we can move on how can you say that there's so many questions left there's been so much money made there's so much inquiry so much doubt so much concern so many consequences mental health pandemic opioid crisis addiction problems if this isn't something that we can just move on so many inquiries about the efficacy of particular branches of that medicine inquiries about like remember that pfizer wanted to boot the files explaining their clinical trial process 75 years into the future does that sound like transparency we might as well move on there's nothing to see here how can you possibly say that but if you just include things like they were given immunity from prosecution before they embarked they made incredible profits they tried to boot the file 75 years into the future like it was the murder of jfk those are not the preconditions for an open debate particularly when they stigmatized and attacked anybody that was just remotely inquiring doubtful or dubious about following the agenda of companies that have a deep long history of paying out lawsuits for malpractice i think we were we were both targets of cnt vaccine movements and conspiracy people i think he got hundreds of thousands of clicks and so on just imagine all of those people clicking away over cloud klaus you haven't got a cat i know but imagine the clicks i know you will also target i read one day but was arrested by fbi yeah same happened to me and there are pictures pictures of me and fbi officers i don't know how yeah i never said just a little bit of factual information pfizer is among the big pharma companies trying to block legislation strengthening whistleblowers ability to report corporate fraud so they think it's so funny that they're willing to block legislation that allows people to work at those corporations to transparently declare what they've witnessed while working there the surprising thing it is that the same publication i found out because i had published the previous one that was arrested was the pope yes and the catholic church i've got nothing to worry about when it comes to transgressive behavior again that's just the comfort and assuredness of people ensconced in power there's serious corruption within the catholic church there's serious corruption of the vatican that might not be comfortable for you it's certainly not comfortable for me but it's a fact and the same fact is they've paid out huge fines in the past because of various forms of malpractice they've irresponsibly promoted drugs and it's pretty clear even from other meetings in davos that they conduct their research according to profit that doesn't make these individual people even klaus schwab and albert baller i'm not suggesting they're anything other than human beings like you and me i'm not suggesting that they're just in situations and conditions and systems that mean that they have to serve profit mean they have to centralize power mean they have to shut down dissent mean they have to create means to generate relationships and revenue they exist outside of democracy because if they existed within democracy there'd be a way to shut it down they have to circumvent the power of ordinary people continually even if that's the power of dissent in order to continue with their business model this isn't like you know they're lizards from another dimension i don't care about stuff like that it's not helpful what i believe is happening is that they exist outside of the law and are able to manipulate outcomes favorably due to the nature of the relationships they have nationally and globally ridiculous yeah so we are a good company yeah at least i was in good company yeah well that's klaus schwab and albert baller's take on the pandemic and conspiracy theories let's give you some other information pfizer has made nearly 26 billion in revenue in the first three months of the year the bulk of it from covered 19 and a new pill to treat the virus now i suppose the narrative they invite you to accept is that they came up with an ingenious new cure and they should have those profits even if you just want to look at it in those simple terms you have to acknowledge that taxpayer money went into the development of the vaccines that they profited from they were granted immunity from prosecution so instead of chuckling away the wf what they should be discussing is would it be fair and right if some of the profits from that vaccine went back into the communities nations and systems that funded it in the first place at the root of the pfizer model are a set of intellectual property rules laid down in trade deals these effectively allow big pharma corporations to operate as monopolies with no responsibility to share the knowledge they own that's all cool but that means it is big business it's not community no pat on the back no fizer tattoos no fizer jackets is a big company that's interested in making profits and serving the interest of their shareholders that's no problem you might be down with that sort of stuff but don't treat them as if they're saints and laugh and oh we're in the same company as the pope baller and schwab present the idea of conspiracy theories as ridiculous as risible worthy of laughter and derision but the fact is they are talking about a product that was developed with taxpayer dollars that's your dollars your money that you earned then those products were purchased with taxpayer dollars or pounds of franks whatever the hell it is in your country that's again money that you earned your money they were granted immunity from prosecution they lobby their governments they're in positions of collaboration if not conspiracy throughout the system of their profiteering so saying that oh it's silly to suggest that they'll be dragged off by the fbi is one thing but the idea that there isn't a conspiracy in terms of cooperation between powerful interests that excludes and prevents the intervention by means of democracy or ordinary people that's hardly a conspiracy theory and the fact that it's legal makes it worse it shows you that the system is set up to facilitate these kind of endeavors this kind of agenda and if you oppose it or say you don't want to participate for whatever reason there could be thousands thousands and thousands then you are the problem then you are the butt of a joke a billionaire conference where they can just sit back lounge twiddle with their ties stroke their [ __ ] and laugh at you while you fund it companies like pfizer behave more like hedge funds buying up and controlling other firms in intellectual property rather than traditional medical research companies so physomites present themselves as we're in the laboratory tweaking the microbiology but actually they're in boardrooms and on stock trading floors acquiring smaller companies buying up stuff purchasing patents shutting down research not allowing other countries or continents with less resources to have access to those medicines and if by the way the medicine is only to help people why wouldn't you grant it you know why bill gates why albert baller well i would say because primarily they're interested in profit and they don't say you know this allows them to monopolize that knowledge and maximize the price of the result in medicines pfizer has channeled 70 billion dollars to its shareholders directly through dividend payments and through stock buybacks so again when we do our wealth transfer during the pandemic this is how it happened because your money developed to the product your money purchased the product but when it came to profit off to the shareholders okay though but is there any reason why the government wouldn't step in and regulate these practices prevent them make it easier because it's a democracy right i'm definitely not conspiracy definitely aren't people in government supporting these ideas and preventing change happening at least 11 senators and 34 representatives of the house held pfizer shares in 2020 that's during the pandemic so when they're granting the immunity and spending the money do you think the fact that they personally profit influences them tell me in the comments what you think tell me what your life has shown you lawmakers held these investments as congress authorized more than 10 billion dollars to help drug companies develop and distribute the vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot now isn't that a racket like we're going to give you public money to develop these products we've developed these products cool how much are they they're [ __ ] expensive it was very very expensive to develop these drugs yeah we know we gave you the money pfizer spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020 what a coincidence pfizer packs and individuals who work for the pharmaceutical giant contributed more than four million dollars to candidates and committees in the 2020 election cycle haha conspiracy pfizer ceo albert baller said the fourth dose of the covid19 vaccine will be necessary to continue to help hospitalizations manageable and sicknesses more mild despite debate among scientists and a lack of evidence either for or against another booster if there's no evidence for or against which way do you think ball is going to go what does baller's history what do the prices of his medicines what do the dividends pay to shareholders tell you which way do you think baller will go do you think he's neutral do you think he's in a position to laugh at you questioning his motives in november 2021 fighter ceo albert baller said people who spread misinformation on coveted 19 vaccines are criminals criminals misinformation is misinformation simply to inquire is it disinformation to question a machine that generates so much profit when it's fuel comes from you from the public you put in the gas they enjoy the ride anyway have you ever wondered why davos has such a limited demographic of people discussing stuff rich ceos rich klaus schwab rich other folks let's have a look why that could be to even be eligible to receive your prized invitation to the annual meeting in davos one must purchase an organizational membership package to the world economic forum for the wef even to consider a candidate for a davos invite they must first be affiliated with an organization that is willing to pay for membership and partnership fees that range from sixty two thousand dollars to six hundred twenty five thousand dollars who is able to participate in a conversation that costs six hundred and twenty five thousand dollars to even open your mouth what kind of objectivity are you gonna get in that kind of context also what are you offering your partners in order for them to cough that up now whether they're all laughing at these jokes they probably own shares in pfizer and if they don't they operate within collaborative organizations i'd laugh if i was involved in that conversation invitees pay a minimum of twenty eight thousand dollars for their ticket to the conference most choose the all-access white badge which costs a reported fifty thousand dollars for the four-day event i'd want a lot more than a white badge for that i'd want a white [ __ ] on my lap to stroke the whole way through the conference transportation to the event will cost a minimum of a thousand dollars each way via automobile although many of the guests fly in on private jets and helicopters overnight accommodations start around a thousand dollars for the equivalent of a room in a cheap motel but can easily reach as high as 140 000 a night for a private chalet with this enormous inflow of capital the wef brought in some 45 million dollars in revenue for the supposed non-profit 2020 confab 45 million dollars non-profit that's a lot of money to not make and what are they doing with that money how much understanding they're spending it on the backdrop or the tech the audio is terrible the bottom line is no one's getting into davos without dropping at least a hundred thousand dollars per open the books the wf is subsidized in part by u.s taxpayers who were forced to deliver 60 million dollars to the outfit over the course of the last eight years so there you go you paid for those drugs to be developed you paid for those drugs to be administered you paid for them to sit around in suits and laugh at you and laugh at the idea that you might have any doubts at all about the motivations of these billionaires at their billionaire conference and if you want a dissent or if you want to ask a question that's not a soft ball puff piece question then you better have a hundred thousand dollars at the ready a hundred grand a night to pay for accommodation and be able to drop a grand even to get there because that is the level of open transparent debate that you'll be getting at davos and if you want to question it then you you have the problem you're the conspiracy theorist that is the world you live in do you want to change it are you ready yet tell me when you're ready in the comments below that's just what i think who am i i'm a crazy guy i got a tinfoil hat around here somewhere if you enjoyed this video give us a thumbs up share it around let's keep this conversation going get involved you are the only thing that can oppose this it's vital that you subscribe to our channel we're doing a one day event on july the 10th there's a link in the description you can come along wim hof vandana shiva people talking about community any money that we make will go to drug addicts and mentally ill people and when i say drug addicts i mean drug addicts they're trying to get clean it's vital that if you enjoyed this video you watch one of these two and it's vital that you sign up to my mailing list so i can continue with the conversation with you if ever we find out like big tech corporations are somehow involved in this we'll need to communicate with you more directly anyway more important than any of this stuff is that you please stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 527,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, Pfizer, CEO, albert bourla, WEF, world economic forum, world economic forum 2022, klaus schwab, Vaccines, Pandemic, mRNA, Covid, covid19, coronavirus
Id: nj38vCKNbqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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