The Truth about Logan Paul vs Dillon Danis

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this video is brought to you by manscape the new handyman so this little Chestnut the best way to get rid of [Music] your stubble so the handyman is the all new face shaver with skin safe technology to help produce Nicks and cuts so that you can feel confident when going for that close shave there's also the beard hedger Pro kit it's got 20 haircut and lengths with one God so no more drawers full of extra add-ons and it's a high-tech travel size package with a long lasting battery so if you want want to support this Channel and make sure the hair from your head to your toes is in check go to and use the code true at checkout for 20% off and free shipping but for now enjoy the [Music] video remember when we were all worried Dylan wasn't going to show up it turns out that was the best case scenario cuz at least then they had to put Logan in there with an actual fighter who throw like I don't know punches so it's just a wild idea call me crazy oh no this was a real good strategy to gas Logan out and then he wins at the end mate it was a six round fight yeah plunkers so the question is why did Dylan throw hardly any punches and bottle it against Logan I've actually got the exact amount of punches just in case you're wondering first round 64 thrown by Logan 11 that by Dylan 84 by Logan to seven by Dyan that's like a world record that must be Guinness need to get on that that is oh put that on the Instagram if you want to know why Dylan took that road the low road the road he always goes the clue was in my preview the biggest risk for Dylan is when he's throwing if you're Dylan you want to get out there with pride you want to not feel like you were just steamrolled by Logan so maybe employing a defensive strategy where he doesn't throw too often and just pick his spots might give him more credibility in the long run because I've Got a Feeling if he goes in there and just tries to trade with Logan this fight will be over very quickly and he knew that so he thought I'mma throw hardly any punches but when I was saying that I thought he'd at least try and win at some point like I didn't think he would literally not throw at all but Dylan knew if I start throwing and leave myself exposed I'm going to get knocked the out and I can't do that I can't take it like a man I can't go out on my shield I'm not that guy I'm not built like that I want to Scurry away and live to talk [ __ ] another day that's what Dylan wanted to do and to a degree he can kind of do that a little bit now but the the reality is is you've chosen that and you've sacrificed saying you're a fighter you can't call yourself a fighter and behave like that in a boxing ring you are not a fighter you're a Brazilian jiu-jitsu guy who talks [ __ ] on the internet and then when it comes time to back it up you [ __ ] out and that's what Dylan danis did and look I know there's a lot of people who hate Logan and for that reason it's like they're going to support Dylan no no no come on I'm not saying you have to like Logan but if your hero is a man who talks that much [ __ ] about another guy and then turns up on fight day and shits his pants like that and and scurries away after a DQ and causes that sort of [ __ ] it's weasel behavior and if you support that weasel you probably got a bit of weasel in you that makes you like that kind of guy he didn't fight like a man when we think of Fighters we think of Bravery that ain't Brave I know this guy has for MMA before I mean and he had two fights against two nobodies and he has aspirations of being an MMA fighter again no chance you do not belong in the fight game I said he was the 69er fighting and he proved that like he talks a load of [ __ ] when it's time to be gangster you ain't about that life and you cowed away lay on your back like a [ __ ] in the middle of the [ __ ] ring bro it was so embarrassing man and I know he didn't want to get knocked out by Logan but to call a man out like that and then just let him beat the [ __ ] out of you for 18 minutes solid and not even have The Bravery to throw a punch back and really go for it there should be a bit of male pride in there that engages you at some point to think no I won't take this I'm a fighter you've been telling everyone you're a fighter you're aing punching bag that's what Conor McGregor used you for and that's what you will use for by Logan Paul last night that's all you are bro oh yeah and you know a few submissions congratulations for that but it it don't mean [ __ ] now cuz you've just embarrass yourself in front of the world four years you've had out of fighting and you get all of this opportunity and all of this Ty around you to reintroduce yourself to the fight game if you'd gone in there and really competed with Logan people could have been a bit more excited about you fighting MMA again you've just wasted any opportunity you had and I don't know why anyone would ever employ this guy in the fight Community again outside of the fact that he has a little bit of attention now which will fade by the day after this performance even the MMA [ __ ] he tried to do failed he couldn't take Logan down Logan avoided the take down he tried to choke him out heing flopped like a dead fish on the floor man even your MMA ship sucked so he knew if I throw I will likely get hurt so I'm just going to cow away and try and get out with my teeth intact and that's fine if you haven't talked a load of [ __ ] claiming you're a real fighter but that's what you did and you proved that you're not that guy and the funny thing is is to see the contrast between Dylan danis who claims he's a real fighter and KSI who people call a YouTuber and the way as underdogs they approach their figh in come completely different ways the level of balls and bravery that KSI showed compared to Dylan danis Jesus Christ if you weren't ashamed of yourself after that [ __ ] show watching KSI go out there and give it everything he had against Tommy Fury who had was bigger younger stronger and all of that more experienced in him and compete to find a a way to do that because he had that dog in him that you don't have man there's a little bit of me that's like you don't like seeing people just waste opportunities and waste Talent even though you know Dylan is who he is and you thinking what are you doing do you not think like when he's 60 years old he might look back at his career and go the one time I had the world's attention and I fuing [ __ ] the bed that's not going to sit right with him later on down the road I know he's probably too stubb and stupid toing recognize it now but this will be one of the biggest regrets of his life because there's a question of what if I just fing went for it maybe I'd have and done something but you'll never know because he didn't have it in here in terms of Logan I mean he didn't have a lot to work with in there the guy was covering up uh he broke through the guardy a good few a smashed him around played around with him it was the easiest fight of his life and before the fight I thought you know if you don't knock him out it's a bit of a loss right but watching that fight I'm like well I mean you can't really knock him out he's not actually exchanging with you and his his thing is to just throw in nothing and make it hard but to know that that man quit before he was even in the ring with you mentally that's even a bigger loss for Dylan to ever take it wasn't even like you needed to beat him he' already beaten himself because he didn't have the balls to even go like if anyone looks up to this guy you really don't understand life because he has talent he has things that he could use to his Advantage but he doesn't have the courage to do it I know there'll be people who say Dylan won you know he got under Logan's skin got got money in the bank for it he didn't get knocked out so I guess some people might think oh well that's a win it's like it's pretty low ambition that yeah like if you were talking all of that about another man and all of that and you don't even have the the belief in yourself to even be competitive not even win just to be competitive and now he has to go away with his reputation destroyed because remember I'm a real fighter I'll [ __ ] this guy up he's just a YouTuber now he has to walk around knowing everyone's going to look at him Logan Paul beat the [ __ ] out of you and you didn't even hit him back he just took it if your reputation as a fighter that is now destroyed once and for all you know I don't know if any organization will touch him again after this what why would you like all right he's good at kind of generating interest on Twitter so maybe someone will give him a shot but the fights themselves are horrendous and you can only do that so many times before no one ever wants to watch you again and I don't know why on Earth anyone would want to watch Dylan danis fight like that's the the most important thing is people have to want to watch you fight we can all watch you tweet all day that's free you have to sell your in ring product and he has shown it's dog [ __ ] so he might have like won the battle in your head fair enough but the war is over for him the long term is absolutely shambolic now you proven you can't fight and not let's not kid ourselves he's got a law suit to deal with he's got all sorts of [ __ ] going on and I don't really wish that on anyone despite his having no sympathy for the guy I'm not surprised by the disqualification at the end like Dylan was getting his ass kicked he was going to pull some stupid [ __ ] at the end he's a child and he you know he's just had a kid and I I you think to yourself you need to grow up mate do you know what I mean you need to actually start taking yourself seriously as an athlete the man didn't bother getting coaches in and he's just that fuing stupid kid who has actually a bit of potential but doesn't have the brains to realize it in terms of Logan it's really hard to judge the fight I mean he had nothing to work with just aing punching bag in there he was easy do you know what I mean in terms of the way he's thrown some of his punches some of them well quite a few of them are arm punches and not really technically correct in order to get the most out of that athleticism I think he can level up tenfold I think he's got the potential Logan has is massive but I think he's in a bit of a comfort zone he's had the same coach for a long time if Logan just wants to dip in and out and have fun fights like this he doesn't need to change anything he'll whip most people at this level like that but if Logan wants to really start taking big fights and hard fights and serious fights I think he needs to change his style to actually get the most out of that athleticism and to learn how to really turn into his punches and and to really hit hit people as hard as he can because I don't think he's doing that right now that being said I think if Dylan had have actually thrown punches Logan would have been able to display skills in a better way where there's a real fight going on and not just a guy cing in the corner getting the beaten out of him and in terms of all the beef I think for for Logan because there's so much to be gained by beefing with Logan because there's so much profile he just needs to close the door on Dylan don't reply to him ignore him like move on with your life because that guy his 15 minutes of fame are up right and and and he now has to find a new way to make this work for him again and I don't know how he does that because again who wants to watch him fight Logan can go off and do a million different things wrestling more boxing he's got so many different things going on knows where Dylan goes after this I I've got no idea to cot uh probably in terms of having Dylan bucket Misfits I think there's no point to be honest it's it's what is he going to do just getting him in the ring and not getting him to duck a fight is hard enough and when you actually get him in the ring he does nothing so that's me thoughts don't forget to hit that like button stay subscrib to the pay game YouTube channel thanks for watching and I'll see you later
Channel: The Pain Game
Views: 148,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Logan Paul, Dillon Danis, KSI, Tommy Fury, Misfits Boxing, DAZN, Jake Paul, Boxing, Fight, Full fight, Prime Card, Logan Paul Dillon Danis, Entrance
Id: GU121k-wrm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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