The Truth About Lizzie Borden

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In the 1800s, the story of ax-wielding  spinster Lizzie Borden was a national   phenomenon. But did the infamous Borden,   who has been portrayed by Christina Ricci and  Chloë Sevigny, actually butcher her parents?   Here's everything you never knew about  Lizzie Borden and her infamous ax spree. Born in 1860, Lizzie Borden was the youngest  child of Andrew and Sarah Borden. Tragically,   Lizzie's mother passed away when  the girl was just 2-years-old,   and she spent most of her life with her stepmom,  Abby. Decades later, at the age of 32, Lizzie had   become a prominent figure in her hometown of Fall  River. She was energetic and outgoing, especially   compared to her 41-year-old wallflower sister  Emma. In addition to teaching Sunday school,   Lizzie kept herself busy singing in a church choir  and delivering baskets and bouquets to the sick   and poor. She campaigned against alcohol as a  member of the Women's Christian Temperance Union,   worked at a charity hospital, and served as  the secretary treasurer for the Christian   Endeavor Society. She even prepared turkey  dinners on Christmas for underprivileged kids. Neither of the Borden sisters was  married, which was unusual for the time.   As a result, Lizzie and Emma lived at  home with their 70-year-old father,   Andrew. He started off as an undertaker  before making it big in real estate and   the banking business. But even though he  was one of the wealthiest men in Fall River,   most described Andrew as a notorious  penny-pincher. As for his second wife,   the 63-year-old Abby, most sources claim she  didn't really get along with her stepdaughters. With a stingy dad and a stepmother she didn't  like, Lizzie wasn't crazy about her home life,   and as it turns out, Lizzie's relationship  with her parents was about to get even worse. On August 4, 1892, Bridget "Maggie"  Sullivan, maid to the Borden family,   woke up with a serious case of nausea and vomited  after preparing breakfast. However, she wasn't the   only one suffering from stomach sickness. Both  Andrew and Abby Borden had been violently ill,   and Mrs. Borden had gone to the family physician  the day before claiming she'd been poisoned. That morning, Sullivan was ordered to wash all the  outside windows, leaving Lizzie and her stepmother   in the house alone. Meanwhile, Andrew was running  errands, Emma was meeting friends in another town,   and their uncle and houseguest, John  Morse, was visiting other relatives. However, things got weird a little before 11.  Andrew had just returned home, and as Sullivan   went to let him in, she heard laughing coming from  upstairs. The maid wasn't sure what was so funny,   but shortly after Andrew stepped inside,  Lizzie came downstairs and said Abby had   received a note from a sick friend and  had gone to visit. With his wife gone,   Andrew settled down on the living room sofa  and quickly fell asleep for the last time. According to The New York Times, the maid was  woken from a nap by Lizzie Borden's screams,   and she rushed downstairs to see what  was the matter. She was met by Lizzie,   who told her that an intruder had attacked her  father. Lizzie sent the maid to fetch Dr. Bowen   and her good friend Alice Russell, which left  Lizzie alone in the house for several minutes. As for Andrew, it was determined he'd been  struck 11 times by an ax or hatchet. Later,   Abby Borden was found lying dead in the upstairs  guest room, the victim of 18 or 19 vicious blows. During their investigation, the  police found the head of a hatchet,   minus the handle, down in the basement, and  while it was treated as the murder weapon,   it seemed pretty clean for something just used  to butcher two people. Because of how sick   the Bordens had been, their stomachs were sent  away for testing, but no poison was identified. Almost immediately, the police focused on  Lizzie, the only other person thought to have   been in the house at the time of both murders.  After all, there was a lot of circumstantial   evidence pointing in her direction. For instance,  according to a clerk at a local drug store, Lizzie   had come in the day before the murders hoping to  buy prussic acid, which is incredibly poisonous.   She claimed she wanted it for cleaning purposes,  but the timing seemed suspicious in retrospect. "Sometimes, Alice, I have a feeling that  something terrible is going to happen there." Others wondered how Lizzie could've been  inside for Abby's murder and not have heard   the sounds of a vicious attack, especially  since the Borden house wasn't that big.   Alice Russell, Lizzie's friend, claimed  Lizzie had recently mentioned that she   was worried that something bad  might happen to her father. There was also the issue of the note Lizzie  said Abby Borden received that morning,   asking her to visit a sick friend. The  police couldn't find it anywhere. Plus,   the timing just didn't work. Abby was killed at  around 9:30, and Andrew was murdered at about 11.   If a stranger had committed the crimes, they  would've had to wait inside for 90 minutes,   or have left in between the murders and  then come back, which seems highly unlikely. When Lizzie was questioned at a coroner's inquest  several days later, things didn't go well,   as her testimony appeared to  be full of contradictions.   Coupled with the circumstantial evidence,  her statements soon landed her behind bars,   kicking off one of the most  sensational trials in American history. The trial started on June 5, 1893. At one  point, the prosecution dramatically revealed   Andrew and Abby's skulls, prompting Lizzie  to faint in the courtroom. Things only got   worse for the state when the judges ruled that  Lizzie's inquest testimony was inadmissible,   in part because she hadn't had a  lawyer at the time and partly because   she'd been questioned while under  the influence of doctor-prescribed   morphine. The judges also threw out testimony  about her trying to purchase prussic acid. As for the defense team, they did a great  job of getting the state's witnesses to   contradict themselves, as well as discrediting  several of the prosecution's biggest arguments.   For example, the state claimed that the reason  no one ever found the handle of the murder   weapon was that Lizzie had burned the shaft  because it was covered in blood. Of course,   this was impossible to prove. The defense also  pointed out how clean the hatchet head had been,   and how unrealistic it would have been for  Lizzie to wash the murder weapon and hide her   bloody clothes in the few minutes between killing  Andrew Borden and calling for Bridget Sullivan. When the state argued that maybe Lizzie  committed the crime in the nude, the defense   laughed the theory out of court, as Lizzie was  considered a respectable lady. Lizzie's lawyers   also found witnesses who'd seen a suspicious  character in the vicinity of the Borden house,   and handymen who'd been working in  the loft shortly before the crimes,   calling the police's evidence into question. Andrew Borden was one of the wealthiest men  in Fall River, with an estate worth about   $7 million by today's standards, but he was also  incredibly stingy. As a result, the Bordens lived   in a house without electricity or running water.  There weren't even any bathtubs or toilets. "Excuse me father." Things got even worse when Andrew  gave a house to Abby's sister in 1887.   Evidently, Emma and Lizzie thought their  father preferred his in-laws over his own   flesh and blood, and this allegedly made  things pretty icy in the Borden household.   Plus, the Borden girls never liked their stepmom.  To this day, most people who believe Lizzie was   guilty hold to the theory that money and hatred  of her stepmom led to her committing the murders. "My father is a complicated man  and he was known to be difficult." However, it should be noted that not  everyone thinks that Andrew was as   greedy as the history books suggest. According  to journals kept by one of Lizzie's lawyers,   it appears that Andrew and  his daughter were at least   somewhat close. As explained by Michael Martins,  curator of the Fall River Historical Society, "Andrew Borden was apparently quite  concerned about his daughters' well-being." Andrew also paid for Lizzie to tour  Europe a few years before the murders,   suggesting that he could be generous at times. Lizzie Borden's trial lasted two weeks, and by  the end of it, it was looking like she might   walk away clean. The defense had successfully  stopped key prosecution witnesses from testifying   and had painted Lizzie as a virtuous  woman incapable of such a massacre.   In fact, before sending the jury off to  deliberate, one of the judges reminded   them to consider Lizzie's "Christian  character" while discussing her fate. When the jury of 12 men returned after just 90  minutes, they pronounced Lizzie Borden not guilty.   Lizzie let out a yell after hearing the verdict,   and it was a sentiment reflected by much  of the media. The New York Times reported, "It will be with a certain relief to every  right-minded man or woman who has followed the   case [...] that the jury at New Bedford has not  only acquitted Miss Lizzie Borden of the atrocious   crime with which she was charged, but has done  so with promptness that was very significant." While it's fair to say the state  failed to prove Lizzie's guilt,   it's also fair to say that the all-male jury  was probably influenced by certain attitudes   of the day. As many have pointed out, people  in 1893 couldn't believe a woman like Lizzie,   a Sunday school teacher from a wealthy  family, could commit such a ghastly deed. Lizzie walked out of that courtroom a free woman,   and the murders of Andrew and Abby  Borden are unsolved to this day. After the trial, Lizzie Borden put  her father's money to good use,   buying a house in an upper-class neighborhood.  And unlike her previous digs, Lizzie's new home,   which she called Maplecroft, came equipped  with four bathrooms, per The New York Times. In addition to buying a new house, Lizzie  changed her name to "Lizbeth" and visited   big cities like Boston and New York, but she  could never really shake her old reputation.   While she was found not guilty, people  in town still had their suspicions,   and slowly but surely, everyone in Fall River  turned their backs on Lizzie Borden. Nobody would   sit near her at church, and she became something  of a ghoul for the local children, who would   hurl rocks and eggs at her house. And then, of  course, there was that notorious jump rope rhyme.   Regardless of what the jury said, the rest of the  world still thought she had blood on her hands. Eventually, Lizzie became sick, and after a year  of health problems, the notorious woman passed   away in June 1927. She was buried next to her  murdered parents. No one attended her burial. There are several theories  about who "really" killed   Andrew and Abby Borden, or  why Lizzie might have done it. Author Edward Radin suggested that maybe the maid,  Bridget Sullivan, went ax crazy after she was   ordered to wash the windows because it was hot  outside and she felt ill. Meanwhile, a theory   from author Arnold Brown suggested that Andrew  allegedly had an illegitimate son named William   who slaughtered Andrew after the businessman  refused to comply with his financial demands. But perhaps the wildest theory of all suggested  that Lizzie suffered a seizure caused by   menstruation, and this sent her into a fugue  state where she unknowingly diced up her dad. Though Lizzie Borden quietly shuffled  off this mortal coil in 1927,   her legend has lived on for decades. Borden  has appeared in multiple movies and TV shows,   including an episode of The Simpsons, a  made-for-TV movie starring Elizabeth Montgomery,   and Lifetime's The Lizzie Borden  Chronicles, starring Christina Ricci. But to get the best glimpse of Lizzie's life,  it's best to visit Massachusetts and check out   the Fall River Historical Society. It houses  a multitude of Lizzie Borden paraphernalia,   including notes from Lizzie's defense team, slides  containing samples from Abby Borden's stomach,   and the alleged murder weapon itself.  Plus, you can spend an evening at the   Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast, located  inside the infamous murder house itself. If you want to stay the night, you can sleep  in the guest room where Abby Borden's body was   discovered, and if you arrive in August, you might  get to watch actors reenact the crime. Many people   who've stepped inside claim the house is haunted,  full of wandering spirits who've been trapped   inside ever since the murders took place in 1892.  Regardless, the locale attracts visitors annually,   as the world remains fascinated by  the life and legacy of Lizzie Borden. 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Channel: Grunge
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Keywords: grunge, lizzy borden, true crime, murder, killers
Id: dwC01uxI8AQ
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Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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