The Truth About Learning Python in 2023

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foreign brand new year and already there's a ton of stuff affecting the tech industry we've got tools like chat GPT all kinds of tech layoffs just the economy in general and if you're a software engineer or programmer you're rightfully probably a little bit worried and concerned and thinking about how you can best prepare for what may happen in the next 6 12 18 months Etc now I'm not here to worry you I think that if you're in the tech industry you're going to be completely fine really what I would be doing now is just working on your skills getting as good as you possibly can and proving to either your current employer that you're worth keeping around or to a new employer that you're worth taking on even though the hiring is kind of slowed down a little bit right now so kind of summary here don't be too concerned I think everything is going to be fine and what I'm going to do in this video is talk to you about python specifically and if I think you should be learning that in 2023 based on everything that's going on obviously you guys know this a python Focus Channel I'm sure many of you are beginners just getting into python fun and maybe you're a little bit scared with what's going on right now and wondering should I kind of be learning this should I keep going into this field and many of you are probably intermediate or Advanced python programmers and thinking about should I change languages should I diversify a bit and that's what I'm hopefully going to answer here specifically I'm going to tell you why I think you should learn python why I think you shouldn't Learn Python and then other languages I'd recommend if you're going to be moving away from the Python language with that said let's get into the video after a quick word from our sponsor before we get started I need to thank lenode for sponsoring this video I've been using and working with lenode for nearly three years now and they've consistently been my go-to choice for hosting my applications and servers in fact right now I'm using the node to host the official Tech with Tim Discord bot a website multiple of my domains and a kubernetes cluster now lenode was just recently acquired by Akamai and as a part of this acquisition they're going to be adding more than a dozen new data centers around the world in the next year lenode makes it super easy to spin up servers with their one Click app Marketplace and have tons of written guides and YouTube videos on their channel to help you get started now if you're having any issues you can reach out to the 24 7 support team and actually talk with a real human being now the nodes pricing is simple with no hidden fees and full transparency and you can test out the node services for free by using the link in the description and claiming a 100.60 day credit for any new accounts it's been an absolute pleasure to work with lenode over the past few years and one last thank you to them for sponsoring this video foreign so just as a mini preface here before I get into the main points of the video if you're someone who's just getting into python you're just getting into software engineering I think you should still continue down this path this is definitely something that's going to give you a ton of opportunities it's a great skill to have in general even if you're not employed as like a programmer or a software engineer and I don't think you need to be overly concerned that's my opinion obviously everyone has their own but I'm still working on new skills right now I'm learning new languages and I'm improving constantly no matter what kind of the market looks like with that said if you guys do want to get a comprehensive overview of python just software engineering skills in general I do have a course it's called I will leave that link in the description foreign so let's get into the bulk of the video here and discuss why you should learn python or continue learning it so first of all python is a general purpose programming language it's extremely popular used by tens of millions of people typically ranked one of the most popular programming languages in the world based on use case as well as demand for developers there is tons of different jobs and you can really do anything you want with python with that said python is not always the best best language story for a specific task but since it is so General you can pretty much do anything you could imagine so if You Learn Python you have the ability to do machine learning you can make a website you can make a game you can make a back-end server or API you can mess around with databases pretty much anything you can imagine you can write in Python so as a first language it's very good because it gives you a lot of different Avenues and allows you to explore a bunch of different options before maybe learning a more specific language for the specific path that you want to go down with that said python is also a very beginner friendly language it's typically very fast to learn if you already know a language it's going to be very fast you can probably pick it up in a few weeks or maybe even a month and it's something that's very easy to read and fast to write coding so if you're someone who's maybe not thinking about being a career software engineer you're just kind of learning programming to pick up a little bit of a side skill maybe it's something that interests you definitely a language I would recommend because of the general purpose aspect of it and the fact that it's going to be very fast to learn and it's not super complicated there's a lot of other programming languages that may be better suited for a specific task but are a bit more complex there's more Theory more logic that you need to learn and it can be a bit discouraging whereas python I find people typically build a lot of confidence with it very quickly start building apps projects Etc then that accelerates them into a second third fourth language you know beyond that so hopefully that's kind of a general overview of python now relating python to the current situation I think python is a great language to learn especially if you're going to be interviewing so if you're going to be interviewing I like doing it in Python because it's a very fast language to write just in terms of the syntax it's very simple it's very easy for your interviewer to read it and it has a lot of helpful like functions methods Etc that can save you quite a bit of time when you're doing a coding interview so something to consider doing a coding interview in Python I would say is way easier than doing it in like Java or C plus plus or c-sharp or something else that you may know personally I did all of my coding interviews in Python and even if someone doesn't know python since it's just such a simple language uh like kind of with the syntax of it it's very easy for them to read and understand what you're doing now going beyond that I will mention that python does have a ton of jobs typically python is going to be some kind of requirement or you're going to have to be at least familiar with the language and that's because it really is used everywhere and you're gonna find it in a lot of code bases even if it's not the core language for different scripts or kind of smaller aspects of the code code and a lot of employers want to know that you have some comfort and some familiarity with it so even though it's not always going to be the primary language you need to know to get a job it's typically some kind of prerequisite and there is a lot of just straight python jobs so with that said that's why I think you should learn python now let's talk about why you shouldn't Learn Python so why should you not Learn Python well there's many reasons here but most of them stem from the fact that python is a very general language now that's good in some instances but in this case it's bad because that means that python is not the best language for a lot of different specific tasks so for example you can make a game with python but it's not going to be the best performing game and you'd probably be better off using something like c-sharp and unity for example you can do let's say a mobile app with python but again you'd probably be better off using a native language like Swift or kotlin you can do something like a website with python or a backend with python but you might be better off using something like go or rust so you see that although python can be used for so many different things if you're going to be a specialist in one specific area a lot of times employers are going to look for someone who knows the best language or the best Frameworks in that area now that's not always the case there is a lot of just pure python jobs where companies use only python where they have their website or their game or whatever in Python on like I mentioned before but in a lot of other cases you have companies that may have python as a second or third language that you need to know and before that they want you to be a pro at whatever the main languages for the kind of domain or task that you're going to be completing so if you're going to be a game developer you probably want to know unity and C sharp if you're going to be a website designer you probably want to know JavaScript hopefully you get where I'm going here but since python is so General you lose out on a lot of really specific jobs and kind of tasks if that's the only thing that you know so that's the main reason why I wouldn't Learn Python or if I already know it I might transition into something else just to make myself a bit more well-rounded and have more experience in a specific Niche or more knowledge in a specific area so really the main point there is that python is more of a general language you're going to be more of a generalist with that whereas with another language you're typically going to be more of a specialist and maybe have some better prospects maybe some higher paying jobs or some more opportunity just because you know a language that maybe not not everyone knows whereas python kind of a lot of people know that and we consider themselves kind of fluent or competent in that area something worth considering going beyond that I will also mention that if python is currently the language that you know and you're good at python it's probably a good idea to Branch out and learn a second or third language rather than just kind of diving into becoming an expert in Python that's because again you've already picked up that General language and now it's going to be worth it to pick up something more special where you can actually build you know more real production applications or stuff that's going to be better performing than what you might do with python there's a whole bunch of reasons here python is also a very slow programming language and I could go on and on on why you should and why you shouldn't Learn Python but I wanted to try to give you both perspectives here before I now move into the next section where I talk to you about what I would learn if you're not going to Learn Python foreign so let's say at this point you've decided that you're not going to be picking up python I'm not going to tell you that's the right or wrong decision depends on what you want to do and what field you're going to be getting into or what you're interested in again to recap if you're a beginner I'd probably go with python learn that first build up some confidence if you're a bit more experienced or you're someone who already knows what field you want to go into directly then I would pick up maybe a different language regardless if you're not going to be learning python here are the languages I would recommend in 2023 these are ones that I'm personally learning and I'll go through a kind of a brief rationale for each so first I might recommend doing some blockchain and web 3 development now I know that market is kind of Tanked just a lot lower than it was before but I still think that this is going to be the future of programming and of the internet and there is still a lot of money in this space and a lot of people hiring it's actually very difficult to find web3 Engineers I work with a few web 3 companies and they're constantly looking for talent sometimes they're even hiring people that don't know any web 3 skills and then training them and paying them on the job if you want to learn that I do have a blockchain expert course I'll link that in the description you can learn everything you need to know about web3 and blockchain technology so that's one thing I might consider beyond that I would probably learn a language like JavaScript JavaScript is again a more General language but it's really good specifically for web development so it's a relatively easy language to learn kind of similar to python but it's really good for building front-end user interfaces for building websites even for working on the back end sometimes as well if you want to do it like that you have options like react native view angular react there's all kinds of different Frameworks you can use with it and it's super high in demand it's typically kind of tied or similar placing with python in terms of the most popular programming languages so I don't think you'd be poorly served by learning JavaScript especially if you want to get into web development it's pretty much a must if you want to get into the web development space continuing I might recommend something like go go is a newer and more modern programming language also referred to as golang it's a language that I personally really like kind of combines the performance of a language like C plus plus with the Simplicity and kind of speed to write of a language like python so if you do like python you like the style of writing python code but you want something maybe a bit more Enterprise ready a bit more performant than I look at go and that is taught in my programming expert course now lastly I'd say you might want to consider learning something like rust I don't have a ton of experience in this language but I did work on it a little bit and posted kind of like a mini series on the channel for it a lot of you guys really seem to like the language it's growing rapidly in popularity there's a ton of demand for rust developers and even though it's not the most popular language out there I think that in a few years it might be there and it's something worth taking a look at because if you could learn it now and be one of the earlier rust developers I think you're going to have a lot of opportunity kind of in the next few years so those would be my recommendations here if you're not going to be learning python regardless I think you should still continue programming still improve your skills check out products I have like Pro programming expert and blockchain expert if you want a more kind of tailored way to do that obviously I do have hundreds of videos on this channel too that can help you learn those skills with that said I hope you enjoyed if you did make sure to leave a like subscribe the channel and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tech With Tim
Views: 254,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech with tim, python in 2023, truth about python, what you need to know, learn python, why you should learn python, learn to code, coding in 2023, tech with tim python, python, python project tech with tim, why you shouldn't learn python, Should you learn python in 2023?, learn python 2023, the truth about python in 2023, should i learn python
Id: qecsnAXtms4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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