STOP Buying This HVAC Brand

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if you're thinking about replacing your HVAC system in the near future I want to share some critical information that I think every homeowner should know about in this video we're going to talk about some brands that I dislike and that I like for certain reasons but we're also going to talk about some different ways that you can save money in replacing your HVAC system that a ton of people simply don't know about today's video is brought to you by filterby America's number one source for quality and affordable air filters so first of all I want to talk about the two different ways that you can achieve getting a new HVAC system number one is you call an HVAC contractor up and you have them do the full job from getting the equipment to installing the equipment everything from start to finish they register it and you're good to go now with that route obviously if you're doing none of the leg work you're going to pay a premium so just on average I looked up this information recently on average in the US to replace your hbac system it's about $10,000 so it's about an average of 5 grand for your AC and 5 grand for your furnace so if you combine those two you come up with an average about $10,000 for a full hbac system now a way that you can save quite a bit of money is you can purchase the equipment from a company such as hbac direct you can have it shipped directly to your location wherever you want it installed and then you can have a company come in and do the labor and just just give you a bid on the labor all of the equipment is brand new already paid for they just have to install it and they can actually register the warranty as well so we're talking about a savings of maybe $3 to $4,000 here so pretty good amount so even if you're not a DIY and you want to tackle it yourself you can still save a good chunk of change now with that being said we're going to talk about some specific Brands so if you go that first route and you have an hbac contractor install all your equipment you can pretty much choose any brand that that contractor is willing to install so that could be a York System it could be a carrier system it could be American standard train it could be pain could be Goodman there's a infinite list of different companies that create equipment but the reality of it is that there's only so many brands that are actually manufacturing equipment and depending on your certain area there's all the these sub brands that are made by the same company but they're actually that main company so let's take for instance uh Dyan dyin is a really good brand they also make am Mana which is like their middle of the ground tier and they make Goodman so all of those brands are considered a Dyan piece of equipment now if you take for instance a carrier piece of equipment carrier is also a really good brand they make ICP products they make airquest products they make make aciq products they're all basically made by the same company but they're branded as a different brand so a lot of people can get confused with all of these different brands that contractors are recommending but the reality is is that a lot of these brands are made by the same mother company if you will now as an hbac contractor I've talked to a bunch of different HVAC contractors in other states and different parts of the US and I've come to a consensus as far as brands that these contractors who are in it every single day dislike some of those brands are air EAS Lux air um pain I've had some complaints um it's kind of in the name but some of the more well-known brands that have had issues are lenux they tend to have a lot of QC problems they're starting to work that out but they actually had a class action lawsuit so you might stay away from lenux but again that's just what I've gathered from talking to other contractors now as far as the brands I recommend if you're having the contractor purchase and install the equipment I definitely recommend ream and rude as you can see there's not other tiers here um those are just the two companies that are basically identical pieces of equipment and they're not like crazy expensive and they're not super cheap they're in the middle they last a long time I feel like they're made really well and I truly enjoy installing that equipment that's what I primarily install here in Salt Lake City I used to install Goodman equipment and I also think that Goodman has a really good piece of equipment it could be more of a builder grade just by the materials that they use but overall it doesn't really matter it still does the job and I feel like they have a really good piece of equipment now on the higher end of things if you're having a contractor install it train and American Standard those are like the top tier uh really good equipment but you're going to spend quite a bit more for that equipment uh because it's a very reputable brand now if you're going the route of purchasing equipment online you are going to be limited in what equipment you can purchase so you can't buy a train piece of equipment or a lot of times you can't buy carrier or rude equipment online however carrier makes aciq it's basically the same exact product it's rebadged as aciq because in all reality carrier doesn't want you to know that it's the same piece of equipment because they don't want it to be marketed to a consumer that they want it to be marketed to the HVAC contractor and then they want the HVAC contractor to install it so that's the reality of it but in my opinion aciq is a really good brand and I highly recommend them now with that being said if you are concerned about not being able to get the full warranty with your equipment we do offer remote services at dihy and if we help you with any part of your hbac installation we can help you get that full 10 year warranty from your equipment that you purchased no problem now it can be super overwhelming to have all of these different brands here pushed by different hbac contractors what's good what's bad don't get hung up on all of these different brands a lot of these are actually the same equipment here is the key the key is to find a good HVAC contractor that you trust because you can't simply go by Consumer Reports um those are things that maybe one consumer views something really small as bad and they're going to leave a bad review because of that particular thing and it could have been just user error um so I wouldn't base stuff off of consumer reports I would talk to several people find an HBC contractor that's been in business for a good amount of years that is trusted and that is the key because you can get an American standard or a train top-of-the-line piece of equipment um and if you have a contractor that doesn't know what they're doing they're not following good practices in terms of the installation it doesn't matter what equipment it is you're going to have problems now I want to talk about some of the things in particular that you want to watch for with a good hbac installation the first of which is having a properly sized system so you could have again a good piece of equipment it's oversized for your home and it's going to be short cycling on and off on and off more than it should be this can shorten the life of the compressor it can shorten the life of the heat exchanger and then you could be ending up replacing that equipment prematurely the other thing is having a good seal if someone does not install a good filter rack maybe they just leave the old one they do it kind of a rush job and you have a lot of air bypassing that filter you could end up with the whole system being Trashed by dust and contaminants not to mention that getting into your Air and this is something that I see all of the time brand new system and the air filter is neglected and a lot of that air is not even being filtered and it's getting caught in your equipment so those are the brands that I like and dislike and most importantly get yourself a good hbac contractor and you're not going to be disappointed now if you're interested in purchasing some equipment from HVAC direct and either installing it yourself or having a contractor install it make sure and use my discount code that's found in the video description at checkout where you can get 3 % off of your order from hbac direct I also wanted to share something new that I'm really excited about and it's our HVAC educational courses we've specifically crafted a course that starts from the very Basics if you don't know anything about hbac and you want to learn more about it and we walk you through how a system works how you can diagnose certain things how you can size things we even talk about how to get your EPA certificate so that you can purchase and handle refrigerant all of those things are included in our course for $24.99 much cheaper than any HVAC course you're going to purchase and you can watch these videos at your own pace on your schedule you can find this course on our homepage of our YouTube channel simply click the join button right here and as soon as you join this membership you'll have access to all of these member only videos now if you're interested in seeing what a full air conditioning installation looks like check out these videos right here and I'm sure you'll find those videos informative whether you're trying to tackle this project yourself or if you just want to get an idea of what all is involved here until next time you guys be safe later
Channel: The DIY HVAC Guy
Views: 326,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air conditioner, hvac brands, best hvac brand, best hvac brands, best hvac, hvac system, air conditioning, best air conditioner brands, the hvac dope show, worst hvac brand, hvac brands that suck, bad hvac brands, quality hvac brand, good hvac brands, hvac guide, hvac brand ratings, best air conditioner, hvac brands reviews, hvac brand overview, hvac brand ranking, best company for hvac, diy hvac, diy, consumer reports, heating and air conditioning, hvac
Id: x2BK-zr4raE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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