The Truth About Early Retirement: What they don't tell you!

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at our ages when we retired and even now we have energy we got a really good Baseline on our health and wellness so you kind of know where you are and what you need to do you have more time to do what you want to do versus waiting another five or ten years I mean I yeah it's true but you know I will tell you it's not all roses and butterflies right when we retired our health Baseline I'll say for both of us was pretty low and frankly I'm glad we learned that because we weren't paying attention to we weren't paying attention and had we continued working and living at the pace and eating and drinking The Way We Were through business and extracurricular activities you know we would have gotten a lot worse so we've used the past four years to work hard on that aspect of our life and I think we are feeling younger than we did four years ago when we did I definitely feel younger absolutely we know so many people who put off retiring for fear of what they'll do after and that's a true feeling so we get it you know the fear of what will I do is a real one that many of you experience but by putting off retirement you might be cheating yourself and maybe others who want to spend more time with you if you can afford to retire and it's your dream to have to leave your job then do it today we're going to take away some of that fear and leave you feeling inspired to take the leap and enter into this incredible phase of life but before we go further we want to introduce ourselves my name is Mark Rollins and I'm Jody Rollins and we started retirement transformed not only for us but for all of you and the 10 000 people turning 65 every day now we don't focus on the financial aspects of retirement but rather we pay attention and focus on lifestyle Health relationships and more if you're new here please hit the Subscribe button and also the notification button so you'll get notified when our videos come out I recently got into cycling and the first thing I did was to get to know local bike shop the first thing you did was spend an hour on Google that's true okay but the first thing that the results said was get to know someone in your bike shop so he went to the local bike shop and we met this great guy Greg who had a stellar career in Insurance just like you and I his finances were in order he got a package at 60 and he retired but he retired into something he was an avid cyclist and instead of just retiring he spoke to the owner of the bike shop and said hey I'm going to retire soon can I come work for 20 hours a week and he got a job and he loves it because it lined up with his passion right it gave him instant community in the shop and the people he was serving I I think he only did it for 20 hours 20 hours a week oh yeah he got paid he did but he loved more yeah the discounts on the equipment and clothing yeah which is a great way to think about retiring into something thinking about your passions and then what are some benefits but here's the big thing he was 60 and when we were chatting about this he really was deciding whether or not to work another five or ten years or retire and it's because he retired into something that he did it but he's been retired now for I think seven years and he loves his life it's great he works part-time his wife cycle so they have that in common well she Cycles as well but she's also retired and they do have that in common and you know she had her thing that she was doing for about 20 hours a week and then they do some things together including cycling even cycling as a vacation which is kind of cool they do we should do that sometimes we should where Europe sure come on well with some deep refreshing and planning retiring early has tremendous appeal and it can enhance your life in so many ways retired at 50 53 my new retired at 61. 2 61. oh 61. well I thought it would be 65 or 70. yeah and in the past four years we've made tremendous strides in our life you know our relationship because we're spending more time together and more quality time as well as quantity is better and I think our physical health is even better than you think it's absolutely better I feel younger and better than I ever have in my life because we've worked on it right well with all the new habits and routines that we have in place our mental Wellness is improving every day I mean it really is isn't it and the community that we're building in retirement is growing just like Greg in a bicycle shop you know um he's now got a whole new community that he's built post career and we have done the same thing so here's really want to get to today here's the truth about retiring early number one truth is you do have Newfound time and let's be honest work was hard and stressful and it was hard to find any time to do anything for yourself and when you get to walk away you find 40 or more hours a week to do with what you want to do and if you're someone who really loves their job and we hear this all the time I don't really want to leave because I love it I'm getting so much satisfaction but you could retire then here's the thing go to your employer and say you know what I want to stay but I want to work part-time I want to work 20 hours a week and that's okay or even 10 hours a week yeah I mean strike a deal and go part-time you know find that hour balance that works for you but just remember this your newfound time opens up major opportunities for you so let's go to another truth you know opportunities are truly endless you know start with your dream job that aligns with your passion kind of like Greg did at the cycle shop or maybe it's a non-profit for you that you really want to sink your heart and soul into you may want to coach somebody younger or somebody up and coming in your old company or if you're like Mark and I maybe you want to write a book and find a way to pour your stories into the book to help others well you could also travel a lot of people travel there's a lot of people that travel for a year we are traveling but not I mean taking a year I don't think we could do that no but you could start a hobby you know I started cycling we started playing golf again this winter in Florida we're going to take up pickleball we're committed we're committed but you also can spend time just re-engaging with old friends or or repairing some broken relationships with all this free time there's a lot that you can do but we don't want you to let the fear of not having a plan hold you back watch some of our other episodes on planning for a full and active retirement all the links for the shows that that align with what we're talking about today are below so okay so now you have some whether it's 40 Newfound hours or 20 or 10. so let's go to another truth you can do this now because you are as young today as you're ever going to be in time yeah I think that's important I think it's important too because we we looked at it that way a little bit too at our ages when we retired and even now we have energy we got a really good Baseline on our health and wellness so you kind of know where you are and what you need to do you have more time to do what you want to do versus waiting another five or ten years I mean I yeah it's true but you know I will tell you it's not all roses and butterflies right when we retired our health Baseline I'll say for both of us was pretty low and frankly I'm glad we learned that because we weren't paying attention to we weren't paying attention and had we continued working and living at the pace and eating and drinking The Way We Were through business and extracurricular activities you know we would have gotten a lot worse so we've used the past four years to work hard on that aspect of our life and I think we are feeling younger than we did four years ago when we did I definitely feel younger absolutely I'm more fit um I have more energy you know and sometimes we find ourselves in retirement that we're working harder than we thought we would in retirement but the thing is this I don't know what we would be doing to fill our free time with if we hadn't started retirement transformed I think both of us with our energy would have started something in this case it was this but we balanced it out you know I think that's the important part it has to be a balance I mean I'll be honest there are weeks where I feel like this is all we do is retirement transformed and then there are weeks when the kids are around or we have friends in town when I feel like we don't do any of this so again it's a balance over time right so let's go to another truth if you keep working you're never going to get those years or that time back I know it's true and you never hear anyone on their deathbed say I wish I had worked longer people don't say that now there are cases where working till your death is what you're called to do I mean we recently Lost Queen Elizabeth II and now her son King Charles they have devoted themselves to lifelong service and that's that's what they do we don't to do that I don't know how long we'll do this but right now I love it I'm 65 and I could see doing it 10 or 15 years well I think what you have to remember part of the reason we work is to build the nest nest egg right the whole financial aspect so we can live this phase of our life a little untethered from routines and schedules but the reality is routines and schedules are what's going to continue to enhance this phase of so those are those are the truths about retiring early and I think it's important if you're thinking about it you know embrace your age do not think you're too young to retire Jody was 55. I was 53 53. he keeps saying 55 and adding years no bueno you will and I was 61. I thought I'd worked till 65 or 70 but believe that there's something out there for you to do take the time to plan and build this phase I think it's important to embrace the free time that you have find opportunities that exist or that you can dig up and don't squander it live fully and listen if you enjoyed this please share with your friends and also please subscribe by clicking the Subscribe button below and finally don't forget to join our free Facebook Community it's growing every single day the link is in the notes below thank you for listening and we look forward to being with you again
Channel: Retirement Transformed
Views: 27,488
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Keywords: early retirement, Retirement, Retirement Transformation, Retirement Stories, Retirement Journey, Retirement Planning, Retirement Goals, Retirement Transition, Retirement Ideas, Retirement Tips, Retirement Strategies, How to Retire, When to Retire, Successful Retirement, Retiring at age 50, Retiring at age 60, Young Retired, Baby Boomers, Retirement Advice, Retirement Living, What to expect in retirement, retirement couple, early retirement planning
Id: 7x2GgymuWO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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