The Advantages of Early Retirement: Reasons why you shouldn't put it off!

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you know there's not an easy process for them to walk away because it's a huge transition sure it really is a problem for a lot of people to leave work not only do they not know what to do but they just don't want to leave well nobody likes that middle stage of transition right that chaos right and when you leave what you know whether you like it or not you know it you go into that middle transition phase that neutral zone of Chaos some people spend way too much time putting off retirement for all the wrong reasons and this procrastination it can prevent you from all the Wonder and excitement retirement brings so why keep pushing it off clearly as we get older we have less time to do those things that we had always imagined or dreamed about we want you to have control of this time and feel empowered to have fun and excitement so when you're ready when you're ready to leave start dreaming build a plan execute on your plan and leave your career you know one of our clients was totally ready to retire financially everything was fine but he was concerned about what to do so he kept working and he can't make any excuses even though he thought he was tired of The Daily Grind he just kept plugging and plugging away until he was more than 75 years old then he finally stepped away he honestly worked 15 years longer than he needed to but by then he wasn't in the best of health you know like us during our career he didn't really pay that much attention to his physical and mental Wellness these last 15 years and because of coming out that late his plans of travel were put on the back burner until he was better again because he really wasn't agile enough to move around and his dream of buying a second home in Florida it fell through because he and his wife couldn't agree where to do it originally they wanted a home in Florida for warm Winters and by then they had six grandchildren and that they all wanted to be with so he wanted a house big enough to host everyone but that just didn't happen and we finally realized that he finally realized that most of his peers had already retired and moved on so his community of people in this stage of life was a lot smaller he was just behind on so many parts of his life it really it really is a shame that he waited that long listen before we dig into the advantages if you're new to our Channel welcome we started this to help you and the 10 000 people every day turning 65. please hit the Subscribe button and share so more people can enjoy our content so let's jump into it today we're going to give you some advantages for retiring early so that you might be encouraged to do it sooner rather than later and the First Advantage is a big one time time you have lots of time you know during our careers all we ever said and all we ever heard was we don't have enough time we don't have enough time for this we don't have enough time for that we couldn't go to the gym we couldn't travel but in retirement you get 40 plus hours a week that comes your way and it just becomes your new friend all this free found time we get asked who's our time well the thing that we did I retired at 62 and I think you were 55. is that right that's about right we looked at I'm 65 now but we look out to my age of 90. so that's um how many years is that well 25 years now yeah that's 25 years 25 years good years good years so we figure between now and then we're certainly going to age and we have to be careful but what we decided to do was to plan activities around that with that thought in mind so if you think about it I'm 57 now Mark 65 and since we used his age at 90 that is 25 more happy and healthy years and we are going to plan to make the best of it since we are the youngest we're ever going to be we front loaded the first 15 years with things that are more active yeah you know keeping the advantage of time in mind and you know let's move to the second Advantage which is a longer and more diligent focus on our health and wellness for us this was always on the back burner during our career and while we were raising our children so this is now I would say our number one priority really focusing on our health and wellness to take us through the next 25 years and it really for US starts with our morning routine we both get up early we both sit together for about 30 minutes and catch up have a quick cup of coffee and then off we go you go to yoga and I go into our home gym you know part of this routine also includes meditation some journaling writing our gratitudes sharing those with each other maybe writing one self affirmation and now we're doing some long-form writing which has been really interesting so this routine really tease up our day our week our month and our years moving forward because we can focus on our health using this newfound time we want to be able to live longer and healthier and be in the best shape that we've ever been so these advantages really build on one another right the first one is time the second one is the focus on your health and wellness and the third is the ability to travel this is high on many people's retirement goals most of our clients lead off with we want to travel so the earlier you can do this the more fun you'll have and with the time that you have and the time on your side you can dream big for travel plans but think about it if you've always wanted to Traverse the grand the Grand Canyon on a donkey which isn't that easy I did it you want to do it as young as you can I know I was about to say you did that and it was quite the workout it was quite the workout and I'll tell you I did it I would never take it back but I am glad it's behind me I would do it again but maybe not when I'm 85 you know other trips that hit our early retirement list were like cycling through Italy or a hiking tour in Patagonia or one that we have on the horizon in 2024 gorilla trekking in Africa I know I can't wait for so we're starting now with covid behind us we're starting to plan some more travel and more information travel right yeah yeah so again front load your travel the next five ten years with some active travel because after that if you want to end up on cruises or just a small if you want to rent an Airbnb in Italy for two weeks and just kind of hang out do that as you're as you get older now you want to do the things that you can do when you can move around hey if you're going to run an Airbnb in Italy for two weeks text me what are you gonna do I'll go okay so so far we talked about more time if you retire early the focus on health and wellness sooner if you retire early and some active travel the last Advantage is just leaving the rat race of work sooner yeah this is for some people it's like tearing off a Band-Aid you know there's not an easy process for them to walk away because it's a huge transition sure it really is a problem for a lot of people to leave work not only do they not know what to do but they just don't want to leave well nobody likes that middle stage of transition right that chaos right and when you leave what you know whether you like it or not you know it you go into that middle transition phase that neutral zone of chaos this was a big change for us it was and it was also a relief you know we had spent uh 38 years for me I think 32 for you working really hard towards this idea of retirement and you know the dreams that we had for it and it was always with the goal of leaving right it was it was from the day I signed up to work I started saving for retirement so it was planted in my head at 22 years old and near the end we could really see the freedom that only a few years away we had and the excitement was building and once that began there was no turning back first I know I know but the other thing is that idea of entering retirement and coming into it gave us energy and it gave us energy to start planning what retirement could look like because in our careers we had to do reports and we had to host meetings and we had sales quotas and employee reviews and all of that admin work that just was draining for us that didn't allow us to really dream so when we finally stepped away we had this energy we had time we had excitement around building some dreams for our retirement yeah I mean paint the right picture we both loved our jobs but we were not programmed to work forever and there was a fear that perhaps our replacement might not be as good as as us and we worried about things like our teams our customers our vendors our bottom lines but really that was no reason to stay no and that is a bit of a transition for us I mean I I replaced myself with someone that worked for me for 20 years and I had all the confidence in the world but still in the end I had people calling me up oh I miss you you were the best boss ever and all of that it it goes on everything's fine when you walk out the door absolutely but we we felt the same thing about one thing well we loved our jobs we don't miss them anymore and we wouldn't I don't I miss the people well I was going to say what's what's his name Steve I think it always says to us I don't miss the circus but I do miss the clowns right so that's a Kind of a Funny Thing another benefit of retiring early is just that your energy level will be higher now than it ever will be so if I know for us we have two grandsons and we expect many more grandchildren you know with six kids I'm sure that's gonna happen but you know young kids take energy they give you energy but they also take energy and it takes a lot to keep up with them well we just spent a week out in Monterey California with our grand four-year-old grandson Luca and he spent we had him two whole days and an overnight which was really a lot of fun but is he active my God I can't I can't remember how active four-year-olds are we both had three kids under four yeah but it was 30 years ago the last time we had four-year-olds so it is amazing how much energy and I remember watching my dad as a grandfather he didn't take care of himself and he had a really hard time watching my four-year-olds back then he really wasn't he it wasn't what he thought it was good yeah you really need to get down on the floor you need to keep your energy high all day so I really think retiring sooner will definitely help with that and the high energy helps us with all the demanding things you like us to do it's true dance lessons pickleball lessons we're playing golf together I love my cycling now that takes a lot of energy and you spend a lot of time and you love your yoga absolutely listen we know that many companies will let you stay longer and maybe as long as you'd like but once you're financially secure give serious consideration to leaving early for all of these reasons we've listed leave a comment below and watch this next three-part video series on leaving work these videos are going to give you a wonderful perspective on getting ready and making the jump away from your career
Channel: Retirement Transformed
Views: 14,464
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Keywords: early retirement, Retirement, Retirement Transformation, Retirement Stories, Retirement Journey, Retirement Planning, Retirement Goals, Retirement Transition, Retirement Ideas, Retirement Tips, Retirement Strategies, How to Retire, When to Retire, Successful Retirement, Retiring at age 50, Retiring at age 60, Young Retired, Baby Boomers, Retirement Advice, Retirement Living, What to expect in retirement, retirement couple
Id: tMnDLktUBBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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