What does the mainstream media think of Ron DeSantis?

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happy tuesday everybody yeah shut up over there take him out get rid of him so what's happening what the democrats and media once called evil is now getting a facelift and i'm not talking about this no what i'm saying is what they demonized before becomes less satanic as they shift to a new far more evil target and no not him either you know you guys always assume i'm talking about him he is evil but you remember donald trump right big orange guy with crazy hair funny as hell and got more done before 9am than biden did all day he was hitler mussolini and uncooked chicken all rolled into one he was the worst thing that ever lived and that includes whoever invented the view but is he really that bad now that the despicably evil ron desantis came to town this monster flew illegal immigrants to a rich paradise on private jets i know what so now desantis makes trump look like mr belvedere says the new york times quote desantis may be a more competent trump in terms of his ability to use the levers of state to amass power but he's also meaner and more rigid without the soft edges and esec eccentricity i hate that word of the actual donald trump wait so he's so mean that half this country's population is moving to his damn state but the shift from dawn to ron was fast i mean it was just last week that the left was accusing trump of selling nuclear secrets with no proof whatsoever and despite being a billionaire so now he's loose and cuddly trump is no longer certifiably insane now he's eccentric like your lovable adorable rich uncle who wears a pirate hat to bed trump now has soft edges like he's a pan of fresh baked brownies you know what maybe trumpy bear was right the original trumpy bear the fearless super plush american grizzly trumpy bear was born june 14th flag day yeah everybody laughed at that but now the times finally caught on trump's so cute you want to squeeze him and not by the throat or his balls anymore but you get it right the media never really believes their political adversaries are evil it's just how they destroy reputations before moving on it's like their version of a drive-by shooting only instead of using guns and bullets to assassinate they use words and lies the ends justify the means even if it tears the country apart and puts half of cnn on unemployment and no matter who is hitler on any given day someone will come along to replace him and they're counting on you having amnesia about that just like the guy they put in the white house remember when trump was running you know who suddenly became a congenial more acceptable republican mitt romney he became the outspoken statesman who had the guts to criticize trump you know because the enemy of liberal's enemy is their friend you know it's the only way keith olbermann can make friends yet remember when mid was running for president he was a batman villain with an mba who amassed millions by wrecking companies he was their penguin without the infectious laugh the media did a huge expose on how he was accused of attacking a classmate and cut off the male student's hair i didn't know he went to school with trey gowdy he was accused of strapping his sick dog to the roof of his car the same thing cat's husband does to her but for different reasons oh wow they feel bad about that and of course there was this joe calling him a slave owner he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules unchain wall street they're going to put you all back in chains you see joe was that's even back then when he still had some of his marbles of course while they demonized mitt they also said the guys that came before him weren't as bad as they had said they were before john mccain who they called a warmongering racist now a centrist thoughtful republican george w bush who was also compared to hitler now seemed more mainstream hell according to the media he and michelle obama became bffs he started a war based on a lie but since he doesn't like trump all the media talks about are his paintings so like joe's depends what the dems call evil never really changes i know i didn't like it when i was reading it but i have to meet my quota of poop jokes it's just the latest republican with serious potential to beat democrats now it's desantis's turn because he scares them because nothing scares the left like competency probably because they've never experienced it themselves so they pull out all the standard phrases he looks a lot like a bully and willing to play games with people's lives for the sake of his own ego and advancement yeah they lied about him fudging covet stats starting his own fascist police force and now kidnapping illegal immigrants sorry you big babies he's not a bully when he punches back but they did this with everyone like wolf blitzer this has been around forever it's more proof that this partisan media needs a strong laxative and now the times sounds like us check out this what's more trump has the skills of a celebrity he's funny he has stage presence and he has a kind of natural charisma he can persuade an audience that he's just kidding that he doesn't actually mean it wow that's nice finally they describe trump the way i describe myself but we knew about this years ago i guess the media missed all of that affability being too busy building a cabal conjuring up russian collusion and pushing the very fine people hopes they were too busy trying to destroy the guy to see that he was actually wasn't the guy they were destroying of course when you're no longer a threat the dems compliment you but when you're a republican and the times calls you respectful and fun you know that's like paul mccartney you know being called by charlie manson awesome and i dig your music and you really screwed up if they say you should run for president but maybe the media and the democrats should think twice before they decide that you're not such a bad person after all remember it's the same group that lets out murderers let's welcome tonight's guest he's the first person i call when i need advice about a rash host of dr drew after dark it's dr drew she puts the unity in community with impunity host of sunny's corner on siriusxm patriot donnie johnson like a pigeon if she poops on you it's good luck fox news contributor cat tim when he's under the weather that just means he's ducking my massive sidekick in the nwa world television champion tyra sonny how you doing uh it's going to be my birthday tomorrow as well very good congratulations you know for your birthday i'll call you hitler oh good company good company yes because that means you've made it apparently yes of course yeah i'm up there with trump and desantis now yeah what do you make of this uh is this because they see desantis as a bigger threat now actually i think it's just because they're right um desantis knows how to use the levers of government in a way that trump did not and this is one of the biggest thing problems with trump when he came in it was like he had to hit the learning curve like he had to go in and figure out how to do things he didn't know where he needed people he didn't know how to get like if we're looking at the um immigration issue right um i hope you're not counting on republicans to come and save you because they're not going to do it if we remember when trump came in yeah who was trump fighting to get the wall built yeah republicans they wouldn't give him the money he had to go and look in a defense department and look in all these different areas trying to scrape up the money now when desantis if desantis were to become president you think he's going to have to do that or he's going to come in with a plan knowing how to do it knowing where to put people strategically in place to make sure that it's done and then how to follow through with it how to handle media with it like if you want to take the vitriol out of it and just be honest about it they're right scientists would desantis would be way more able to will power than trump was and that scares the hell out of me that's a really good point or them to scare the hell out of you too no it even yes because desantis has flirtation with government and using government force in ways that as conservatives we should be like okay maybe you should not be doing that so he does have a fondness for using government um at his will and whim as well all right well i happen to like what he does as long as it helps me speaking of doctor uh before i ask you question my left eye keeps switching a little bit or is it direct no it just keeps the watering and it's like i don't know and so it doesn't duck hot compresses on the tear duct tonight right cause i'm wearing my contacts and it's like it never happens and then i sit down here and all of a sudden i'm like i'm like the native american in that little commercial it makes you look charming does it make me look sensitive yes i think the audience finds it endearing and they want to hug me later 100 which by the way i'm staying at the hamptons they're in not the area do you agree with sonny that basically desantis is trump but more effective politicians he's a brilliant guy is he a rhodes scholar isn't that his heritage i mean the guy's a smart guy but i am i think there's something wrong with me because i am i don't understand why if you help undocumented workers get to a sanctuary city you're an evil person i thought and by the way an island where they have no opportunity to practice their sanctuaries yes they he's helping them be what they claim to be on a small scale right i live in los angeles we have half a million undocumented workers we live it we we walk the walk in los angeles we can't even tell when people are coming in anymore but a little island they can't handle that that's confusing to me it is confusing to me is it confusing to you cat no good i'm i never get confused yeah that is it's a rare talent you have you always speak with clarity and uh very concise answers that force the host to keep rambling he's i didn't want to be disrespectful no you don't have to be answer a question well you didn't ask me one but i can take it from here just kick it yeah what's interesting watching this unfold is what's gonna happen because this has obviously happened before as you pointed out with demonizing republican after republican but what happened with trump is republicans took this principled stance against trump where they made it their whole identity to be like i'm a republican but i'm not for trump so now that we're continuing the pattern of demonizing other republicans what's going to happen to these people are they going to continue to agree that okay desantis is bad too all these other republicans are bad too it was just a principled stance against trump specifically or are they so addicted to the attention that they're getting from people on the left that they're going to just actually be democrats but just call themselves republicans i'm watching i think it's going to be interesting to see what they do yeah they they fell in love with the strange new respect yeah by the way i went through it when i said made some criticisms of trump i had some blink 182 guy follow me and i was so excited then i start tweeting about guns boom unfollowed exactly what happened in 2015 critical of trump you get all these little fans that are like celebrities and you could like totally get with it and then you go like uh i wonder what happens if i say this and they all run away go talk about a colony on the dark side of the moon and tom will find you yeah oh i love tom he was the best one i know what are you guys talking about tom delonge blink 182 duh well you know what i think he's on red eye once should we end this conversation i'm begging you too something thoughtful round it all out for us you know what um desantis may be the perfect republican but i like the disrupter in chief i like the fact that he didn't trust anyone because most politicians are dirty when he said drain the swamp he didn't say the democratic swamp and he punked yeah let's be real and the reason why they they privately didn't like him was and not publicly is because he had the transcripts he wasn't afraid of are you questioning me well didn't you do this and didn't you ask me for money and this year because he didn't need any of them he would people were behind him because he was different because he was not a politician the problem is we have too many politicians in the government and we need more people who are walking in like we got to clean this place up right yeah and the public that's why you liked him yeah no it's true but i i i had to come around to him because i was con i was conflating his personality with his deeds but he hadn't done the deeds yet yeah then i liked the deeds but he didn't get all the deeds done you do if you put if you account for the learning curve that's why you only got four years yeah not gotten you didn't get eight speaking of counting how many more curse words we got tonight you've already used four uh we have four left okay i'm counting you're expecting to go off doc i was thinking i might i might hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 880,071
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch, desantis, florida, florida governor, fox news desantis, fox news ron desantis, governor desantis, governor ron desantis, ron desantis, gov desantis
Id: qepK9EFl9V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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