The TRUE Stories Behind GONE WITH THE WIND w/ Peter Bonner

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[Music] well good morning my friends are probably wondering why are we standing in front of a liquor store are we vlogging a liquor store today no not exactly but that wouldn't really be that far off because I have logged liquor stores before we're actually meeting someone here we're actually meeting a group here today there is one last opportunity today to see the facade of Tara from gone with the wind the 1939 Margaret Mitchell turned movie classics during Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh they're gonna show it one more time in a barn today and then it's going to be auctioned so when I heard about it I contact with the guy and I asked my mom hey do you want to meet me in Atlanta and we'll go do this together there this is literally the last chance and she said sure so today we are here to say goodbye to Tara out before it is sold and to see it for the first and last time I guess days with her in the lion begins now now it actually feels like kind of an adventure our tour guides a bit of character you guys are gonna love him his name's Peter he he was totally cool with me vlogging and everything he just you know obviously asked that I not do the entire thing you know all the way through but he said yeah if you you know as long as you don't do the whole thing that's totally cool so pretty nice Wow the farmland this is on is just fitting for a Gone with the Wind vlog isn't it pulled out their weapons we were all armed curse the historian the man who went to Hollywood and brought an Altoids box full of Georgia red clay to explain what Georgia red clay look like Hollywood he says all it took for you to learn the true stories of Godwin is to ride that River Trail from Jones Florida love Julia well you're here in Lovejoy at the end of the trace and what's here the cross for Talmadge house 1835 it was general hoods headquarters we grew up here calling it 12 of us you've got in the barn Tara from the movie set and in the barn Philip Fitzgerald's house it was Margaret Mitchell's grandparents and that is the 1835 Crawford Tallmadge house check that out like I said this just sets the setting for this tour it's perfect you know every time something like this happens where they're going to have to sell something or auction something people whose comment on this channel how come no Museum stepped in how could well he's been trying for years to find someone to be willing to take this on so they could set it up and show it to the public and everybody will offer to take it with no guarantees of ever using it ever putting it up anywhere so what's the point right and you heard him say if they used to call this Twelve Oaks I just counted there are 12 Oaks literally the Talmud just got it in 1946 okay and that was that was Herman cinder Hermantown all you young folks that was a Talmadge that was a senator that was long ago okay as you go around it a little bit you'll notice that the windows it's for Windows deep that is a big old house compare that to the Fitzgerald house of the road Phillip Fitzgerald was a richest guy in the area okay he is Gerald O'Hara you compare that to this one mr. Phillip was richer than the Talmadge's I mean the Crawford folks but his house was only four rooms total two down and two up so Margaret said when she wrote gone with wind she said I know when they make the movie it's going to look like something out of Savannah and I'm going to laugh out loud because Phillip Fitzgerald was her Gerald O'Hara and his place was time although he was wealthy who's a part-time judge he is Gerald O'Hara no doubt I'll tell you more about that in a bit but when you go around when we go around to the so the tariff massage you've noticed how deep that house is when the book was written guys this one gets me about this I act like this whole Godwin's a secret how many of you are from Georgia how many of you have known that Tara's been in Georgia since probably you were born maybe it got here in 260 everybody pretty much this has not been a secret the gate has been up since the Olympics because not because people were stealing stuff off tariff they were stealing stuff off this old building back here where miss Betty had the handplant they were stealing the mantle off of it that's the reason I put up the gate the Fitzgerald house used to sit in that field right there you can just drive down here and go oh there's Margot Mitchell's grandparents house and you know Tara's over the barn nobody cares it was just here okay I'm here and run across those steals the Turner's with cooking medicine okay make it risky had no job miss Turner would show up on Saturday morning and a truck that will like The Beverly Hillbillies with a lot of money that's the bank right there Heritage Bank across from the old railroad deeply the road to Terra Museum and one morning they were in there talking about who was who and going with him miss Turner said you know we're the Slattery's and gone with the wind the lady that used to write the chick said what's Brenda Turner and I told her about that she said yeah that's my husband's family that's the Turner's they made all the whiskey around here and my dad taught me that's where I first learned about whiskey snip mixed liquor stills if they're cooking they ain't nobody left and left it on the stove you don't leave your food on the stove my dad to say they're here somewhere let's just keep going because we had our bird dogs we had permission off we win practically all the incidents has had gone with a winner truth in another letter she said prissy is a real person when I started the tours I was writing a book on the bottle of John horse stumbled into these stories my mother was at the premiere I heard like everybody else Margaret Mitchell a barbecue sandwich woke up a little nitro goggles wings big deal I had no idea they were based on real stories when I heard that read that by the way that's in a book called letters from Margaret Mitchell you collect her folks you can get that book for almost nothing but it's got some great stuff in it and in that book 1936 a letter she says practically all the Institute in fact it was from the University of Georgia the archivist don't even make a face giorgia person texas around is because of the fact that special needs needs at school yeah the north avenue trade school horrible was his name he's artemis for university georgia and they had all those letters and he took those letters at archives and set him up so it wasn't university of georgia i movement prissy and got a rover girl huh prissy was was based on a real slave i documented her named chris larger writes the book i need to give you all kind of up some of y'all from out of town historical perspective straight ahead that's atlanta i wrote the history for underground land I've done a lot of crazy stuff over the years they asked me to write a history from the grant land that place was known as Martha's bill for Martha Lumpkin the governor's wife a governor's daughter okay when they laid out the tracks they put in five train tracks according to five different train depots it's all gonna merge there you know Decatur Georgia had the opportunity to get the trains and they said no nobody wants those nasty things there's a little white trash wide spot in the road called Martha's bill they'll take if they got nothing going for they put the trains in they change the name of terminus that's like having a house in a subdivision called cul-de-sac someone wrote it will never be anything more than an Eaton house and into a railroad spur someone else wrote one day it could become the Gateway to the south when the war started in 1861 a report up north was if you die and go to heaven or hell you got to go through Atlanta on the way got Oakland Cemetery where Margaret Mitchell's buried where a lot of them are buried okay that's also where General John Bell hood the commander of our southern army a glorious general hood this would be a beautiful day for him because he he took laudanum and whiskey for the pain because he had one arm that hung limp by his side and leg made out of cork had extra spare tire leg on his on his horse the leg was made in France we had extra one and so every day is a sunshiny data to hood because laudanum is opium okay well his command poster in the Battle of Atlanta July 22nd is up there in what's now Oakland Cemetery one of the houses that sit in that area this is John Bell headquarters there is not another I had to stayed out here to look at Terra I brought them right here first and show them this so I could watch those state people they're so arrogant sucking air oh my god there's I said no there's not another place where you say the Confederate General commanding the southern army in Atlanta set on that front porch by the way the Crawford ladies they got tired all this war mess in 1865 in January they took down their draperies and made new dresses out of it that's where that story comes from right here Crawford women had filled the columns full of grain afraid the Yankees were gonna get it a few years ago the Talmadge family restored that house put in new piers underneath and all this stuff they stripped the house of all the paint if you've never seen a two-story 1835 house naked basically that was what it was bizarre all the paint they had to take the heat guns and all that come in rebuilt it but when they did one of those columns was rotted at the bottom that sweet feed had had had permit and eatin bottom out of the column but that just kind of gives you a little little heads up Atlanta Battle of Atlanta Battle of Jonesboro Battle of Georgia stations all of that as you come down thank you Abraham Lincoln ISM its President on States and 1864 forget all this stuff that you hear about the day all we're all gonna die I don't care who's president blah blah blah our founding fathers are the greatest generation they figured out how to keep these people screwing it up okay that's what they did they ran Lincoln is president of the dysfunctional country there's over 500,000 Americans dead at this point the Irish have rioted in the streets of New York and burned a black orphanage to the ground all the states are broken up I was in charge at Stone Mountain Park over this program and they said Peter go out there and meet the media they want to interview somebody about Mississippi's flag and and they're looking for a guy with a tattoo on his arm I said oh god no no now go out there they said what do you think about Mississippi flag I said why do you think I can't were you wearing a southern uniform I said you need to understand the country at that point down South Georgia and Alabama and Tennessee we hung together nobody lived in floor South Carolina and North Carolina they coupled up and you know what general from South Carolina said Carolina is different from all the rest said it's too small to be its own country and too large to be an insane asylum that is a quote general little Matt McClellan always had his picture made with his hand in his coke like Napoleon general I mean Abraham Lincoln was so angry at the commanding general McClellan Lou Mac the army loved him because he just loves surround and they fed him good and all that but he never bought Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter and said if you're not using the army can we borrow it for a little while and eventually fired it now little Matt McClellan is running against big tall Abraham Lincoln on the peace ticket make me president and I'll make two separate countries that was happening in 1864 Oh grant and General Sherman they decide grant will step in Virginia after Bobby Lee where Sherman go come right on Chattanooga a tourism run right down 75 Doug got closer to roost Tunnel Hill they fight the Battle of Atlanta July 22nd the biggest one being the last of August 31st and September 1st they fight a two-day battle in Jonesboro why Jonesboro it's the last railroad track in the town the Yankees come around and cut all the tracks East Point College Park Powell met a Union City job where they find a running gun battle in Jonesboro they're driven out of town the Yankees end up down here to Lovejoy they fight their way back to Atlanta get back to Atlanta and General Judson Kilpatrick says I destroyed all the tracks four miles of tracking Jones brother take them a month to rebuild but they rebuild it because it's the closest way into Atlanta you know how long it took one night the southerners had a train with a rolling mill on it drove it up there and straightened out the tracks and straighten them out back in Atlanta Jonesboro still has a couple of the been trails in the road to Tower Museum in velvet hat that scarlet gets from Paris it is in the road to Tara Museum right now they didn't even tell me and I do the bus tours you know what that hats probably worth by the way it's got to be at least thirty thousand dollars maybe fit anything touched by Beebe and lead it's gone through the roof so just imagine when you get over here and see that front window from the toss of twins what it would what it would be worth probably hoods leaving Atlanta Rhett's got Melanie and the baby and scarlet and Crissy in the wagon that all happened up there as Jonesboro fell general hood realizes what's happening and the back door is being closed he said hold out until dark and that's when he blows up the railroad depot if you're not from here or you are from Georgia and you've never done it you can ride all around Atlanta and pick up and ride parts of the road mention and go with wind out on the Decatur Road mr. Kennedy is shot through the head I can take you up there we drive Decatur Road Caitlin I take the McDonough my wife works for the state I don't get on 1941 to 75 you you out of town folks can do that I owned I don't go to Disney World in Florida and I don't get on 75 okay that do you take the McDonald Road the old macdonna Road the South still takes you to downtown Atlanta well who it pulls out and where does he end up in Fitzgerald's yard and then later moving on down here because Phillip Fitzgerald house is right here okay so that gives you a little idea of what goes on 12 days later The Times of London and I have a copy of it gave a copy to the depot they report Atlanta has fallen because of the little battle and a little town called Jonesboro and they said as far as battles go John for it's merely a skirmish compared to the great battles of the war Antietam Shiloh Gettysburg but they said it's been more decisive than all the fighting going on anywhere including at that moment grants campaign which is Petersburg Chickamauga in 1863 and Jones for an 1864 and the question is why would Margaret Mitchell rag doll with the wind she's like the survivor on the Titanic what do you think she's gonna write about when she writes a book that's it they birth the baby basically she and John Marsh had their baby which was that book and they wrote at this story's better true sails dick bombed at nights and then he wanted Margaret and Margaret's friend Wilbur she wrote to cells except you need to hire my friend will because not only can I tell you where they fought him tell you where they made the coffee the day before they were all around here and I have a picture of them the Nash farm thing that they all pitched the stink about it wasn't really a battle I love that the Commissioner said it's not really a battle and some of my friends showed up with with reports from the federal government at the time of the Civil War in fact they even had a piece of paper where the Nashes asked for not rest reparations restitution because of the damage and you had to get neighbors to sign you ought to see that the piece of paper Nash files it the neighbors the Crawford's the neighbors the Fitzgerald's the Hastings plantations they're all every name of all these who's who around here are signed on that document but but right across the street from Nash farms is a little building I have a picture of Margaret Mitchell stand there and those old jodhpurs and I was flying those riding boots and that old sweater that she always wore all humped over and Wilbur Kurtz was taking the picture and it's right out so right over there they travel all around here they were trying their best to break Hollywood's heart when they showed up out here looking for hoop skirts and you know magnolias and and sipping down meet juleps you know and all that kind of stuff she wanted to see the rough rustic world of the real side of the Southland she wrote about of course you know she wrote that scarlet wasn't a pretty woman the house was a rambling piece of junk and it really was so that's that's where we are and that's how we end up here mr. Kurtz I'm helping restore stately oaks in Jonesboro we're gonna call it the Margaret Mitchell Memorial Park and John Maura it's brother Stevens Mitchell's helping us and I would like to know who fought around my house and Joe's brain she said why are you at it can you answer a question we're all asking where did they film gone with the wind he writes to her about the fighting and then he says as far as Gone with the Wind it was all filmed in Hollywood anybody heard it was filmed at Boone Hall that's a great one I used him yeah come to Boone Hall where they film gone with the wind in New York all filmed in Hollywood he said I was there was all there he says but they want to know where it all happened tell him to ride that old Ritter trail from Jonesboro to Lovejoy it's all right there but I mean they were all stoned in the night when he does the thing in front of the whoever the new guy is it's gonna write cells dick plays all the parts and does all the girls voices and they had this marathon all nighter and they're trying to get the Celtics cells it's being everybody that just amazing it amazes me that it got done at all and who finishes it Donald Lee who finishes directing Donald wind Fleming who directed Wizard of Oz think about is that Freudian or what but then they say Clark Gable one of them the guy just came over from Oz this crazy yeah well in fact well here's a question for you be thinking about at the end of Gone with the Wind did they go back and do some touch up and rebuild on the Terra facade so that they could film that scene with scarlet info I'm sure because stuff in the barn is still distressed and everything I've seen is distressing I'm wondering whether they didn't they didn't do cgi back then but I don't know I know they painted they did a lot of painted stuff and we have people a lot of times say I can't wait to see the Terra facade because of the big stairs and I was you know Twelve Oaks was never built but over the years I have met people that said you know what I had a house and joke's on College Street next door to the green house down the rainy rayner's their house was a two-story house during the Bible Joseph was hit a shelf by the top floor was knocked off today it has this huge porch around I find ADA James Stewart who lived there Haiti First Baptist says they buy houses to bulldoze them hey it was but her house all the doors were held open with cannonballs she lived in that house she tells in 1989 50th anniversary God will win she said growing up we lived with Grandma who was a child during the battle and so it all happened she said so my playmate was a witness to history there on college Pete said one day I couldn't find the playmate and asked mama where's my mom she said she's got company on the porch she was talking to Margaret Mitchell and later that night she said I was talking to a sweet young lady from Atlanta one of the Mitchells Peggy you know her family of course you got to go down Southers we have to give you pedigree you know it's not just Bob you know Bob whose family is Dinah Dodd lives near the meal you know and their daddy got hung and they you know they habit and you know everyone's right they know you real well then this trying to add and the others who sold so had the illegitimate child you know did any other buddy but anyway she said yeah Margaret said on the front porch well I tell that story to a group this lady goes that's him gone the wind she goes Ashley and Melanie what does the book describe their house as after they moved in the house in Atlanta after the war rich made scarlet fields with a big house on the hill Melanie actually living in a house that had been a two-story during the Battle of Atlanta was hit by shellfire knocked off the top floor the owner came home and just kept it up that's like crap Jane tells the story their mammies name was Aunt Frances and that was a hospital during the fighting and Aunt Frances was throwing clothes in a big pot on the back porch because they were bringing by the time of the Battle of Jonesboro there was no we're going to take all the doctors prisoner it was there's too many people around here that need help and you just work together famous story I've made my bones over the years telling these weird stories for Atlanta History Center ever favorite one at Gettysburg is like four or five days after the battle these people are sitting on the front porch German families they're live and they've lived through all the fighting their fences are destroyed the bodies are being buried now said up the street rides this Confederate medical officer called horse they're like does this guy not know everybody's left what's he doing here and I mean yeah they're still working on folks you know there's Yankee soldiers he rides up parks his horse out front goes who sits on reports with him and explains that he's been in that hospital since July whatever first I think it was when the battle first started been working straight through and he said as the town swapped hands whoever owned the town their medical officer being charged and he said so when they left I had all these Confederates so they left me behind so I've been oh they finally the chief medical guy at this one hospital this Yankee officer goes why don't you go get out of here why don't take a break so he just rode up the streets in his boots were red from the blood of his knees and he said on the porch they gave him some buttermilk and a piece of pound cake and he set up there and tied his horse to the to the rail and visited with him and after he took a break for a while and they'd be sit he got back on his horse went back to the hospital and kept working so in Jonesboro it was the same way it landed the same way you just first-come first-serve that's just what you do and so a to Jane's house was a hospital for everybody she's the wife of Senator Herman Talmadge she played bridge right here with Lady Bird Johnson and and Jimmy Carter's wife Rosalynn she just looks kind of like she's just you know she always had kind of a kind of a Grady lift me anyway it's just my people but and you're gonna get it but they used to play bridge here I had a lady that I worked with at the county she said I used to work for Miss Betty and said these parties were like the old song went to a garden party you just never know she said Peter I was here when I looked up and Gary Morris son and Lucille Ball I'm coming around if you get on YouTube the Donahue show he interviews her she's doing made and the traveling around from Maine he said when are you where are you going from here from filled up you're gonna do she said why we head to New York and they were going to Lovejoy Georgia she says it bought a fox hunt she said that's the way they say it down there we miss Betty said a fox hunt well there's a picture of her leaning against the front post up there in that MAME outfit the tux with the top hat if you remember later Lucy had another show after the original Lucy and Desi deal where they do a cartoon character her of her and she's in that you that's that outfit picture inside the house of her yes that column up there in that outfit so this was a wild place as for our stuffing miss Betty hearing about Tara thought this will be great I'll do it here or I'll getting into a museum she was always interested in and you know continued that Old South stuff and she had a she had a billy goat here uncle Billy Sherman you know believe it or not they're gonna shut down a good portion of the road to Tara Museum in Jonesboro because we need to have some more stuff about Smokey and the Bandit and the movies we hope to make nowadays guys they didn't feel Gone with the Wind here they filmed all the Hollywood today they make movies in Georgia but they don't go to one spot and stand right here for six months and film they were herman talmadge this little biscuit shop they shot spider-man there and tried to live like the whole building had burned down they were there for a week they made a lot of money and they left okay but miss betty was in murder in Coweta County and she was she was the desk clerk but you know what's funny she wrote about it in one of those books she said the best part was I'm thinking you're a freakin palm Politico you're a millionaire she got paid scale see up he was like 1980 79 80 but she was like I got paid she got sag and AFTRA credit she's IMDB and she got paid scale because she played the desk clerk in murdering send the barn because it was hit by a tornado miss big bulldozer house that's part of Gone with wind connections and all that she had bishop Brothers moving they boot houses for Atlanta History Center everybody for free so they came over Luke brought it over here when the tornado hit Atlanta Motor Speedway and took out like like turn number three or something I had wiped ready it's barely knocked the roof off the building and house yeah what's like some kind of divine thing no it was the way it was built I was checking with them one day asking about the building and I saw these beans tangina beans and they were probably well from here to the truck along tonight those are sealed underneath the house and um the guys go you need to talk to shorty you know every whole farm as a guy named shorten 500 years old he lives in the hollow tree somewhere about this tall no offense you taller than him Shorty's felt like this he's just shrinking into the rest and I said shorty I said he said yeah that's it so they asked me take it he said I have the bag for all the wooden pegs mortise-and-tenon he says those long beans right there you look at they went vertical so the building was a bit like today's two-story where you build one for in anti-sexual the corners and I've since talked to some folks that are architectural historians they said oh yeah we've seen that before vertical two-story posts for the houses tied together like Lincoln Logs and so they thought it best to put it in the barn so took it down my plan if we had been able to get this into a big building somewhere was to the windows and doors inside porches you can't build that back into Terra those pieces are artifacts those are those are historical pieces you can build I know the bill of the tariff aside a bit you could did four hundred thousand dollars they got any plumbing in it doesn't have a second floor but I was going to take part of the Fitzgerald house and put it up so you can see how small it was and see some of the beams that would be good but I had some people tell me you have soldiers so and one day I'm like I keep saying I don't own the thing there's one lady said here you've done a great job and God bless you move forward whatever you choose to do with Terra now runner back I said choose I don't own it they were screaming at me about it they're doing this for financial reasons and you know the debate is we're not selling it all in one piece going to end up in a institution somewhere but Miss Betty offered the whole thing to the Margaret Mitchell house a long time ago and they said no the Tara facade and the Fitzgerald house at one point they were gonna put it on the glass like a [ __ ] over there in downtown Atlanta next to the market mistrial so I'm just saying but all kinds of chances anybody here from Coweta County y'all blew it over there had supposedly 40 million dollars miss Betty had to go repossess it went over there with her big old cattle truck no she answered she hauled it out of out of North Georgia with was the cattle trucks whatever they repossessed it they gave her 40 thousand dollars up front had nothing else they claimed that 40 million outbid Clayton County to build a museum here in town we went over there we're going to build it pay - that money you never paid anymore miss Betty wouldn't gotten so the investor she repossessed the rascal Gillian Foster okay Gillian Foster goes to Hollywood wants to be in a movie and I imagine that's where he met dad she lived as he and Lucille they owned the back lot at that point the thing was sitting there was in the way get on YouTube you've got followers listed let me look right here listen to me you young people yeah what's that old guy get on YouTube look up the Texas was Rory Calhoun okay every episode he rides up and they would change sign one day it would say share but they would say like saloon it's the old back lock and from here - maybe the truck over there Tara is sitting there at the end of the dirt road well at some point somebody went oh god there's Tara you can see that's a so green idea let's build a stockade fence in front of what do you think that did it was like what's that house Costner oh my god they built a spike in fact you notice it then but so you can get on YouTube and watch those well that's where it said nobody used it for anything it was used for a couple of side shots and supposedly another movie might have been filmed and part of it I don't know but basically I was sitting there I talked to David ourselves like son Daniel he was born in 1939 he told some folks they'll say why didn't you daddy save it he says pain it was just a piece of equipment it was just stuff you know it was a business and he moved on and so one day they decided we need to get rid of it because they needed to build say it with me Stalag 17 because Daisy Lou was getting into television big time and they need to build solid seventeen so Julian Foster got it brings it to Georgia welcome to - welcome home Tara at the State Capitol had all that stuff it's on my website and then they sold stock they were part of Troutman in that bunch in Atlanta these are big-time high-class attorneys all of their people they're ready to go and then it died and I talked to the nephew and I said what happens we said Mitchell estate wanted fifty one percent if you're filming that disclaimer you're going to we're all gonna be killed by Mitchell Staters they're coming here to kill us I'm just telling you what I was told I know I don't know but I know the Mitchell his face showed up when I started doing tours and Joseph where there was no I predate the market Mitchell house who wrote era I predate the Marietta thing go after Marietta think they built it in 1900 no they did I remember okay person that runs it used to work for Margaret rouse so we predated the Mitchell state still out there they're checking on stuff you know they went after the wind done gone and all those company so when they did that this mover checker said look yet sister wrote the book and sold it to Hollywood Hollywood made a movie who are you and they shut it all down she gave all the investors their money back nobody lost a dime and he took the stuff and parked it in a barn well how much of Tara was rebuilt I said it doesn't look like much they had to have all this stuff milled to rebuild but it really I mean it's it's it stripped and so you can see Franklin Garrett standing in front of it at the Atlanta History Center before they painted it and by the way when they painted it they left a section of it original to prove provenance okay but this is part of the oh I feel like if somebody you're gone that's the I believe and this is once again I've had people from Hollywood an hour ago your guess is as good as mine they don't know anything about this stuff because those people aren't alive anymore that worked on this stuff I believe the reason anything survives is because it's set on the backlog for twenty years and basically mummified in California son uh-huh think about I've never been a Kelvin all right yeah I've been - I've been to Monterey but I've never been to Hollywood never been to Hollywood I have no dream that is Tom Jones Tommy Tronics when they inventoried all the stuff here in the corner and what was good was my wife is an educator she has a degree in accounting she is a she's a hilarious person we've been laughing all morning about me she's laying in bed and I'm going you did contact the governor kill because last year he did contact the governor's oh yeah yeah and I set up oh we're still doing the scavenger hunt she's like oh yeah I've got pieces of tatter Tyra scattered all over the grounds and that isn't gonna be fun y'all are gonna have to go find them all yeah we just playin say she's lots of fun but she's analytical we first showed up here in the barn there were twenty go karts and motorcycles there were toilets old doors Tara was scattered all around there among speed bags no I mean it's a barn fine we everybody knew was here so I don't want to say barn fine that's not right but I said what should we do first after we clean she said we need to go back through and inventory it again and what's good is because of the sale they contacted me I can take Tommy tronics list and we had another lady who worked for the courthouse in fabulous it's also big annalen she did a a word document man and she's got it all there so we could say everything was here when we showed up that Tommy said was here here it is right here and so so it's you know we've documented but um but it's just all been trial and error but so why would this this is I think first but y'all welcome to cover the Perez it would if I know welcome to come over and take a look and take a picture this is the front door locking it should be that's what we're thinking it is hinges these are strap hinges wondered whether or not see it's another question we're these handmade check that out take your hand maybe it looks handmade then I'll tell you the clue that gave me that I think it's handmade look at the curve where the hinge goes the little circle on the end down there look at the very end of that see how it's pinched so it goes to that means somebody hit it with one of those hammer me my great grandfather was a blacksmith he'd be embarrassed at me I'm such a wuss but anyway he would have struck that hot with a with a hammer that had a point to it and would have cut it off importance basically piece of during the Olympics during a Halloween party and my friend Fred crane who was one of the toughts and twins used to call her Annie and Annie supposedly said to Selznick mr. Selznick I don't need to wear all that stuff I got this covered I mean she played with Mickey Rooney she can handle anything I can't but uh he said look he said you're playing the daughter of a wealthy planter by God you're gonna know what it feels like and as an actor I can see where it probably really worked for them when they were picking cotton in Chico California going through all the fancy dresses but then going to very low rent clothing and I love the baby's shoes when Mellie's sitting on the porch and the baby's wearing moccasins that's a very much period and for those of you like period stuff when they're standing on the front porch this is high really exactly when they're staying on the front porch and seeing Ashley look at the top of I'm not sure if it's Carla I think it's Melanie's dress there is a Confederate CSA button in the top of her dress that was not unusual for you ladies to wear a uniform button on your dress as a memorial as a remembrance you know and also Mami's dress looks like to me she's wearing buttons made of hickory nuts or some type of nut covering cloth that was another thing they they just picked up on course you had what's-her-name from bacon whose father was a Confederate veteran the guy was the thousand-year him and Clark sit around and scratch and smoke and told dirty jokes with Susan Myrick he'd like to do it just make them man you know he had a real thing I mean they'll are kidding onion sandwich yes the real thing with Vivian Lee because she was a professionally trained actress from England it scared the bejesus out of him to dance with her the waltz isn't that just you know put him in a situation where that's kind of gone and then later he's got a cry you know he was brutal you know at night those women went and to see George Cukor who was fired for being they referred to him as the ladies actor but anyone just that yeah just something I'm saying that say they fired him for being gay that's what some people say I'm like like there was nobody else gay in Hollywood oh my god there's one yeah but but it was something they got crossed about something you guys like Peter we find you because you have a beard now you find because you don't like you 20 years ago and you kept finding thanks to him you know but uh but they would go at night and study with him because they hated Victor Fleming because he had this whole different perspective this and what they thought anyway so interesting these are the bricks once you see them you'll understand how touches all this stuff is there's not but a couple of them that still remain I probably have the largest section of brick the other brick is in this Betty's file don't let me hold them see you see it looks like it looks like horsehair and wine and straw in another that looks like horsehair to me mm-hmm that looks like straw and there's no way to keep these things from crumbling apart it's kind of like me I'm eventually going to crumble and these are coming see the line on the back that's probably from wire okay I know it's so sad you know it's just it's just a piece of stuff we're gonna go over to the side over here anybody have any trouble walking a little all right we're walking out to Tara now we're gonna go out to the barn to see they're the actual facade [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 109,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, comedy, los angeles, anthony bourdain, tourist, Peter Bonner, Gone with the wind, Margaret Mitchell, Twelve oaks, David o selznick, Clark gable, Vivien Leigh, Jonesboro, Civil War, Confederacy, mgm, true stories
Id: EenGOE4227Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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