The True Reason Why We Can Never Reach the End of the Universe!

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the question about the finiteness of the universe occupies scientists and laymen alike the idea of a spatial end of the universe fascinates because at the same time a question comes up of what could be behind these borders and whether we could ever reach them no say the scientists and they can also give very good reasons why this is so in this video we take a look at the current research and explore the question of why we can never reach the end of the universe stay tuned because it's going to get exciting after the video as always we're interested in your personal opinions and ideas on the topic in the comments [Music] why we can never reach the end of the universe the universe is known to be large perhaps even infinitely large even if one day we would find a spatial limit it would still be impossible for us to travel and explore this end now the first thing you probably think of is that we don't currently have spaceships available that travel at the speed of light however even if we were able to travel at the speed of light with advanced technology it would still take an infinite amount of time to reach the end of the universe one of the reasons is the fact that the universe is constantly expanding this means that even if we travel at the speed of light in a certain direction the expansion of the universe will continue to carry us away consequently there will always be a point that we will never be able to reach because it will keep moving away from us another reason is that there are other physical limits that constrain our journey through the universe for example there is the concept of the Event Horizon which refers to the point at which the gravitational force becomes so strong that it does not even allow light to escape there is also the limit on the energy we need to travel faster than light which is impossible according to the current theory of relativity finally there is also the possibility that our universe itself is finite but of such a large size that we will never be able to reach its end some cosmological models Envision that we are in a kind of closed loop in which we keep returning to the starting point without ever reaching the end of the universe how big is the universe really we cannot possibly say from the current state of science how big the universe is all sizes and expansions known so far only indicate the space that has become visible to us so far visible means that we can observe these sections of the universe with our telescopes however nobody has found a limit thus far the universe known so far includes everything we can identify in the Cosmic Landscape through our observations and measurements the universe we can observe consists of galaxies stars planets gas nebulae black holes and other Cosmic objects we can study these objects through telescopes and other instruments and measure their properties to learn more about their nature and composition nevertheless we know and have known very little about space which in our view currently has an estimated diameter of about 93 billion light years also a fact that we cannot see the current universe we must consider that the light which hits the mirrors of telescopes after many years sometimes it's hundreds of thousands or billions comes from the past if we look into space we see where the celestial bodies were a few or even millions of years ago but we do not see a current imprint of course astronomers can use computer programs to calculate where stars and galaxies actually are today but we can only ever see these objects in the past for sure this also makes it difficult to find a current end but here too mathematics computers and other quantities observable in space come to the aid of researchers other values that we can observe on Earth are the cosmic background radiation and gravitational waves the great unknowns in determining the size of space and calculating the possibility of an end or even a beginning are dark matter and dark energy both make up about 85 percent of the cosmos but are not directly observable to us because they do not emit light and thus are simply not visible we can however detect their effects on the visible objects in the universe and simulate their effects in the laboratory researchers now believe that the observable universe has a history that goes back to the Big Bang during the Big Bang the universe was born in an enormous explosion and it has probably continued to expand ever since scientists are following this process of expansion but again so far there has been no answer to the question of the finite nature of the universe infinite or finite despite the lack of facts scientists have put forward various theories and models on both possibilities already Einstein described most of the phenomena and objects in the cosmos known today in his general theory of relativity without ever having seen such objects he came to it alone from the logic of mathematics and the observation of known physical forces in a similar way scientists today try to get on the track of the possible finiteness of the cosmos Albert Einstein said about the Infinity of the cosmos in this way two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity but I am not yet quite sure about the universe stupidity if we consider it benevolently is nothing else than the absence of knowledge and it's here that astronomers and cosmologists do not want to wait until we know for sure about an end or an infinity they approach the question once more from the mathematical theoretical side measurements of the cosmic background radiation for example point to a flat geometry of the universe from this some models conclude that the Universe could be infinite observations of Galaxy clusters and the distribution of galaxies in the universe also suggests that the Universe could be very large to infinite another very interesting theory is the concept of a closed universe that nevertheless appears infinite the donut or the torsion all such and all could have the form of a torsion field or a donut like ring we who are inside could theoretically always look in circles or fly against the boundaries nevertheless the physical peculiarities within this Cosmos would make us believe in Infinity so A Journey to the End would be practically impossible even with the best technology and the fastest spaceships the bubble universe the speculative theory of the bubble or bubble Universe assumes that there are multiple universes that coexist and could possibly touch or even merge in this model each Universe would be finite but the total number of universes could be as infinite as the space in which these bubbles reside transitions to other universes although there are currently no direct observations of other dimensions or universes there are some theories and clues that suggest they may exist string theory states that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles but tiny strings that could exist in up to 11 Dimensions but of which we can only perceive four to three spatial dimensions and one time dimension another concept is that of hidden or wrinkled dimensions this theory states that there may be additional spatial Dimensions that are so small that they are imperceptible to us because they have folded in on themselves there is also evidence for the existence of parallel universes or the Multiverse which have been traced in voids or large void areas in the universe these are large areas in the universe where there are few galaxies and star systems Cosmic voids could be the result of the Collision Of Two Worlds in this scenario two clusters of galaxies would Collide and destroy each other as a result of the Collision creating an empty region in the universe this theory is also known as the collisional void further evidence for the Collision Of Two Worlds can be found by studying the distribution of dark matter in Cosmic voyage dark matter is an invisible type of matter that makes up much of the universe and plays an important role in the formation of galaxies and star systems if there are several universes and dimensions in the cosmos it would be also clear again that a reaching of an end is a mathematical as well as practical impossibility the temporal end of the universe theories and estimations of how long the universe will exist are based on the observation of the present expansion and the composition of the universe one of the most important quantities here is dark energy this is believed to be responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe and is expected to increase over time this could lead to the universe expanding faster and faster until the distances between galaxies are so great that they can no longer interact with each other in this scenario the universe will freeze in a cold darkness that would make it virtually infinite another important theory is that of grand unification this theory states that all the fundamental forces of the universe were unified at very high Energies however if these forces were separated at lower energies this could cause the protons in the nuclei of atoms to Decay which would mean the end of matter in the universe in this scenario the universe would eventually decay the Big Rip Theory assumes that the expansion will become so rapid that galaxies stars and even atoms will be torn apart in the Big Crunch the expansion of the universe eventually reverses and ends in a collapse we can also never reach the temporal end of the universe even if Humanity were to continue to exist for billions of years organic life forms like us would become extinct long before these end time scenarios due to physical and chemical changes in the cosmos is the end always also a new beginning no matter how the universe will end one day the end does not have to be an end by far on the contrary more and more indications speak for the fact that already before our universe Another Universe had existed and this has already done birth assistance for our current Universe in its last days the theory of the cyclic Universe describes the universe as an infinite string of universes Limited in time they are born expand Decay or contract and finally a new Cosmos is born here as well an end in the mathematical sense would therefore not exist it's quite the exciting topic we know that you surely have your own idea about the finiteness or Infinity of the universe we look forward to reading from you in the comments and wish you a great day until next time at simply space
Channel: TheSimplySpace
Views: 137,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesimplyspace, the simply space, universe, space, science, planets, galaxy, top 10, top 5
Id: _Q538gV_BzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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