The Bizarre Creatures that Lived on Earth Before the Dinosaurs

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Earth is the place we call home. It’s where we  work, eat, sleep and go about our daily lives. But   how well do we really know it? We like to think  of Earth as the “Blue Marble,” a stable, temperate   world hospitable to life, but that’s really just  a snapshot of a dynamic and evolving planet.   If we zoom out on the cosmic  timeline, we discover that our   home would have been unrecognizable to  us at most other times in its history.   So, let’s see if we can reconstruct what Earth  might have looked like in the distant past.   Let’s imagine that alien scientists, who  have never seen Earth as it is today,   visited at various stages in its development.  Depending on when these visitors arrived,   they would have formed completely different  ideas about the kind of planet Earth was.   What would they have seen 4.5 billion years ago?  2 billion years ago? Half a billion years ago?   I’m Alex McColgan, and you are watching Astrum.  Join me today as we recreate Earth’s ancient past   and imagine what the planet might have  looked like at various points in time.   Now, before we start, a little disclaimer: to  answer these questions, we’ll need to draw on   some models that not all our scientists agree  on. Travelling into the extremely distant past   always carries some error bars. Some of the  science, we’re pretty sure about. Other things   are still being debated. So, as we indulge our  imagination, let’s keep in mind that some of   these claims are still being developed, and  rigorously questioned – as they should be!   But to the best of our current knowledge,  this is what our planet could have been like.   As long as we’re going into the past, we might as  well go way back. Let’s start 4.5 billion years   ago. It’s not the very beginning but pretty close  to it. At this time, the Earth is basically a hot,   viscous ball of molten rock, and I doubt our alien  visitors will want to hang around for very long.   The Earth is still young, not even 100 million  years old yet, which in planetary terms is an   infant. Earth’s thin atmosphere is made mostly of  hydrogen and helium, most of which is stripped by   the solar wind, since the Earth hasn’t yet formed  a magnetic field. As a result, the young planet   has little protection from the Sun’s cosmic rays,  and the planet is a hotbed of radiation. Earth is   also constantly being bombarded with asteroids and  comets, which add to its mass – a process called   accretion. Just imagine a big ball of chewing gum  that you keep adding to with fresh wads of gum   and you’ll get the idea. So, not only is the young  Earth hot and gooey: it’s also growing! But these   are not the only impacts the planet has to contend  with. In the recent past, there was a cataclysmic   event in which a protoplanet collided with the  Earth, resulting in the formation of our Moon.   If our alien visitors were to see Earth in this  state, would they see its potential? I’m unsure   I would, at this stage. Despite these ominous  beginnings, the seeds of change are taking root.   Riding aboard these inbound asteroids is a  special compound that will play a crucial   role in Earth’s history – water. While not  all of Earth’s water comes from these meteors,   scientists believe much of it does. According  to this theory, hydrogen ions in the solar   wind impact these meteors, ejecting oxygen atoms  under their surfaces, thereby producing water.   These frequent impacts seed much  of the young planet’s water.   Then, as the planet cools, heavier elements sink  towards Earth’s centre, and lighter compounds,   such as water, rise to its surface. Volcanic  eruptions spew other gases like carbon dioxide,   ammonia and additional water vapour into the  atmosphere. Eventually, all of this accumulating   water vapour will lead to the formation of  Earth’s oceans and its mature atmosphere.   So, even if Earth is a dangerous place to be at  the moment, our alien visitors might see some   untapped potential and come back to Earth  once it’s had a bit more time in the oven.   Let’s imagine that the scientists return to  Earth 2.5 billion years ago, to see if anything   has changed. Two billion years have passed, and  instead of a molten planet, they find what our   scientists call the Pale Orange Dot. Earth has  developed a solid crust and a magnetic field,   which has retained a methane-rich atmosphere  with a distinct pale orange haze – very much   like Saturn’s Titan. Earth also has vast oceans of  liquid water formed from rainfall. Looking upward,   our alien scientists see a terrifyingly huge  moon overhead; far closer than it is today.   (Here’s a fun fact: the Moon has slowly been  drifting away from Earth for the past 2.5   billion years and is still moving away from us  at the rate of 3.8 centimeters per year. This   drift will eventually stop, but not for another  several billion years!) But 2.5 billion years ago,   the Moon is much, much closer, and this proximity  leads to far stronger tidal forces in the oceans.   While this snapshot of Earth is probably more  Earth-like than the previous snapshot, to me,   it almost feels more alien than before. Earth  must have looked like a barren dreamworld,   a lot closer to a surreal Salvador Dali  painting than the teeming planet we know today.   Being experienced in the field of astrobiology,  our alien scientists take some blue-green water   samples and find the cause of this orange haze –  photosynthesizing bacteria called cyanobacteria.   They are excited to find that Earth has  developed life! These primitive bacteria are   living in communities in shallow sea water, which  in turn have released oxygen into the atmosphere   in an event called the Great Oxidation. As  part of this transformation, the Earth now   has a protective Ozone Layer, which shields life  from the most harmful effects of solar radiation.   The bacteria are also producing unusual  rock structures called stromatolites,   similar to these modern ones located  in Western Australia’s Shark Bay.   Cyanobacteria form stromatolites by cementing  grains of sediment together with biofilms,   or, to put it another way, microbial slime.  Stromatolites are one of the biosignatures   that astrobiologists say we should be looking for  on other planets. (Although, they can also have   nonbiological causes so you have to look  at them on a microscopic scale to be sure.)   Without any competitors, the cyanobacteria reign  supreme. Using solar energy, they are converting   carbon dioxide and water into nutrients, seeding  the atmosphere with oxygen as a byproduct.   Bacteria are now the uncontested rulers  of planet Earth, and they have permanently   altered their atmosphere in ways that  make our current way of life possible.   Enthusiastic for Earth’s future, our alien  scientists decide to come back to Earth 650   million years ago. And boy, what a difference  1.9 billion years makes! The planet is now   in its Cryogenian Period, at a time scientists  call Snowball Earth. According to these models,   Earth is completely frozen over. Think of the last  Pleistocene ice age, only a lot colder. In fact,   all of the Earth’s surface and half of its total  ocean water are frozen solid. The Earth has become   so cold that temperatures at the equator are  similar to those in modern-day Antarctica.   While the scientists aren’t sure what triggered  this downshift in global temperatures,   some theories include a major volcanic  eruption that spewed ash into the atmosphere,   a vast reduction in greenhouse gases due to  photosynthesizing lifeforms and Milankovitch   Cycles (which we’ve previously covered on this  channel). Of course, it was quite likely a   combination of factors that amplified this global  cooling. Interestingly enough, underneath all this   glacial ice is a single supercontinent called  Pannotia, centered on the South Pole. However,   given the vast glacial cover, our alien visitors  are having trouble discerning land from ocean.   (As a side note: don’t confuse this supercontinent  with Pangaea. Plate tectonics will eventually   break apart Pannotia and reform that later  supercontinent in a few hundred million   years. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves!) Our  space visitors land and wander around the vast,   endless glaciers, amazed that this frozen  landscape was once covered in molten rock.   At first, they think the harsh climate might have  wiped out Earth’s fledgling life, but that life   has proven remarkably resilient. Cyanobacteria  remain in the ocean, perhaps clustered around hot   hydrothermal vents, much like the black smokers  that are currently at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.   There are also newly evolved microbial  lifeforms, such as red algae.   Complex multicellular life remains elusive,  but the fact that life has found a way to   survive the planet’s harshest freezing event  so far is a testament to its staying power.   At this point, I’d like to imagine our alien  visitors having an argument amongst themselves.   The youngest and most temperamental  of the group is having a tantrum.   “First a lava ball, then a barren bacterial  playground, and now a ball of ice!” it exclaims.   “Why do we keep coming back here?” But the  eldest of the group puts an arm, tentacle or   articulated limb of our preference around its  younger comrade. “Patience,” this wise alien   tourist says to its impertinent partner. “I have a  feeling this planet is in for some major shakeups.   Let’s come back in another few hundred million  Earth-years. I think it will be worth the trip!”   So, giving the planet time to change,  our alien scientists decide to come back   during the Devonian Period 360 million years  ago, and they are shocked by what they see.   The planet has thawed completely, with  temperatures generally warmer than those   of the present day. Scientists estimate that  tropical sea surface temperatures range from   30 degrees Celsius to 21 degrees Celsius later in  the Devonian – a temperature drop that coincides   with diminishing CO-2 levels due to increasing  plant growth. The supercontinent has broken up   and formed multiple continents, the largest  of which is Gondwana, covering the South Pole   and much of the Southern Hemisphere. Gondwana  incorporates much of what is modern-day Africa,   South America, Antarctica, Australia and India, so  it’s pretty big! But the most dramatic change our   visitors notice is that life has already undergone  the Cambrian explosion – a rapid expansion of   biological diversity that filled the seas with  all sorts of complex life. The oceans are now   teeming with trilobites, clam-like brachiopods and  complex marine vertebrates, such as fish. Among   the more fearsome specimens are Dunkleosteus,  a massive, armoured fish 10 meters in length,   and Titanychthus, another giant with a taste  for smaller prey, like krill-like zooplankton.   Given the presence of these fish that look  like great white sharks crossed with armoured   submarines, our alien scientists decide not to  go for a swim despite the invitingly warm waters.   Meanwhile, plants have completely transformed  what was once barren continental crust. With no   large herbivores in existence, vegetation grows  unchecked into dense and sprawling forests, which   have produced a layer of stable and nutrient-rich  topsoil. But these trees would look very unusual   to us. They are vascular plants, related to  today’s ferns and some connifers. There is also   an enormous treelike fungus, called prototaxites,  which stands some 8 meters tall. Very likely,   these mysterious tree-like structures are fruiting  bodies of far larger subterranean organisms,   which haven’t been preserved. A few marine species  have even evolved limbs and are beginning to walk   on land, such as ichthyostega, a rather charming  four-legged vertebrate that looks a bit like a   modern amphibian, whose stout limbs and lungs  allow it to navigate swamp-like habitats.   As our alien visitors leave the Devonian Period  Earth, they finally have a sense of the ecological   diversity and temperate climate that will follow.  The once-molten-planet-turned-Pale-Orange-   Dot-turned-giant-snowball now somewhat  resembles the Blue Marble we know today.   Of course, other big changes are yet to happen.  A mass extinction event will soon decimate   marine life and eventually lead to greater  complexity among the land animals that adapt.   Temperatures will again plunge, setting off the  Late Paleozoic Ice Age, before rebounding to   warmer temperatures again. And complex life  will continue evolving in remarkable ways.   Among the new species will be amphibians and  some giant reptiles you might have heard about   called dinosaurs. I wonder when our alien  scientists will visit next, how far in the   future will it be? Will they meet us? Will they  exchange some intergalactic travel tips with our   future descendants? I guess we’ll have to leave  that chapter of Earth’s saga for another day.   I hope you enjoyed this journey of planetary  evolution. Are you interested in hearing more   about Earth’s past in future episodes?  If so, let me know in the comments.   When we’re learning about things that happened  millions of years ago, it is inevitable that we   are confronted with a mixture of facts and  theories – scientists’ best guesses about   what conditions were like. But when I’m learning  about the world today, I don’t want confusion over   what’s a fact and what’s opinion. That’s why I’ve  found Ground News, the sponsor of today’s video,   to be so useful. Ground News is the world’s  first news comparison platform. Sadly,   most news outlets don’t present you with a  nice rating score about how factual they are,   or their political leanings. But when  I open a story on the Ground News app,   I’m met with a factuality rating and political  spectrum breakdown for articles collated on their   platform. If you’re interested in erasing your  news blind-spots, and understanding the context   of your news, why not click my link in the  description below to try Ground News for free,   or subscribe to unlock all the features  you’ve seen here today? Go give it a try!   Thanks for watching. Want more about  Earth? Check this playlist here. A   big thanks to my patrons and members, if you  want ad-free Astrum videos too going forward,   check the links in the description.  All the best and see you next time.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 2,432,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dinosaurs, earth, prehistoric animals, prehistoric earth, earth history, earth before dinosaurs, history of the earth, first dinosaurs, evolution of earth, dinosaur, earth before humans, astrum, astrumspace, age of dinosaurs, earth documentary, pale orange dot, cyanobacteria, stromatolites, Cryogenian Period, Snowball Earth, Pannotia, Pangaea, Devonian Period, Dunkleosteus, Titanychthus, prototaxites, ichthyostega, Paleozoic, what earth used to be like, prehistoric planet, supercontinent
Id: dPUHMStpfqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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